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 SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV+Enhancement - Functional

S ecification

Note: As this is a case study that simulates a real life development object, some fields will be marked as TBDand highlighted in Blue. These fields should be having real values, in customer development specifications.

Functional Specification - ReportMaterial Master Data - Fields Summary

Document Reference: TBDVersion: !"Document Status: Si#ned $ff  

Aut%or: &ars%al 'a(are

Last Re)ision Date: *-Apr-+""*Date ,reated: *-Apr-+""*Date Printed: *-Apr-+""*

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

Document ,ontrol

Business Area Material Mana&ement

'AP ID )*

FS Definition Form ID )*

SAP R. Version E,, '."

 'lo/al Mar0et )*

Appro)al and Distri/ution

Appro)ed /y 1ame Role Si#nature Date

%rocess )eamLead

)* )* )* )*

eelopment)eam Lead

)* )* )* )*

Document &istory

Version Reason for c%an#e Date

1." nitial Version 17-No-!""#




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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

Ta/le of ,ontents

1. /ENERAL NF0RMA)0N............................................................................................................

!. *SNESS NEES 2 RE3REMEN)S..........................................................................................4

. SSES......................................................................................................................................'

4. SELE,)0N S,REEN E)ALS.....................................................................................................'

'. ,RREN) FN,)0NAL)5..........................................................................................................#

#. ESRE FN,)0NAL)5...........................................................................................................#

7. )E,6N,AL E)ALS...................................................................................................................#

7.1.E)RA,)  A)A RELA)0NS6% A/RAM.....................................................................................#

8. S)AR)N/ ,0N)0NS...............................................................................................................7

9. SE,R)5 RE3REMEN)S: A)60R;A)0N E)ALS..................................................................8

1".  A)A M A%%N/ ) A*LES..............................................................................................................8

1".1. ESRE RE%0R) ES/N:L A50)<.................................................................................1"1".!. RE%0R) EAM%LE<..........................................................................................................1"

11. ,S)0M ) A*LES:S)R,)RE N SA%......................................................................................1!

1!. RE,0VER5  AN RES)AR).........................................................................................................1!

1. L AN/A/E 0F )E)S...............................................................................................................1!

14. ,RREN,5  AN N)S 0F MEASRE........................................................................................1!

1'. ASSM%)0NS..........................................................................................................................1!

1#. ERR0R 6 ANLN/....................................................................................................................1

17. )ES)N/ S,ENAR0S................................................................................................................1

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

! 'eneral Information

Area 2SAP System components3: R Date: 17:"4:!""7

Re4uested /y: Tel no:

Aut%or: 6arshal /a=are Tel no:

Pro#ram Transaction code:  

Tas0 ID:  

,M$D Pro(ect 1ame:

Title: 0),>EN6>0rder>Mass>,han&e

S%ort Description: Sales 0rder mass ,han&e

Priority: 6i&h:mandator? Medium:recommended


,omple5ity:  6i&h Medium Lo@

Volume of data:   Date a)aila/le from:  

Sensiti)ity of Data: 6i&h Medium Lo@

Mode:  0nline *ac&round

Fre4uency: ail? Beel? Monthl? *i@eel?

0thers CSpecif?D <

Tec%nical information:!Type of 6n%ancement

+!Module Su/moduleInformation

.!Data $/(ect 2Purc%aseordersales order etc!3

7! Dependancy on any o/(ect

 serEit *A Reuirement routine

 ,ustom transaction *usiness transaction eent

 SuGstitution 2 Validation 0thers

 Sap Std pro&ram modification

Module suGmodule

'eneral information:Results if no en%ancements arecreated:

 Le&al reuirements not fulfilled

 Lac of essential Gusiness information

 Lac of functions compared to le&ac? s?stem

 0thers CSpecif?D< additional F)Es 

Appro5! duration of de)elopment8or0 2in man-days3:

Is t%ere an alternati)e in t%estandard system9

 5es No

Description of alternati)e:

Reasons 8%y alternati)e is notaccepta/le:

 %erformance proGlems ,ompleit?

 0thers CSpecif?D <

Reference Document:

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification


+! Business 1eeds Re4uirements%o@er ndia Limited started its operation in the ?ear 19#'. From its humGle Ge&innin& in a small to@n ofMaharashtra called Ran=an&aon %L has achieed seeral milestones and toda? it is one of the lar&estmanufactures of stora&e Gatteries in ndia. ,urrentl? the compan? is hain& seen production facilitiesin ndia namel? Ran=an&aonH %uneH NashiH ,hennaiH 6osurH /ur&aon and ur&apur respectiel?.

%o@er ndia LimitedH the fla&ship compan? of the 0scar &roup is the maret leader in the stora&eGatter? industr?. t manufactures @ide ran&e of Gatteries from ! Ah capacities to 1"'"" Ah to coer theGroadest spectrum of applications.

T%e /usiness needs t%e a/ility to mass c%an#e certain Sales $rder Information

)he scopes of the Mass ,han&es are limited to elier? ateH 0rder Reason ,odeH nco )ermsH Re-%rice and 0rder ,omment.

Bhen a user chan&es Reason ,ode the order @ill need to Ge re-priced

f durin& updates an? of the selected lines fails to Ge updated the user should Ge notified of the error.

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

.! Selection Screen Details

7! ,urrent FunctionalityT%e current system M1 screen allo8s mass c%an#es to many fields at /ot% t%e %eader and

detail le)el.

;! Desired Functionality

Bithin SA%R: the customers %0 numGer is held on the Sales order CV*I-*S)IDH this information ischan&eaGle and a tet field for all practical purposes. )his field is N0) passed to a delier? document in fieldfor reference therefore ?ou hae nothin& to reference the creation of a Gillin& document from the delier?@ithout it.

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

n order to reference the customers %0 numGer for elier? related Gillin& the communication structure of thedelier? line items must Ge chan&ed. )he chan&e @ould Ge to add a field to contain the customers %0numGer. CV*I-*S)ID Be also need to add the customer %0 numGer to the additional data taG of the

delieries tem data. Appropriate *A needs to Ge found out and implemented here for outGound delier?

0nce this field is included @ith the delier? then the @e @ill select the delieries for Gillin& that are to Gemaster inoiced.

<! Tec%nical Details

Be reuire a selection screen Csimilar to V>RAD to filter the orders that @e reuire to chan&e.Similar to the flo@ of V>RAH once the selection criteria has Geen entered the user @ill press eecute@hich @ill return a list of the order lines that fit the criteria.

 Additional ,riteria

)he sales order should not had elieries created for it

chec taGle V*FA if no record @ith V*)5%>N JKKH then no delieries

)he user @ill then select one of the operations to Ge eecuted Conl? one operation can Ge selected foreecution at a time.D

ncotermsReason ,ode0rder ,ommentelier? ateReprice

)he user @ill then select the order lines to @hich the indicated operation should Ge eecuted a&ainst.0nce the user is satisfied @ith their selection the? @ill clic the eecute Gutton.

Replace chec Goes @ith Guttons. Add additional fields

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

Error %rocessin& Cupdated G? /ar? LiouD<

n the case of errorsH the user should hae the aGilit? to print the lo& file. A @arnin& should Ge issued ifthe output has not Geen printed should Ge issued if the user attempts to eit the screen.

Process Flow logic 

1) The execute command will pass the order lines to BDC of !"# to update theappropriate fields.

a. $ncoterms B%D&$NC'1(. 'rder reason Code B!%&!*+

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ser @selectoperato Geperfor

 Additional Fields to Ge Added

Ship toH ,ustomer %0 %/ateH Material aailaGilit?date

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

c. 'rder Comment should (e mapped to the customer ser,ice text area see(elow Text -apping 

d. Deli,er Date RV4A!/0 "T#AT e. +e&pricing this will call the appropriate pricing routines and repriceall open sales lines.

c. Text -apping 

Te$t deter %& 'ales (eader 

  Te$t ty %)&) *ustomer 'ervice +otes Access seuen ))- 

  +r /bject 0# 1ARV2 All 3anguag 1ARV2 '/R. Re #ata +ote

  )&) V556 %)&) 7 &&) Te$t does not e$ist 

2hen the *omment 5utton is chosen, then a te$t editor bo$ will appear. The user will be ableto type their te$t, and this will add a new line of te$t.

"ach should work like the 8ast *hange functionality of the VA), and based on the /peration

checked on the 9ass *hange 'election 3ist, the appropriate dialogue bo$ will be displayed.

"$ample :#elivery #ate;

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

The user will enter the appropriate value :in this e$ample new delivery date; and the 5#* willthen update the field for all order lines selected on the 9ass *hange 'election 3ist in thebackground

'ample 1rice logic 

The logic in VA) where you can do a massive pricing change after selecting all line items

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

1R"0'80+#<+'ART in this case would be =5>.

 Additional 8ields View 

6<AV! 6<++R 'old To

6<2"V!6<++R 'hip to

V56#!5'T6# *ustomer 1/?  

V5"1!2A#AT 10 #ate

V5A1!31R0/ #elivery 1riority  

V5"1!95#AT 9aterial Availability #ate

*!! 65tract Data Relations%ip Dia#ram

*! Startin# ,onditions)his report @ill Ge run on demand and once ail?

=! Security Re4uirements Aut%ori>ation Details


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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

?! Data Mappin# Ta/les

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

.1. Desired Report Desi#nLayout:

.#. Report 65ample:Cuse attachment if necessar?D<

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

"! ,ustom Ta/lesStructure in SAP


Ta/le 1ame

S%ort te5t

Si>e cate#ory

Ta/le maintenanceallo8ed

Data class


Ta/le maintenance#enerator 

Aut%ori>ation 'roup


Data 6lement Domain Type Len#t% ,%ec0Ta/le-Field





! Reco)ery and Restart

f the pro&ram fails half @a? it @ill not hae an? impact on an? other processes or pro&rams. tshould Ge simpl? re-started G? the user.

+! Lan#ua#e of te5ts)he tets for the report should Ge displa?ed in serKs lo&on lan&ua&e. f translation is notmaintained in userKs lo&on lan&ua&eH he:she should Ge displa?ed @ith En&lish tets.

.! ,urrency and nits of Measure

)he 3uantit? fields should Ge hain& reference to MARA-MENS to displa? the output is correctformat for those fields.

7! AssumptionsSales ata is accuratel? maintained in the s?stem.

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SAP Implementation at PIL  ALV Report - Functional Specification

;! 6rror &andlin#,hec for %roper alidations and Error conditons.

<! Testin# Scenarios

Normal Functionalit? - test cases that ensure the report functions as it should.


1 )his report is simpl? an etract of e? fields from the material master. An? testin& should inoleensurin& that the selection criteria are @orin& correctl? and that the appropriate fields are Gein&etracted.



Eception - special lo&ic or eceptions Ce.&. report should eclude certain specific conditionD


Error 6andlin& - functionalit? in case of errors Ce.&. Error Messa&e or Error Lo& D

7 ,hec alidit? of the parameters entered in the Selection ScreenH and displa? error messa&e ifinalid input are made.

@  ispla? nformation messa&e and leae processin& the listH if no material data could Ge foundaccordin& to the selection criteria.

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