
An engagement platform for your team that empowers them to execute a perfect sales


Marketing can never give leads to sales team that is ready to buy

now...with no questions asked.

Once leads are handed over to sales team, sales has to take these

leads through various stages.

Depending upon where the prospect is in their buying process, some tactics can be more

effective in engaging leads than the other.

If a prospect for example is in early buying process, it may be more receptive to information rich tactics like how to guides or white papers. The system can send these auto emails immediately after the phone call.

As the lead moves further along the buying process, a webinar or checklist might be more appropriate.

There is no tool that can facilitate the with the workflow for a rep who

is handling more than 500 leads.

They need assistance that can recommend the best workflow or next

action on each and every lead. They might not remember them all the time.

This also helps the sales people to focus on what they

are best at: selling.

I wish you will appreciate the fact that as sales person we do not earn incentive for anything that we do.

We get paid based on what our customers do.

It is not what we do in the sales process but what the customer does in the buying process that matters.

Hence, it's wrong to ask: " what do we need to do to

close this deal?"

We can do three dozen things and still it getter deal done. Rather

what we should be asking:

What does the customer need to do , in Oder to buy?

What do we need to do to get them do those things?

When we fully embrace that attitude we would notice that:

We will look at each opportunity and start asking, " what we have done already , and what we need to do? "

Hence moving a lead from stage A to stage B, can have a predictable x number of activities or follow up of emails, phone calls , what app etc.

Is n't it that moving a lead from one stage to another is a campaign in itself.

Imagine you have 6 stages in the load flow.

Imagine a rep is managing 300 leads.

There are 6 micro campaigns for the full sales cycle.

Each campaign has 3 to 7 steps.

Leads are at different stages.

How can sales people remember all this?

Do you face these challenges while you review lead

response management?

Let's talk or what's app.9999061525 or sudip.samaddar@alliance-