Page 1: ANUBIS: Proposal to search for long-lived neutral ... · ANUBIS: Proposal to search for long-lived neutral particles in CERN service shafts Martin Bauer Department of Physics, University

ANUBIS: Proposal to search for long-lived neutral particles in CERN service shafts

Martin Bauer∗

Department of Physics, University of Durham

Oleg Brandt (corresponding author)†

Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge

Lawrence Lee‡

Department of Physics, Harvard University

Christian Ohm§

KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Oskar Klein Centre

Long-lived particles are predicted by many extensions of the Standard Model and have beengaining interest in recent years. In this Letter we present a competitive proposal that substantiallyextends the sensitivity in lifetime by instrumenting the existing service shafts above the ATLAS orCMS experiments with tracking stations. For scenarios with electrically neutral long-lived particleswith m & 1 GeV, the lifetime reach is increased by 2-3 orders of magnitude compared to currentlyoperating and approved future experiments at the LHC. A detector design proposal is outlined alongwith projected costs.

I. Introduction

The Standard Model (SM) is one of the most ac-curate scientific theories ever devised and has passeddecades of experimental tests. Yet, there are many fun-damental questions that can not be answered withoutphysics beyond the SM (BSM). This includes the na-ture of dark matter, neutrino masses, the origin of thematter-antimatter asymmetry, a theory of quantum grav-ity, and the puzzling unnaturalness of the electroweakscale. Many proposed theoretical scenarios that addressthese questions predict particles with long lifetimes onthe scale of typical collider experiments [1, 2]. In recentyears, a number of dedicated experiments have been pro-posed to search for such long-lived particles (LLPs) with

cτ >∼ 5 m, where τ denotes the mean proper lifetime.New beam-dump experiments such as SHiP could

provide orders of magnitudes better sensitivity totheir target models compared to their predecessors [3].While SHiP would require dedicated operation with the400 GeV SPS beam, various proposals to utilize the LargeHadron Collider (LHC) beams without interference withthe LHC physics program have been put forward. The re-cently approved FASER detector with a volume of ∼1 m3

will be installed 480 m downstream from the ATLAS in-teraction point [4, 5]; MATHUSLA is a proposed large-scale surface detector instrumenting ∼8×105 m3 aboveATLAS or CMS; and CODEX-b is a proposed ∼103 m3

detector to be installed in the LHCb cavern [6]. AL3Xproposes to search for LLPs using a cylindrical ∼900 m3

detector inside the L3 magnet and the time-projectionchamber of the ALICE experiment [7]. Dedicated ex-periments for LLPs with exotic electromagnetic charges

[email protected][email protected][email protected]§ [email protected]

include MilliQan [8], searching for millicharged particlesin the drainage gallery of CMS, and MoEDAL [9], look-ing for highly ionizing particles like magnetic monopolesat LHCb alongside MAPP [10]. Timing information canbe explored at ATLAS and CMS [11, 12].

Among the proposals, beam-dump experiments likeSHiP and on-axis collider experiments like FASER tar-get LLPs produced in decays of particles with massesm <∼ 1 GeV. By contrast, off-axis experiments with asizeable solid angle coverage such as MATHUSLA are im-perative to efficiently probe for LLPs with cτ >∼ 5 m pro-duced in decays of heavy particles like the Higgs [13, 14].

In this Letter, we propose to complement and extendthe exciting off-axis LLP search programme by takingadvantage of the 18 m diameter, 56 m long PX14 in-stallation shaft of the ATLAS experiment. The detectorstructure, AN Underground Belayed In-Shaft search ex-periment (ANUBIS), would consist of a number of track-ing stations belayed into the shaft and affixed to its walls,instrumenting approximately 15,000 m3 with dedicatedLLP detectors. Using the existing infrastructure of thePX14 shaft yields acceptance for a wide range of LLPlifetimes while maintaining competitive installation andoperation costs. In this proof-of-concept study we make aconcrete design proposal for ANUBIS, discuss the possi-ble detector technologies and approximate cost estimates,and compare the expected sensitivity reach to that of theATLAS and the proposed MATHUSLA experiments fora benchmark model with exotic Higgs boson decays intoLLPs.

II. The ANUBIS Detector Concept

A main challenge when designing dedicated detectorsfor LLPs with cτ >∼ 5 m at off-axis experiments are thecosts associated with the large detector volume needed toachieve sufficiently large solid-angle coverage and decay









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volume acceptance. The central idea of ANUBIS is todramatically reduce the cost by repurposing the existingPX14 installation shaft of the ATLAS experiment, whichis not used during regular LHC operation. In additionto essentially eliminating the costs for civil engineering,another major advantage is the combination of ANUBIS’large volume, projective orientation, and the adjacencyto the ATLAS experiment. The combination of thesefactors gives rise to orders of magnitude larger accep-tance compared to other proposals for a significant rangeof lifetimes. Furthermore, the possibility to synchronizeand fully integrate ANUBIS with ATLAS is a major ad-vantage. This would result in a continuous tracking vol-ume that extends from the interaction point to the topof the shaft at a distance of approximately 80 m, pro-viding LLP lifetime sensitivity to 0 < cτ/m < 106. Be-sides providing useful handles to control backgrounds,the extended continuous tracking volume of ANUBIS in-creases the sensitivity to reconstruct both displaced ver-tices from collinear pair-production of low-mass LLPs.Furthermore, full integration of ANUBIS with ATLASwould allow ANUBIS to trigger the readout of ATLAS,which is technically feasible given the ATLAS Level 0trigger latency of 10 µs at the HL-LHC [15]. The viewfrom the surface down the PX14 shaft is shown in Fig. 1,together with the coordinate system used throughout thisLetter.

In summary, the existing geometry is close to optimalin terms of sensitivity to LLP phenomena produced athigh transverse momenta pT, and practically eliminatesthe need for major civil engineering. It is particularlynoteworthy that the main access shaft of the CMS detec-tor, PX56, and the secondary ATLAS access shaft, PX16,provide similar opportunities for alternative or additionalexperimental setups.

To fully exploit the physics potential of the large de-cay volume, the ANUBIS detector concept consists of in-strumenting the PX14 shaft with four Tracking Stations(TS) spaced 18.5 m apart from each other, providing auniform coverage of the detector volume. The geomet-ric TS layout in the (x, z) plane perpendicular to theshaft axis is shown in Fig. 2. To maximize the geometricacceptance, the TS are round and concentric with theshaft cross section, except for the region x > −7 m toavoid the pipework shown in Fig. 1. This setup resultsin a cross-sectional area of 230 m2 per TS. Each TS isbelayed individually into the shaft from the surface us-ing four steel ropes peripherally attached to the internalsupport structure of the TS. This technical solution hasminimal civil engineering costs and provides maximumflexibility for the operation of the ATLAS detector: theTSs of ANUBIS would be extracted and stored at the sur-face during long technical shutdown periods of the LHCto allow access through the PX14 shaft, and belayed backinto the shaft during data taking periods. Once loweredinto position, the TSs are stabilized within the shaft us-ing cams. The TSs are then connected to the remainderof the ANUBIS detector infrastructure that is in turn in-

FIG. 1. View from the surface down the 92 m deep and18 m wide main shaft PX14 of the ATLAS Experiment. Theapproximate location of the interaction region is indicated bythe cross. Photo courtesy of CERN.

1 18 m

17.5 m



16 m

FIG. 2. One of the four tracking stations (TS) of ANUBISin the (x, z) plane. The shaft walls and the ATLAS cavernpipework are shown in gray, the TS in blue, the support struc-ture of the TS in orange. The TS comprises 1 × 1 m2 unitsshown in Fig. 4 indicated by the squares.

terfaced to ATLAS. The advantage of using cams is thatthe TSs can be quickly extracted after disconnecting fromservices in an emergency.

III. Performance specifications of ANUBIS

The choice of the tracking detector technology and de-sign discussed in Sect. V are determined by precise vertexresolution in space-time, which is needed to eliminate

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TABLE I. Required performance specifications for ANUBIS.

Parameter Specification

Time resolution δt <∼ 0.5 nsAngular resolution δα <∼ 0.01 radSpatial resolution δx, δz <∼ 0.5 cmPer-layer hit efficiency ε >∼ 98%

backgrounds while maintaining a high signal efficiency.The required performance specifications for ANUBIS aresummarized in Table I and are discussed below.

• The hit time resolution should be δt < 0.5 ns or bet-ter to eliminate backgrounds from secondary par-ticles produced in interactions with upstream TSs,shaft walls, and cosmic rays. For β = 1, δt = 0.5 nstranslates into a resolution of δyDV ≈ 15 cm of thedisplaced vertex (DV) location along the shaft axisy. A precise knowledge of yDV ensures that the DVcandidates are located in the fiducial region, i.e.,the air-filled space between the TSs.

Moreover, δt < 0.5 ns allows for the measurementof deviations of β from unity for charged particlestraversing several TSs. When combined with theproposed spatial resolution, this opens the possi-bility of a velocity measurement.

• The resolution on the angle α between a particletrack and the y axis defines the reach of ANUBISat low LLP masses mLLP. This is a purely kine-matic requirement: the opening angle ω betweenparticles from a two-body LLP decay is inverselyproportional to their average boost mmed

2mLLP, where

mmed is the mass of the mediator decaying into apair of LLPs. Thus, mLLP ≈ 1

2mmed · ω. Assum-ing a Higgs portal scenario with mmed ≈ 100 GeVand considering δω ≈

√2 · δα for a symmetric

LLP decay into a fermion-antifermion pair, a preci-sion of δα <∼ 0.01 rad would allow for sensitivity to

mLLP>∼ 0.5 GeV, i.e., just above the KL mass. For

smaller δα, ANUBIS gains sensitivity to smallermLLP values. The assumption of a two-body decayis conservative, as DVs with higher charged particlemultiplicities are experimentally easier to identify.

• The spatial resolution in the TS plane (x, z) is di-rectly connected to the required angular resolution.Assuming two hits and a lever arm of 1 m corre-sponding to the TS depth, δα <∼ 0.01 rad translates

into δx = δz <∼ δα · 2 m = 5 mm. Smaller values ofδx and δz result in increased sensitivities to smallermLLP.

• The efficiency of capturing a signal from potentialLLP decays and of rendering SM backgrounds neg-ligible is defined by the efficiency to identify hits.To achieve a per-TS efficiency of 95% or better, a




18 m

17.5 m






m y


1 m

Tracking Station 2

Tracking Station 3 Triplet layer B

Triplet layer A

Triplet layer B

Triplet layer A

FIG. 3. Cross section of the PX14 ATLAS shaft in the(y, z) plane with two representative TSs. The shaft walls areindicated in hatched gray, the TSs in shaded blue, and thefiducial region in checkered orange. The layers of both TSsare shown in solid blue, and a potential LLP decay into a pairof muons is sketched in red.

per-layer hit efficiency of ε >∼ 98% is required as-suming two layers per TS.

The performance specifications discussed above can bemet if each TS nominally consists of two layers of track-ing detectors spaced one meter apart along the y axis,providing a lever arm for track reconstruction that is onemeter or longer. A cross-section of the shaft in the (y, z)plane with two representative TSs is shown in Fig. 3.

Calibration of the detector’s spatial and temporal mea-surements is feasible using the copious source of muonsfrom LHC collisions as well as muons from cosmic rays.

IV. Backgrounds

ANUBIS is expected to be an almost background-free experiment. One experimental challenge stems frombackgrounds from neutral long-lived SM particles like then or KL decaying or scattering off of air atoms inside thefiducial volume. The yield of high-pT neutral particleswithin the ANUBIS acceptance is dramatically reducedby the ATLAS detector, primarily by its calorimetersthat account for about 10 nuclear interaction lengths [16].In contrast to the lead plug considered for CODEX-b [6],the ATLAS calorimetry constitutes an active veto thatexploits the fact that high-pT neutral particles are typi-cally produced in association with energetic jets of otherhadrons. Applying ATLAS calorimeter isolation require-ments for LLP decay candidates following the techniqueoutlined in Ref. [17, 18] is predicted to practically elim-

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inate collision backgrounds within the ANUBIS accep-tance. This can be further improved upon by consider-ing tracks reconstructed in the ATLAS muon spectrom-eter in the isolation requirements. This active veto iseasily provided by using LLP candidate events in ANU-BIS to trigger the readout of the ATLAS detector, fur-ther demonstrating the physics opportunity of a full in-tegration with the ATLAS trigger infrastructure. Back-grounds from cosmic rays can be effectively vetoed usingtiming and directionality requirements assuming the per-formance specifications in Table I. Beam-induced back-grounds like beam-gas and beam-collimator collisions arenegligible for ANUBIS given its position and orientation.Finally, backgrounds from decays of quasi-thermal neu-trons [19] are negligible since the momenta of their decayproducts are only about 1 MeV, resulting in a quick ab-sorption.

V. The ANUBIS Detector Technology and CostEstimate

With four TSs that are expected to provide goodphysics performance at acceptable costs, the total instru-mented area of ANUBIS is about 2.3×103 m2, assuming1×1 m2 unit cells with a 5 cm stashed overlap, resultingin a total instrumented area of 2× 290 m2 = 580 m2 perTS. Given the large scale of ANUBIS, its performancespecifications summarized in Table I can be met cost-effectively using Resistive Place Chamber (RPC) technol-ogy, in particular the BIS78 RPCs to be installed at AT-LAS in 2020. They feature a triplet of layers, nominallyproviding three two-dimensional hit coordinates [20], re-sulting in a time resolution of 0.4 ns combined with aspatial resolution of 0.1 cm using analog readout [20–22].

Considering the production yield, BIS78 RPCs from acommercial supplier cost 3.1 ke/m2 [23], including me-chanics, gas gap, strips, and front-ends. This translatesinto a total RPC cost of about 7.2 Me for ANUBIS ina configuration with four TSs. The weight of the RPCmodules is 50 kg/m2 [23], resulting in about 30 tons perTS. This is well manageable with the existing infrastruc-ture, even if allowing for a very generous factor of fivefor mechanical support and other infrastructure. Thetracking detectors represent the by far dominant costitem, and the total costs of ANUBIS including minor civilengineering, construction, and installation are estimatedto be around 10 Me. Alternative detector technologieslike finely granulated scintillators may further reduce thecosts relative to an RPC-based design.

VI. Sensitivity of ANUBIS

To estimate the reach of ANUBIS, we simulate exoticHiggs boson decays to new long-lived scalars h → sswith MadGraph5 [24] and count the number of particletrajectories that enter the detector volume and decay




RPC module cell 100 x 100 cm2



100 cm

Triplet layer B

105 cm

Triplet layer A

110 cm

FIG. 4. Side-view in the (x, y) plane of one of the 1× 1 m2

RPC module cell units composing the ANUBIS tracking sta-tions. The unit consists of two RPC layers A and B (shadedblue) with three detection layers each.

before they penetrate at least one TS. We consider fourequidistant TSs and conservatively neglect events recon-structed by the first, least shielded TS. In Fig. 5 we com-pare the projected sensitivity reach of ANUBIS using3 ab−1 to the 10 × 10 × 10 m with 300 fb−1 as wellas 20×10×10 m with 1 ab−1 scenarios of CODEX-b [6],to the 200 × 200 × 20 m3 version of MATHUSLA [13]using 3 ab−1, and to the limit set by ATLAS [18]. Theprojections are shown for LLP masses ms = 5, 10 and40 GeV. ANUBIS surpasses the standard CODEX-b sce-nario in the entire relevant phase space, outperformsMATHUSLA for LLPs with cτ . 10 m, and extendsthe reach of ATLAS by many orders of magnitude atcτ & 1 m.

In addition, we consider a conservative scenario withan expected background at the same level as the ATLASmuon spectrometer search [18], while all other specifica-tions remain unchanged. In this scenario, about 50 signalevents have to be collected for evidence of new physics.This requirement increases the Br(h → ss) evidencethreshold by only one order of magnitude, cf. Fig. 5. Wealso study a moderately optimistic scenario that is iden-tical to the standard one above except that the decay vol-ume starts at the outer edge of the ATLAS Muon Spec-trometer (i.e. ≈10 m away from the interaction point),and we assume that backgrounds can be brought undercontrol in this region. In this case the discovery reach forLLP scenarios with cτ . 100 m is significantly extended,cf. Fig. 5.

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cτ (m)

cτ (m)

cτ (m)




ANUBIS50 events

ANUBIS4 events, 3 ab�1

, 3 ab�1





cτ (m)cτ (m)


10x10x10 m3, 300fb�1


20x10x10 m3, 1ab�1

, 36 fb�1

, 3 ab�1

ms = 10GeV

ms = 5GeV

ms = 40GeV

c⌧(m) c⌧(m)

cτ (m)

cτ (m)

cτ (m)

ms = 10GeV

ms = 5GeV

ms = 40GeV

ANUBIS50 events

ANUBIS4 events, 3 ab�1

, 3 ab�1





cτ (m)cτ (m)


10x10x10 m3, 300fb�1


20x10x10 m3, 1ab�1

, 36 fb�1

, 3 ab�1







FIG. 5. Projected sensitivity of ANUBIS, CODEX-b [6],and MATHUSLA [13] for LLPs for Higgs decays h→ ss withdifferent LLP masses ms = 5, 10 and 40 GeV at the HL-LHC with a center-of-mass energy of 14 TeV. The projections“ANUBIS 4 events” and “ANUBIS 50 events” are given fora standard and a conservative scenario assuming respectively4 and 50 events for sensitivity. The impact of extending theANUBIS decay volume up to the ATLAS muon spectrome-ter is indicated by the filled area. The gray parameter spaceis excluded by the existing constraints on invisible Higgs de-cays [25, 26]. The region excluded by a dedicated Higgs portalLLP search with ATLAS is shown for comparison [18].

VII. Conclusion and Outlook

Long-lived particles arise naturally in many extensionsof the SM, including scenarios with Dark Sectors. Inthis Letter, we highlight a yet unexplored and uniqueopportunity to close the present gap in sensitivity formean proper lifetimes greater than cτ > 102 m formLLP > 1 GeV, at a modest cost, by instrumenting theexisting service shafts of the ATLAS or CMS experimentswith a series of tracking stations.

We outline a proposal for the ANUBIS detector, de-scribe its main features, specify its performance require-ments, and demonstrate its advantages by providing sen-sitivity and cost estimates. ANUBIS is expected to sub-

stantially extend the sensitivity of ATLAS and CMS, sur-pass CODEX-b, and provide a sensitivity similar to thatof MATHUSLA. However, the total instrumented area ofANUBIS of 2,320 m2 corresponds to about 1% of MATH-USLA’s, while its total costs are estimated at ≈10 Me,which is a small fraction of some proposals.

We stress that, even though our proposal is madespecifically for the PX14 ATLAS shaft, the idea of ANU-BIS is equally applicable to both ATLAS and CMS. Al-ternative detector technologies, such as finely granulatedscintillators, can be used and may well further reduce thetotal costs of ANUBIS relative to this proposal.

To demonstrate the feasibility of the project, we pro-pose the construction of two 1 × 1 m2 tracking stationunit prototypes to be suspended at the bottom and topof the PX14 shaft for Run 3 of the LHC. These demon-stration units would allow for a better understanding ofthe detector and readout implementations, mechanicalengineering needs, and background levels of ANUBIS.

The unique opportunity of large, pre-excavated spacesclose to the ATLAS and CMS interaction points must beexplored in order to fully exploit the discovery potentialof the LHC – the only apparatus capable of copiouslyproducing new particles above the electroweak scale ina laboratory. No discovery opportunities should be leftunexplored.


We would like to thank the U. of Naples particlephysics group for their hospitality during the ATLAS Ex-otics workshop where key parameters of this idea werefleshed out. We would also like to thank Giulio Aielli,Jamie Boyd, Chip Brock, Andrea Coccaro, UmbertoDe Sanctis, Lars Henkelmann, Felix Kling, ChristopherLester, Jianming Qian, Patrick Rieck, and Tova Holmesfor the fruitful discussions and/or the help with the costestimate. LL is supported by the US Department of En-ergy under Grant DE-SC0007881. CO is supported bythe Swedish Research Council under Grant 2017-05160.

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Supplementary material

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FIG. 6. Schematic view of the UX15 cavern with the ATLAS detector and the access shafts PX16, PM15, and PX14 (from leftto right). The beamline is indicated by the solid thick line, while the dimensions of the cavern and the main shaft are shownby the arrows. Potential positions of the ANUBIS tracking stations spaced about 18.5 m apart along the 18 m wide PX14shaft are indicated by the ellipses. Representative trajectories of LLPs falling within the ANUBIS acceptance are indicated bydashed lines. Figure adapted from Ref. [16].

FIG. 7. Geometry of the proposed ANUBIS tracking stations (shown in orange) in the ATLAS installation pit together withan example LLP trajectory from a Higgs decay that would be reconstructed if it decays in the detector volume (blue) and theATLAS detector with the beam axis shown in red.

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Figure 1. The caverns, access shafts and service tunnels that surrounds the ATLAS experimental cavern (UX15).

Figure 2. Cross section of the ATLAS experimental hall UX15, the electronics cavern USA15 and the US15 hall.

FIG. 8. Layout of the ATLAS cavern with access shafts [27].


Figure 1. The caverns, access shafts and service tunnels that surrounds the ATLAS experimental cavern (UX15).

Figure 2. Cross section of the ATLAS experimental hall UX15, the electronics cavern USA15 and the US15 hall. FIG. 9. Cross-section of the ATLAS cavern [27]. Note that the PX14 shaft is exactly centered on ATLAS.