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Page 1: Analysis of contents page

Analyse Music Magazine Contents Page

Shahnaaz Begum 12ME

Page 2: Analysis of contents page

Number labels match with what the magazine includes and the contents page cover lines.

The writing goes around the image. Making the picture stand out more.

They have used various types of text sizes and colours. The main articles are in a different colour, this shows their importance and draws the reader to that specific article

They have used the main colours; Green, black and blue. The colours have been used really well because they don’t clash with anything else on the page.

The use of a chart on the contents page is unique, making it different to other R&B magazines. Small amount of colours are used but its not to basic as the house style seems formal and not too colourful.

3 Images don’t look over crowded and the pictures are clear.

Clear numbers, doesn’t over take the picture and clear showings off page number

Billboard Magazine

Page 3: Analysis of contents page

Consistency is shown from where each article is shown from the front page.

The magazine gives the impression that they know what their readers like and what they could be interested in.

Including a boy band will get the audience attention, because the audience for this magazine would be teenage girls.

The colours go well with the rest of the magazine, it looks suitable for a girls magazine and teenage girls who are their audience. The colour pink is contrasted throughout the contents page, stereotypically giving the impression this magazine is for girls.

The writing that is highlighted shows importance and that they reader should show attention to that bit of writing as it may be more interesting than the other bits..

Lets the reader feel like that they are involved in the magazine and would make them want to read more

Top of the Pops