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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Page 2: Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga This book is a tribute to HeroQuest©

Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

This book is a tribute to HeroQuest©. Inspired by the huge community of fans, this compilation came to life. The author is in no way

affiliated to MB®, Games-Workshop® or Fantasy Flight Games®. The rules presented in this book are meant for all fans of the age-old

game from MB®.

HeroQuest© by MB® and “Advanced HeroQuest© by Games-Workshop® are both out of print for many years now. You might be

interested in HeroScape© and/or Warhammer©, both are games currently still in production by both firms. Descent© it currently still

available at the Fantasy Flight Games® website.

Images from Les Edwards and Gary Chalk have been reused. Both artists contributed to the HeroQuest© community with their

graphical talents. You can visit Les Edwards his website at “”.

All rules presented are free of charge, open source and for personal use only. They’re meant just to have fun.

Page 3: Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga This book is a tribute to HeroQuest©

Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Allied HeroQuest

Descent in the Dark

The Ragnar Saga

Version 1.1

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

The Story of Morcar

The fire burns warmly, but casts little light into Mentor‟s study. The flickering shadows

only hint at the vast number of books and scrolls that fill the many shelves. Slowly Mentor

walks over to the fire. “Well, my friends, let me tell you of Morcar. Many centuries ago,

Morcar was my apprentice. He worked hard and learned quickly. But impatience devoured him.

He wanted to learn more powerful magic. I told him of the dangers, and that he should be patient,

for in time he would become a great Sorcerer. But Morcar could not wait; each night he broke

into my study and read my spell books. The secrets that were held within them were great indeed. Once he learned these secrets, Morcar fled. When I caught up with him, I found him

greatly changed. He had pledged his allegiance to the Great Powers of Chaos. Fool! He saw

magic only as a short-cut to power and paid no heed to the terrible price he would have to pay.

I tried to reason with him, but to no avail. He laughed in my face and then unleached a terrible spell which I was hard-pressed to counter. For many days we battled, but Morcar had allies

stronger even than I, and I could not defeat him. In the end, as we both weakened, he fled and

sought refuge in the Northern Chaos Wastes. There he licked his wounds and honed his skills,

conjuring ancient powers with which to overthrow the Empire. I must watch Morcar

and measure the strength of his magic. The powers Morcar has called upon will destroy

us all if I relax from this vigil. Morcar‟s legions threatened us once before. Then it was Rogar who aided me and defeated them. Now

they are on the march again; already they have assailed the Borderlands. The Empire must again look for Heroes and to this I have

requested you…”

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Special Rules

R agnar Saga - Monsters

Shown below are the Monsters and Characters that can be encountered in Quests from this book.

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Quest I – The Rescue of Sir Ragnar


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"Sir Ragnar, one of the Emperor's most powerful knights, has been captured. There is reason to believe that he is being held prisoner by Ulag, the Orc Warlord. You are to find Sir Ragnar and bring him back. Prince agnus will pay 240 gold coins to be divided among the Heroes, if they rescue Sir Ragnar. No reward will be paid if Sir Ragnar is killed during the escape."


Two Passages.


Prison Cells – Heroes and Chaos Warriors can open Portcullises. Remove the token when opened. A. Each of these Falling Rocks traps is sprung individually. B. This chest contains Chainmail and a Potion of Healing (from Treasure carddeck, reshuffle).

C. When a Hero opens this treasure chest, make him draw three Treasure cards. Then the chest is emptied.

D. A Character Threat Token can be played in these rooms to summon a Gargoyle. (It appears only once.) E. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in these boardsections to spring Pittraps. F. Falling Rock Trap Threat Tokens can be played in this boardsection. G. When the portcullis of Sir Ragnar’s cell is opened, an alarm sounds. Place all remaining boardsections, doors and furniture on the table. All doors are now open. (Except the portcullis holding the Fimir.) Use an appropriate miniature to represent Sir Ragnar (eg. the Chaos Warlock). Trap Threat Tokens cannot be played on Sir Ragnar. The Torch passes to and is carried by Sir Ragnar. Sir Ragnar can be given Equipment, but then this Equipment is lost to the Heroes after this quest. (See his reference card in the first pages of this Questbook.)


“Monstrous Alliance”.

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Quest II – Lair of the Orc Warlord


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"Prince Magnus has ordered that the Orc Warlord, Ulag, who was responsible for the imprisonment of Sir Ragnar, be sought out and destroyed. When Ulag is destroyed, you will receive a reward of 100 gold coins. Any treasure found in Ulag's stronghold may be kept by the Heroes."


Two Passages.


A. This is the Orc's Armory. The first Hero who searches for treasure will find a Spear and a Shield. (Take the appropriate Equipment card.)

B. The chest in this secret room has one of the legendary “Orc’s Bane” swords "Wrath of Orc" stashed away. (Take the appropriate Artifact card.) H. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in this corridor section to spring Pittraps.

F. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in this room or corridor section to spring Speartraps. C. The chest is trapped. The trap cannot be disarmed. A Hero who opens the chest loses one Body point. He'll also find 300 gold pieces and a Potion of Healing in the chest. (Take the appropriate Treasure card if available and reshuffle the Treasure deck.) E. Trap Threat Tokens can be played here to spring Speartraps. Ulug can be played in this room with a Character Threat Token. D. Place Ulag here if not already played in room “E”. Use the Orc miniature with the large sword to represent him.


Ulag, Orc Warlord.


“Green and Mean”.

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Quest III – Prince Magnus‟ Gold


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"Three treasure chests have been stolen while being taken to the Emperor. A reward of 200 gold coins has been offered to any group of Heroes who return the chests and all 2000 gold coins. The thieves are a wellknown band of Orcs whose lair is in the Black Mountains. They are led by Gulthor, a Champion of Chaos.

Follow the Black Fire Pass, Haz-Drazh-Kadrin for the Dwarfs. It is the main route between the lands of the Border Princes, Karaz-a-Karak and the southern regions of The Empire. Travel along the historical Old Dwarf

Road. It is essentially a deep chasm, created when volcanic eruptions tore the peaks in ages past.

The pass is identifiable by its eerie cleft high black cliffs and twisted lava along with polished volcanic glass and black vapour leaking from vents at the bases of the cliffs. Orc and goblin tribes in the south use this as their principal route

of invasion through the mountains."


Two Passages.


Spoils - If a Hero dies in this Quest, his gold remains at the tile where he died. It can be picked up by any other Hero as a free action. Traitor - If the Heroes decide not to return the 2000 gold pieces to Prince Magnus, the Quest is considered a failure and the GM wins. A. Any search will reveal a lever here. Pulling it is a free action. Pulling it opens the portcullis at “E”. B. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in these corridor sections to spring Falling Rock traps. C. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in these corridor sections to spring Pittraps.

D. These chests contain 500 gold pieces each. A Character Threat Token can be played in this room to summon Gulthor, Champion of Chaos.

E. The portcullis can only be opened when the lever at location A is pulled. F. A miniature who falls in the chasm is killed immediately. Any miniature may attempt to jump the chasm if it has enough movement points left and the square at the other side is free. To jump, roll two skulldice. If any of them is a skull, fail! These chests contain 400 gold pieces each.


Gulthor, Champion of Chaos. Gulthor acts like a regular Gargoyle. (Use the appropriate miniature.)



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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Quest IV – Legacy of the Orc Warlord


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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Ulag's foul offspring, Grak, has sworn revenge on those who killed his father. Although it has taken him several months, he has finally tracked the Heroes down and captured them in an ambush. Now the Heroes are held prisoner in his dungeons while he decides when and how they will meet their fate. While the guard sleeps outside the cell, the Heroes manage to pick the lock with an old rat bone. They must find their equipment and escape to the stairway.


No Passages.


Unarmed - Four Heroes start this Quest without their standard weapons, Equipment, Treasures and Artifacts. In unarmed combat they roll one skulldice for attack and defence. Spellcasters start with all their spells. Revenge - Ambush Threat Tokens cannot be played when Grak is revealed. A. The Portcullis cannot be opened without the key. It does not block line of sight. Miniatures cannot enter the Portcullis tile. The Goblin drops the key to the Portcullis when killed, allowing the killer to open (remove) the Portcullis. B. All equipment of the Heroes is stored in this cupboard. When the room is searched for Treasure, the equipment will be found. Each hero must enter the room to collect his own belongings. Do NOT draw Treasure cards here. C. You can play a Character Threat Token here.

D. Place an Orc miniature with the big sword here to represent Grak (if you did not already reveal him at room “C”). He is an extra tough-looking Orc, filled with anger for the loss of his father.

E. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in this corridor section to spring Pittraps. F. Trap Threat Tokens can be played in this corridor section to spring Speartraps. X. The four Heroes start here. (One Hero should have the Earth Spells in order to escape.) When the lock is picked, the cell door can be opened like a regular Door. The Hero players win the Quest if all four manage to escape.


Grak. Offspring of Ulag.


“Green and Mean”.

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Quest V – The Fire Mage


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“Long ago a great tide of Orcs conquered the Dwarf fortress of Karak Drazh and renamed the winding canyons in which it sat, "Black Crag." Since then Black Crag has been a treacherous maze for any who wish to travel the road south, and Karak Drazh is only the first of the many southern Dwarf keeps that have fallen over the centuries. Infested with Wyverns and Orcs, there are few places less welcoming... The Orcs of the

Black Mountains have been using fire magic in their raids. Balur, the Fire Mage, is thought to be responsible for helping them. No fire magic can harm Balur and the Emperor's wizards are unable to counter his spells. You have therefor been chosen to enter his lair, deep beneath Black Fire Crag. The emperor will

reward each Hero with 100 gold coins for Balur's destruction.”


Two Passages.


Corrupted – Use the Chaos Warlock miniature to represent Balur. Teleport - When the Room of Sorcery (A) is not yet discovered, you can use an Escape Threat Token at any time to remove Balur from the board unharmed. Spells already cast remain used and unavailable. Illusion – When the Room of Sorcery is revealed, Balur can use the combination of one Escape Threat Token and one Character Threat Token to teleport back to square “B” in room “A” during his turn instead of a regular move. A. This is the Room of Sorcery. Balur stands at square “B”. The first Hero to search for Treasures in this room find a Healing Potion. (Retrieve Treasure card from deck, hand it over to the Hero and reshuffle deck.)

B. This is the Room of Sorcery. C. Character Threat Tokens can be played here (even after a Teleport-escape) to summon Balur, as long as the Room of Sorcery is not revealed yet. D. This chest contains the Artifact “Wand of Recall” and 150 gold coins.

E. Trap Threat Tokens can be played here to activate Pittraps. F. Trap Threat Tokens can be played here to activate Falling Rock traps.


Balur. the Fire Mage: Movement 8 / Attack 2 / Defence 5 / Body 3 / Mind 7

Balur uses the three “Fire Spells” and may optionally choose 3 extra spells from the “Orc Shaman

Spell” deck (from the “Wizards of Morcar” expansion). The “Fire Spells” are unavailable to the

Heroes in this Quest. (They are available in the Passages.)


“Living Dead” AND “Green and Mean”.

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Allied HeroQuest Questbook The Ragnar Saga

Dark Clouds

You have done well. And yet it seems your task has hardly begun. Dark clouds gather at the

Empire‟s borders… The Emperor rode with his army towards Black Fire Pass, that perilous mountain route linking to the Empire and the

Borderlands. No such army has ever been raised in living memory. They drew up their battle lines on the grassy plains at the foot of the mountain road and waited. „Ere nightfall, the sky darkened and a great wind arose. Spine-chilling shrieks and howls echoed from the

mountain tops, terrifying the horses and filling man and elf alike with fear. Then came the first

assault. Pouring down the mountainside as though it was a gentle slope rather than an

almost vertical cliff, the hordes of Morcar fell upon the Empire‟s defenders. Like a black wave they came; but the lines held and it seemed we

should win the day. But I had not reckoned with Morcar‟s magic. He stood high on a ridge

overlooking the battlefield and unleached his terrible magic.

Lightning flashed from his fingertips and exploded among the defenders. Our lines were breached in a dozen places at once and the enemy howled in delight. Then came the Dooomguard – Morcar‟s elite force of Chaos Knights. Our army broke

and ran. Only the Emperor‟s personal guard held their ground and many sacrificed themselves to ensure his safe retreat. The Remnants of the Emperor‟s army are now holed up in Karak

Varn – the ancient dwarven stronghold. They do not have provisions for a long siege, however, so

we must act swiftly if we are to save the Emperor and his army. Yet there is another evil to be confronted. The Witch Lord, long thought dead and forgotten, has plans to lead the Legion of the Damned once more, Prepare for future Quests, my friends. The Empire has great need

of you. I myself cannot act against these dangers, for I must move against Morcar and strive to weaken his power. Until we meet

again, take care my friends. Farewell…