Page 1: Amateur Surf Lifesaver Banned For Two Years

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Page 2: Amateur Surf Lifesaver Banned For Two Years

Surfboat rower Brendan Ellis, of Batemans Bay club on the NSW South Coast, has been banned for two years following a breach of the movement’s anti-doping policy competing in the Ocean Thunder Surf Boat Series at Dee Why Surf Club on January 11, 2014, according to Surf Life Saving Australia.

Ellis, a part of this year’s champion crew in the professional Ocean Thunder Series and a 2012 world surfboat title winner, was associated to an over-the-counter sports supplement that had Oxilofrine (methylsynephrine), which is a stimulant chemically related to ephedrine and sometimes found in some dietary and sport supplements. Oxilofrine is prohibited when used in competition.

Page 3: Amateur Surf Lifesaver Banned For Two Years

The 31-year-old said he was no drug cheat and added he had simply been caught out by ingredients (made overseas) not mentioned in the packaging of a “pre-trainer’’ product.

Ellis’ sweep Neil Innes said the punishment was wrong and said he believes there was not enough information for surfboat rowers. Innes said we are branded as drug cheats which is something we’re not happy about and remarked it is not Ellis was on anabolic steroids.
