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Protect Students. Secure Data. Improve Productivity. Advanced IT Solutions to Secure and Enrich Your Learning Environment

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Student Safety First.

eLearning and the adoption of mobility initiatives, social media, online collaboration, and other types of technological engagement are the most significant and exciting changes to emerge for education establishments in the 21st century. The paradigm shift brought on by these new teaching and learning methods also opens a new frontier of simple to sophisticated threats that require a new way of thinking about IT solutions. It also makes the heroic feats IT performs at your school more crucial than ever. At Altinet, we understand the unprecedented challenges that you and your staff are facing. We offer the industry’s most advanced, cost-effective solutions to maintain a safe, secure, and thriving eLearning environment and school community. Whether your needs are on-premises, cloud-hosted, or a blend of both, at Altinet, we’ve got you covered.

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Web  2.0  Control   The  need  to  monitor  Web  2.0  has  increased  over  the  last  3  years  and  all  our  solu9ons  have  granular  controls  over  web  applica9ons  and  social  media  pla=orms  such  as  Facebook  &  YouTube.  With  educa9on  specific  features  such  as  blocking  Facebook  posts  and  ac9va9ng  YouTube  for  Educa9on.    

ApplicaAon  Controls   In  addi9on  to  the  Web  2.0  controls  we  also  control  applica9ons  at  the  port  level  using  deep  packet  inspec9on  technology,  therefore  ensuring  all  school  have  layer  7  blocking  capabili9es.      

SLL  InspecAon     SLL  Inspec9on  is  included  on  all  Al9net  products  allowing  IT  Administrators  to  monitor  and  control  content  that  is  normally  hidden.      

Comprehensive  ReporAng   Per  User/Per  Group  repor9ng  allowing  in  depth  annalysis  into  web  ac9vity  at  specific  9mes/dates.    

Real-­‐Time  Content  Filtering     We  offer  the  opportunity  to  have  real-­‐9me  filtering,  meaning  solu9ons  are  not  100%  reliant  on  URL  databases,  therefore  providing  zero-­‐second  threat  protec9on.  

Web Content Filtering. “It’s  so  simple!  The  Web  Filter  does  all  of  the  work  and  makes  it  easy  for  us  to  allow  our  users  to  safely  surf  the  


Al9net  work  with  a  variety  of  Web  Content  Filtering  vendors  to  ensure  that  each  school  is  geVng  the  level  of  granularity  that  is  required.  Web  2.0,  Social  Media  controls  and  Applica9on  Monitoring  are  included  as  standard  to  ensure  your  visibility  over  the  network  is  complete.  BYOD  requirements  are  con9nuously  expanding  and  the  integra9on  with  wireless  solu9ons  is  one  of  Al9net’s  strengths  in  deployment.      

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Spam  ProtecAon     We  work  with  the  market  leaders  in  protec9ng  customers  from  Spam.  Iden9fying  email  from  known  spammers  or  blacklisted  domains.  Our  solu9ons  leverage  mul9ple  industry-­‐leading  techniques  to  reduce  the  spam  entering  your  network.  

Virus  ProtecAon     All  our  solu9ons  include  Virus  protec9on.  We  work  on  reducing  the  poten9al  for  destruc9on  and  the  release  of  informa9on  through  cyber  a_acks  via  email.  Therefore  all  emails  inbound  &  outbound  are  scanned  and  monitored.    

Office  365  IntegraAon     We  understand  the  migra9on  to  Office  365  in  educa9on  and  have  adapted  out  product  offering  to  meet  these  requirements.    

Data  Leak  PrevenAon     Our  solu9ons  offer  a  new  a  number  of  encryp9on  features  to  ensure  that  your  data  is  protected  from  the  outside  world.  This  include  256-­‐Bit  Encryp9on  to  encrypt  email  traffic  between  the  sites.    

Inbound/Outbound  Filtering   Inbound  &  Outbound  filtering  to  protect  all  traffic  and  prevent  sensi9ve  data  leaving  your  network  as  well  as  spam  traffic  entering,  therefore  ensuring  a  full  threat  protec9on  policy  is  implemented.  

Email Spam & Virus Security.

“The  solu>on  which  Al>net  have  implemented  has  enabled  us  to  focus  on  other  areas  of  out  network  with  the  confidence  that  our  email  is  

fully  protected  and  spam  free  .”    

All  Al9net’s  Email  Spam  &  Virus  Security  solu9ons  look  to  increase  the  protec9on  from  inbound  &  outbound  email  traffic,  whilst  at  the  same  9me  leveraging  the  next-­‐genera9on  email  solu9ons  such  as  Office  365.    We  implement  complete  email  management  solu9ons  to    increase  security  on-­‐premise  and  in  the  cloud    and  reduce  management  9me.  

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Data Backup & Storage.


Incremental  backups  removing  this  need  for  full  daily/monthly  backups  

Dedicated  Hardware  Appliances  designed  for  the  required  network.  Devices  range  from    500GB-­‐20TB.  

All  the  storage  you  need  to  replicate  backups  to  the  cloud  and  extend  reten9ons  

Inline  or  Global  Data  deduplicaAon  reducing  the  storage  capacity  and  overall  saving  costs  

Redundant  RAID  included  on  all  appliances  for  DR  

Geographically  distributed  enterprise  grade  data  centers  to  prevent  data  loss  

Virtual  &  Physical  machine  integra9on  on  one  solu9on    

Swappable  disks  included  on  all  appliances  with  the  hot  swappable  disks  on  specific  devices      

Off-­‐Site  VaulAng  Included  

Granular  file  based  backup  recovery  as  a  full  restore  or  individual  file  download  to  a  local  disk  

256-­‐Bit  EncrypAon,  Man  Traps,  2+1  Redundancy    

Cloud  Management  allows  control  over  the  backups  24X7  anywhere  at  any9me  

Bandwidth  controls  to  ensure  incremental  backups  occur  outside  core  bandwidth  intensive  hours  

“We  had  a  mixture  of  tape,  NAS  drives  and  backup  soGware,  but  Al>net  came  in  a  made  our  backup  

process  simple  and  increased  our  Disaster  Recovery  drama>cally.”  

 Al9net  work  with  the  mul9ple  educa9onal  establishments  to  remove  historical  data  backup  solu9ons  with  fully  integrated  complete  data  backup  solu9on  for  both  virtual  and  physical  environments.  We  look  to  make  the  backup  process  simple  with  one  solu9on  for  the  Backup  Sofware,  Hardware  and  Cloud  replica9on,  making  the  management  and  implementa9on  simple  and  hassle  free.      

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See What our Customers are Saying...

It’s  so  simple!  The  Web  Filter  Al>net  Implemented  does  all  of  the  work  and  makes  it  easy  for  us  to  allow  our  users  to  safely  surf  the  Web.    

Sco$  Jones  IT  Manager  

Botham  School    The  Backup  solu>on  has  provided  us  with  seamless  restores  and  we  now  restore  much  more  frequently  than  we  did  when  we  were  on  tape.  It  is  no  longer  a  decision  between  file  importance  and  need  versus  >me  to  complete  a  restore.    Stephen  Foakes  IT  Manager  The  Glasgow  Academy  

The  solu>on  which  Al>net  have  implemented  has  enabled  us  to  focus  on  

other  areas  of  out  network  with  the  confidence  that  our  email  is  fully  protected  

and  spam  free    Thomas  Makridis  IT  Manager  High  School  Of  Glasgow  

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Free Demonstration. Evaluation. Meeting. Speak to one of our education experts to get a complete understanding of how we can help your school increase security and reduce costs.

01138870190 [email protected]