Page 1: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Anthony Cleve, Anne-France Brogneaux and Jean-Luc Hainaut

PReCISE research center

University of Namur, Belgium

SATToSE 2011, Koblenz, GermanySATToSE 2011, Koblenz, Germany

A Conceptual Approach to A Conceptual Approach to Database Applications EvolutionDatabase Applications Evolution

Page 2: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center


Database applications set of programs manipulating a database subject to continuous evolution to fit ever changing business needs and

technical requirements

Database applications evolution complex, time-consuming, risky and costly process co-evolution of several interdepedent artefacts:

conceptual schema, logical schema, physical schema, DDL code, data, mappings, programs

inter-artefact consistency must be preserved over time


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Database schemas


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Schema-programs co-evolution scenarios

CS: conceptual schema; LS: logical schema; PS: physical schema; XS: external schema; and P a program using XS

Scenario 1: Change in CS without impact on P derivation of new LS and CS/LS mapping, but XS/LS mapping unchanged

Scenario 2: Change in CS, with impact on P requires manual adaptation of P. impact analysis may be difficult in case of

dynamically generated queries

Scenario 3: Change in LS, with CS unchanged frequent scenario, tool-supported program adaptation is possible but very

difficult in case of dynamically generated queries

Scenario 4: change in PS, with CS and LS unchanged No impact on P


Page 5: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

In this paper…

Focus co-evolution of conceptual schema, logical schema and programs

Goals mitigate the impact of database schema changes on programs provide automated support for schemas-programs co-evolution, to reduce

cost, effort and risks

Approach transformation-based derivation of relational logical schema (LS) from

conceptual schema (CS) automatic derivation of the mapping between CS and LS automatic generation of a data access API that provides the programs with

a conceptual view to the relational database


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Our approach


Page 7: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Transformation-based logical schema derivation

Logical design = deriving LS from CS can be modelled as a chain of semantics-preserving schema


Transformation plan to obtain a relational LS from a CS is-a relationships into one-to-one rel-types complex rel-types into entity types and one-to-many rel-types complex attributes into entity types one-to-many and one-to-one rel-types into foreign keys

+ renaming some tables and columns, if needed

+ adding some technical identifiers, if needed


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Conceptual & logical (relational) schemas


Page 9: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Schema mapping derivation

Idea: propagate mapping « stamps » through successive schema

transformations applied to CS to obtain LS derive mapping M(CS,LS) between CS and LS


Page 10: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Conceptual API generation

Idea: generate a conceptual data manipulation API from M(CS,LS) providing programs with a conceptual view of the relational database isolating programs from logical schema changes facilitating impact analysis of conceptual schema changes

Conceptual API CS-based class hierarchy CS-based data navigation CS-based data modification


Page 11: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based class hierarchy


public class Book

public class Copy

public class Person

public class Author extends Person

public class Borrower extends Person

working hypothesis: each is-a relationship represents a partition

0-N0-N written


1-1of 0-1 0-Nborrowing



id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 12: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based data navigation (by entity type)


public Vector<Book> getAllBook() {…}

public Vector<Copy> getAllPerson() {…} // returns all authors and borrowers

public Book getBookById(String BookId) {…} // standard id

public Person getPersonById(Integer Pid) {…} // standard id

public Copy getCopyById(Book book, Integer copyNo) {…} // hybrid id

public Author getAuthorById(Integer Pid) {…} // inherited id

public Borrower getBorrowerById(Integer Pid) {…} // inherited id

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id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 13: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based data navigation (by rel. type)


// in class Copy:

public Book getBookViaOf() {…}

public Borrower getBorrowerViaBorrowing() {…}

// in class Book:

public Vector<Copy> getAllCopyViaOf() {…}

public Vector<Author> getAllAuthorViaWritten() {…}

// in class Author:

public Vector<Book> getAllBookViaWritten() {…}

// in class Borrower:

public Vector<Copy> getAllCopyViaBorrowing() {…}

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1-1of 0-1 0-Nborrowing



id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 14: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based data modification (create)


creation arguments: all (inherited) conceptual attributes and rolesCopy c = db.insertCopy(copyNo,…, comment, book);

creation available for leaf entity types only (recursive call to super class)

Author a = db.insertAuthor(pid, name, firstName, origin);

Borrower b = db.insertBorrower(pid, name, firstName, address, phone);

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id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 15: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based data modification (delete)


visible delete() method deletes or disconnects all the entity type instances that reference the entity

type instance to be deleted (similar to delete cascade mode) starting from the root type

internal deleteFromDB() method actually removes the entity type instance from the database starting from the leaf type

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id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 16: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

CS-based data modification (update)


Update value of (inherited) conceptual attributes and rolesborrower.updateAddress(address);

Connect/disconnect entity type instancesauthor.connectToBookViaWritten(book);


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id: Pid


id: of.BOOKCopy-No



id: Book-id


Page 17: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Schema-programs co-evolution scenarios revisited


Page 18: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Tool support

DB-MAIN, version 9 ( database schemas design and manipulation (GER model) manual conceptual schema design automatic logical (and physical) schema derivation automatic DDL code generation (MySQL, PostGreSQL, DB2, Oracle, etc) automatic schema mapping propagation and derivation

DB-MAIN Java plugins schema mapping manipulation and visualization customized DDL code generation conceptual API generation (java+jdbc/odbc, tested with MySQL, SQLLite

Interbase, DB2, Oracle) client programs generation (for systematic testing purposes)


Page 19: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center


Gisele project eHealth domain, IT support for clinical pathway management

ex. treatment of specific kinds of cancer

Clinical pathways represented as process models to be stored in a database and accessed by dedicated programs Ex: creation, evolution, deletion, analysis of clinical pathways

Conceptual schema of process models inspired by several process modelling languages like BPMN, Yawl, etc.

Continuous schema evolution stable kernel, but frequent changes for adding various dimensions

special attention paid to reduce the impact of evolutions on already developed programs


Page 20: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Representative schema size and mapping complexity

Generated API 50 java classes > 20.000 lines of code extended kernel systematically tested using generated client programs allowing to

create, delete, and update clinical pathways in the database

Application: some figures


Page 21: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Conclusions and perspectives

Conceptual approach to database applications design and evolution Combining generative and transformational techniques Co-evolution between database schemas and programs better mastered

Future work Relaxing some working hypotheses Better integration of the supporting tools Application to other data-intensive applications in other domains Precisely measure the gain od our approach in terms of co-evolution

effort, based on realistic scenarios Extension of the approach to other evolution scenarios (e.g., migration,

integration) Possible integration with an ORM technology? (no, I’m joking)


Page 22: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

ORM technologies are getting very popular(just a few examples)

C++: LiteSQL, Debea, dtemplatelib, hiberlite, romic, SOCI, etc.

Delphi: Bold for Delphi, Macrobject DObject, InstantObjects, tiOPF, etc.

Java: Carbonado, Cayenne, CocoBase, Ebean, EJB 3.0, Enterprise Objects Framework, Hibernate, iBATIS, JPM2Java, JPOX, Kodo, Object Relational Bridge OpenJPA, SimpleORM, Spring, TopLink, Torque, GenORMous, etc.

.NET: ADO.NET Entity Framework, Atlas, Base One Foundation Component Library, BCSEi ORM Code Generator, Business Logic Toolkit for .NET, Castle ActiveRecord, DataObjects.Net, CocoBase, Devart LINQ to SQL, DevForce, Developer Express, ECO, EntityORM, EntitySpaces, Euss, Habanero, iBATIS, Invist, LLBLGen Pro, LightSpeed, Altova Mapforce, Neo, .netTiers, NConstruct, NHibernate, Opf3, ObjectMapper .NET, Picasso, OpenAccess, TierDeveloper, Persistor.NET, Quick Objects, Sooda, Subsonic, Wilson ORMapper, etc.

PHP: CakePHP, Coughphp, DABL, Data Shuffler, dbphp, Doctrine, dORM, EZPDO, Hormon, LightOrm, Outle, pdoMap, PersistentObject, PHPSimpleDB, Propel, Rocks, Qcodo, Redbean, Xyster, etc.

Python: Django, SQLAlchemy, SQLObject, Storm, etc.

Ruby: Active Record, Ruby on Rails, Datamapper, iBATIS, Sequel, etc.

Pearl: DBIx::Class, Rose::DB::Object, Fey::ORM, Jifty::DBI, DBIx::DataModel, Data::ObjectDriver, Class::DBI, etc.

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ORM-based program development … and evolution

RDB data


RelationalDB schema

standard architecture

RDB data


RelationalDB schema



ORM architecture

Looks like our architecture… but the mapping is not automatically maintained

Page 24: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

ORM-based program evolution…"Object/relational mapping is the Vietnam of Computer Science"

Ted Neward

"It represents a quagmire which starts well, gets more complicated as time passes, and before long entraps its users in a commitment that has no clear demarcation point, no clear win conditions, and no clear exit strategy.“

Ted Neward's Technical Blog - June 2006

Page 25: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Questions, comments, suggestions, complaints?


[email protected]

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Backups slides…


Page 27: Anthony Cleve , Anne-France  Brogneaux  and Jean-Luc Hainaut PReCISE  research center

Generic schema representation

Generic Entity-Relationship Model (GER) encompasses the three main abstraction levels

conceptual logical physical

serves as a pivot model for most data modelling paradigms ER relational object-oriented object-relational file structures


network hierarchical XML …