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An ancient soul in a young 21 st century body, is it bad?

By Visith Dantanarayana

Quite recently I watched an all-time movie known as Titanic probably for the unprecedented tenth time or so I believe. The next day I walked into the university lecture hall, perhaps with the intention of narrating this tale to my best friend. Well, his reaction was predictable and simultaneously unsurprising. His surprise was evident on his face the moment I pronounced the word ‘Titanic’. It was probably how he would have reacted if the police approached him with a warrant for his arrest. He said and I quote, “Dude, you are an antique soul living in a very young body,” I couldn’t have agreed more.

My name is Visith Dantanarayana, a 22 year old person with the dream of becoming a good doctor. I am currently studying in the Russian Federation. Well, I am the kind of person who would wear shirt and tie for every single lecture and class of my program. The reason behind this attire is neither gloating nor boasting but instead it is quite complicated, probably the same reason why I prefer watching Titanic repetitively. However, it would be an understatement to say that I love suits.

I desire opulence and glamor which come wrapped in virtue. This was always the formula of an aristocratic gentleman though I am not trying to convince myself or anyone else that I am an aristocrat. However, wherever he went, the aristocratic gentleman was showered with respect and admiration, after all that’s what almost every man wants.

I am a Victorian. I am also proud of the fact that I constantly endeavor to maintain the strict standards of a Victorian person. It is a tedious task, one that requires dedication and most importantly the deep desire to live the old fashioned life style. It also requires a considerable amount of sacrificing; the many temptations that come in your way in the modern day.

Today, the contemporary 21st century is an entirely different era with new trends and dreams that are altogether influenced by the advancement of technology or perhaps it’s the novelty of the human mind. It tends to cast off the old fashioned mindset only to adapt to the new one. Giving into temptations has been an age old weakness of humans. Ever since my arrival in Russia I have almost fallen in love with the culture that is rich in some Russian families, after all it was once a country with Imperial powers, despite the fact that the abolishing of the aristocracy after the October Revolution disturbs me consistently.

It is correct to say that the present day is budding with democracy, but is it the only thing that matters? Unfortunately no; almost every country is experiencing the inevitable modernization. Well, modernization has its positive aspects as well as its negative aspects. The positive side is clear to most of us and we decipher it as development. However, the grim reality of life is that

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nothing comes without a prize, and in most cases the prize could have a tremendous impact on the society in a way that the majority of people wouldn’t even realize. Modernization implies the departure of the old world along with all its values. This process can be explained via physics. An empty box on earth isn’t empty although we use the term ‘empty’. It is occupied by air. Now let’s assume a situation where the box is required to be filled with water. Even though we hardly notice the air leaves the box to vacant the space for the newcomer. The same process takes place in the society.

I believe that the contemporary trend of modernization has done much damage to the reputation of mankind. Charles Darwin introduced us to the theory of Evolution according to which we could conclude that humans are probably the highest of the hierarchy of mammals. Well, frankly this superiority comes from the presence of our mind with which we could think. This extraordinary ability of thinking facilitated in the prosperity of humans in times yonder. The ancient people created empires out of small civilizations, empires that are to this day remembered as some of the greatest accomplishments of man. I believe the Macedonian and the Persian Empires are more than sufficient to substantiate it. They left us with culture. Modernization and politics together have done much to destroy this prestige.

An old fashioned person understands and appreciates the values of the ancient world. He doesn’t enforce it on another person, rather influences another by being a role model. Some people argue with this fact. They believe that an old fashioned person is highly inappropriate for the contemporary mindset. “How can an old fashioned person be happy?” “He’s so uptight.” I hear these on a constant basis. “Has modernization brought happiness?” Most people choose to leave it as a rhetorical question. The answer could be complicated. Modernization has given us corruption which is been exploited by almost every government. Modernization has seemingly robbed the world of love. Today on most occasions when someone says, ‘I love you,’ he usually has a hidden agenda.

Marriage is an age old tradition which binds a man and a woman in love until ‘death do us part’. However, we see more divorces than marriages today. Some people have had two even three unsuccessful marriages. Why does it happen? I believe that racy lifestyle of today has brought in a lot of distrust. A loving wife awaits the return of her beloved husband with a cup of tea of coffee, but he doesn’t return, perhaps the economy forces him to work or otherwise. A tinge of distrust creeps into her mind, and as time passes this distrust grows to immense magnitudes which ultimately lead to a messy divorce. When it comes to marriage I am the ‘one and done type.’

Today most music stars and celebrities tend to exploit their sexual desires. Sex is a very important part of the relationship between a man and a woman, something that should be treated with responsibility and respect. However, when one exploits sex, it inadvertently results

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in the violation of the rights of youths for many generations to come. Sexual harassment is a major crime today. It seems to thrive along with the modernization. In the Victorian Era the mere portrayal of the private body parts was a crime, hence, rape was almost unheard of. The contemporary music has but a considerable role to play in the contribution for this uprising. I believe that I could proudly say that I try as much as I could refrain from paying attention to the new style of music. On the contrary I find the country classics more interesting and harmonious; something you could enjoy without experiencing an adrenaline rush. The tranquility that’s been emitted by the classic ballads genuinely relaxes your mind and probably could help someone to cope with the highly stressful lifestyle of today. In the least it would teach one about true love.

When someone dresses properly, coat and tie with an exquisite wrist watch, an elegant pair of shoes, it seldom reflects you as an uptight person, rather a person who deems respect. It brings out the aristocratic elegance in a person. I believe it to be true. When this elegance is mixed with virtue and the ability to love unconditionally it creates a Victorian gentleman. So, finally to answer the topic, the ancient soul in the young 21st century body would take that body to great heights of success. It isn’t a bad choice. In fact it is probably the best choice that someone could make. I made the choice, will you?
