Page 1: Animal Evolution – The Invertebrates Characteristics of Animals Multicelled heterotrophic eukaryotes Require O 2 for respiration Sexual & perhaps asexual
Page 2: Animal Evolution – The Invertebrates Characteristics of Animals Multicelled heterotrophic eukaryotes Require O 2 for respiration Sexual & perhaps asexual

Animal Evolution – Animal Evolution – The InvertebratesThe Invertebrates

Page 3: Animal Evolution – The Invertebrates Characteristics of Animals Multicelled heterotrophic eukaryotes Require O 2 for respiration Sexual & perhaps asexual

Characteristics of Animals

• Multicelled heterotrophic eukaryotes

• Require O2 for respiration

• Sexual & perhaps asexual reproduction

• Motile at some stage

• Develop from embryos

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Here’s Something New:Symmetry!

RadialRadial BilateralBilateral

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The Gut

• Region where food is digested and then absorbed

• Saclike gut– One opening for taking in food and expelling


• Complete digestive system– Opening at both ends; mouth and anus

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Body Cavities – Acoelomate (no coelom)

epidermisgut cavity

no body cavity; region between gut and body wall packed with organs

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Body Cavities – Pseudocoel (false coelom)

epidermis gut cavity

unlined body cavity (pseudocoel) around gut

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Body Cavities - Coelom

gut cavity

peritoneumlined body cavity (coelom)

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• Repeating series of body units

• Units may or may not be similar to one another

• Earthworms - segments appear similar

• Insects - segments may be fused and/or have specialized functions

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Animal Origins

• Originated during the Precambrian

(1.2 billion - 670 million years ago)

• From what? Two hypotheses:

– Multinucleated ciliate became


– Cells in a colonial flagellate became


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• No symmetry

• No tissues

• No organs

• Reproduce sexually

• Microscopic



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Nematocyst before triggering

After triggering, nematocyst pierces prey

Cnidarians (jellyfish)• Only animals that

produce nematocysts (stinging cells)

• Nerve net

• Hydrostatic skeleton

• Saclike gut

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• Acoelomate, bilateral, cephalized animals

• All have simple or complex organ systems

• Most are hermaphrodites

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Three Classes

Turbellarians (planarians)




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• Segmented worms

• Have digestive,




circulatory systems


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Polychaetes (Bristleworms)

• Most are marine

• Bristles extend from paired, fleshy parapods on each segment

• Head end is specialized

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• Predators and parasites

• Less obvious body segmentation

• Most have sharp jaws


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• Bilateral, soft-bodied coelomate

• Most have a shell

• Mantle drapes over body and secretes shell

• Most have a fleshy foot

• Many have a radula for shredding food


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• Gastropods

• Bivalves

• Cephalopods

Molluscan Diversity

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• Only the nautilus retains external shell

• Other cephalopods are streamlined, active swimmers

• All move by jet propulsion– Water is forced out of mantle cavity through a

funnel-shaped siphon

• Have large brains relative to body size

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Cuttlefish Body Plan

• Closed circulatory system with heart and accessory heart



gill heartaccessory heart



reproductive organ

stomachdigestive glandradula

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• False coelom• Complete digestive system

gonadpharynx intestine

false coelom

eggs in uterus anus

muscularized body wall

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• The phylum with the greatest number of species

• Four lineages:– Trilobites (all extinct)

– Crustaceans (crabs, shrimps, barnacles)

– Chelicerates (spiders, mites, scorpions)

– Uniramians (insects, centipedes, millipedes)


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Adaptations for Success

• Hardened exoskeleton

• Jointed appendages

• Fused and modified segments

• Respiratory structures

• Specialized sensory structures

• Division of labor

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• Most are marine, some freshwater, a few terrestrial

• Head has two pairs of

antenna, three pairs

of food-handling









Isopods (pillbugs)

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Crab Life Cycle

Larval and juvenile stages molt repeatedly and grow in size

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• Originated in seas

• A few are still marine: horseshoe crabs, sea spiders

• The arachnids are all terrestrial

Spiders Mites

Scorpions Chiggers

“Daddy longlegs” Ticks


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Insect Diversity

• Insects are the only winged invertebrates

• There are more than 800,000 known species

• Most successful species are small in size and have a great reproductive capacity

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Insect Body Plan

• Thorax usually has three pairs of legs and one or two pairs of wings

• Abdomen contains most internal organs and specialized structure for reproduction

• Three-part gut

• Malpighian tubules attach to midgut and

serve in elimination of wastes

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Insect Headparts

antenna labrum








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Growth and molting

Incomplete metamorphosis

Complete metamorphosis

Types ofInsect


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• Deuterostomes

• Almost all are marine

• Body wall has spines or plates of calcium


• No brain

• Adults are radial with bilateral features

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Echinoderm Diversity

• Crinoids (sea lilies and feather stars)

• Sea stars

• Brittle stars

• Sea urchins, heart urchins, sand dollars

• Sea cucumbers

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Water Vascular System: Sea Star

sieve plate

ring canal


part of the water-vascular system

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Animal Evolution – The Vertebrates

Chapter 23

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• Most are coelomate, bilateral animals

• All share four features:– Notochord supports body

– Nervous system develops from dorsal nerve cord

– Embryos have pharynx with slits

– Embryos have tail that extends past anus

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Lancelet Body Plan





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Invertebrate Chordates

• Many of the animals that preceded

vertebrates were like the simplest

chordates – the urochordates

– Sea squirts

– Other tunicates

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Larval Form of a Sea Squirt

nerve cord



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Adult Tunicate pharynx

with gill slits

oral opening (water in)

atrial opening (water out)

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• Lancelets

• Fish-shaped filter feeders that lie buried in sediments

• Chordate characteristics of adult:– Notochord lies under dorsal nerve cord– Pharynx has gill slits– Tail extends past anus

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Hagfish Body Plan

tentacles gill slits (twelve pairs) mucus glands

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Trends in the Evolution of Vertebrates

• Shift from notochord to vertebral column

• Nerve cord expanded into brain

• Evolution of jaws

• Paired fins evolved, gave rise to limbs

• Gills evolved, gave rise to lungs

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• Cranium is a chamber of cartilage or bone that encloses all or part of a brain

• First craniates evolved by 530 million years ago

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Evolution of Jaws

• First fishes

lacked jaws

• Jaws are

modifications of

the anterior gill


supporting structures for gill slits

gill slits

jaw, derived from support structure

spiracle (modified gill slit)

jaw support


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tunicates lancelets hagfishes lampreys

cartilaginous fishes

ray-finned fishes

lobe-finned fishes

lungfishes amphibians “reptiles” birds mammals

lungs or swim bladder



jawed vertebratesvertebrates

craniatesancestral chordates

Evolution of Fishes

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Jawed Fishes

• Most diverse and numerous group of


• Two classes:

– Cartilaginous fishes

– Bony fishes

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Cartilaginous Fishes

• Most are marine predators

• Cartilaginous skeleton

• Main groups:

– Skates and rays

– Sharks

– Chimaeras (ratfishes)

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caudal fin

dorsal fins

pectoral fin (pair)

pelvic fin (pair)anal fin

Bony Fishes

• Includes 96 percent

of living fish species

• Three subclasses:

– Ray-finned fishes

– Lobe-finned fishes

– Lung fishes
