Page 1: Analysing Table of Contents


Magazine Contents


Page 2: Analysing Table of Contents


Subscribe section with multiple front covers.

Page numbers

Image wall

Pull quote

Image relating to front cover

Editorial pillar

Photo credits

Issue date

Page 3: Analysing Table of Contents

NME’s contents page is relatively conventional since the layout is in a very ‘neat’ format with page numbers relating to every image which all have captions and pull quotes relating to the article. The title is very bold using a simple Serif font .

NME’s contents page is relatively conventional since the layout is in a very ‘neat’ format with page numbers relating to every image which all have captions and pull quotes relating to the article. The title is very bold using a simple Serif font .

Apart from the subscription box, this contents page follows the house style of monochrome colours and a black & white scheme. All the photo colours are quite cool and not very bright, and the editor has made the image relating to the front cover larger than the others.

Apart from the subscription box, this contents page follows the house style of monochrome colours and a black & white scheme. All the photo colours are quite cool and not very bright, and the editor has made the image relating to the front cover larger than the others.

Images vary in location. Some outdoors, some in studios, and concerts scene.

Thin lines are used to separate each feature, which adds to the page’s overall neat and symmetrical aesthetics. Text is varied in style, with bold outlines as well as italics used.

Thin lines are used to separate each feature, which adds to the page’s overall neat and symmetrical aesthetics. Text is varied in style, with bold outlines as well as italics used.

The editorial pillar stands out in the page since each heading is well separated from each other.

The editorial pillar stands out in the page since each heading is well separated from each other.

In comparison to everything else in the page the subscription box stands out significantly due to its bright colours and comical images. Various pictures of past covers are also shown to persuade the reader to subscribe to the magazine.

Page 4: Analysing Table of Contents


Double page spread preview

Editor’s picture

Editor’s note

Photo Credits

Title/date/issue number


Page 5: Analysing Table of Contents

Like the front cover, this Kerrang contents page is quite grungy , with lots of bright colours and a variation of fonts. The language is colloquial/slangy (e.g. ‘Trash Talk’) and appeals to it’s target audience with it’s busy layout.

Like the front cover, this Kerrang contents page is quite grungy , with lots of bright colours and a variation of fonts. The language is colloquial/slangy (e.g. ‘Trash Talk’) and appeals to it’s target audience with it’s busy layout.

Like the NME table of contents this page also includes a subscription box with bright colours and pictures of previous issues that persuade readers to subscribe.

The editorial pillars are a lot more detailed in this table of contents, and page numbers are included next to the description of each feature. This gives it a neat layout, a convention I’d like to include in my TOC.

The editorial pillars are a lot more detailed in this table of contents, and page numbers are included next to the description of each feature. This gives it a neat layout, a convention I’d like to include in my TOC.

By adding an editor’s picture and signature the reader may feel more personally addressed, therefore this is effective for the magazine in building a relationship with the audience. The brief description given by the editor relating to the issue is also good in order to sum up the concepts and ideas behind the magazine.

By adding an editor’s picture and signature the reader may feel more personally addressed, therefore this is effective for the magazine in building a relationship with the audience. The brief description given by the editor relating to the issue is also good in order to sum up the concepts and ideas behind the magazine.

A preview of the issue’s double page spread is featured and anticipates what should be expected by the reader.

A preview of the issue’s double page spread is featured and anticipates what should be expected by the reader.

The main picture is set in concert scene – very appropriate for a music magazine. It also uses a lot of bright colours and is placed on top of the page – an unusual convention but appealing to the eyes.

The main picture is set in concert scene – very appropriate for a music magazine. It also uses a lot of bright colours and is placed on top of the page – an unusual convention but appealing to the eyes.

Page 6: Analysing Table of Contents

Conventions/Ideas I’d like to use in my TOC

A main image for the page

Bright subscription box

DPS preview

Bold title in a simple serif font.

Large page numbers on top of picture it relates to.

DetailedEditorial Pillars.