Page 1: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

Analysis of film postersThe purpose of a film poster is to raise awareness about the release of a film. It should include the basic information such as:• The films name• The release date• The main actresses/actors names• A quote/catch line that sums up the film• The film companies name

They may also include:• A picture that represents the film• Colours that represent the genre/theme of the film• A reason to go and watch the film• The British Board of Film Classification certificate• The directors name/ credits of people who did a lot of the background work (e.g.

costume design)• A unique selling point

Page 2: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

By one of his eyes being a different colour, it implies there is something different about him. He is presented as being superhuman, which tells us he may have a power or something mysterious about him. It is also an indication of the films genre being science fiction.

The names of the actors who are going to play the main parts in the film. This will also mean that anyone who is a fan of their work is then likely to go and view the film.

We can instantly tell he will be the main protagonist due to him dominating the poster. Ashton Kutcher is also a popular American actor, and therefore usually plays main parts in films.

This has been put in bold so that is can be clearly seen amongst the other writing. By not having a set release date it means it will be more anticipated and that people are more likely to do more research into it or follow its marketing until they find out.

CHANGE ONE THING…CHANGE EVERYTHING. The tagline is written in capital letters, this highlights the importance of the change that has to made whilst leaving an element of mystery. It also implies that the movie will be focused on the main character trying to resolve a problem that is having a serious negative effect on him or someone/something close to him.

The poster includes the films website which is likely to include extra information like cast interviews or a film summary that will entice people into then going to watch the film.

The credits are placed around the poster. This allows the focus to be on the picture, actors names, film name and tagline. It also means that the poster does not look overcrowded so that people will be more likely to stop and quickly read it.

The positioning of the characters face suggests they are in an intimate relationship and have a deep connection with one another. However they are not in one picture together, or looking into each others eyes so it implies there is something distancing them, which is possibly what the tagline is referring to.

The contrasting colour scheme of white fading into blue then black presents them both as natural looking. It leaves their faces looking bare and exposed which could be an indication of their characteristics. It reinforces the science fiction genre whilst also portraying them as having a purity to them or their relationship.

The close up shots of their faces adds a depth to the poster and tells us that we will be getting to know them/the protagonist on an extremely personal level. Possible being exposed to many problems, emotions and thoughts.

The title is in red which implies that ‘The Butterfly Effect’ is something negative. It stands out amongst the black, blue and white background putting an emphasis on it. The font if clear and easy to read and adds a slight thriller effect to it. Suggesting there will be tension and possibly jumpy scenes.

Page 3: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The posters main selling point is the element of mystery it has. It does not include information such as the films rating or review quotes, which help to reinforce the mystery of it. The simplicity of the poster implies that its target audience is 15 years old and over, this is because it does not include anything that suggests extreme violence, or gore that would be usually aimed at those 18 and over.

Positives: It is primarily visual which is ideal for a film poster as people generally do not want to have to read a lot of writing in order to find out the basic information. Ashton Kutcher is easily identifiable and in 2004 when it was released he had a large following. It also means those who may not be a big fan of his will also recognise him, look at the rest of the poster and then possibly take an interest in the film.

Negatives: The lack of colour may cause many people to dismiss it, especially if they are flicking through a newspaper or walking past it quickly as it is not eye capturing. Also the fact it does not reveal much may mean that people will not automatically understand what it is about, and therefore will not take an interest in going to see the film.

Page 4: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

‘Terminator’ and ‘Titanic’ were both extremely successful films. By stating that the same director it means those who are fans of those films or the director will be enticed into watching ‘Avatar’, as it implies it will also be a success.

The presence of a human tells us that the whole film wont be an animation, and that there will be a connection between the animated world and the real world.

The directors name is placed on the poster to not only credit his work, but also grab the attention of anyone who appreciates any previous work he has done.

The alien like creature and the scenery below tells us it will involve animation. It also informs us of the films genre, a science fiction.

The image here implies that the film is going to be set in a mystical, enchanting place. The person riding the large bird tells us they have a more natural way of life. The fact it is in the centre of the poster implies it will be used a lot during the film.

The mans facial expression presents him as being brave, strong and smart. This heroic presentation on the poster informs us that he will have an important role in the film, and is likely to be the brains behind an operation of some sort.

The font reflects the sci-fi genre whilst keeping with the blue coloured theme. It is all capitalised which emphasises it causing it to stand out. It is also clear, and easy to read which is ideal as it means people will be more likely to remember the films name.

The colour blue is prominent, and is the colour that is associated with the film. It connotes wisdom, faith, heaven and loyalty, which could be used to describe the relationships/ characteristics of those in the film.

By stating it can be viewed in 3D it will draw in a wider audience, especially those who enjoy the 3D experience. It will also attract those who have not yet been to see a 3D film and may want to experience it for the first time. It also tells us that the film will contain a lot of action, and will be quite high paced.

The credits and production companies that were involved in the making of the film. If people see a company/ person who’s work they enjoy, they are then more likely to go and watch the film.

The integration of the colour orange softens the poster and creates a more relaxing atmosphere. It connotes joy, creativity and determination.

Page 5: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The posters main selling point is that it is a sci-fi animation that is targeted at teenagers and adults. By the quality of the graphics and choice of colours we can immediately tell that it is not aimed at children, which is unusual for an animation. This gives it a unique selling point and will entice many people.

Positives: The poster includes a lot of detail without looking cluttered and introduces us to the type of world the film will be based in. However, although it gives us a slight incite, it still retains an element of mystery. We have no idea what the blue woman is on the left, or what her relationship is to the man.

Negatives: It doesn’t include any ratings or taglines which means people aren’t given an incite to the quality of the film, or what it may be about. The lack of clarity may mean many people wont bother to then go and watch it as it may not leave them with unanswered questions.

Page 6: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The shadow tells us that there will be a spirit present, and confirms why there is a rope hanging from the tree. We can tell from the size and shape of the shadow that it’s the spirit of a young female.

The font is simple and easy to read, making it look more professional. The plain background and the fact it’s in capitals subtly draws attention to it so people will be more likely to focus and remember the films name.

The rope tells us there has been/will be a death that will play a primary part in the film. It also adds an element of mystery, and helps inform us that the genre will be a thriller/horror.

This will entice fans who are fans of the films or the director. It also informs us the level of quality we should expect from the film.

The tree takes up the majority of the poster, this tells us that it is extremely significant and implies that an event that happened there is the core of the film.

It informs us of the release date in a larger font so it can be found easily and so people have time to plan to go and see it.

The house is at the centre of the poster, highlighting it’s importance. It is an old looking house which implies that it is likely to be haunted and will also be where the majority of the film is set.

Information such as the production companies and the credits are in a smaller font so it keeps the attention on the more important information people will want to know.

By stating that it is based on a true story it adds an element of fear. Thrillers/Horrors want people to leave feeling slightly shaken, and by saying that what they have just watched has happened it real life it makes people believe it could also happen to them.

By placing this directly under the films name it means it will be the second thing people read, before they go on to look at the picture below. This adds a sense of mystery to the poster and will leave them with questions that can only be answered by watching the film.

The trees in the background tell us that it is likely to be a secluded house by the woods. This follows the conventions of a thriller/horror, as the woods have connotations with spirits, deaths and fear.

The grey sky sets the mood as being dull, negative and miserable, possibly being reflective of the characters emotions.

Fog has connotations of mystery, danger and general feeling of insecurity. It also makes it harder to see what’s in front of us, this connects with the idea of not always being able to see danger.

The colour scheme portrays the atmosphere as lifeless through the use of dull, bland colours such as grey, brown and the dark green grass.

Page 7: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The whole poster has been created to follow the convention of mystery that is present in films of this genre. We are not presented with any of the characters, the only form of ‘life’ we are made aware of is the shadow.

Positives: The mood is immediately set through the use of dull colours and the presence of the fog, rope, old house and woods. This makes the genre easily identifiable and will capture the eye of anyone who is particularly interested in horror/thrillers. There is also a strong element of mystery, which may cause people to then watch the trailer, and then the film.

Negatives: We are only presented with a stereotypical setting, and no main characters. This means people may not see a unique selling point in it, as it is unlikely they will research into the story behind the tagline. There may be to much mystery for some who will then decide they do not want to risk not enjoying it by going to watch it.

Page 8: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The tagline is at the top of the page in clear, capitalised writing and implies that the storyline will involve an older person pretending to be young again.

Zac Efron is a popular actor who’s fan base is mainly the age of those the film is aimed at. By stating his name, and having him on the front cover we know he will be the main protagonist.

The title is self explanatory, and alongside the tagline it gives us a small summary of the film. We are made aware that 17 is the age of his character and that his age will be the core of the film.

The bold, capitalised font and use of red, on the plain white background immediately captures the eye, and means people are more likely to remember the films name.

The release date is clear, in a bold red font so it can be easily identified. By stating it’s release date it means people are more likely to plan to go and watch the film, and builds anticipation.

The plain white background means that the focus is purely on the protagonist and the writing. However, the books and bag he is carrying suggests that it will be set in a school. So although we can not literally see the setting, we are given props and clues in the title that set it for us.

The clothes and brief case on the floor represent the transition from a working adult, to a teenager. He still has one leg in the ‘adult’ trousers, and one of the ‘adult’ shoes on. He is walking forward and literally stepping out of his adult life, to a life he seems to enjoy more.

The colour scheme is mainly black, white and red. This is continued in the protagonists costume. It is not clear why these colours are chosen, but It could be to keep the poster simple looking instead of having a wide range of colours.

The sunglasses and leather jacket have connotations of being cool and popular. He enforces this image further with his confident body language, windswept tie and smirk.

The full body shot tells us that the film is not going to be scary, as we do not have a close up of his facial expression. Instead it presents the film as being a chilled, family movie.

The layout of the poster does not follow the conventions of a movie poster, as it has all the credits etc on the right. They are also written in light grey which does not stand out. This could be so the image can be clearly seen, and they are using Zac Efron as their main selling point.

The films website is stated so that anyone who wants to know more can find out by visiting it. It is quite small, and barely noticeable when glancing, showing that they do not necessarily regard it as important.

Page 9: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The poster is very simple and mainly focuses on the image and the films name. It uses the actor Zac Efron as the main selling point and gives us incite of the films storyline.

Positives: It uses the fact it is starring Zac Efron to it’s advantage, knowing that anyone who is a fan of him and/or his work will go and watch the film. It is also a quite simple poster, making it easy to focus on the main information, which is the most important. By slightly revealing the storyline instead of leaving it more of a mystery, it allows people to decide then and there if they will be interested in the film. It also leaves questions such as “How can he been 17 again?”.

Negatives: Those who are not fans of Zac Efron will immediately be put off as it does not include any of the other characters that might otherwise persuade them to watch it. The lack of mystery may also put people off as they may decide to not watch it since they already know the basis of the film.

Page 10: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The characters are central of the poster, which immediately captures the eye. This is especially important as their target audience includes very young children. As they will be unlikely to take an interests in the writing, it instead captures them through the image of the popular characters.

As there is more than one ‘Ice Age’ film they have all been given different names so they can all be distinguished. Although this is important when people are speaking of the films, on the poster it is less important as people are more likely to distinguish them from the image. Due to this ‘Continental Drift’ has been placed vertically alongside the film name, but does not include any colour or anything that will make it stand out.

The same font is used amongst all the ‘Ice Age’ posters for continuity and so that we will automatically associate it with the film. The title takes up half of the poster and is in big white writing which replicates chunks of ice. Although the characters are slightly covering it, due to the popularity of the previous ‘Ice Age’ films the majority of people will only have to see the characters to know what the film is.

The facial expression of the characters, the fact they are on a small block of ice in the ocean and none of them are animals that live near the sea tells us the film will involve them being in some sort of trouble.

The poster contains the four main characters who have also been on all of the other ‘Ice Age’ film posters. By keeping them on they will attract the everyone who is a fan of them as characters.

The blue and white colour scheme reflect the colours of the habitat they are in. They also draw attention to the characters as they are both subtle, light colours.

The flag implies that they have somehow their boat they were originally travelling in, and have had to improvise by instead using the Ice.

The names of the famous people who are the voices of the characters are included. This is to attract anyone who is a fan of them, and will expand their audience. For example, stereotypically the people who listen to the artists Drake and Nicki Minaj are not likely to be in their target audience.

The release date is clear and easy to locate. This would be particularly important for people with children and it allows them to plan a date to watch it ahead of release.

The extra information has been placed at the bottom of the poster. This allows the image to be the main focus.

The website for the film is included under the date. This means that if anyone wants to find out any extra information they can by visiting it. It is written quite small and does not stand out, showing that they do not consider it to be very important.

Page 11: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The poster follows a simple colour scheme which follows the ‘ice’ theme and allows the focus of the poster to be the main characters. The only incite we are given to the storyline is that the characters are lost and worried at sea, which adds a slight element of mystery which will entice adults as well as children into seeing it.

Positives: The poster has been kept simple and clear so that there is only one focus point (the characters). This is effective as it’s target audience of children won’t be confused and will instantly recognise what film it is. All the writing is also clear and bold so that it can be easily seen and read, even from a distance.

Negatives: The fact it only reveals a small amount of the potential storyline, may mean that people who have seen some/all of the previous ‘Ice Age’ films may not bother to watch it as they can not identify what makes this one different or better.

Page 12: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The multi-coloured title matches the background colours behind each character. This could be to represent each character or just to make it stand out. It is capitalised and immediately captures the eye.

By using multiple colours it implies that the film is going to be upbeat and exciting. It also reflects the 1960’s time period it is set in which is renowned for flamboyant clothing.

The actors names are placed on the poster by the title so they will be seen. This is to inform people who is starring in the film as well as enticing their fans into watching it.

The film is targeted mainly at a female audience, this is reflected in the posters use of bright, soft colours such as pink and light blue.

The characters facial expressions give us an insight into their personalities. For example the character Prudy’s stern stare reflects the miserable, over protective mother she is.

The release date is quite small, but has been made a bold white so it can still be seen relatively easily.

The posters layout means the focus is primarily on the characters and the films title. These are the most important things people generally want to know about the film.

“YOU CAN’T STOP THE BEAT” is the films tagline and also the name of one of it’s songs. It is written in a dark pink which makes it stand out, It also tells us the film is going to be an energetic musical.

Usually the main characters are the main focus of a film poster, but instead they have chosen to focus on the popularity of the actual actors. They have portrayed this through the size of the rectangle/square their picture is in.

The black background allows the writing to stand out, and emphasises the use of colours.

Page 13: Analyse 6 film posters  task 7

The poster focuses on the characters and title. As the film is a remake it does not have to give much away about the storyline, as the majority of people would have already heard of it.

Positives: The use of colour is a good representation of the musical aspect of the film, and implies it is going to be quite funny and energetic. The title stands out and the use of colour is likely to attract the eye of many people. It also includes the pictures of multiple big actors/ actresses, which will attract a wider audience.

Negatives: By putting the characters in separate boxes instead of having them all in one image, it makes the poster look quite busy, and has meant a lot of the writing looks quite squashed at the bottom. There should also be more emphasis on the release date because if you are looking from a distance it is not easy to identify.
