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2. Information about the journeyFlights: Malaga to London and vice versa.Each person pays: 191,93 (165,44)Four people pay: 767,72 (66,76)(Single and return included)Departure time: 8:45 pm.Arrival: 10:40 pm.Train travels price: London to Haworth.Each person pays: 12 (10,34)Four people pay: 48 (41,37)Hotel: York House Hotel.Four people pay: 1.535,44 (1.323,52)The tickets for the Bront Parsonage Museum cost 10 (8,62)Total: 40 (34,47)Total budget: 2.471,16 (2.120,36) 3. Restaurant Covent GardenMenu:First course:Desserts:- Mushroom Soup. - Apple pie.- Yorkshire pudding.Main course: Drinks:- Fish and chips.- Coke. - Water. - Milk tea. 4. Our journey... Last month, we went to a fantastic place calledWakefield. We stayed in a hotel called York House Hotel for ten days.The hotel was fantastic! It had restaurants, acentral living room with wi-fi service and a pool.It was situated in the center of the city. It was neara train station. 5. We visited London. First, we visited the London Eye. 6. We saw the city from above, it was reallybeautiful!This photograph wastaken from a cabine at London Eye, wesaw the riverThames from there. 7. After that, we went to a restaurantcalled Covent Garden.We tried all the traditionalEnglish food. We liked it!!! The menu was fantastic.We ate chips with fish,pudding and we drank the traditional tea with milk. 8. We went to visit theBuckingham gardens. There were many tulips,roses, thistles, daffodils 9. We caught a double busand we visited the city.Then we went to the hotel andwe had dinner there.When this day ended we were totally worn out!!! 10. We walked around the city and we went to the Buckingham Palace. Wewatched the Changing ofthe Guard ceremony andwe took many photos. 11. Next day, we woke up very early because we wantedto catch a train to Haworth. We visited the Bront Parsonage Museum. In the front of the house there were nine windows. In the museum we saw traditional paintings andportraits. The paintings from those years were very sad. 12. In the living room there was a fireplace.There was an old church near the house. The guide told us that in this time their father taught them. The father asked easier questions to the youngchildrenand more difficult ones to the old children. In this time women took care of their family and their husband. 13. Here, we can see The Bront Family: 14. In these photos we can see traditional clothes of those times. 15. In this room the Bront sisters had theirlessons. 16. In this photograph we can see their living-room. There was a fireplace, a piano and a table. 17. The last day we went to the airport and we returned to Malaga.The journey was fantastic! We will always remember it.