Page 1: Announcement - Say it Rights

Announcement - Say it Rights

Friday 11th November 2011 (High School Level)

Saturday 12th November 2011 (Undergraduate Level)

Place: CAS-SWU, Srinakharin University


High School

Team : Institution Topic 1 Freedom Harrow

Harrow International School

Who should be responsible for promoting Human Rights Education in schools in Thailand : individual teachers, the schools or the Ministry of Education?


Dara Academy Chiang Mai Who should be responsible for promoting Human Rights Education in schools in Thailand : individual teachers, the schools or the Ministry of Education?

3 I tsara Sarasas Witaed Romklao

What can citizens do when the state fails to respect and protect human rights?

4 Assumption College Thonburi

Assumption College Thonburi

What can citizens do when the state fails to respect and protect human rights?

5 Keerapat

Keerapat International School

What can citizens do when the state fails to respect and protect human rights?

6 Patana Amnesty Bangkok Patana School Do religious organisations have a role to play in promoting and protecting human rights?

7 Rightful Empathizers Montfort College Do religious organisations have a role to play in promoting and protecting human rights?

8 Globalrightzation Montfort College Who should be responsible for promoting Human Rights Education in schools in Thailand : individual teachers, the schools or the Ministry of Education?

9 PSM_1 Satit Prasarnmit Do religious organisations have a role to play in promoting and protecting human rights?

Page 2: Announcement - Say it Rights



ทีม สถาบนั หัวขอ 1 RABAC เพ ื่อความชอบธรรม

ม. รัตนบณัฑิต กรุงเทพฯ


2 Right to Light

ม. ธรรมศาสตร กรุงเทพฯ

ปจจุบันสื่อมวลชนไทยมีสวนสนับสนุนหรือปกปองคุมครองสิทธิมนุษยชนหรือทําใหสถานการณเลวรายลง สื่อควรมีบทบาทอะไรเพ่ือสงเสริมสิทธิมนุษยชน

3 The Liberty

ม. แมฟาหลวง เชยีงราย


4 ลูกแมฟ าหลวง

ม. แมฟาหลวง เชยีงราย

ปจจุบันสื่อมวลชนไทยมีสวนสนับสนุนหรือปกปองคุมครองสิทธิมนุษยชนหรือทําใหสถานการณเลวรายลง สื่อควรมีบทบาทอะไรเพ่ือสงเสริมสิทธิมนุษยชน

Page 3: Announcement - Say it Rights


Friday 11th November 2011 (High School Level)

Place: CAS-SWU, Srinakharin University

08.30-09.00 Registration

09.00-09.15 Opening speech by British Ambassador to Thailand (TBC)

09.15-09.30 Introduction and orientation

09.30 -10.30 Speech contest group 1

10.40- 11.40 Speech Contest group 2

11.50-12.50 Speech Contest group 3

12.50-14.30 Break/ announce teams to winning round

14.30-15.30 Winning round

15.45 Announce winning team and Popular Vote result

Saturday 12th November 2011 (Undergraduate Level)

Place: CAS-SWU, Srinakharin University

08.30-09.00 Registration

09.00-09.20 Introduction and orientation

09.20 -10.20 Speech Contest group 1

10.30- 11.30 Speech Contest group 2

11.40-12.40 Speech Contest group 3

12.40-14.30 Break/ announce teams to winning round

14.30-15.30 Winning round

15.45 Announce winning team and Popular Vote result
