  • ALTAMONTE TOWN CENTER GARAGEAltamonte Springs, Florida

    Building 2” from another construction system on 3 sides of the garage was the challenge on this project. With more and more apartment and condo developers taking full advantage of the land owned, we are seeing the need for residential garages increase.

    The seamless integration with the precast parking garage and the

    tunnel formed apartments is complete with the exterior paint application.

    With the cost of land increasing and the economical price of structure

    parking this application has become very popular in the Florida market.

    ((881133)) 662266--11114411 ●● FFaaxx:: ((881133)) 662233--66440066 EE--mmaaiill:: mmmmcckkeennyy@@ccoorreessllaabb..ccoomm ●● VViissiitt uuss aatt:: wwwwww..ccoorreessllaabb..ccoomm

    Architect: TSENG Consulting Group

    General Contractor: Epoch Properties

    Engineer: TSENG Consulting Group
