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  • 8/18/2019 American T


      M A G I S A C A D E M Y   FSP Learning Activity Sheet


    Name: ___________________________ Level_________________ Date ______________ 

    A. T is T at the eginning !" a #!r$ !r in a stresse$ sy%%a%e&

    1. It took Tim ten times to try the telephone.

      2. Stop touching Te!s toes.

      ". Turn to#ar Stella an stuy her contract together.

      $. %ontrol your tears.

      &. It!s Tommy!s turn to tell the teacher the truth.

    '&T is D in the (i$$%e !" a #!r$

    1. 'ut it in a (ottle. [püdidinə bäddl]2. )rite it in a letter. [räididinə leddr]

    ". Set it on the metal gutter. [sedidän thə medl gəddr]

    $. 'ut all the ata in the computer. [püdäl the deidə in the c'mpyudr]

    &. Insert a *uarter in the meter. [inserdə kworder in the meedr]

    +. ,et a (etter #ater heater. [gedə beddr wädr heedr]

    -. Let her put a s#eater on. [ledr püdə sweder an]

    . /etty!s at a meeting. [beddy's ædə meeding]

    0. It!s getting hotter an hotter. [its gedding häddr•rən häddr]

    1. 'atty ought to #rite a (etter letter. [pæddy(y)ädə ride a beddr leddr]

    C&T is He%$ at the en$ !" a #!r$&

    1. hot late 3at goat hit put not hurt #hat set paint #ait sit irt note 4t lotlight suit point

    incient tight

    2. She hit the hot hut #ith her hat.

    ". )e #ent to that !Net site to get #hat #e neee.

    $. 'at #as *uite right #asn!t she5

    &. )hat5 'ut my hat (ack6

    D&T is He%$ e"!re N in -tain an$ –ten en$ings&

    1. 7e!s 3orgotten the carton o3 satin mittens.

    2. She!s certain that he has #ritten it.

    ". The cotton curtain is not in the 3ountain.

    $. The hikers #ent in the mountains.

  • 8/18/2019 American T


    &. 8artin has gotten a kitten.

    +. Stuents stuy Latin in /ritain.

    -. )hitney has a patent on those sentences.

    . 7e has not 3orgotten #hat #as #ritten a(out the mutant on the mountain.

    0. It!s not certain that it #as gotten 3rom the 3ountain.

    1. 9ou nee to put an orange cotton curtain on that #ino#.

    11. )e like that certain satin (etter than the carton o3 cotton curtains.12. The intercontinental hotel is in Seattle.

    1". The 3rightene #itness ha 3orgotten the important #ritten message.

    1$. The chil #asn!t (eaten (ecause he ha (itten the (utton.


    E&T is si%ent a"ter N

    1. intervie# innervie# 12. printout prinnout orprinout

    2. inter3ace inner3ace 1". printer prinner or priner

    ". Internet innernet 1$. #inter #inner

    $. interstate innerstate 1&. enter enner

    &. interrupt innerrupt 1+. 7asn!t he5 h;

    +. inter3ere inner3ere 1-. Isn!t he5 i

    -. interactive inneractive 1. Aren!t I5 ?r n?i>

    . international innernational 10. )on!t he5 #oenee>

    0. avantage =v;n!@ 2. Doesn!t he5=

    1. percentage percen!@ 21. )ouln!t it5 #=nit>11. t#enty t#enny 22. Din!t I5 inBn?i>

