Page 1: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari

Who was the first president of a Rotary Club?(a) Paul Harris (b) Silvester Schiele (c) Herb Taylor

When was Paul Harris Fellow(PHF) recognition first established?(a)1905 (b) 1922 (c) 1957

Where was Rotary born?(a) In the residence of Paul Harris(b) Room No. 711, Unity building, Chicago(c) In 1905 in Washington DC

Who is considered as Senior Active in Rotary(a) A Past District Governor (b) A Rotarian aged 75 years (c)A Rotarian on completion of 15 years in Rotary

What is the purpose of International Assembly?(a) To prepare District Governor(DGN) Nominee for the Office(b) An Assembly of District Governor Elect(DGE)(c ) An International Assembly of Rotarians

Edited and published on behalf of District Governor Manjunatha Shetty, Rotary District 3190, No. 136, Swami Vivekananda Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore 560 008by Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari Sunil, & printed at Bangalore press, #88, Chamarajpet, Mysore Road, Bangalore 560 018. Visit

The year 'Light Up Rotary' began with all plan in place for celebration of our RI Presidents vision of conducting Rotary Days. I would like to recall from his statement the vision of our leader in promoting visibility of Rotary and achieve greater growth at the same time- two goals in one shot!

“This year, I am urging all Rotarians to Light Up Rotary by participating in Rotary Days. The Rotary Day concept is a simple one: hold a fun, informal event in your community for the non-Rotary public and use it as an opportunity to introduce them to Rotary. It's that easy. Rotary Days can help your club drive up interest in membership, strengthen your club's relationships with local institutions and community members, and improve Rotary's image in your community. Imagine the collective impact we can have if all 34,000 Rotary clubs worldwide make a concerted effort to introduce the public to the fun, rewarding experiences that we all enjoy as Rotary members-Gary C.K. Huang-President, Rotary International, 2014-15.”

Note:1. First Five winners will be given prizes.

2. Rotarians who have already won the prizes in the previous Quiz competition are not eligible.

Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. Holla at Email: [email protected]

Gifts are sponsored by:

1947-48 S. Kendrick Guernsey - “Enter to Learn — Go Forth to Serve.” — The Unofficial Motto of Rotary's International Assembly.

Winner of Quiz - 3.1. Rtn. Manjula A.M. (Vijayapura)2. Rtn. S.K. Nagachandra, (Bangalore)3. Nanak Chand Gupta (club not mentioned)4. Rtn. Sudhakar I.K. Madyasta, (Cubbon Park)

Report by: Suresh Hari, Dist. Director-Club Service

Page 2: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari


In October 1914, Jonas Salk was born – a man who would change world history by inventing the first effective vaccine against polio. When the vaccine was introduced in the United States in the 1950s, polls indicated that polio was one of the nation's two greatest fears, second only to the fear of atomic war. And with good reason: In the 1952 U.S. polio epidemic, 58,000 cases were reported, with 3,145 deaths and 21,269 instances of permanent, disabling paralysis. Globally, polio paralyzed or killed up to half a million people every year.

Soon after the Salk vaccine was created, Albert Sabin developed an oral version, allowing tremendous numbers of children to be immunized quickly, safely, and inexpensively. In 1985, Rotary's PolioPlus program was born, with a simple goal: to immunize every child under age five against this crippling disease. Thanks in large part to the initial success of PolioPlus, in 1988 the 166 member states of the World Health Assembly unanimously set the goal of global polio eradication.

At the time, the idea was breathtakingly ambitious, and many called it impossible. Today, we are closer to this goal than ever before, with only a few hundred cases of polio reported per year, and just three remaining endemic countries. We are on track to achieve full eradication by 2018 – if we can keep up the momentum that has brought us this far.

And this month, we will mark World Polio Day on 24 October, and celebrate the 100th anniversary of Dr. Salk's birth.

I ask you all to Light Up Rotary this month by doing whatever you can to shine a spotlight on our efforts to eradicate polio. Call your government officials and let them know that polio eradication matters to you. Go to for inspiring stories about Rotary's work, and share them on social media. And make the best investment you'll ever make, by donating to polio eradication right on the website and earning a two-to-one match on your contribution from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

When we eradicate polio – and we will – we'll have brought the world into a better future, and Rotary into a better future as well. We will have proved ourselves, as an organization, capable of great things. And we will have given our children and grandchildren a gift that will endure forever: a polio-free world.

Gary C K Huang, President 2014 - 15

In each of my monthly messages, I have endeavored to highlight one individual Rotary Foundation goal for 2014-15.

This month, I wish to speak about the new grant structure and the reasons for its introduction. The Foundation Trustees identified a number of growing needs to improve efficiency, to streamline operations, and to focus efforts so as to achieve greater impact and public recognition.


Prior to Future Vision, the Foundation was processing over 4,000 grants per year, and the average humanitarian grant was US$12,500. With many of the grants smaller than this figure, the cost to administer the grants was increasing at a significant rate, and we needed more staff to process the growing number of applications.

In addition to striving for improved efficiency, the Trustees aimed for greater simplicity and a more streamlined process. The Rotary Foundation had 12 different programs, each with its own requirements and application procedures, to support educational and humanitarian objectives. We now have only two grant types: district grants and global grants.

By simplifying the process, the Trustees hope to enable Rotarians to reach a greater number of people to do good in the world; to provide a more efficient grants-making system, awarding fewer grants and large amounts at a reduced operational cost; and to give clubs and districts more ownership over the grant process.

I urge you to ensure the progress of our new grant structure through your continued participation in our educational and humanitarian projects.

John Kenny, Trustee Chair 2014-15


‘Festivals after festivals!’. We just celebrated 9 days of Navarathri and are eagerly looking forward for the Festival of lights Deepavali.

To cap it all we had the huge Rotary Habba which coincided with the first 3 days of Navarathri from 26th to 28th September. It was an amazing experience for all those who participated. We had the feast of entertainment by 250 artists from Alva's educational Institute, the kind of which we never witnessed before. I had the opportunity of involving in the planning stage

with lot of Rotarians where I experienced so much of excitement and enthusiasm. Enjoyed in the execution stage and a sense of satisfaction on successful completion. Like in any big event there were moments of anxiety specially when it was hit by torrential rains on the previous night. But everything was overcome by the shear determination of the organizing team. It is such a pleasure to work with the teams specially our First Ladies Forum who were all with me, be it in the competitions, Cookery Show , Self defence demo or watching the mega entertainment. This has built greater bond among us.

This month we have planned for training in self defence to girls in our adopted school Jogupalya. We are also starting Computer Education classes there.

We wait for the next opportunity to meet. Yes it is not too far. I invite you all to come for the Vocational Service ICGF on 12th October.

Shailaja Manjunath

3District 3190

My dear Light Up Rotary Teamates ,

As I write this message we are in the thick of celebrating Dussehra. Shailaja joins me in wishing each one of you and your family happy celebration of Dussehra which is so popularly known as the Nada Habba in Karnataka. May Goddess Chamundeshwari shower her blessings on all of us for a very prosperous year .

We have just completed a very eventful Public Image project , 3 days Rotary Festival called Rotary Habba –Yuva Hrudayotsava. Though the rains have played spoil sport on the inaugural day, it didn't dampen the spirit of Rotarians. The 3 days function went on as planned including the ICGF on Youth Services. The high light of the festival was the two evenings of electrifying entertainment program by the troupe from Dr.Alva' Educational Institute, Moodabidri. 250 artists gave scintillating performance and took the audience to a different world of Yaksha Loka which our district had never witnessed before. They also presented the cultural highlights of different states of India performed by artists from that very state.

Rotafest which was a part of the Habba was such an amazing cultural fete that gave opportunity for hundreds of youths from different colleges and organizations to compete and show their talent and energy and win big prize money. The First Ladies Forum and Inner wheel also had their share of fun in organizing different events to show their talent.

Rotary J P Nagar very ably handled the ICGF on youth service.

Ocotber 24th is the world polio day. Our polio team is interacting with the local Corporation Health authorities and preparing to conduct the Polio Orientation program to get ready for the NIDs.

October is the Vocational Service month. Rotary Vijayanagar is making elaborate arrangements to present a purposeful ICGF on 12th October. Hon'ble Union Minister for Railways Sri Sadananda Gowda would be the chief guest. Come, Let us celebrate the Vocational Month and enrich our individual vocation.

For the next 3 months I request all Light Up Rotary Team Leaders to concentrate on our primary goal of the year to increase membership. You are already doing well. Almost every club has planned extension. Time to make it a reality. Wish you great success.

Manjunath Shetty

District Governor, RID 3190



“Friendship is a natural and willing servant….There is no reason…why the great power of friendship should not be harnessed to do

its part in the world's work.” — Report of the President, 1912 Rotary Convention, Duluth, Minnesota, USA.

1912-13 Glenn C. Mead - “A business house should be as public-spirited as a citizen…. Business is not a beast of prey,

but the handmaid of civilization and progress.” — Code or Creed?, THE ROTARIAN, July 1921.

RI President Gary C.K. Huang officially declared J o h n F. G e r m R o t a r y International's president-nominee on 1 October.

The Nominating Committee for President of RI selected Germ, a member of the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, in August.

John Germ becomes RI President Nominee

He will be formally elected at the 2015 RI Convention in São Paulo, Brazil and will become president on 1 July 2016.

John F. Germ, a member of the Rotary Club of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, and chair of the International PolioPlus Committee, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of RI in 2016-17. He will become the president-nominee on 1 October if there are no challenging candidates.

For Rotary to thrive, Germ says, members must face current and future challenges and opportunities with "passion, enthusiasm, perseverance, and above all, integrity."

"I envision Rotary boldly and creatively engaging the success of polio eradication, membership and identity issues, strengthening clubs, work with youth – our future lifeblood, and the creation of critical, strategic partnerships," says Germ. "The 2016-17 Rotary year offers a tremendous opportunity for Rotary International and the Foundation partnership unified and thriving, on all levels, via the six areas of focus."

Germ says no one should ever have to ask, "What is Rotary?"

"We will enhance Rotary's public image by successfully and enthusiastically marketing who we are, what amazing things we are doing, and incredibly, have done locally and globally," says Germ.

With the global economy still unpredictable, Germ says Rotary must make participation affordable and "also be unfailingly diligent in efforts to ensure we spend every dollar effectively and efficiently," he says.

In 1965, after four years in the U.S. Air Force, Germ, an engineer, joined Campbell and Associates Inc., an engineering consulting firm. He now serves as the company's board chair and chief executive officer.

He also serves on the boards of several organizations including the Public Education Foundation, Orange Grove Center Inc., and the Blood Assurance Inc. He is the founder and treasurer of the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Foundation and is president of the Tennessee Jaycee Foundation.

In 1970 he was recognized as Tennessee Young Man of the Year, Engineer of the Year, and Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year in 1992.

A Rotary member since 1976, Germ has served Rotary as vice president, director, Foundation trustee and vice chair, chair of Rotary's US$200 Million Challenge, and RI president's aide. He is a recipient of Rotary's Service Above Self Award and The Rotary Foundation's Citation for Meritorious Service and Distinguished Service Award. He and his wife, Judy, are members of the Arch Klumph Society.

“Rotary will adapt to a rapidly changing world by embracing innovation within the guidelines of our tradition and values," says Germ. "By aggressively embracing new technologies, social media, and new opportunities, individuals and businesses will see that Rotary helps promote a good civic and public image while adding credibility to their people."

Page 3: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari

Our leader DG Manjunath Shetty took the task of achieving this vision statement of our International leader by planning an event called “Rotary Habba” which means Rotary Festival for and behalf of all the clubs as a major PR event. Since an event of this magnitude is being planned for the first time, DG took the task of personally coordinating the event. Various meetings were held to address the finer aspect of holding the event of this magnitude. A core committee comprising of Rtn's- Sagar (High Ground), PV Rai (Vijayanagar), Dr. Sameer (South West), Karthikeya Reddy (Indiranagar), ET Care Raju (Nelamangala), Frank Coelho & Manivannan ( Koramangala) , Kirit Morzaria (Orchards) , Fazal Mahmood (Metro), DRR. Rtr.Adesjwar Mehta and Suresh Hari (Indiranagar) apart from DG, Dist Secretary A.Suresh and First Lady Ann Shailaja to do the necessary planning. All club Presidents were part of the event.

Due to the efforts of our DG, Government of Karnataka-Youth Department accepted our proposal for conducting the event at Koramangala Indoor Stadium and be part of the event. This opened the doors for other support for the event in the form of Narayana Health, Yogakshema, SVYASA University, Ayurpark and Inner wheel. Thanks to the effort of Rotary IT Corridor - State Bank of India agreed to be the main sponsor. Hype was created with the support of channel partners 'Life 360’, ‘Vijayavani’ and ‘E-TV News’. Rotray was visible through Hoardings in the city. Publicity was given through FM Radio, TV and through Press conference. The content projection on the LED screens was handled by President Prakash Belvadi of Cosmopolitan. With the entire stadium at our disposal the planning of various components of the program was put in place with individual working towards Stalls Booking and meeting various speakers/presenters/Sponsors/venue service providers/etc. The erection

of stall and water proof pandal outside the stadium was up just in time for the event. As destiny would have it, the Rain gods tested the grit of the team by inundating the entire space outside the stadium with 3 feet water the previous night with Rtn's Sameer, Sagar, DG and Frank stuck inside the stadium till 2 am. On the opening day, the team took the challenge and shifted the Entire Stall area, which was covered with 2 feet slush, to inside

the stadium. The morning saw hectic activity by members in putting necessary arrangements in place for the program to start at the appointed time. Due appreciation should be made to the Corporation Officials and area Cooperator for providing necessary support in clearing the entry area of the Stadium.

DG Manjunath Shetty inaugurated the event 'Yuva Hrudayothsava' at 10 am on 26th September with the auditorium sporting a festive look. People from different walks of life were present along with many Rotary members. Entire morning session on day one was dedicated to Ladies program like Rangoli competition, Nail art, Bindi making, Hair Styling and Cookery demonstration. Food stalls were in place for the visiting public and members. Since the event coincided with the Youth Services month, the designated ICGF, coordinated by JP Nagar Club, was held in the afternoon session. PDG Kamal Sanghvi was the chief guest along with Hon'ble Minister - Sports and Youth affairs, Government of Karnataka Shri Abhayachandra. Both the speakers addressed the gathering with PDG Kamal Sanghvi taking the audience though 'Brand Rotary' in a thought provoking manner. The event was well attended and ended by 5.30 pm, in time for the entertainment program.

The evening special attraction was presentation by Dr. Mohan Alva troupe of Nudisiri and Virasat fame of Moodbidri. More than 250 student artists presented dance and cultural aspect of different parts of the country with due narration by the compere. Dr. Mohan Alva, Chairman Alva' Educational Institute personally directed the program of 3 hrs. Visitors from various walks of life attended the evening entertainment program. The highlight was more than two third of the audience were non Rotarians.

1912-13 Glenn C. Mead - “A business house should be as public-spirited as a citizen…. Business is not a beast of prey,

but the handmaid of civilization and progress.” — Code or Creed?, THE ROTARIAN, July 1921. 5District 3190

1934-35 Robert E. Lee Hill - “Merely selling things is boredom; selling services is the stuff of which self-respect and

dignifying one's vocation are made.” — Rotary in a Progressing World, THE ROTARIAN, July 1934

“Friendship is a natural and willing servant….There is no reason…why the great power of friendship should not be harnessed to do

its part in the world's work.” — Report of the President, 1912 Rotary Convention, Duluth, Minnesota, USA.41913-14 Russell F. Greiner -“What constitutes a successful man? He must possess these qualifications: honesty, ability, initiative,

enthusiasm, tact and sincerity.” - Inaugural Address, 1913 Rotary Convention, Buffalo, New York, USA.

Page 4: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari

Mr. Sathish, MD and CEO of thecompany offered free shows on the last day to Rotarians for his sheer passion for the organization. The day ended with 'Disco Dandiya' held with the support of CTT trust and Hitesh Mehta. Nearly 1000 individual participated in the ticketed Garbha Dance event on the final day.

All the three days will be etched in the History of Rotary District 3190 as one of the best PR exercise undertaken so far. Record of public interested in Rotary /Retract was created for necessary follow up by the Membership committee. Important projects of the district was displayed at dedicated stalls for the information of public which created awareness about the scope of work Rotary does to address the need of suffering fellow human beings. RI Presidents vision of promoting Rotary through Public events on Rotary Days had its impact in our District during 'Rotary Habba'.

District 3190

1960-61 J. Edd McLaughlin - “Rotary is without reality until men translate it into their lives and the lives of others. In

short, you and I are Rotary.”— You Are Rotary — Live It!, THE ROTARIAN, July 1960. 761952-53 H.J. Brunnier - “The things that are worthwhile take time, and it is not the I's of the world but the We's who achieve them.”

— Eventually…Gradually…, THE ROTARIAN, July 1952.

Page 5: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari

Mega Health Camp and Blood Donation camp was held in association with Vibha Charitable Trust and Shastry Foundation at Abhiman Studios on the 18th of September in.memory of Dr Vishnuvardhan

Honored 12 teachers and Head Master of BBMP High School, Ganganagar, R T Nagar post. Bangalore

Rotary Ramanagaram

Dental and eye check up camp was organised at Govenment Primary School, Gandhinagar, Tiptur

Conducted Eye Screening Camp at Ganjalagunte village near Madhugiri

Conducted Blood Grouping Camp for 3 days in association with Belli Foundation, at Vidyaniketan School

Rotary Tiptur Rotary Tumkur Central Rotary Tumkur City

Conferred "Nation Builder Award" to Smt. Sathya Vathi for her dedicated service rendered to the students at BBMP Primary & Secondary School.

Organised Food Safety program at Gururaja Layout Peoples Welfare Society -an opportunity for highlighting the Rotary Movement.

Presentation of "Nation Builder Award" to Ms.Bharati.G. of Govt.Kannada Higher Primary School, Yelahanka.

Rotary Bangalore Vidyapeeta Rotary Bangalore YelahanakaRotary Bangalore Ulsoor

Rotary Bangalore Hanumanthanagar Rotary Bangalore Jeeven Bheema Nagar

Celebration of Teachers' Day and Engineers' Day

Rotary Bangalore South Rotary Bangalore South west

Conducted Painting contest for school children. Theme - “Energy Conservation”

Planting of 150 Tree SapplingsMedicines worth more than Rs.5 lakhs were sent to Jammu Kashmir Flood Relief for 10thousand People.

Rotary Nagamangala

Presented a Cow to the villager at Santhekallahally under the Ksheerabhudaya microcredit scheme of the club.

Waste Management program at Rotary Habba JOINT MEET - With 4 other clubs Vidyapeetha, Diamond District, Downtown & Junction

Honoured 16 Teachers on the occasion of Teacher's Day Celebrations.

Induction of new members

Rotary Bangalore Basaveshwarnagar

Celebration of Teachers day at Vidyaniketan High School

Inauguration of Computer lab at Govt.Higher PrimarySchool, Nallurhalli

Installation of Interact club of VET School, JP Nagar

Rotary Bangalore E-Club Rotary Bangalore IT Corridor Rotary Bangalore J.P.Nagar

Vocation Excellency award and "NATION BUILDING AWARD" was honoured to Smt Sarsawathamma

Honoured three teachers on the occasion of Teachers Day Celebrations.

Honored Smt Saraswati a dedicated teacher, on the occasion of teacher's day Celebrations.

Rotary Kengeri Upanagara Rotary Kolar Gold Fields

Conducted Dental Camp for 400 school children in Bangalore.

Installation of Interactors at Aditi Mallya International School, Yelahanka.

Rotary Malavalli Rotary Bangalore Midtown

Conducted Mega Health Camp at Govt. Hospital (New Building), Sathanur.

Distribution of Student Note books at G M S, Kannamedi, Pavagada

Conducted Tailoring Classes

Rotary Bangalore Koramangala

Rotary Pavagada

Rotary Bangalore West

Distribution of dictionary in Govt School Mylanahalli Nelamangala

Rotary Nelamangala

8 9District 3190

Conducted Inter Dist.Joint Meeting with Rotary Kundapura Club.Dist 3180 at Kundapura town.

Rotary Bangalore Kalyan Rotary Bangalore Rajmahal Vilas

1977-78 W. Jack Davis - “Much of the trouble in the world today is not so much the noise of the bad as it is the silence of the good.” — Address to 1977 Rotary Convention, San Francisco, California, USA.

1960-61 J. Edd McLaughlin - “Rotary is without reality until men translate it into their lives and the lives of others. In short, you and I are Rotary.”— You Are Rotary — Live It!, THE ROTARIAN, July 1960.

Page 6: Answers to quiz may be mailed to Rtn Harikrishna S. … Chief Editor Rtn.Harikrishna S. Holla and Editor Rtn. Rajeshwari

District 3190

1965-66 C.P.H. Teenstra - “What binds Rotarians together is a unity of desire and a unity of purpose to serve society and to serve

mankind…a unity in diversity.” — A Unity of Desire, THE ROTARIAN, July 1965.

1974-75 William R. Robbins - “Set high personal standards. Make others aware we expect the same. Respect the pursuit

of excellence. Recognize, dignify honest work.” — Renew the Spirit of Rotary, THE ROTARIAN, July 1974. 11

Installation of office bearers of Rotaract Club at Surana College

Teachers' Day celebrations along with Rotary Bangalore Junction by honouring Two Teachers 

Rotary Bangalore Indiranagar Rotary Madhugiri Rotary Bangalore Spandana

Presented Nation Builder Award to three outstanding teachers from Govt. Schools

Conducted Free(IOL)Eye Surgery Camp Conducted Diya Painting Classes for the Specially Challenged Children of Shastri Memorial School of Deaf & Dumb, Mahalakshmi layout, Bangalore

Rotary Punganur Central Rotary Bangalore Downtown Rotary Bangalore Whitefield Central

Organised blood donation camp at Manhuttan Assoicates and HCL and collected 248 Units of blood.


GOV Rotary Bangalore East


GOV Sadashivnagar


GOV Downtown


Dist.Polio Orientation Seminar


GOV. IT Corridor


GOV Jeevanbhimanagar


GOV South West


GOV Madanapalli


GOV Rotary Bangalore North

1 -11-2014

Dist. Cricket Tournament


GOV Tumkur East


GOV Kolar


GOV Midtown


GOV Whitefield Central


GOV Pavagada


GOV Health City


ICGF International Service/TRF

“NATION BUILDER AWARD ” Presented to Smt. T. Devaki Head mistress, of Bagalagunte Govt. School.

Rotary Bangalore Udyog Rotary Maddur

Free Dental Checkup camp for 260 students at Mahaveer School and Govt. Girls School Maddur.

Rotary Bangalore Junction

Organized blood donation camp at WE School, wherein 106 units of blood was collected.

ROTARY DISTRICT 3190 Report on TEACH (Child Development) Interaction with NGOs

The Rotary's TEACH initiative focuses on eradicating illiteracy by the year 2017 with a special focus on illiteracy in South Asia. TEACH is an all encompassing initiative and stands for Teacher Support, E-Learning, Adult Literacy, Child Development and Happy Schools.

Our Chair for Child Development activity, PP. Rtn. Jayashree Ramesh and DLCC Rtn Ramesh organised a meeting with the NGO's and the concerned officials of Government of Karnataka in Bangalore on 20th September 2014, to understand the status of 'out of school children' and 'drop out children' in Bangalore


and surrounding districts, in order to begin a focused campaign on one of the TEACH objectives – Child Development.

The meeting was well attended by over 25 Rotary TEACH Chairpersons from various clubs across the city, 11 NGOs with experience working on child development, who have worked with the Rotary (Inner wheel or Rotaract) before and Two officials of DDPI rank from the Government of Karnataka.

We were informed that there are around 1,60,000 children out of school in Karnataka and the Department of Education has managed to bring around 100,000 of them back to school. The Government officials expressed their willingness to collaborate with the Rotary on this initiative of bringing the balance 50000 and odd children back to the schools.

The NGOs came up with an assortment of reasons according to the Data on 'out of school children' which has been collected and surveyed consistently to monitor the situation of education in the State and in the country.

The NGOs & officials estimated that the Fifty Thousand Children remain out of school in Karnataka due to - either the children stay home to participate in child care/ care for elderly members of the family.

The large majority of these children are from migrant labour households and are constantly moving, hence depriving them of a stable, consistent education.

Children who do not perform up to established academic standards are often “thrown out” of mainstream schools despite the establishment of the Right to Education Act.

Lack of transport as a main reason for children(Girls, People with disabilities and Children living in remote areas of rural Karnataka) finding it difficult to pursue higher education.

Counselling and Bridge Courses for the Children of rag pickers, those addicted to drugs, begging, children of small vendors and performers etc.

Measures to be undertaken for the children of convicts in Bangalore, Gulbarga and Ramanagara Areas.

Teachers need to be trained to manage children with disabilities and mainstream classes all under the same roof.

Though the government has come forward with constructive policies such as 'Sarva Shiksha Abhyan', Open Shelters and Rainbow Homes have proven successful in the past, but retention of students is one of the most difficult tasks and is paramount to the success of this initiative.

As a proposed action plan, We as Rotarians should join hands with NGOs and Government to not make children as “Citizens of Tomorrow” but instead “Citizens of Today”.

Reported by Dipti Ramesh, Volunteer, TEACH Appointment of New President

Rtn. Umadevi has been installed as the new President of Rotary Kanakapura for Rotary year 2014-2015.

Contact Info:Rtn.Umadevi. Manjunath Krupa2nd Cross, Behind Vani TakisKanakapura - 562177Ph No:-9242529016

On 7th October 2014, Ten Rotary Women of Action were honored at the White House Washington DC during a Rotary Day for their selfless act of giving to communities locally and globally.

That’s Rotary Action!



Michael McGovern is the new Chair of the International Polio Plus Committee (IPPC)



Cartoon by: Sridhar Comaravalli


Women Empowerment
