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In Prophecy!

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Table of Contents

Section Page

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………… . . ii

America, 10 Years After 9-11…………………………………………………… 1

In Which “God” Does America Trust?………………………………………… 1

Patriotism Or Rebellion?……………………………………………………… . 2

Coming Plagues And Curses!…………………………………………………. . 3

Prophetic Foresight…………………………………………………………… . . 4

The Scarlet Woman…………………………………………………………… . . 6

Just Judgment………………………………………………………………… . . . 8

Mystery Babylon’s Destruction Prophesied... ……………………………… . 10

A Land of Merathaim and Pekod…………………………………………… . . 11

What Mystery?………………………………………………………………… 13

The Coming Alliance Against Mystery Babylon…………………………… . . 14

Arrogance, Pride, Sin Leading To America’s Downfall…………………… . . 15

The Coming Race Wars... …………………………………………………… . . 17

Undeserved Blessings Upon America?……………………………………… . . 17

Manasseh and Ephraim in Prophecy………………………………………… 18

Detailed Prophecy Concerning America…………………………………… . . 20

The Great Whore……………………………………………………………… 21

Modern Curses Foretold……………………………………………………… 23

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Table of Contents (Cont.)

Section Page

The Insecurity State…………………………………………………………… 25

Parallels Between America’s First Presidentand the First King of Ancient Yasrael……………………………………… . . . 26

America’s Blessings and Coming Judgment... ……………………………… . 27

America’s Financial Idolatry – Where It’s Leading the U.S.……………… . . 28

Hope Only Following Repentance…………………………………………… . 30

At The Turning Point………………………………………………………… . . 31

But First Justice Must Return To Rule The Earth!………………………… . 33

True Paradise At Last!………………………………………………………… 35

The World Will Witness And Wonder... …………………………………… . . . 36

Wicked Injustice In The Courts And Against Nations Will End... ………… 38

America’s And The World’s Comeuppance………………………………… . 41

The Conclusive Battle For Earth... ………………………………………… . . . 42

More Drought And Wild-Fires Ahead?……………………………………… . 44

The End?……………………………………………………………………… . . 47

Conclusion……………………………………………………………………… 48

Inspired And Insightful Restoration………………………………………… . 49

How You Can Help This Work Of Restoration Now... ……………………… 50

America In Prophecy!


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America, 10 Years After 9-11

America’s “Eves” have swallowed the deceptive fruit of alleged good that leads to every evil, while America’s “Adams” have not only allowed this, but willingly followed suit.

And as goes the “great whore” so has the entire world blindly adopted its destructive (self and otherwise) ways!

Every government on earth today, to one extent or another, has whored itself to the manipulative, deceitful and ever seductive but deadly siren lure of fiat “money” and military conquest of nations, peoples and cultures that have resisted its total domination of the world.

President Eisenhower, when leaving office, warned America to beware the growing military-industrial complex. He failed to warn against the power underlying this bestial abomination of corporate greed, avarice, murderous activities and other assorted evils, that has also dominated the medical, media, educational and especially the courts and other legal institutions of America and the world, beginning in the early twentieth century, and increasing in power, dominance and tyranny with every passing decade.

That beast is a combination of monetary powers, government controlling and manipulating non-governmental institutions, commissions, councils, think tanks and special interest lobbies, along with pagan religious and secret societies, hidden but very active, lucifer-worshipping adherents intent upon subjecting first America, and then the entire world, to their soon-to-be-unveiled false messiah despot.

This culminating evil of the ages is about to be openly revealed, once the conspirators, guilty of perpetrating this centuries old treason, feel they have total police and military power to enforce this ultimate tyranny without effective resistance or opposition (even if it requires a bloody coup, martial law, or external act of war, for them to achieve this final dictatorship of the world).

In Which “God” Does America Trust?

What is “patriotic” about the evils that America represents, and through its influence the world parrots, as a result of largely unknowingly worshiping the “god of this world” in the guise of a nation conceived in the adultery of pagan rebellion against the Sovereign and only Creator of heaven and earth?

You don’t believe this?

Answer this important question: How are America’s leaders selected?

By casting the lot, in faithful reliance upon our Creator’s providential guiding hand? Or by voting for whoever the unelected media tells us (often falsely) is a “frontrunner” in a mud-

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slinging race between those who have the most money (often from ill-gotten sources) to throw into advertising, public relations lies, and media manipulations, and rigged “debates” that are really more akin to staged, well-rehearsed, and well-financed theatrical productions?

The hidden but very real spiritual motivating force behind American patriotism is, in truth, the same rebellious being that led Eve astray, to entice Adam into abandoning what he knew was right, so that the entirety of their descendants – down to the present day – would live briefly under the curse of death, to eventually be destroyed, along with their rebellious mentor and false guru “god,” in the fiery judgment called the lake of fire!

Every organized religion, government, foundation, commission, council, and military, media, medical, monetary, educational, corporate-industrial complex, and judicial power center in this world stems from the fruit of the selfsame ancient poisonous tree of knowledge – or, in other words, science – of alleged good that always leads to massively destructive evil in the end.

Is this what stirs “patriotic” fervor for America in your heart?

Patriotism Or Rebellion?

Most Americans are mass-manipulated and controlled by their own patriotism into supporting, championing, aiding and abetting, and even promoting their own political brand of divisive policies, that always leads to and results in all the social ills they are supposedly fighting or struggling to overcome.

Little realizing they are the very source of all these societal shenanigans through the socialist (communist, fascist, or democratic-republican variety) programs, laws and other cunning but false initiatives, foolish Americans then fanatically support, defend and enforce, Americans are leading the world down the primrose path of false salvation through corrupt governmental power, force and flaw (false law) enfarcement.

Things have gone so far south for America, it is now very doubtful if it can or will even survive as a cohesive nation to see its 250th anniversary! It probably won’t last anywhere near that long, if planned schemes of its false leaders and corrupt media/education and military, corporate, mon-etary, medical, and legislative alleged “law” plots come to fruition on schedule, in the very near future!

Americans are being mass poisoned, polluted (Seen any illness-inducing, radioactive or corro-sive chem-trails in the once clear blue skies lately?), malnourished and otherwise harmed at every turn, more than any other period in world history.

Americans have been led into more self-destructive false-flag wars, thanks to alleged “attacks,” actually instigated and enacted by our own evil leaders – from the president on down – and are lied to and deceived in more egregiously harmful ways (and are willingly swallowing and sup-

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porting this stinking mass of bloated bilge and toxic, paranoid propaganda), in the name of non-existent or fictional “security” and alleged but largely manufactured “enemies” and terrorists, amidst outrageous new and growing atrocities instigated by our own government, against its own citizens!

And America is just beginning to suffer from the plagues and judgments of a justly angry Crea-tor, who is opposed to America’s trusted but false “god” – represented in the pagan and secret society symbol of the “all-seeing eye” atop the unfinished pyramid, on the back of the so-called one “dollar” false bill, Federal Reserve fake “United States” fiat “note” – that is presently bank-rupting America.

Coming Plagues And Curses!

Plagues such as whirlwinds (tornadoes and hurricanes) droughts, wild fires (written long before the recent devastating drought-induced fires in Texas), and soon more serious earthquakes and perhaps even volcanic eruptions -- among other more serious evils to come -- are already erupt-ing across the American continent.

The recent record drought in Texas, for instance, was prophetically pronounced against the errant inhabitants of the central Texas community and county of Hamilton, and the state of Texas and America by extension, a year before 9-11, in a local district court, delivered to three guilty judges, and an account of this warning was printed as a page one headline article in a briefly published newspaper, distributed throughout the county of Hamilton, Texas the day before 9/11 2001; a drought which has slowly grown and devastated the region and state in the decade since.

Eleven years prior to the worst drought plague this recent year (2011), in a document filed, and noted orally in court the same day, on September 12, 2000 (but misdated, in the court docket sheet, by the visiting judge as 9-11-2000), the prophet who announced this judgment quoted “Ezekiel” 22:23-29, which indicts the false leaders who steal from, impoverish and imprison their fellow citizens, falsely charging, trying and convicting them unlawfully.

These same judges refused to heed this warning, going on the next year to unlawfully “convict” and imprison this prophet five years later, where he suffered unjust religious persecutions, tor-tures and assorted attempts on his life in the state jails of Texas, barely surviving the year-long ordeal, where he was never allowed visits and just three brief 5-minute phone calls with his wife and children (even then, only following the deaths of a younger brother and older sister that same year, of which he was informed only after the funerals).

Within four years of finally being released from these cruel and unusual punishments, this same prophet’s family was attacked, and his four youngest children seized by the state of Texas under false and malicious charges of fictitious “abuses,” in several religious persecution motivated court actions leveled mainly against him, but also including his wife, beginning when both were accused and jailed – while their youngest children were taken, forcibly vaccinated against their

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religious beliefs, and never returned to their parents – for over a month each, while denied assistance of counsel and bail, under utterly false and malicious charges that were never indicted or brought to trial.

Finally, ten years after giving this prophetic warning, this prophet’s remaining family was abused by the seizing and theft without lawful right of their only means of travel, in a county devoid of any public transportation in or out, forcing the elderly prophet, his wife and their remaining 18-year old son (who was detained, or imprisoned, against his will in a foster home more than a month after reaching the age of majority) to ride bicycles to the nearest town and back, prevented thereby from any gainful work or income, and hindered from obtaining basic survival needs.

Forced by these circumstances to fast often (every other day, for extended periods of time) for many months, this prophet and his remaining family have also struggled through the recent heat wave mostly without air conditioning due to rising utility costs, with only an Internet connection and phone service linking them to the largely uncaring and unconcerned outside world.

Prophetic Foresight

About a month prior to the recent fires spreading throughout the state of Texas, this same prophet warned his wife, a close friend and a few of his children that more wildfires – such as those that erupted starting in early winter of 2006, immediately following the start of his year-long impris-onment – would once again ravage this state this year!

What follows is an account of a prophetic event that took place after the above section on com-ing plagues and curses was written, perhaps as a very real indication of the actual importance and seriousness of this warning document...

On August 23, 2011 this same prophet was discussing with a personal friend the fact of the pagan “apotheosis of Washington” painting on the nation’s Capitol dome, and how it ties in with the equally pagan Washington monument.

The prophet recalled an image of the destruction of the Washington monument in a recent tele-vision show broadcast in 2010 called “The Event,” saying that an earthquake causing this type of event would be just judgment upon America and it’s secret society traitors intent upon enthroning a “new” (old) world order Nimrod-like beast as a world dictator.

Later that same day Washington D.C. was indeed struck by a very real earthquake, the first in over a century and in the experience of most inhabitants of America’s east coast states and cities, including New York City and the nation’s capitol, causing visible cracks in the apex or peak of the Washington monument and forcing the park police to close the monument to the public for an undetermined period of time.

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Fictional depiction of a supernatural catastrophy destroying the Washington monument – from The Event (2010).

Another structure hard hit by this quake, and numerous aftershocks over the next few days, was the equally pagan Washington cathedral, designed and built to mock the true faith by paying homage to all the world’s pagan religions, particularly the secret occult religion of Lucifer (satan the devil), otherwise known as the great deceiver, the adversary, and the dragon whose spirit will possess the coming beast world dictator!

This is the very same evil being glorified, along with many pagan false idols of ancient Roman and Greek lore, in the “apotheosis of Washington” fresco under which most dead members of Congress, presidents and supreme court judges lie in state.

Just in case you don’t know the meaning of the word, “apotheosis” indicates the false pagan belief in the supposed “deification” of a man, such as George Washington in this case, America’s first president of the United States under the new constitution, as a supposed “god” – and this alone is the reason all of America’s top political leaders who die lie in state under this fresco, depicting George Washington surrounded by a phalanx and pantheon of pagan demonic false “mighty ones” – symbolizing the fictional supposed “apotheosis” of America’s deceased leaders.

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The “apotheosis” fresco painted on the Capitol dome in Washington, D.C.

This will be the exact same bogus claim made by the final beast personage, to be a living “god” man, who – according to scriptural prophecy in the book of Revelation – whom the entire pagan religious and secular world will worship and adore!

Unlike the demonic depiction of a false “apotheosis” of Washington and many other of Ameri-ca’s covert pagan religious leaders, this same prophet has long taught, for nearly three and a half decades, the true first resurrection of the elect children of the Creator Yahveh, who will return to this earth with their Savior – following the wedding supper of the Lamb in heaven – to finally and permanently dethrone this final bestial world despot and all the world’s leaders supporting him.

Only then, after this singular event of the ages, will this good earth finally rest and its inhabitants finally and permanently enjoy true peace and prosperity at long last.

Want to read the rest of this report?

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