

Anelia Pashova portfolio


"Pencil" free drawing In art, as in love, first of all you have to be honest.

Insectsscience illustration The illustrations of insects are made for pupils' Biology. It is for the student from the 7th grade.

"Portraits"authors book "You've meet so many people in your life, but only few touch your soul." I dedicate this book to my clоsest peo-ple. This little book is called Portraits, but they are'nt the typical portraits of normal people.I pictured them through their personal stuff and rooms. I think it's really person-al and intimate to see someones room. You don't invite everyone there. And in the whole world you can not find two same rooms like you can not find two same people.

"Animals with character"free drawing Watch your thoughts for they become words.Watch your words for they become actions.Watch your actions for they become habits.Watch your habits for they become your character.And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.

"Notes from the underground"Fyodor Dostoyevsky I chose this work of Dostoyevsky mainly because, this novel is not typical for the author, not only as style, phylosophy, but as sensibility, influence and provocation. In the first part of the book i seek the psychological portraits of the lyrical character. The man from the underground is not a subject of real life anymore, he transforms into an object of conscious. That is how I pull out this very emotional image from the Dostoyevski's words and place it on a calm white spread, separated from the thoughts of the novel itself.

Anelia Pashova autobiography

1988.12.20 – date of birth, Pazardzhik, Bulgaria2003/2008 – pupil at the Tzanko Lavrenov Secondary School for Fine Arts, Plovdiv, major “fresco”.2008 – Second place in National competition for drawing, Sofia2008/2012 – student at the National Academy of Arts Sofia,major “book and print graphics”2010 – exhibition “Art is life” National Academy of Arts Sofia2010 – exhibition - protest ”Creative energy” National Academy of Arts Sofia2010 – exhibition “After the Ice” National Academy of Arts Sofia2012 – Third place in the competition to design a new package of DUREX2012 – Publication in National Geographic magazine Bulgaria2013 – Exhibition "Illustration", Sofia2013/2014 - student at the National Academy of Arts Sofia,major “illustration 2013 – Solo exhibition of drawings at the National Museum of Natural History, Sofia

+359899403046 web: e-mail: [email protected]
