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  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Tax Code


    1Allow tax benefits on Housing loans

    2Remove all taxes!

    3even if there is no tax we would ask somethig.

    4Proposed Direct Tax Code will be more productive

    5blunder if government comes out with this

    6Lower limit yet unchanged

    7Long term Capital Gain should be non taxable.

    8EET Rules and Wealth Tax

    9Tax rates change

    10give some benefit for student in education loan & rate of interest

    11Home Loan, Education Exp, HIgher Education

    In the new law that is proposed, taxpayers will not be able to claim tax benefit on interest repayment

    on housing loans, i think this should be relaxed and there should be Tax benefits for the repayment

    done on the housing loans that people have taken, this will help a common man in a great way...hetax benefit has to continue cos it is real motivator for the investor. On the one hand it enables

    industries like steel, Cement etc to grow and results in revenue to the govenment by way of

    corporate tax. Withdrawal of tax benefit will result in slow down of the growth of housing

    construction industriy as well related industries.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Tax Code


    agree. In fact today there is an article in TOI that HDFC has

    announced some cuts in the interest rates for loans ranging

    between 30L to 50L!! So the dream home is not far away!! I

    also feel that there should be minimum tax on FD's and

    investemnts in stocks and other such schemes. PPF should not

    come under the tax scanner at all!! Thatsmy feeling!1 But I

    really like some changes made to the new tax laws.. its

    PROGRESSIVE for the first time and indeed people friendly!!

    Its simple, there will be more cash flow. People will spend

    more paper money as its available and plastic wioll take a backseat.It will be a huge help to financial instituions (BANKS) as

    they will have a decrease in delinquency rates as well.. overall

    an effort that needs an applause I feel!

    Why only on housing loans, there must be tax benefits for

    many thingsm, which would be like a kind gesture shown to

    the common man for good things done by him, like there was a

    debate on should there be tax benefits if people go for energy

    efficient products, i think there should be tax benefits on

    things like these, and this will make sure that people are doing

    the right thing for gaining masimum tax benefit, which intrun

    will do great things for the country........


    I can suggest a total tax free regime throughout the country. It is not a blind suggestion. I have

    worked on how to keep revenues of State/Central governments in tact so that developmental

    expenditure could be incurred on a much larger scale than at present. Do I have right ears for



  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Tax Code


    Deepak, no country yet has looked into it. Like I have

    indicated, governance has a meaning and definition. When

    most government functionaries take a formal oath, they also

    take an informal oath - "I will do nothing drastically


    Some people receive glory (for instance Abdul Nasir Sab and

    Lallu Prasad Yadav. Abdul Nasir Sab did not anticipate the

    impact when he started the first borewll project. Only when

    looked at national context and rural needs scenario, this effort

    appeared big. Then he continued in all earnestness. Similarly,Lalu Prasad never imagined that he would become a Harvard

    study. Looked in the context of enormous size of Indian

    railways and its turnaround, he received the attention he did.

    Otherwise, both these people were normal politicians who

    were not missionaries of change.

    I can not comment on any one. I have not yet made any

    meaningful effort to publicise the program I have in mind.

    Keeping in mind a picture is something. To publish it as a

    study paper is something else. I need to really do lot of

    research, incorporate economic principles into it and also test

    my proposals under the critical scanner built in economics. Ialso need to offer specific proposals. I have done 60% of the

    work but the other 40% has become elusive.

    Sometimes I really feel that I could be more useful to society if

    I concentrate only on projects that are useful to society. But

    then I have a life to live and my constraints in life are also too

    many. I can only devote a part of my time for these things.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Tax Code


    There has been so much talk on "thinking out of the box".

    Unfortunately, most people accept that function of a particular

    department, position or an individual is only as per the

    definition. This is more so when we look at functions of the

    Government - departmentwise. Most people within the

    government or outside it, are simply conformists - for them

    government rules and regulations are a sacred bible. Even if it

    is not so sacred to them (they think of devious ways to conform

    with the norms), they would like to conform so that they will

    not be under risk in future.

    In this scenario, can "thinking out of the box" be possible?

    The danger when people do not think out of the box is that

    they overlook a strength their unique position offers them.

    Such strength could transform the organisation if used in the

    right way. After all, resource becomes a resource only if there

    is a value to it. If no one uses it, it loses its value as a resource.

    I have identified one unique biggest resource these conformists

    have. Being conformists, they have not looked out of the box

    and identified their strength. Once they do, we can have the

    entire country registering themselves with these authorities

    and not the other way round.

  • 8/8/2019 Analysis of Tax Code


    This is not a small job. There has to be a radical change in the

    outlook. All government departments have to take a plunge.

    Only two persons can do this - the Prime Minister and the

    Finance Minister. But if a group of economic/financial

    analysts would like to debate this issue, I can present my views

    even without publishing it. Or if a magazine/TV channel (of

    course after discussing, clarifying, and convincing themselves)

    would like to publicise this as an alternative, I could announce

    it too.

    One thing I can assure on this platform is that this is possible.Not only for India, but for the entire world. Everything has a

    clincher. My proposal has a clincher. The Government need

    not appear to be butchers always bent on taxing people. They

    can remain benefactors. There will be revenues generated for

    developmental expenditure. What is more, I can even indicate

    how politicians and corrupt people can make money even inthat scenario!!