Page 1: Analysis of illuminating gas


undoubtodly tho snmo analogy thoro : tho high tompcrnturo would bo acting with lcss oncrgy, bocnuso thorc wns less rosistnnco. PROFESSOR Corsox, (raplying in Franch) said tho

most poworful soda manufacturing company in Frnnco, tho Soci6td do St,. Gobnin, had stcndfnstly rofusod to )KO duco nmmonin-sodn, and continued working tho h b t n n i procoss up to 1007, when tho Compnny ncquirod an ammonia sodo, works, tho Soudibro do la Mcurtho. By this act, tho most convinced and po~crSu1 champion of tho Loblnnc procoss scnlcd tho fnto of t h a t proccss in Frnnco. In tlio South of Rnnco solid snlt was mod in tho nmmonin- soda procoss, by rcnson of tho spccinl conditions obtniniilg thoro. In tho noiglibourhood of 3Inrsoillos thoro woro no ml t minos. Honco Solvny, forcod to buy tho rofinod, solid snlt, producod in tho ncig~ibourliood. must dissolvo i t ngain in wntor. Tho consumption of soda products by so lnrgo n commoricnl contro as is Mnrscillcs, furnished lum with nmplo componsntions for tlio incrcnscd cost.

articulnrly by tho savings in tlio cost of transport nnd Ey boing able to sol1 caustic sotla in solution. In such a onso, tlio " nitrnto procoss I' would bo moro conroniont as i t not only assured tilo snmo ndrantn os as did tho nmmonin-soda process, bu t in ndditioii tticroto, ofiorod tho furtlicr clinnco of saving tlio itoms oriumorntcd in tho papor. Tho cost of ovnpornting tho iuotlior liquors from tho " nitrnto )roccciti " as compnred with tlint oxpcnded in tho cnso 01 tho prosont ammonia proccss wns lowor. 5s tho nitrnto snits \vprc moro solublo tlinii WIU common snlt, nnd for tho furtlior reason tha t tlioro ivns nlwnys a considornblo nniount of wnsto licnt nmilnblo in an Ainiiioiiia Soda Works. Tho cost of ornporntion wns cortninly much below tlio vnluo of tlic snlt, if cinploycd in tho solid state. On coin nririg tho cost of ovaporntion with tlio cost of dissolvccrsnlt, ono must not forgot tha t tho cost of dissolving coniprisod not only tlio cost of propnring n saturntcd SOlUtiOn of snlt. but included also tho cosk of purification. Thcroforo i t wns tlio proporly cnlculntcd total cost of clissol\-ingwl~icli must l o sot ngainst tho cost of cvnpornting 1110 niotlior liquors of 1110 nitrnto procoss. h'or should i t bo forgotton tlint tho cost o l tho coninion snlt in tilo ammoiiin-soda proccss wns gront bccnuso tlio rcnction, XaCl~H,O+~H,+CO,=CO,A'nH~XH,CI, ivns a limited rcnction, nnd in order to cstnblisli oquili- brium, n lnrgo oxccsi of suit, at lonst one and a hnlf molecules of sodium cldorido, \\'as rcquircd. Tlicro woro further ndrnntngas dopndinf: on tho specin! conditions of tho locnlitios, whoro tho ' nitroto proccss might, bo worked. T h o pcrccntngo of cnrbonic ncid doponded on spocinl doriccs in conducting tho succcssirc opcrntions in tho routine of tho ammonia-soda procoss.

New York Section. dfeeting heldat the Cheinista' Club on Friday, Xosember 10tk.



Tho gns nnnlpsis a pnrntus which I use in my laborntor consists of tlirco tufics, one of wliicli is wntcr jnckctecf Tlioso nro conncctcd to ono anotlicr nnd wit11 nspirator bottles by nicnne of nibbcr tubing. Tlicro nro tlircc nspirntor bottles. nnd cnch is fillcd witli wntcr of tlio tcmpornturo of tho room. TIic gns is introduccd by nlcniis of rubbcr tubing ulso filled complctely witli wntcr, dttncllcd aftor removing tlio funnel nbovc, nnd coniiccting witli tho source of supply. Tho nppnrntus must tic used \vith water at n constitnt tcmpcrnturc. For tliis purposo \YO hnvo in our Inborntory n tank that is iccpt a t tho unifolm tcmpcrnturo of tho room, nnd fills Rutoninticniig from !imo to time. Tho tcmpcrnture remains wry coiistnnt. Tho first operation is to fill tho glass coilcotion tubcs (wliicli hold 200 c.o.) witti r d c r from tho tank, niid tlicn, upon oponing tho .stopcocks, tho otlt[lo\v of tho wntcr ~ i lows


;hc gas to flow- in. By rcvcrsing tho opcrntion, con- lccting by a ivntcr-Bllcd rubbcr tubing, tho gns cnn be

Fig. 1. forccd into tho gas-nnalysis nppnrntus. ITaving drnrvn tlic gns into tho first tube, whicli is ninrkcd bclow indicating 100 C.C. mom gas is tnkcn in tlinii rcqurcd. It is tlicii introduced by tlic nspirntor bottles into tlic sccond or middlc gmdunted tube and mensurd nccurntcly, nrrnngin tiio bottles 8 0 tlint tlic water in tiia lower o m is low? with tha t in tho tube ; nntl nftcr tlic uppcr stopcock is closed tho cxccss in tho first tiibc is rcjcctcd through tlic fuiincl. Tlio clicmicnls nro introduccd by mcnns of tlic funnel, Ivhich fits on tho ontsidc of tho end of tho ~topcocli on tho first tubc, cnlled tlic lnborntory tubc ; trnnsfcrring tho gas (100 c.c.) from tho niiddlo tubo. wlicro i t lins been nicnsurcd, bnck into tho Inborntory tube wliicli is full of wntcr, tho wntrr is driven ovcr from tho middlo tubo until i t occupies a position n~nrkcd on tho capillary pnrt of tlio Inborntory tubo nborc. Owing to tho pcculiw shnpo of tlic h d b of tho inborntory lube, tho gns is pullcd down at tlio sidcs by tho solutions uscd, untl returns up tho middlo of the tubes, tlins drculntiiig. A wry littIc (a few drops) of t Iw clicmical mnkcs an cnoriiious suifnco nnd givce tilo gns n chnnco to bo nbsorbcd. The first fluid put h is sodium hydroxide solution (I in 6 ) l o nbsorb cnrbon tlioxidc. Alittlowntor is then nddcd townsti outthocnpillnry tubo of tho funnel, and n liltlo is nlso forced from tho middlo tube. Tlio uppor surfnco of tho fluid in tlio laboratory tube is tlicn ncnrly clcnr water. Tho gas is driven into tho middlo nicnsuring tubo by mcnns of tlio aspirator hottlcs, tilo fluids boing stoppcd at tho zcro point above. Wa do not iiionsuca tlio gns a t once, but wait for tho tubo to drain; in ordcr to nllow tho wntcr to scttlo uniformly, tlic loacr nnd uppor sto cocks on tho laborntory tube arc oponcd, tho sodium fiydroxidc and cnrbonnto solution nllo\vcd to drnin out, and tho tulm washod with clean wntor. Tlio \vator is now up into tiio Inljorntory tuliofroui its ns iirator b o t t l o K K ~ niid throu 11 tho top of tho tube nt tho lunnol oint to oxpal tiio nir. %ha loss of volume in tlio i i i d ' o monsuring tubo gives tho carbon dioxide in tho gas. Tho nost stop is tlio introduction of tlio gnS into tilo laborntory tubu again l i r mcnns of tlio nspirntor bottles niid tlio brin in6 up of t io wntor from tliu contra1 tube into tiio capilfnry tube aboro tho Inborntory tubo.

Two or tliroo drops of liquid bromino nrc now introduced, using a little clcnn wstor in tho funnel : too much bromino

Page 2: Analysis of illuminating gas


must bo avoided, or tho gas will oxpand so much from tho bromino vapours that , i t will pass through tho rubbor tubing into tho aspirator bottlo and bo lost. Tho bromino a~ it ontors. is volntiliscd, and tho bromobonzono and othor bromo-hydrocarbons condonso upon tlio sidos of tho laboratory t u h . x t o r this somo sodium hydroxido is run into tho funnol 3nd tlionco to tho t u h to absorb tho bromino vapours; as soon as thcso aro absorbcd tho stopcoks aro wnshod with wator. Aftcr transfor of tho gaS to tlio middlo tub0 as boforo, contorits of tlio laborn- tory tubo nro \vashod into tlio wasto below. Tho difforonco botwoon tho lmt and tho formor roading on tilo iuoasuring tub0 is called “illuminants.” Tho mmo sorios of oporations is rcpcatcd in rogard to allowing tho wator to eottlo a dofinito timo in tho mcnsuring tubo, as was montiond aboro, to insuro a corroct mading. Pyrogai~ol solution in wntor (on0 in ton) and tlio sodium liydroxido solution ( u s d as nboro) mixed togotlior in oqual volumcs or0 usod to absorb osygon. and tlio cuprous bldorido (solution in 11 drochlorio acid) is uscd to tako ou t carbon monoxido. J i i s cuprous oidorido is troubiosomo in t h o transfor of tho gns botacon tho tubcs. Botcvoon tho absorption and trnnsfcronco of tho monosido. wntor is added to tho laborntory t u b to wash out tlio ohomicnl, and to nbaorb tho hydroohlorio wicl vapours. This wator will mnko tlio fluid milky. but thcro \vdl bo a littlo cloar wnter on tlio top, wliicli nlono must bo transforrod.

Tho rcsitluo of tlio gas which is in tho mcnsunrig tubo consists of hydrogun. nitrogon, inotliano. and possibly somo otlicr hydrocarbons, tho naturo of which is not wcll known. Formcrl tho oxplosion a puntus \vaq mod wit11 oxygon, but u n i L m results cou i fno t bc obtoind, and soinctimcs tlio nitrogon wns urplodud. In tlio first osplosion tlio oxcess:of oxy on is kopt witllin ono pur cont. ; anything much highor wtii givo orratio figurus for tho nitrogon. Tho gas in tho tnoasuring tubo is drawn into tho jnokotd osplosion tubo by its aspirator bpttlo. Twolvo or tliirtcoii C.C. is sufficient for tho tcst ; six or sovon tiinus its rolurno of air is n d d d from a quantity drawn into tho laboratory tubo for tllis purposo. Rojocting o x c w of air from tlio laboratory tubo. this is us& with tho oxpIosion t u h and tlio t\vo aspirator bottlos, to trnnsfor tho gas nnd air misturo sovoral timos Imtwoon tilo oxplosion and laborntory tubcs to thoroughly minglo tlio gnsos. Aftor final transfer to tho oxplosion tubo, sovoral ininutos nro nlloaccl to olapso boforo making a roading, to allow tho wvator to drain down to tho propor lovol. Tho niisturo is oxplotled by a spark from an induction coil and tlio ,contraction “ C ” road aftcr sovoral Ininutos. l’mns- forring tlic gas to tho laboratory tubo, tho cnrbon diosido is roniovccl from tho mixturo by moans of tho sodium hydroxido solution, and tho gas is r o t u n d to tho control tubo for mcnsurcmont with tho usual rocoution of waiting. ‘This loss wo call “ U.” Tho pyrogalfol mixturo, first usd for oxygon in tho original gas is tlion oddod, and tho excoss of osygon is dotorminod. If tlioro is not an oscoss

.of oxy4on thoo tlio oxplodcd mixturo rill coilbin carbon monoxido, and tho oxp!osion must bo ropontod, Using

.another portion of tho gas rosiduum from tho middlo moasuring tubo, d d i n nioro air to iiinko tho osplosion mixturo. Jt is raroly t i a t inoro than two ospiosions nro nocossnry; but about 0.5 to 1 por cont. of oxygon must bo in oscoss to got tho bost rosults. Aftor absorbing tlio

.oxygen and measuring tho romnindor (nitrogon), tlio nitrogon containcd in tho air usod for tho oxplosion is subtracted from tliis rosidunl nitrogon, tho bnlnnco boing tho nitro un in that portion of tho rosiduurn of gas wlcoli ansusodfor tliocxp\osion, and i s calaulato+ to tho ori I: in:! gas rosiduurn. Tlio figuros wllich \YO call

.8M) uscd in :calculation, by tho following formula:

.sum of tho conslituonts dotorminod and ,?OO, is callod mothario. 1) ” will also equal niotlinno if tho worli is proporly dono, and sorvos .as a oliock on rosults.

C ” and ’ D

‘y” -- - ~iydrogon. ~ h o diaoronco botwoon tho

It svill bo fourid that tho figuro


Thia is an apparatus for dotormining tho carbon dioxido bin flu0 gnsos, and also In tho crudo nator-gas gonorntor

pas. ! I30 Hompol bulb contains sodium hydroxido of tho samo strongth as used in tho lnrgor apparatus. Tho bulb bwotio is fittod wit11 a tlEoo-way cock, which is doubly porforatcd. This bulb is so fiscd tha t whon tho water in tho upirator bottle is at zoro lev01 bolow, tho bulb and tubo togotlior hold 100 O.C. of gas. Tho stopcock may bo turncd SO that gas mny bo drawn into this burctto, tilo apparatus baing full of wator. TO tho otlicr tubo abovo tho burotto is attached tho Hornpol bulb, fillcd with sodium liydroxido. Tho us0 is Obvious. It is an oscollont apparatus for thoso in chargo of boilers.


In tliis apparatus, which consists of a flask surroundod by tlio sliuot iron covcr, tho distillation flask must bo kopt,
