

1. 1 ? one hour2. ? a sore throat, a headache, a temperature, a stomachache, cold3. ? Christmascarols, Christmas tree, Eastereggs, basket4. : a stomachache5. , : a quarter past eight6. ? Times sign ( multiplication )7. ? morning8. : museum/ art paintings9. ? small house, yard, street, shop, post office10. ? Halloween jacko lantern, trick or treat, Christmascarols, tree, presents, crackers, pudding, Eastereggs, basket, bunny, 11. ? crossroad, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing, traffic police12. ? building, square, street, zoo, museum, post office, bank, cinema.13. : For Christmas we usually buy


14. : _post office_______.

15. : __Policeman_______ stops those cars that drive fast.

16. __museum_____.

17. : I can`t walk. I have a temperature/a cold/a leg ache/pain in the legs.18. : It is half past nine.19. : There are many animals _in the ZOO_____.

20. : For Easter we make Eastereggs, basket, bunny _____.

21. : Ben is winning the race, he is on the first place ( the winner ).

22. : The big cities usually have problem with pollution, noise, traffic _____.

23. : I am sending her a Valentines Card on February 14th .

24. : I love sunbathing in __the Summer_____.25. : I cant hear you, I have an ear ache /a pain in my ears, a headache______.26. , : cinema27. : a quarter to eleven28. e ? Apple, orange, banana, egg ( e - milk, sugar, fruit)29. e ? - next to, beside, opposite, near, between30. e ? usually, sometimes, now, at the moment , tomorrow, on Sunday, next week31. ? small, big, noisy, quiet, ugly, beautiful32. ? Apple, orange, banana, egg ( e - milk, sugar, fruit)33. ? ( : one, two, three ..ten, a redni broevi se first, second......tenth )34. . usually, sometimes, now, at the moment , tomorrow, on Sunday, next week35. ? I like reading books.36. : ? How much flour shoud I put in the cake ?37. ? Im going to write my homework this evening. 38. ? Da ima s na kraj ili da e od tie so nepravilnata mnozina 39. : ? The post office is next to the bank, opposite to the cinema40. . First, second, third, fourth41. ? Im going to be a lawyer.42. e: ? How many books are there on the table?43. : ? : Im going on holiday in August.44. : ? What are you going to do this weekend? What are you doing this weekend?

45. : You must study!46. ? Im going to the cinema tomorrow. 47. ? Studying is fun.48. : "K ?" : The book is in the bag, on the table49. : What are you going to be? : Im going to be a doctor.50. : What are you doing this

weekend? I am visiting my grandparents this weekend. I am going to the cinema this weekend.51. : What are you doing tomorrow? : Im going to school, tomorrow. I am playing the basketball. (present continuous sto pokazuva koi ti se planovite)52.

? Must. You must cross the road on green light. 53. : Would you like to go to the

cinema? Yes, please. No, thanks. Yes, I would like to go to the cinema.


? I like reading books.

55. : What are they doing this evening? Theyre making a pizza this evening.56. ? Would you like a cup of tea?57. , : You must do it now.58. Where is his house? : His house is beside, next to the, opposite the. 59. ? I don`t like60.

. I like reading61. : She keeps the apples _in the fridge__________.

62. ? His room is My friends room issmall, sunny, tidy63. K : Where is the ( Which direction )64. K : Sorry! Im really sorry.65.

? Whats your phone number?66. K : Thank you very much. Thanks.67. ? Here you are! 68. : Can ( may ) I borrow your pen, please?69. ? What time is it?70. : My town is small and very clean. A small river flows in the middle of it. There are two cinemas and a theatre.

71. ? How do you feel today? Do you feel good ( well )?72. , : Come to my birthday!73. : ? Where is your book?74. ? Would you like a sandwich?75. : e o ? Who is your favourite singer?76. ? Where is the museum?77. ? Have a nice holiday!78. : ? Why are you so sad?79. ? Have a nice weekend!80. ? Can ( may ) I borrow your jacket, please?81. ? My favourite place is Mavrovo.82. ? How do you come to school?83. ? The hotel is next to the beside opposite84. ? How do you make a cake?85. ? Where are you going this weekend?86. ? Would you like some coffee and cookies?87. ? I have a sore throat, a headache, a temperature, a stomachache, cold.88. ? I clean my room every weekend, I water the flowers every morning89. How about going to the cinema tonight? Yes, I would like to go to the cinema tonight.90. : How many hours a day do you watch TV? I watch TV 2 hours a day.91. e : What would you like to drink? I would like to drink a glass of water, please.92. : Where do you do your homework? I do my homework in my room.93. : What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is basketball. 94. : When is your birthday? My birthday is on 6th of April.95. : How do you go to school? I go to school on foot/by bus.96. : Lucciano Pavaroti is a great singer, isnt he?

97. ? I visit my grandmother every weekend.98. 7 30 ? It is half past seven.99. Kao : Who are you waiting for? I am waiting for my friend.100. ? I have a headache..101. : What are you going to do this weekend?

102. : What are you going to do on your

summer holiday? Im going to swim.103. ? I get up at seven oclock. I always walk to school. I have a piano lessons on Saturdays. ( Present simple) 104. ? An apple a day keeps the doctor away!105. Kao ? Im going to106. ? Im 11.107. Christmas is my favorite holiday. My grandmother makes ham, salad and cupcakes on Christmas. I also get presents on Christmas! Last year I got a new set of paint brushes. This year I hope to get new pencils and a drawing pad. I always have fun on Christmas. Halloween is another good holiday. My grandmother makes candy corn and apple pie on Halloween. People wear costumes during Halloween. This year I am going to wear a Batman costume. Easter is a good holiday too. My grandmother colors eggs, and I dont have to go to school. She makes a lamb with sauce, and green salad with eggs. But I dont get any presents for Easter. If I got presents for Easter, it would be my favorite holiday too.108. cupcakes? For Christmas109. ? Christmas110. ? He is going to wear a Batman costume.111. ? People wear costumes during Halloween.112. ? He hopes to get new pencils and a drawing pad.113. ? His grandmother colors eggs.114. ? On Easter he doesnt have to go to schoolOhrid is a large town. It has more than forty thousand people living there. It sits next to the Ohrid lake. Most people live in the city, but there is small number of people who live in the villages near the city. Ohrid is a beautiful city. The lake gives the city its own beauty. There are 365 churches in Ohrid. One for each day of the year. Every summer the city is full with tourists that come to visit. They usually go to the Samoils fortress, one of Ohrids cultural monuments. The fortress is on the hill. There is a lot of walking to get there. I go to Ohrid every winter with my parents. I have a cousin there and she has a birthday in January, so we are visiting her for her birthday. Ohrid is quiet in winter. There arent any tourists.

115. ? Ohrid has more than forty thousand people. There are living more than forty thousand people.116. ? There are 365 churches.117. K ? Ohrid sits next to the Ohrid lake.118. ? in the villages near the city119. ? tourists that come to visit 120. ? Samoils fortress121. ? The fortress is on the hill.122. ? Ohrid is quiet in winter.123. ? Tourists are walking a lot.124. ? They go to Ohrid every winter.125. ? He has a cousin in Ohrid and she has a birthday in January.These days, children eat a lot of unhealthy food. When they are at school, and they want a snack, they buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries. And they always are drinking Coke. That kind of food is unhealthy for children. It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities. It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home. I think that it is much useful for my body and mind to eat a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese than to buy a hamburger. I think that it woul d be better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke. I like being fit and healthy. I like eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and you know what they say: An apple a day, keeps the doctor away!

126. ? They buy a hamburger, or chips, or French fries.127. ? That kind of food is unhealthy.128. ? He likes eating fresh vegetables and fruits.129. ? It makes them gain weight, feel tired and not ready for physical activities.130. ? It would be nice if children are eating more fresh vegetables and fruits, or even food prepared at home.131. - ? It is better to drink a bottle of water than to buy a Coke.132. ? They are not ready for physical activities.133. ? a sandwich made from home with salad and cheese134. ? Children eat a lot of unhealthy food. Healty food is better for their body and mind.135. ? An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.136. Sarah isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup , hoping she feels better . Sarah still isnt feeling well. Then she starts feeling headache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Sarah has high temperature. Sarahs mother insists she sees a doctor. Sarah thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Sarahs friends from school are bringing her many Valentines Cards after school.

137. ? Sarah isnt feeling well138. ? Her mother gives her soup.139. : What are you doing at the moment? : Im watching TV (da bide so present continuous)140. ? plus, minus, equals, multiply, divide141. ? pollution142. ? minute, second, hour. 141. ? Happy

New Year! Merry Christmas! trick or treat. ( happy, good mood , excitement )143. : I cant speak, I have a _headache______.

144. : My dad keeps his money in the bank.

145. : I love skiing in the winter______.

146. : My friends and I are going to the _cinema______ to watch the movie.

147. ? ( flour, milk, sugar)148. ? In, out, here, there, somewhere, everywhere 149. :

? How many sandwiches should I take for the picnic?150.

? Iam going to the cinema, Im watching TV ( present continuous, Iam going to)

151. : ? : The supermarket is beside, in front of, next to152. : What are you doing the next weekend? : Im visiting my grandparents. Im going to the cinema. I am watching basketball game.153. ? I like drawing. (drawing)154. ? Stop pollution!155. : What is your sister studying for? My sister is studying to be a doctor.156. ,

: Im happy to see you.157. K , : What time is it? What would the weather be like?158. , : How are you ? How do you feel today? 159. ? Which is your favourite subject?160.

? Who made you sad ? Why are you sad? 161. ? Where is the beach?162. ? it often rains in autumn in my town .163. : Sarah doesnt know__how to play a guitar ( to do something )164. ? Usually, every day, always, often ( Present simple )165. : The Lakers are a great basketball team, they are first in the group _____?166. : What are you? Im a girl. Im Macedonian.167.

? I cant see well, my eyes ache ( pain, hurt ).My friend Petar lives in Skopje. He lives in the city center area. He is very skinny and pale. His mother says he is always having a cold. My mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted. That is why Petar is visiting us in the village every weekend. He is very nice and polite to all of us. He loves running and playing in the field with me. We both are the same age, and we both love basketball and at the same time we both dislike math at school. Petar loves when its time for breakfast. He loves the scrambled eggs and cheese my mom makes. He is very happy in the village, and I am happy to have him around. This weekend is special. Petars parents are taking me to the city to see the animals in the Zoo. Petar is a great friend.

168. ? Petar lives in Skopje.169. ? He is very skinny and pale.170. ? Mother says that he is always sick because the city is polluted.171. ? He loves scrambled eggs and cheese.172. ? Living in village is healthy.Usually I wake up at 6 oclock to exercise. My sister thinks I am crazy because she wakes up at 10 oclock. I dont understand her. She is very smart, but very lazy. She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time. I like playing basketball with my friends. I am healthy and strong, and I have energy to study more. My sister is always complaining how she doesnt have time to exercise. That is not true. She doesnt have time to exercise because she speaks on the phone every day for 3 hours. My parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day. She was angry at first, but then she joined me in the morning for the exercises. She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now. Not to mention that she looks better and more fit now than before.

173. 6 ? He/She wakes up at 6 oclock to exercise.174. 6 ? His sister thinks he is crazy. 175. ? She spends her time in front of the computer, chatting with her friends all the time.176. ? Their parents decide to take her phone, and forbid her to spend time in front of the computer for more than 2 hours a day.177.

? She was angry.178. ? She is healthy, athletic and full with energy now.179. : For Christmas we usually buy presents..

180. , : half past six181. e ? House, shop, market, church, field, yard.My sister Elizabeth likes Easter very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Easter with the Easter eggs. I like red Easter eggs. My sister Elizabeth likes the green ones. My mother likes blue Easter eggs. We have a Bunny basket full of eggs in different colors.

182. ? Elisabeths mother likes blue Easter eggs.183. ? in different colors (red, green and blue)184. ? Her sister , Elisabet likes green Ester eggs. 185. ? There are lot of eggs in different colors.186. o ? Her mother is very busy every Easter.187. ? Bunny basket is full of eggs in different colors.188. ? Her favorite holiday is Easter.189. ? Elizabeth likes red Easter eggs.Janko lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.

190. ? The river Vardar flows in the middle of Skopje.191. ? The zoo is near the river Vardar.192. Sara is going to visit her doctor this afternoon. She has a headache and high temperature. She is not going to school tomorrow. ? She has a headache and high temperature. 193. : What are you doing now? : Im playing/singing/watching/jumping/climbing (glagol so ing- present continuous)194. : What are you doing this Friday? Im visiting my friend. Im painting the house in Mavrovo. ( present continuous )195. . In, out, here, there, somewhere, everywhere 196. e ? Apple, orange, book, pen197. : ? How many pens have you got in your bag?198. ? I like playing basketball.199. Kao ? Why are you sad?200. K : Have a nice weekend!201. K : What time is it?202. 9 ? Its nine oclock.203. ja j ? Would you like a sandwich?204. : ? Which are his jeans?205. ? What is your telephone number?206. ? I have piano lessons on Fridays.( every Friday )207. : ? Which ( What ) is your favourite song?208. ? How do you go to school?209. : noisy city? .

210. : When is your birthday? Its on sixth of April.211. Darko`s father is a very healthy man. He eats healthy food every day. His

favorite food are vegetables. He likes carrots very much. : 212. e ? buillding, square, street, zoo, museum, post office, bank, cinema.213. e ? plus, minus, equals, multiply, divide214. ? Traffic sign, maximum speed, no parking, turn left, turn right215. :I have a headache.216. , : It is a quarter past seven217. ? equal218. ? morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night219. : museum, post office, bank220. : For Christmas we usually buy presents..


222. : We cross the street at a pedestrian crossing 223. , office..

224. : I can`t sit. I have work to do. 225. , : Quarter to eleven226. : For Christmas we usually buy presents..

227. e e ? milk, flour, sugar, fruit228. e ? In, out, here, there, somewhere, everywhere

229. e ? Yesterday, tomorrow, today, later,now, last year, next year230. . Yesterday, tomorrow, today, later,now, last year, next year231. ? I can play football.232. : ? How much milk should I put in the cup?233. ? I am playing a game this evening.234. ? milk, sugar, fruit, flour235. : There is a lot of the bank

236. : ?, : She sits next to my friend Matej,... beside me 237. . First, second, thirth..238. ? Im going to be a policeman.239. : What are you going to be? : Im going to be 240. : What are you doing this Sunday? Im visiting my grandparents. Im going to cinema. (da bide so present continuous sto iskazuva namera vo idno vreme)241. : What are you doing next weekend? : Im visiting my grandparents, next weekend. Im going to cinema. (da bide so present continuous sto iskazuva namera vo idno vreme)242. ? mustnt - You mustnt cross the street on red light.243. : Would you like to go to the zoo? Yes, please. No, thanks. Yes, I would like to go to the zoo, 244. : What are you doing at the moment ? : Im watching TV, writing the homework ( da e present continuous, zosto ima at the moment)245. . I like playing basketball.246. : What are you doing this evening? Im watching TV/going to the cinema/playing video games/having guests.247. K : Where is the bank/school/post office? Which direction is.248. K : Sorry! Excuse me! Im really sorry.249. ? Whats your phone number?250. K : Thank you very much. Thanks.251. ? Would you like? ( Here you are ). 252. : ? Which is your notebook?253. ? Would you like a juice?254. : a ? Which is your favourite book?255. ? Where is the bank?256. ? Have a nice holiday!257. : ? Why are you so sad?258. ? Have a nice day.259. ? Can I borrow your eraser, please?260. ? I have music lessons every Tuesday.261. 10 30 ? Its half past ten.262. Kao ? Why are you so happy?263. ? I have a headache.264. Kao ? I get up at seven oclock. I always walk to school. I have piano lessons on Saturdays. (sekade e segashno vreme present simple )265. : When do you go to school? I go to school at quarter to eight in the morning.266. ? Skopje is a big city. My town is small and very clean. A small river flows in the middle of it. There are two cinemas and a theatre.267. ? Skopje is a noisy city. My town is small and very clean. A small river flows in the middle of it. There are two cinemas and a theatre.268. Kao ? Iam going to be a doctor. I am visiting my grandparents this weekend. We are watching a cartoon on Saturday. ( ako ima prilog za vreme this weekend, on Saturday, tomorrow , next week i sl. So present continuous)269. ? Im from Skopje.270. ? Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon? When do you go to school? (present simple da e, zatoa sto se povtoruva sekoj den)My sister Monica likes Christmas very much. It`s her favorite holiday. My mother is very busy every Christmas with the Christmas cake. I like Christmas cake. My sister Monica likes the chocolates. My mother likes Christmas chocolates, too. We have a table with cakes, chocolates and meat.

271. o ? Monica likes Christmas very much.272. ? Monica likes the chocolates.273. ? Christmas is her favorite holiday.274. ? There are cakes, chocolates and meat.275. ? Her mother is very busy every Christmas.Ana lives in Skopje. Skopje is a very big city. It is very noisy. The river Vardar flows in the middle of it. There are a lot of big buildings, museums, schools, cinemas and banks. There is one zoo with many kinds of animals. The zoo is near the river Vardar.

276. ? Ana lives in Skopje.277. ? The river Vardar flows in the middle of it.278. : noisy city? 279. ? There is one zoo in Skopje280. ? There are many kinds of animals.281. ? The zoo is near the river Vardar.Jill lives in a big city. There is a lot of traffic on the streets. She takes a bus to school every day. There are two traffic lights on her way to the school. When the lights don`t work there is a traffic policeman on the crossroad.

282. ? Jill lives in a big city.283. ? There are two traffic lights on her way to the school.284. ? She takes a bus to school every day.285. ? When the lights don`t work.Adam`s mother is a very healthy woman. She eats healthy food every day. Her favorite food are vegetables. She likes potatoes very much.

286. : healthy woman? 287. : , 288. ? Adams mother eats healthy food.289. ? She eats healthy food every day.Jackie is going to visit her doctor tomorrow. She has stomachache and high temperature. She is not going to school tomorrow. 290. ? Jackie is going to visit her doctor tomorrow.291. ? She has stomachache and high temperature.Cynthia is 19. Her parents celebrate her birthday with buying her presents. This year, because she is 19, she got a new motorbike from her parents. But Cynthia cannot ride a motorbike. She is not careful and does not respect the traffic signs. She needs help to learn how to ride her motorbike. Her father always tells her to be more careful when riding her motorbike.

292. ? For her birthday.293. ? She is not careful and does not respect the traffic signs.294. ? Her father always tells her to be more careful when riding her motorbike.Julia isnt feeling well. She got up this morning and she starts coughing. Then she got back to bed. Her mother gives her soup, hoping she feels better. Julia still isnt feeling well. Then she gets a stomachache. Her mother is checking her body temperature and it turns out Julie has high temperature. Julies mother insists she sees a doctor. Julie thinks it would be nice if she is able to go to school because it is Saint Valentines. Five friends from school are bringing her Valentines Cards after school.

295. ? She starts coughing.296. ? Julie has high temperature.297. ? Julies mother insists she sees a doctor.298. ? because it is Saint Valentines.299. ? They are bringing her Valentines Cards after school.300. ? Five friends from school.1. -