
Anxiety - Definition and


Maurice Prout

Anxiety - Definition and Types

As the director of the Widener University' Institute for Graduate Clinical

Psychology, Dr. Maurice Prout teaches as a full professor and engages in

research. Maurice Prout has a number of clinical interests, such as anxiety.

Anxiety - Definition and Types

Although many people have anxiety in the course of their lives, some undergo

anxiety disorders that consist of strong fear or worry about ordinary events. Such

people experience anxiety as recurring episodes of fear that are difficult to control

and unrelated in intensity to actuality. Symptoms may begin before and during


Anxiety - Definition and Types

It is possible for individuals to have more than one anxiety disorder. Some of them


Anxiety - Definition and Types

Separation anxiety disorder, found in children, refers to unusually strong anxiety

that is triggered by the temporary absence of parents or adult role-models .

Anxiety - Definition and Types

Selective mutism is characterized by a lack of speaking in certain locations, such

as school, even when speech occurs in other surroundings, such as the home.

Anxiety - Definition and Types

Social anxiety disorder (also called social phobia) causes considerable states of

anxiety and avoidance of social events because of self-consciousness and

