
Study of Documentary Filmmakers.

David Attenborough

David Attenborough is a well-known UK documentary filmmaker; he has produced a number of amazingly produced documentaries to do with the animal world. With his take on how he portrays the way in which these creatures live and act he has produced outstandingly detailed work that audiences all over the UK and outside of the UK take great interest in watching. When asked how David Attenborough feels about the way he documents he said,

"Again, it's a bit highfalutin but there are occasions, yes. The process of making natural history films is to try to prevent the animal knowing you are there, so you get glimpses of a non-human world, and that is a transporting thing”.

David Attenborough’s documentaries always give an inside look on the way the animal plant works. He is able to get up close and personal with these creatures and then film it in such a way that makes audiences more entertained.

In one of David Attenborough’s documentaries ‘Frozen Planet’, he gives a great deal of well shot visual details which many people today do not get to see. Here are some screen shots that I was able to find online. The landscape shots and up close and personal shots really give off how these animals live on a daily bases and how their day to day works.

David Attenborough uses different styles of techniques and styles to portray to audiences the different places and things he goes to visit. I believe that audiences gain a lot from watching his documentaries as they are able to get a wider picture of nature and can learn more about the world they live in.