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Music Math CodingFriday Session 3, 13.45 - 14.45 Theatre Space


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Why Music & Math?

Students can engage in music instantly while learning about Math. Ideas are the focus!

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How does Coding Fit?

Coding is another symbolic language with action.

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Coding is a language.

When writing code students need to think more about sound, action and process. Symbols help develop this skill.

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What you will need.

iTunesU requires IOS Devices for private courses. Public courses can be accessed on any platform.

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iTunesU Music Math Coding

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Steve Reich Clapping Music.

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Games centred around rhythm making, body percussion and

multiple time signatures.

Use iTunes Playlists.

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Fibonacci1. Movement Games in 3, 4, 5. 2. Exploration of Numbers App. 3. Golden Spiral Body Percussion. 4. Fibonacci Drumming Composition.

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Movement Students create the following in times of 3, 4, 5 and 7. All in time with the features of the studied extract.

a) Lower Level (on the floor) body percussion sequences.

b) Middle Level (standing but using stamping, patsching, clicking) pattern sequences.

c) Upper Level (arms above head, head, shoulders) pattern sequences.

The teacher must always model what is expected and demonstrate aspects of repetition and rhythmic grouping.

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Exploration Students explore the Fibonacci number sequence in nature and mathematics. Including a discussion on sound waves and codes.

a) Teacher allows student exploration of numbers app. b) YouTube Video on Math in Music (QR Code) c) Math & Music YouTube Playlist:

By investigating the properties and application of math to music students make valuable connections.

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Golden Spiral Body Percussion Students watch the Disney video (in playlist) on the Golden Mean (golden section) in architecture. This is to form the understanding of a pre-determined structure in Math.

• Always start the lesson moving to music of mathematical patterns (like Fibonacci numbers 3, 5, 8).

Using the Golden Sections divided up into each Fibonacci numeral, students create body percussion pieces that translate each numeral into a pattern.

For example, 34 might be 3 claps and 4 patches.

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns

My Rhythm Pattern:

My Rhythm Pattern:

My Rhythm Pattern:

Reflection:If our inquiry is based on communicating pattern and design, how well did your group do this today?

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Pythagoras1. Movement Games for 3, 4, 5. 2. Movement Games in 180˚. 3. Pythagorean Triples on MadPad.

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Movement Students create the following in times of 3, 4, 5 and 7.

a) Start to add spacial awareness where students need to move around the room or jump on certain beats. (Money Pink Floyd)

b) Test inner listening by removing physical actions except for the first or last beats of each cycle. (Take 5 Dave Brubeck).

c) Use music without a clear pulse to allow students freedom of movement and expression (I was brought to my senses, Sting).

d) The interior angles of a triangle add to 180˚ which gives us a unique way to perform a pattern and then rotate! For example: 50 + 60 + 70 = 180 transfers to 5 beats then rest, 6 beats then rest, 7 beats then rest = turn 180˚ and repeat.

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Pythagoras Students watch the Disney videos on Pythagoras with Donald Duck. Then demonstrate Pythagoras Theorem for a right-angled triangle.

a) Collect a key group of numbers like 3 - 4 - 5 and develop rhythmic patterns for each number.

b) Students experiment with combining different groupings of body percussion sequences using Pythagoras numbers.

c) Using the iPad app MADPAD students work in groups to perform their Pythagoras Number patterns.

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A more detailed PDF is attached to go through this component.

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Talam1. Clapping Tala from South India. 2. Singing Numbers over the Talam as a pentatonic scale.

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Tala In India Tala’s are rhythmical cycles that have different amounts of beats and different groupings. Using the YouTube Playlist there is a larger explanation of this.

Students are led by the teacher using RagaSudha Pro to outline Southern Indian Tala Clapping.

Students experiment with counting from 3 to 16 using this method and then practice singing a drone and pentatonic scale over their clapping.

Because 1 2 3 5 6 will all work mathematically!

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns

Statement of Inquiry. Repetition can communicate ideas of pattern and design.

Colotomic Structure is when you use specific instruments to show time intervals or patterns in Gamelan. It is like the musicians know a secret code that creates the structure of the piece they are playing. For example:

i) a small gong (kenong) striking once every odd-numbered measure; ii) a larger gong (kempul) striking each 4th, 8th, 12th, and 16th measure; iii) the large gong (gong ageng) sounding on the 1st and 16th.

"Colotomic Structure." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2016.Shotham, Ramesh. “Ramesh Shotham.” Ramesh Shotham, 2015,

Laghu is a clap of the hand followed by counting of the fingers.

Drutam is a clap of the hand followed by a wave of the hand.

Anudrutam is a just a clap of the hand.

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Cipher Notation1. Clapping patterns of divisions. 2. Notating Gamelan with cipher notation. 3. Experimenting with multiple parts.

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns


Cipher Notation: means using numbers (like a code) to represent musical notes.

In this case, a 0 = rest, 33 = play note ‘3’ twice and a 1 with an arrow = play the higher or lower notes.

Key Concept. Communication

Related Concepts. Composition & Structure

Why do you think these are important terms?

Beats: 1 2 3 4


Beats: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Beats: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Beats: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Gongs 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 1

Ciblon 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 12

Global Context. Scientific and Technical Innovation.

Simpson, Mike. “Gamelan Tuning Systems - Slendro &Amp; Pelog.” YouTube,, June 2010, “Instruments and Class Teaching Packs.” Drums for Schools Catalog,

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Cipher Notation This is how Gamelan is notated - with numbers! There are two scales (Slendro 5 notes and Pelog 7 notes).

a) Clap using Ta, Ta-a and Ta-te the rhythmic subdivisions of each ‘Part.’

b) Students experiment with the notation system on xylophones or classroom Gamelan.

c) Using the grid provided students create their own Cipher Gamelan composition to share with the class in groups.

* If you do not have a Gamelan set you can also use the Virtual Gamelan App using the QR code on the right.

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Slendro 6 1 2 3 5 6 1

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Experiment with the Scale and Rhythm.

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Experiment with Slendro patterns.

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Cryptology1. Bach, Haydn, Ravel. 2. Encoding your own name in music.

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns

Global Context. Scientific and Technical Innovation.

Key Concept. Communication

Related Concepts. Composition & Structure

Why do you think these are important terms?




Pythagoras Triples.Codes in music are easy to make. We have been using number patterns to clap, count, dance and even sing. Let’s try using technology and create another set of compositions from numbers - this time Pythagoras’ idea of the perfect triangle.

Codes in Music Part 1.Ever heard of the composer J.S. Bach? Did you know he wrote musical ‘Cryptograms’ (codes within his music) to spell his name? Other composers did the same thing. Have a listen for Bb A C B (In German Bb is first as H is B Natural). Now try your own name!

……………………………………………………………………………………………Angel, Amanda. “WQXR - New York's Classical Music Radio Station.” WQXR, New York Public Radio, 22 Mar. 2013,!/story/277113-top-five-deployments-b-a-c-h/.


Try this set of Pythagorean Triples to create music using MADPad. Use the grids to divide up patterns in your group and then perform what you make!

3 - 4 - 55 - 12 - 137 - 24 - 25

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns

Key Concept. Communication

Related Concepts. Composition & Structure

Codes in Music Part 2.

1. What is the point of looking at Maths and Music?


2. What have we discovered that connects all the thinkers, composers and codes?


3. What are some of the ways to communicate musical ideas that we have discovered?



Angel, Amanda. “WQXR - New York's Classical Music Radio Station.” WQXR, New York Public Radio, 22 Mar. 2013,!/story/277113-top-five-deployments-b-a-c-h/.

Menuet sur le nom d’Haydn by Maurice Ravel used the composer Haydn’s name as a Cryptogram. Using the French encryption option on the right he found that the following notes could be used to encode ‘HAYDN’ as B-A-D-D-G.

EricTranPiano. “Ravel: Menuet Sur Le Nom d'Haydn.” YouTube, YouTube, 2015,






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What is your name as a musical Cipher?

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Name: MYP Music 6/7 Music & Mathematical Patterns

Codes in Music Part 2.

1. Can you turn your name into a Musical Cryptograph?


2. If there are any strange letters in your name can you add them to the Cipher?






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

To create from our code we are going to use Pythagoras to help us!

3. Can you take one of the Pythagorean Triples from last lesson and use it to create another cryptogram? This time choose one of the sets of numbers below. Then using the single digits write out your musical code using the French Cryptograph above. (For example: 3 is C, 4 is D, 5 is E).

3 - 4 - 55 - 12 - 137 - 24 - 25 ………………………………………………………….

4. Now using both Cryptograms we are going to write them onto manuscript to hear what they sound like together. Using the website you need to type in the notes generated as your codes to create your own piece of music for piano!

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Can you combine elements of Pythagoras with your Coded piece?

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Student Example by Peter (Code: B E F E D)

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Student Example by Ellinor's (Code: E E E B G A D)

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En-Coding Music1. Using Hopscotch and Tynker to create amazing math music coding projects.

2. Combine patterns of numbers and code.

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Reflection Time.

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Music Educator @ Amadeus International School Vienna
