Page 1: An easy explanation on how allergies develop

An Easy Explanation On How

Allergies Develop

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Milk Allergy Symptoms

• Any individual who has milk allergy should, at all costs, avoid anything that has milk to help prevent allergic reactions from occurring. Avoiding these types of food may be difficult due to the fact that various products may contain milk without you knowing. Some individuals are confused with the difference between food intolerance and food allergies. Those who are suffering from milk intolerance may experience the following symptoms: abdominal cramps, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. At all times, check the label of the ingredients before you use a product.

• It is also wise to read food labels when shopping for food. When recipes are changed by the manufacturer, a trigger food may be added to the new one.

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Pollen Allergy Info

• Pollen grains are tiny substances produced by plants and are seasonally scattered to aid in pollination. The wind causes these grains to spread to other plants or flowers. However, there are grains that do not end up in other plants to complete the fertilization process. When a pollen allergic person accidentally inhales these plant substances in the air, allergy symptoms may occur. This condition is also referred to as hay fever.

• Pollen allergy belongs to the list of popular allergies in the world. It is easy to eliminate allergy-causing foods, animals, or medicines. Avoiding dusts and insects inside the house is also possible. Airborne pollen grains trapped inside a house with closed windows are very difficult to avoid.

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Cockroach Allergy Explained

• Among the household pests that commonly carry allergens inside the home are cockroaches. These insects are usually present in areas that are crowded, like the city. Dusts under the bed or dark cabinets may have traces of cockroach waste and saliva in them.

• According to research, it is possible for people with cockroach allergy to experience severe asthma. This is true especially if there are cockroaches in their homes. These pests inhabit even in spotless areas and old houses. They exist in various settings. It is not only the saliva that has allergenic proteins, but also their bodies and waste material.

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Poison Ivy Allergy Explained

• Poison plants are infamous for eliciting caustic effects upon contact with the skin. This property is due to its oily and irritating sap called urushiol. A token rash is typically seen a few hours or days after touching urushiol. Exposure to urushiol need not be from direct contact. Indirect contact through other objects covered with the sap is possible.

• Urushiol does not degrade even after the death of a poison plant. Its leaves, stems, and roots all have this component. Skin absorption of urushiol tends to be very rapid. Setting poison plants on fire will facilitate the inhalation of airborne urushiol. Smoke from a burning poison plant contains airborne urushiol. When inhaled, it produces irritation to the respiratory tract. Poison sumac, poison ivy, and poison oak can be seen in most parts of the US.

• Poison ivy vines are typical in the Eastern, Midwestern, and Southern areas of the country. In the northern and western it exists as shrubs. The three leaflets present in a poison ivy plant make it easier to be identified. Poison sumac generally occurs as a woody shrub. This plant also has stems with about 7 to 13 leaves arranged in pairs. Unlike harmless sumac, poison sumac have bunches of green berries hanging down its shrub. Poison sumac commonly prefers living in wet and mucky areas. Bundles of red, upright berries usually grow on harmless sumac shrubs.

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Hay Fever Allergies Guide

• Hay fever, a type of allergy, is caused by pollen grains and other similar substances. The two types of allergic rhinitis can be determined by the time it occurs. Seasonal rhinitis happens during pollination period. Perennial rhinitis happens at any moment of the year.

• The type of reaction will determine the difference between hay fever and nonallergic rhinitis. Tree pollens are the major causes of hay fever during spring time. Allergic reactions during summer may be caused by weed and grass pollen. People who are sensitive to fungus spores and weeds can be more affected by these things from late March until November. Cross-reactions with indoor allergens may be common to people who have perennial hay fever.

• Dust mites, feathers and animal dander may be found in pillows, beddings and the likes. Mold thrives in damp areas. Bathrooms and basements are common areas where this allergen can be found.

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• In order for you to be aware of much more about Allergy symptoms, please feel free to visit the author’s website.
