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Page 1: Annual report

Annual Report 2011 Proyecto Mono Tocón

Page 2: Annual report

©Proyecto Mono Tocón

First published 2012

Jr. Reyes Guerra, 422

Moyobamba, Perú

Text by Jan Vermeer

Design and composition by Antonio Bóveda

Photography by Proyecto Mono Tocón

All rights reserved. Information from this publication may be reproduced, but

preferably with the prior permission of the Proyecto Mono Tocón association.

Page 3: Annual report

T he Proyecto Mono Tocón

was founded in 2007 in

order to work on the

conservation of the endangered San

Martin titi monkey in Peru (locally

known as the mono Tocón). The pro-

ject is an initiative of Le Conserva-

toire pour la Protection des Pri-

mates, the conservation foundation

of La Vallée des Singes Primate

Park in France. It receives valuable

support of European Zoos and in-

ternational conservation organisa-



Due to the ongoing deforestation of the habitat of the San Martin titi

monkey, its conservation status was upgraded in 2011 to Critically Endan-

gered. It is urgent to join forces to safe this species from extinction.

While the first years focussed on basic research and education, the project

is developing in a well-known organisation for nature conservation in

north-eastern Peru. Just like in the preceding years, we developed in 2011

more activities for education and conservation. Our team was often con-

tacted by other organisations and the authorities for cooperation with or

support for their projects. There were many highlights, like the creation of

new reserves, the presentation of our comic book in the Awajun language

and the start of a project for the monitoring of primates in the Bosque de

Protección Alto Mayo.

In this report we report the activities that the Proyecto Mono Tocón has

executed in 2011.

Jan Vermeer, Project Director

Page 4: Annual report


Local team in 2012 (left to right)

Victoria Pérez Tello

Alexander Amasifuén Pérez

Margarita del Águila Mejía

Julio C. Tello Alvarado

Page 5: Annual report


Since September 2010 the Proyecto Mono

Tocón is registered as a NGO-D(evelopment)

in the registers of the Peruvian Agency for In-

ternational Cooperation (APCI). The necessary

annual report to the authorities was supplied

and accepted.

Financial administration

As in the preceding years, the project has its

own financial administration. However, to have

an official and transparent financial administra-

tion, the association also works with an exter-

nal accountant.

Research Permits

Proyecto Mono Tocón has received a permit to

study primates in the Bosque de Protección

Alto Mayo for the ICAM Project (see below).


This spring there has be a burglary in our office

in Moyobamba. Several computers and other

equipments were stolen. This was a shock for

our team, and an important financial misfor-

tune. We decided to move to another office

that was more expensive but also larger and

(probably) safer.


There have been some changes in our team

this year. Fernando Guerra Vásquez, who was

with us since the start of the project, left us to

seek new carrier opportunities. He will be

missed, but we hope that he continues to

support through his new job the work of the

Proyecto Mono Tocón.

José Tito Villacis Del Castillo was the last two

years with us to accompany Julio during his

fieldwork. He has left us to continue with his


Victoria Pérez Tello, who was responsible for

the Education department, took over the posi-

tion of Fernando as head of the Conservation

department. She was also appointed as the

new President of the ONG.

As we increase our work on this department,

she will be assisted by Margarita del Águila

Mejía, who has just finished her thesis with our


Julio C. Tello Alvarado continued coordinating

our Research Department. He is also the new

treasurer of the NGO. During field studies he is

assisted by different students, and in 2010

Eder Murrieta Villalobos was often his


Alexander Amasifuén Pérez will be the head of

our Education department, and he will also be

assisted by Margarita del Águila Mejía.

Administration Annual Report 2011


New office in Moyobamba

Page 6: Annual report

Proyecto Mono Tocón has a large group of

enthusiastic students and volunteers that help

our team with their activities.

The Proyecto Mono Tocón is coordinated by

Antonio Bóveda Penalba, who is since the

beginning involved in the project. He has

founded the NGO Sugkamat, to make his work

for the Proyecto Mono Tocón possible.

Jan Vermeer, Director of the Proyecto Mono

Tocón and President of Le Conservatoire pour

la Protection des Primates, coordinates the

project on a voluntary basis and has the final

responsibility. ☼

Administration Annual Report 2011

Margarita, new member of Proyecto Mono Tocón


Organisation chart for 2012

Page 7: Annual report

Conservation areas

Page 8: Annual report

Morro de Calzada

This emblematic nature area near the city of

Moyobamba has dominated the conservation

initiatives of the association since the end of

2009. Since then, we have negotiated with the

Municipality of Calzada how to take together

the road towards the legalization of the area as

a “Protected Reserve - Área Natural

Protegida”. Legalization of the status of the

area is important to receive legal support for

the conservation actions and the protection of

the natural resources of this ecosystem.

Morro de Calzada is interesting as it holds an

important population of San Martin Titi

monkeys. Due to its short distance from

Moyobamba, it could serve as a perfect area

for nature education and ecotourism

(especially birding), focussing on the impor-

tance of Titi monkey conservation.

The procedure to register and categorize the

area has shown how difficult it sometimes is to

achieve something in Peru, and how important

it is to continue even when everything develops

only slowly. The problem seems to be that

there are too many (governmental) parties in-

volved, that all have their own opinion on how

to deal with this area. All of them agree that the

area needs to be protected, but there less

agreement on the status that the area should


Conservation areas Annual Report 2011


Alto Mayo area

View of Morro de Calzada

Page 9: Annual report

We continued to keep pressure on the authori-

ties, and in Mai 2011 the area was finally regis-

tered as a protected area.

This is very important, as from now on the

authorities can take action against people that

cause damage to the vegetation. The munici-

pality of Calzada has appointed a family as the

rangers of the area. We hope that his patrolling

will be the start of an effective protection.

However, the discussion continues about the

status of the area. Should it be a Municipal or

Regional Conservation Area, who will manage

the area, who will pay for the management,

etc. Proyecto Mono Tocón will continue this

discussion and try to guide it in the best direc-

tion. Until the final decision has been made, it

is difficult to work on the management plan.

Our educational activities surely have a good

effect on the attitude of the local habitants to

the conservation of Morro de Calzada. Our ex-

tensive program of 2011 (see below) will how-

ever be somewhat reduced in 2012, as we also

have to work in other parts of San Martin and

we unfortunately do not have the budget to ex-

pand our education team. ☼

Conservation areas Alto Mayo

Annual Report 2011

Forest representative of Morro de Calzada


Page 10: Annual report

Conservation Concession Ojos de

Agua – El Bosque del Futuro

This Conservation Concession was created in

2010 and covers 2,400 hectares. It is an

interesting area with dry forest that inhabits

many uncommon bird species. It also has a

population of San Martin Titi monkeys

(Callicebus oenanthe). It is very interesting that

Titi monkeys can survive in this habitat, where

many trees are deciduous.

Areas with this habitat are less interesting for

agriculture, and therefore may be important for

the conservation of C.oenanthe. Studies on the

differences in behaviour and ecology of Titi

monkeys in this habitat and the humid

rainforests in other parts of its distribution

would be very interesting.

The association that is managing this

concession has requested support and advice

from Proyecto Mono Tocón. We will visit them

next spring to discuss the needs and possibili-


It is good to see that many (local) associations

that develop conservation initiatives find their

way to Proyecto Mono Tocón. It reflects the

good work and the name of our team. It is im-

portant that we find ways to expand our team

and activities in 2012. ☼

Conservation areas Annual Report 2011


Bajo Mayo area

San Martin Titi monkey (Callicebus oenanthe)

Page 11: Annual report

A large part of the area consists of the high

Andean mountain range, with cloud forests that

are the habitat of yellow-tailed woolly monkeys

(Oreonax flavicauda), spider monkeys (Ateles

belzebuth) and other endangered animals like

the spectacled bear and the jaguar.

Conservation Concessions

Shitariyacu and Tres Quebradas

Since 2010 we are in contact with groups of

local habitants of the settlements Ricardo

Palma and Bagazán. These people solicited

for our help to create a protected area. The

area holds an important population of San

Martin Titi monkeys. This case represents an

important example of community conserva-

tion, where local habitants want to protect

their natural environment. Both settlements

have the intention to create “Concesiones para


With this type of conservation status, a private

entity (for instance an association) can be

granted the right of use of governmental territo-


Conservation areas Annual Report 2011

Huallaga Central area


View of the Huallaga river

Workshops with local groups

Page 12: Annual report

Pucunucho Conservation area

Conservation areas Huallaga Central

The type of use is restricted by the terms stipu-

lated in the proposal that has been presented

by the association to the government. The prin-

cipal goal is of course the conservation of the

area, and several activities are forbidden. How-

ever, activities that do not cause damage, like

the extraction of some forest products and

ecotourism, are allowed. The concession is

granted normally for a period of 40 years

(renewable), with each 5 years an evaluation

by the forestry department.

Together with the association Neotropical Pri-

mate Conservation (NPC), we supported the

local associations with the proceedings that are

necessary to obtain the concessions. The com-

munities see the areas as the most important

sources of water that they need in their daily

life. The development of ecotourism could gen-

erate extra income. But above everything, they

want to protect their territory against immi-

grants from other parts of Peru, that show no

respect for the natural resources of the com-


Our surveys showed that many San Martin Titi

monkeys live in the area. Birdlife is very rich,

including some species that not have been re-

ported before in this region.

In November 2011, the “Concesión de Conser-

vación Shitariyacu”, with a size of 1,600 hec-

tares and coordinated by the Association for

Sustainable Development and Conservation -

Ricardo Palma has been granted by the

government. The creation of the “Concesión de

Conservación Tres Quebradas” with a size of

4,200 hectares (connected to the former) and

coordinated by the Association for the Conser-

vation and Protection of the “Tres Quebradas”

– Bagazan takes some more time, as there is

an overlap with an area that has been as-

signed as production forest. However, we hope

that next spring there will be a protected area

of 5.800 hectares, of which a large part is

(potential) Titi monkey habitat.

In 2012 we hope to find funding to support the

local association with the formulation of the

management plan (including the necessary

biological research), an educational program

and a study on the possibilities for the promo-

tion of ecotourism.

Conservation Area Pucunucho

Amazónicos por la Amazonía (AMPA) started

in 2011, with support of Proyecto Mono Tocón

and NPC, a new conservation project in the

small private conservation area Pucunucho.

We could support this process with biological

inventories and education. It is planned that the

area will be expanded in 2012, as AMPA has

received funding from IUCN-NL to purchase

more land.

Annual Report 2011


Page 13: Annual report

Conservation areas Huallaga Central

Depending on funding, Proyecto Mono Tocón

will probably continue its support to this project.

Conservation Concession


Connected directly to the conservation area of

Pucunucho is an area where there may be

possibilities to create a Concession de Conser-

vation. Cunchuhuillo is well-known for its in-

triguing petroglyphs.

In 2012 we will investigate the possibilities for

the creation of this protected area. This de-

pends mainly on the willingness of the local

communities and the habitat quality. ☼

Annual Report 2011


Morph of San Martin Titi monkey probably present in Cunchuhuillo

Petroglyphs in Cunchuhuillo

Page 14: Annual report


Page 15: Annual report

Proyecto Mono Tocón has conducted now al-

most four years research on the San Martin Titi

monkey with the objective to obtain basic infor-

mation on the species. This information is in-

dispensable for taking the necessary conserva-

tion measures.

Our studies have focussed on the determina-

tion of the distribution range of the species and

to evaluate its conservation status. Proyecto

Mono Tocón has used a part of the financial

support received from the Le Conservatoire

pour la Protection des Primates and the Euro-

pean zoos for these studies.

In 2011 the research department has been

busy with the biological inventories in the con-

servation areas mentioned above, as these

were necessary for the applications. Therefore,

less structural surveys on titi monkeys have

been conducted. This is also a logical develop-

ment, as we now focus on implementing the

research results for conservation measures, as

has always been our target.

The research projects that we conducted are

listed below.

Distribution of the San Martin Titi

monkey (Callicebus oenanthe) on

the right bank of the Huallaga

River, San Martin region

In 2009 we discovered that the San Martin Titi

monkey lives also on the right bank of the

Huallaga River.

For conservational reasons, it is important to

determine the extent of its distribution on that

side of the river. The Mohamed Bin Zayed

Conservation Foundation provided finances to

study the situation. Studies were conducted

between July 2010 and spring 2011.

Research Annual Report 2011


Julio C. Tello, Head of Research

Distribution of San Martin Titi monkey

Page 16: Annual report

Cloud forest of Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo

The results of these studies indicate that the

distribution of Callicebus oenanthe on the right

bank of the Huallaga River is very restricted

and that most of that area is occupied by

Callicebus discolor.

A final report has been presented to the Mo-

hamed Bin Zayed Conservation Foundation in

Mai, and was accepted. The report is available

on request.

Density study of C. oenanthe in

Morro de Calzada

Jossy Luna, student of the University Nacional

de San Marcos in Lima, started with the first

phase of a density study in the area of the

Morro de Calzada. Unfortunately she will not

be able to continue her study, and we will

analyse the results of the first two months to

have some preliminary results.

ICAM Project

In 2011 Proyecto Mono Tocón started a

cooperation with Conservation International

Peru, to do research for their conservation pro-

ject Iniciativas de Conservación del Alto Mayo.

Research Annual Report 2011

José Tito Villacís and Jossy Luna in Morro


Page 17: Annual report

For this study, we conduct base-line studies

around six important water-sources in the

Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo. The idea is

to census with a short study of 15 days the pri-

mate communities. In the future this study

should be continued, to monitor the develop-

ment of these populations. The study involves

much coordination with the communities living

around the sources, and also includes work-

shops in which the importance of the project is


The first localities have been surveyed, but few

primates have been observed. One survey had

to be cancelled, as the local communities pre-

ferred to construct a road into the reserve in

order to make the extraction of wood and other

products easier. Fortunately this action re-

sulted in the appointment of new rangers

around all water sources where we want to do

our research, and which are important for the

future of many thousands of habitants of

San Martin.

The study will be finished in June, after

which we will discuss with Conservation In-

ternational the possibilities to continue the

activities for the ICAM project with the moni-

toring of the primate populations.

Ricardo Palma and Bagazán

In the proposed Conservation Concession

we conducted surveys for birds and other

animals, for the preparation of the applica-

tions for the concessions. This work was

done in collaboration with NPC. We also

assisted the local communities with the de-

termination of the limits of their territory to pre-

pare a map for the application. The results of

the studies were presented to the local com-

munities during a meeting.

The associations AMPA and NPC invited

Proyecto Mono Tocón to participate in a study

on the density of Callicebus oenanthe in the

private reserve of Pucunucho. Our team also

assisted during an event where we presented

our study and informed the local community

about the problems of the illegal animal traffic.

GIS Habitat Analysis

Together with Sam Shanee of NPC we con-

ducted a GIS habitat analysis for Callicebus

oenanthe. This was a perfect collaboration, as

Sam has experience with this type of work,

while we have much data on C. oenanthe dis-

tribution. The study is very important, as it

helps us to show the importance of urgent con-

servation actions, and it guides us to where the

actions may be the most effective.

Research Annual Report 2011


Low risk habitat for Callicebus oenanthe. Shanee et al. 2011

Page 18: Annual report

The results of this study have been published

in Primate Conservation, and can be found at:



The study has already been served for the pro-

posal of a study that we have started to con-

duct in 2011 and which we will continue in


Surveys for C. oenanthe in eastern

Mariscal Cáceres

The GIS habitat analysis mentioned above in-

dicated the areas where conservation

measures could be possible, provided that the

habitat is indeed suitable and Titi monkeys live

there. In order to study this, the conservation

organisation “Thoiry-Peaugres Conservation”

provided a grant for 8 weeks of surveys. The

surveys will be accompanied by educational


The work has started at the end of 2011, and

will continue in 2012. Heavy rain with flooding

rivers during December made work in the field

very difficult.

The following articles have been

published in 2011:

Vermeer, J.; Tello-Alvarado, J.C.; Moreno-

Moreno, S. and Guerra-Vásquez, F. (2011).

Extension of the Geographical Range of

White-browed Titi Monkeys (Callicebus dis-

color) and Evidence for Sympatry with San

Martin Titi Monkeys (Callicebus oenanthe).

International Journal of Primatology 32

(4): 924-930.

Tello-Alvarado, J.C. (2011). Una nueva lo-

calidad para el Búho Estigio (Asio stygius)

al este de los Andes del Perú. Boletín

Informativo del Unión Ornitológica del

Perú 6(1): 9-11.

Tello-Alvarado, J.C. and Vermeer, J.

Ouakari chauve: à la découverte d’une

nouvelle population au nord-est du Pérou.

CEPA Magazine 23 : 8-11.

Shanee, S.; Tello-Alvarado, J.C.; Vermeer,

J. and Bóveda-Penalba, A.J. (2011). GIS

Risk Assessment and GAP Analysis for the

Andean Titi Monkey (Callicebus oenanthe).

Primate Conservation 26: 1-7.

A scientific publication on the discovery of

Uakaris in San Martin is nearly finished, and

will soon be published.

A detailed publication with the results of four

years of surveys is also well advanced. ☼

Research Annual Report 2011


Page 19: Annual report

Environmental Education

Page 20: Annual report

Education has always been an important part

of the Proyecto Mono Tocón. While we have

started with only volunteers, we now have a

professional organisation that not only

develops programs for schools, but also for

other conservation projects and even authori-


Theoretical program in Calzada

and Yantaló

The Nature Education Program in the districts

of Calzada and Yantaló (around the Morro de

Calzada, see above) started in 2009 and in-

cludes seven themes: water, soil, air, fauna,

flora, biodiversity and threats to species.

Through the years the education team of

Proyecto Mono Tocón has standardised the

contents of the program, in consultation with

the teachers and representatives of the

authorities. The theoretical parts where ex-

panded with all kinds of activities, including

games, to make the courses more attractive to

the children.

The program in 2011 was given in three

different schools, in a total of 7 classes. Each

class had 2 hours of environmental education

per week, during a period of 7 months.

Environmental Education Annual Report 2011


Theoretical program of Environmental Education

Page 21: Annual report

As in the preceding years, we distributed

large number of comics, posters and

stickers. Other organisations have received

our permission to use the comic book for

their educational programs.

Practical program in Calzada

and Yantaló

With the support of our students, we were

able to implement in 2011 three practical

education programs.

With the first, “My Garden”, we made small

gardens with ornamental flowers, medical

herbs and vegetables. The goal is that the chil-

dren, together with their parents, come in con-

tact with the nature and understand the impor-

tance of eating fresh vegetables.

With the second, “Proyecto Compost”,

we teach the children to separate

waste, and that much can be recycled,

for instance as compost for the garden.

With the third, “Waste Management”,

we also teach the children how to han-

dle waste in and around their houses.

Environmental Education Annual Report 2011

My Garden, a practical program

Proyecto Compost

Waste Management


Page 22: Annual report

Nature Club Calzada

In Calzada, the nature club “Jóvenes

Estudiantes Unidos para Conservar la

Naturaleza JOESUCNA” (Young Students

United to Conserve Nature) was initiated.

This club is coordinated by some of our

students. They receive education about

nature conservation, and organise activi-

ties like the cleaning of the streets in Cal-

zada and the reforestation of part of the Morro

de Calzada.

We hope that this organisation will become

very active, and that they can motive students

in other cities to initiate similar activities.

Botanical Garden

During the winter months (or summer in

Peru) we organised the summer-school with

various activities for the children of the

quarter around the Botanical Garden. We

also organised this year actions during the

annual “Moyobamba Tourism Week”.

One of our students has worked on a pro-

ject for the development of the Education

Centre. However, as one of the main prob-

lems stays the lack of interest and commit-

ment to our work by the Association that is

supposed to manage the Botanical Garden,

we have to reconsider the time that we invest.

We possible will restrict our work to some an-

nual activities, instead of the implantation of a

real educational centre.

Sustainable tourism

Tourism is an important economical activity for

Moyobamba. For many tourist its main attrac-

tiveness is the rich nature.

Environmental Education Annual Report 2011

Nature Club Calzada


Workshop on illegal wildlife trade

Activities in the Botanical garden

Page 23: Annual report

However, to attract the attention to this nature,

many restaurants, hotels and other tourism

companies feel the need to present stuffed

animals, skins or other parts of (endangered)

animals. The owners are rarely aware of the

effect that this may have on the behaviour of

the tourist, and on the wild populations of ani-

mals. Together with governmental organisa-

tions (Tourism Board, Department of Natural

Resources) and NPC we organised a work-

shop, to discuss the problems and to inform

the tourism companies (hotels, restaurants)

about the problem.

The workshop resulted in agreements on the

continuation of workshops and other educa-

tional activities on this subject. Several com-

panies have agreed to hand in their animal

parts to the authorities, and the authorities will

be more active in visiting companies to confis-

cate illegal animal parts.

Native communities

In 2011 we have expanded our activities with

the native communities (Awajun or Aguaruna).

The communities own much land with Titi mon-

key habitat, and cooperation is therefore impor-


A major event was the translation of our popu-

lar comic book “Carlos y la Selva Tropical” in

the Awajun language. This translation, and re-

design, was co-funded by the German Interna-

tional Development Service (GIZ, formerly

GTZ). The comic now has the beautiful name:

“Etsa ikaman augmatui”. For this project we

cooperated not only with the GIZ, but also with

the FERIAAM (Federation of Awajun people in

the Alto Mayo) and IKAM Vida Verde (an Awa-

jun organisation for nature conservation).

The original Spanish comic was redesigned in

a more Awajun style, and completely written in

Awajun. Thousands of booklets will be

distributed to all children in the Awajun villages.

The presentations will be accompanied by a

two-hour nature education course.

We intend to expand our work with the Awajun

communities in 2012.

Other educational activities

Our education team accompanied the other

members of Proyecto Mono Tocón during their

work in the Bosque de Protección Alto Mayo

and in Mariscal Cáceres to conduct the educa-

tion work for these projects.

Environmental Education Annual Report 2011


Awajun child with the comic

Page 24: Annual report

Presentations on our work and the importance

of Nature Conservation were given to the au-

thorities in Calzada and other cities.


In 2011 the Educational department had three

thesis projects:

Mercy Del Aguila Pinedo: “Implementation of

an Education Centre and capacity building in

the Botanical Garden San Francisco,

Moyobamba, 2011”.

Carmen Rosa Marina Panduro Aliaga:

“Evaluation of the influence of the didactical

materials in the learning of environmental

themes by the primary school children of the

first grade Dionisio Ocampo Chávez School,

Yantaló district , 2011”.

Elmer Aguilar Sánchez: “Evaluation of the

capabilities for the management of waste by

the primary school children of the Sagrado

Corazón de Jesús School, Calzada district,

2011”. ☼

Environmental Education Annual Report 2011


Environmental activities in Calzada

Page 25: Annual report

Publicity and participations

Page 26: Annual report


Proyecto Mono Tocón has produced in 2011

only one (electronically) newsletter in the

Spanish language, which has been distributed

to collaborators and partners. Due to other obli-

gations, the director of the project had not time

to produce English newsletters. We hope that

this will be better in 2012.

The website received several updates. News

was mainly shared through Facebook, with al-

most 1300 (!!) followers.

We made contributions to ARKive (pictures)

and “All the Worlds Primates”.

On the 17th till the 22nd of October our team

participated to the “First Primatology Sympo-

sium of Peru”. Thanks to the financial support

of CEPA and GIZ, we could be present with 4

persons. The presence Proyecto Mono Tocón

could not be missed, as our team-members

made several oral and poster presentations

and were part of round table discussions.

Participation in Conservation

management committees

Proyecto Mono Tocón retrieved from the

management committee of the Bosque de Pro-

tección Alto Mayo (BPAM).

Since April 2010 Proyecto Mono Tocón takes

part in the “Compensation for Ecosystem Ser-

vices management committee” of the Mishqui-

yacu-Rumiyacu and Almendra reserves, where

populations of Callicebus oenanthe occur. A

proposal for additional funding through the

FONDAM was rejected, but will be adjusted

and presented again in 2012.

Proyecto Mono Tocón is part of the Comisión

Ambiental Regional, which regroups public and

private institutions of the San Martin region and

which is supposed to implement the environ-

mental policy of the region. Proyecto Mono

Tocón is in the Biodiversity and Nature Educa-

tion group, sharing our experiences and ideas

with the other members. This work has proven

to be important for the collaboration that is

needed for our other tasks.

Publicity and participations Annual Report 2011

Poster on Environmental Education at the first Primatology Symposium of Peru

Victoria Pérez Tello giving a presentation


Page 27: Annual report

Participation to External Events

Members of the Proyecto Mono Tocón were

present at a large number of events, meetings,

workshops and courses:

The course “SIG used for the study of na-

ture recourses and the environment” was

attended by Julio.

The course “SNIP” on environmental

grants was attended by Fernando.

Workshops "Ecosistemas, Biodiversidad y

Servicios Ambientales en San Martín". Or-

ganised by the Ministry of Environment.

Workshop "Sistema Regional de Conserva-

ción". Organised by the Regional

Environmental Authority.

Round table meetings. Organised by the

Regional Environmental Authority.

The First Forum “Reactivación del Consejo

Ejecutivo del Medio Ambiente Provincial

Moyobamba 2011”.

Workshop “Elaboración de la Estrategia

Regional REDD Plus San Martín”. Organi-

sed by the REDD working group – San


Workshop “Fortalecimiento de Capacida-

des para ONGD”.

Event “Sistema Regional de Áreas de Con-

servación”. Organised by Regional Environ-

mental Authority.

Workshop “Conservación Comunitaria”.

Organised by NGO Neotropical Primate


Workshop “Postulación de Proyectos al

Fondo de las Américas”. Organised by


Event “Capacitación sobre las Herramien-

tas de Conservación en la Región San

Martín”. Organised by the Regional Envi-

ronmental Authority and the SPDA.

Workshops “Categorización DGFFS” were

attended by Julio.

The participation to these activities is important

for capacitating of our members, the diffusion

of our project and the cooperation with other

institutions. In many cases, one of us made a

presentation on the project and its develop-

ment. ☼

Publicity and participations Annual Report 2011


Page 28: Annual report

We want to thank our supporters and partners

for their continuing support, encouragement and


Without you, our work for the conservation of

Peru's nature would be impossible.

Our whole team is extremely thankful, we hope

that you will continue to support us in the co-

ming years and that others will join us.