Page 1: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

1 Mass Times


News & Events Festival Program

4 Calendar

Offertory Initiative


School: Open House


Readings & Intentions


32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time I s s u e

A Community Centered In Christ, Nurtured by the Sacraments & Teachings of the Church; Committed to Excellence In Education, Living A Life of Service, Leadership, and Compassion.

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door

for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’

Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”

- Mt 25:11-13

Page 2: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar


Dear Brothers and Sisters In Christ,

Entering the month of November is associated with

falling leaves and the arrival of the winter season. This

timely conclusion attributed in our weekend experience,

signifies the end of our liturgical calendar, no different

from ending All Saints Day celebration, while gearing

ourselves towards honoring our departed brothers and

sisters, or as Bishop Noonan would put it, “All Souls do

not only celebrate our departed brethren but also embracing the

living souls of the present”. This weekend we highlight the Feast

of All Souls, with our Annual Festival Non Fest event!

The Gospel reminds us not to be foolish in neglecting to make

simple preparations for ordinary occasions, decisions, and op-

portunities in life. Like the sacred text of God’s Word, we may

find ourselves short in our moral dealings, realizing our iniqui-

ties and forget about God’s providential transformation and

healing, yet, amidst the pandemic, our community has been

blessed to be able to celebrate this week with fellow parishioners

and guests with confidence in abilities and above all God’s sav-

ing grace.

Like the Gospel, being ready while we wait helped us to be fo-

cused on our virtues, which we all have been dreaming of mak-

ing use of. Being ready beforehand gets us into spiritual condi-

tioning, because admittance to the Kingdom cannot be taken for

granted in the end.

How do we keep the lamp of hope alive in our hearts? In what

ways can we help people realize the nearness and the closeness

of God to our brokenness, caused by physical, and emotional

frailties? Let us hope to stay awake for we know not, neither the

day nor hour, when God’s blessing may come to shower us with

His merciful love.

Giving options are always available at All Souls. Thank You for

your prayers and support, helping to fulfill our mission every

day, every week, every month.

Fr. David Vivero

Queridos Hermanos y Hermanas en Cristo,

Entrar en el mes de noviembre siempre se asocia con las

hojas que caen de los árboles y la llegada de la temporada

de invierno. Esta oportuna conclusión atribuida a nuestra

experiencia de fin de semana significa el final de nuestro

calendario litúrgico, nada diferente de la conclusión del

festejo del Día de Todos los Santos en el cual nos prepara-

mos para honrar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas difun-

tas, o como diría el obispo Noonan, “Todas las Almas no sólo es el

festejo de nuestros hermanos partidos, sino también el acogimiento

de las almas vivas del presente”. Este fin de semana recalcamos la

Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual.

El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el

hecho de realizar simples preparaciones para las ocasiones comunes,

y las oportunidades en la vida. Como el texto sagrado de la palabra

de Dios, nos podemos encontrar cortos en nuestras relaciones mora-

les, reconociendo nuestras injusticias y olvidándonos de la transfor-

mación y sanación providencial de Dios. Sin embargo, en medio de

esta pandemia, nuestra comunidad ha tenido la bendición de poder

festejar esta semana con nuestros compañeros en la fe, confiando en

las habilidades y más importante aún, la salvación y gracia de Dios.

Como en el evangelio, estar preparados mientras esperamos nos ayu-

da a enfocarnos en nuestras virtudes, las cuales siempre soñamos en

poder usar. Estar listos por anticipado nos condiciona espiritualmen-

te, porque al final, la admisión en el Reino no puede darse por hecho.

¿Cómo mantenemos la lámpara de esperanza viva en nuestros cora-

zones? ¿De que formas podemos ayudar a nuestro prójimo a alcan-

zar la cercanía e intimidad de Dios a nuestro abatimiento, causado

por nuestra fragilidad física y emocional? Esperemos permanecer

despiertos, porque no sabemos, ni el día ni la hora en la que Dios

vendrá a colmarnos con Su misericordioso amor.

Las opciones para dar siempre están disponibles en All Souls. Gra-

cias por sus oraciones y apoyo, en cumplir nuestra misión cada día,

cada semana, cada mes.

P. David Vivero

Church Location:

3280 W. 1st St. (SR #46), Sanford, FL 32771 Vigil Mass: (Sat) 4:00pm and 6:00pm

Sunday Masses: 8:00am & 10:00am (English),

12:00pm (Spanish)

Chapel Location:

800 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771 Mon.-Sat. Daily Mass: (TBA)

Confession: (Sat) 1:30-2:30 pm

Pg. 1

Page 3: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

Gospel Meditation

For Your Day

hen doing student report cards,

there was a comment the teacher could

choose that read: inattentive and easily

distracted. Could that comment describe

your spiritual life? We can become so con-

sumed with myriad distractions and preoc-

cupations and lose our connection to what

is really significant and important. We can

become dull. This happens in our human

relationships, too. We can easily take the

love of others for granted, whether it be a

parent, spouse, friend, or a child. We as-

sume and presume that their love will al-

ways be there and do very little to cultivate,

rejuvenate, and deepen it. Presumption can

become a great sin.

We do the same thing with God and our

spiritual lives. We presume that God will be

merciful. Because we believe that in the end

God is going to forgive us anyway, then

why put a lot of effort into things now?

What’s the point? It’s far easier to find a

comfortable spot, curl up and take a nap!

There is no immediate urgency to staying

awake and attentive, so we think, and we

simply fly by the seat of our pants. Assum-

ing and presuming too much about our rela-

tionships, especially our relationship with

God, can lead to neglect and abuse. It can

even lead to a sense of entitlement, where

we actually believe that something is due us

without much effort on our part.

Folks who are distracted and preoccupied

can find their relationships, especially the

primary ones, drifting away.

You can actually be married

to someone for many years

and wake up one morning

realizing that you really do

not know them or truly rec-

ognize them. We have to

desire God in order to rec-

ognize God. We have to

open our hearts, minds, and

souls to His Presence so that

we can be rejuvenated and

refreshed. But we cannot do


All Are Welcome Here If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are

in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely—with unconditional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together.

All Souls Loves Visitors! We accept anyone who wants to share in the life of the parish regardless of where they live. Please register as an affirmation of your wish to share in the community life of All Souls. Registration cards may be found in the narthex of the church or chapel, the parish office during the week, or online at our parish website: Why not sign up today? We love new members!

Register Today at:


this if we are distracted or napping. We have

to be awake and alert! As a young child ea-

gerly watches for and anticipates that arrival

of their parent home, so too we must watch

for God’s presence. If the anticipation of

God’s arrival does not excite us and rouse

us, then we need to ask why. The wise per-

son keeps vigilant watch, knowing that in

the end they will not be disappointed. ©LPi


All Souls

Catholic Church


School and

Jesus Christ


All Souls



All Souls

Historic Chapel

Pg. 2

Our New Parishioners Nicola Robotham

Matthew Robotham


We Serve...

“The Festival this year is being presented

mostly online, due to Covid restrictions.

However, it has required no less effort from

the many volunteers and staff that have

tirelessly worked to create a whole new

environment in which our community can

gather and rejoice together. God works in

many strange ways to draw us to Him, and

this year’s Festival will hopefully do just

that. After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?

Our deepest thanks go out to those that

serve their Parish community by providing

the drive-thru Food Specialties; those that

collect and create the Silent Auction baskets;

those that stuff tickets and manage the 50/50

Raffle; those that have given of their time

and talents for uplifting musical perfor-

mances; those that have shared themselves

to do the Jail-A-Friend fundraiser; those that

are the Sponsors of our events and have

made them possible; those that work in the

background to facilitate and administrate

the entire Festival; and those who promote,

create and produce all you see online, as

well as in-person. A big, heartfelt Thank

You To All! “ - Father David, on behalf of

All Souls Parish


Page 4: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

FESTIVAL News & EventsPg. 3


RIGHT NOW 50/50 Raffle: Don’t miss your chance

to win the big prize! Pur-

chase your 50/50 Raffle

Tickets by 11:30am Sun-

day, Nov. 8th! Three

lucky winners will share

half of the total pot

equally. Play more, to

win more! Raffle tickets can be purchased online, or at the Parish

Office. The drawing will be live streamed from the church, and

winners will be announced Sunday, November 8th at 1:30pm.

Silent Auction: Bid now on 135 items in this year’s com-

bined church and school Silent Auction!

There’s something for everyone… from

tools to toys, gift cards, adult beverages,

cash, and much more! Start your holiday

gift buying and support the parish by shop-

ping right here. Bidding ends Saturday,

Nov. 7th at 8pm. Go to

qlink/allsoulscatholicparish or on a

smartphone, Text “ALLSOULS” to 72727,

and you’ll receive the next steps and information to register.

Jail-A-Friend (Comedy Fundraiser): Get’em Outta Jail! Help “bail out”

Father David, Fire Chief Radzak,

Faith Formation Leader Holly

Hooton, and many others, who

have been thrown in “jail”! Watch

the antics online and stay tuned to

see if your favorite jailbird is the

first one to reach bail and be set

free! Donate today to your favor-

ite jailbird’s “bail fund”. Festival

"bail" donations can be made

online, or dropped off at the Par-

ish Office. All bail donations to

benefit All Souls Catholic Parish.

Go to the All Souls Festival website, or use the

link below, to post “Bail” by Saturday, Nov. 14th:




FROM 4-8PM Festival Food Favorites Drive-Thru: Festival Food drive-thru pick up at the church on SR 46.

Food menu is online at: •BBQ Pork Meal – Pulled Pork, Baked Beans, Coleslaw $10

•Mexican Tacos (4) – (2) Carne Asada, (2)“al Pastor” $10

Musical Performanc-es and Entertain-ment Online: Starting at 5pm on Satur-

day watch and listen to

beautiful, uplifting, con-

temporary and spiritual

performances by profes-

sional artists throughout

the online Festival. Also,

watch the All Souls variety “show”, that the whole family can

enjoy! You can watch online through the All Souls Website, Face-

book, and YouTube platforms. Just Google them, or get links from

the All Souls Sanford website.

Silent Auction Ends: The Silent Auction bidding ends on Saturday, Nov. 7th at 8pm.

Winning bids will be notified by email.


Musical Performances and Entertainment Online: Watch and listen to an encore performance of beautiful, uplifting,

contemporary and spiritual

performances by professional

artists. Also, watch for the mu-

sical performances of our All

Souls Catholic School children.

50/50 Raffle Drawing To Be Live Streamed: Purchase your 50/50 Raffle

Tickets by 11:30am for a

chance at the big prize! The drawing will be live streamed from

the church, and the winners will be announced Sunday, Novem-

ber 8th at 1:30pm, right after the Spanish Mass.


Did you donate $20, $50 or $100 or more? Stop by the All Souls

Parish Office starting Monday, November 9th through the 13th to

pick up your premium goody (a prayer card signed by Fr. David,

an All Souls Holy Water bottle, or an All Souls Face Mask).


Jail-A-Friend: The 2020 Festival "Jail-A-Friend" comedy fundraiser ends

on Saturday, November 14th. Be sure to “Bail

Out” your favorite jailbird by this date, so

you can watch them be set free!

Go to the All Souls Festival website at

for all the details.

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Calendar SUNDAY, November 8 8:00 AM Harvest Festival 2020 (ends 1:30PM) 8:00 AM Sunday Mass……………...…………..….Church 10:00 AM Sunday Mass also online)…………..….Church 12:00 PM La Misa (tambien en linea).……………....Iglesia 1:30 PM 50/50 Raffle Drawing...………….Livestream

MONDAY, November 9 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………...............Church

TUESDAY, November 10 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………...............Church 5:30 PM Jr. DAWG …………………..………..........Virtual 6:30 PM Gr 1-5 Faith Formation..…….…..........Virtual 7:00 PM RCIA w/ Fr. Ken ……...…..………..........Virtual

WEDNESDAY, November 11 - Veterans Day 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………...............Church

THURSDAY, November 12 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………...............Church 5:30 PM School Open House …………………...School

FRIDAY, November 13 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………................Church 9:00 AM Eucharistic Adoration...……................Church

SATURDAY, November 14 8:30 AM Mass (also online)………………................Church 10:00 AM Confirmation ……………………………...Church 1:30 PM Confessions (until 2:30pm)……..............Chapel 4:00 PM Mass (Eng)……………...………................Church 6:00 PM Mass (Eng)……………...………................Church 6:00 PM Madres y Padres……...………................Virtual

PARISH & MINISTRY News & Events Pg. 4

In Remembrance of Our Dear, Departed Diocesan Parish Priests Their names and the impact of their lives on our own, remain in our hearts. May they forever rest in God’s love.


Flocknote is your email and texting direct connection to All

Souls Parish. Two ways to sign up: 1) From your mobile

phone, text 84576, then in the text box enter ALLSOULS and

hit send. 2) Go to website

Offertory Recovery & Restoration


During this unprecedented time your unwavering faith has demon-

strated your continued dedication to your own journey of discipleship

as well as to our Holy Catholic Church!

We are glad that some of you have returned to celebrate Mass in per-

son with us, and we are grateful for our family members who connect

with us from their homes through our live stream Mass celebrations.

We are blessed with the strong, continued fellowship we foster

through our faith with all of you, regardless of the physical distance

between us. Even so, the current global pandemic has touched each of

our lives, and our parish is no exception.

Just as life has moved forward in the last five months for you and your

families, we continue to move forward at our parish. Although, our

parish has done a good job in managing our expenses, in order to con-

tinue to serve Christ and minister to the needs of our community, it is

important that our parish income is sustained.

As you may know, our offertory is the financial lifeline of our parish.

Offertory gifts help our parish do many things, from helping us pay

our electric bill to funding spiritually powerful programs and minis-

tries that bring God’s grace to many lives. These gifts help us spread

God’s blessings among people and families in our community, includ-

ing many who are suffering. They foster love, hope, and optimism. To

continue serving Christ and minister to our community, it is important

that we continue our giving.

Every registered family will receive by mail a personal invitation

from Fr. David Vivero to:

1. Address our needs

2. Inform you about our weekly offertory collection and

annual financial report

3. Offer an opportunity to prayerfully reflect and reevaluate

your weekly contribution

If you have not made your stewardship commitment to All Souls offer-

tory and are able, please join your fellow parishioners and financially

support our parish. Please prayerfully reflect over this request when

you receive it in the mail. We ask that every parish family consider

making a reasonable increase in their current weekly contribution.

Please complete the bottom tear off portion and enclose it in the special

response envelope and bring it to Mass this coming weekend, drop it

off at the parish office or mail it to us. Most importantly we need your

prayers and support of all our parishioners each and every week of

this most necessary effort. Thank You!

Page 6: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

We Give Together

Vincentian Reflections

St. Vincent De Paul (1581—1660)

In today’s Gospel

Jesus challenges us

to “stay awake” by

taking time to

seriously look at

ourselves, the

priorities of our

lives, and how we

are growing

spiritually. Ask

yourself “What

would Jesus Christ

do?” and then make

your donation to the

Society of St. Vincent

de Paul so those who

are suffering will be

able to celebrate

Thanksgiving. ”

CHRISTIAN StewardshipPg. 5

11/1 Offertory ····································$12,844.01

11/1 Debt Reduction ····························· $1,115.00

11/1 St. Vincent De Paul ·························· $810.00

11/1 Church Mortg. Prin. Bal. ········ $1,575,389.15

Festival Goal: $70,000.00 11/1 Festival ····································· $31,802.00

11/1 50/50 ·········································· $8,565.00

11/1 Jail ················································ $740.00

11/1 Food ··············································· $315.00

Stewardship Opportunities

Parish Office Volunteers Are you a student, retired, or looking to dust off your job skills? Want to do a little work around the office? All Souls is looking for volunteers to help with the phones, greeting parishioners, and general office duties. Ad-ministrative skills and bi-lingual proficiency are helpful, but not required. Our staff is warm and our hearts are welcoming. Call Us Today! 407-322-3795

Share Your Talents

All Souls is in immediate need of volunteers to help us in our Communications mission. If you have a background in any of the fields listed below, please send us your infor-mation: [email protected]

• Writing and/or Editing • Graphic Design • Market Research/Data Analysis • Photography • Promotions/Events • Social Media Management • Audio / Video Production

• Web Design/Production This is a great opportunity to work with a highly motivated, fun, and focused team of faithful Christians, in bringing Christ to others. Write us Today!

School Athletic Director All Souls School is looking for an Athletic Director for Grades K-4.

Duties include:

• Representing All Souls at games during the sports season.

• Must find coaches for the seasonal sports.


• Fingerprinting and background check must be completed.

For more information please contact the school office 407-322-7090

Voluntarios Para la Oficina Parroquial ¿Eres un estudiante, retirado o buscas revivir tus habilidades laborales? ¿Quieres brindar una mano en la oficina de la parroquia? All Souls está buscando voluntarios para ayudar con los teléfonos, saludar a los feligreses y realizar las tareas generales de la oficina. Se prefieren perso-nas con habilidades administrativas y competen-cia bilingüe. ¡Llámanos hoy al 407-322-3795!

Give to the festival, go to WeShare on our web-site

We Give Together

Canned Fruits and Vegetables

Please call us at 407.330.4400.

Confidentiality assured.

Last Week 143 items with a retail value of $342.


News From SVDP Orlando Proceeds from donated vehicles, anything

working or even non-working, help St. Vin-

cent de Paul Orlando keep the lights on and

people in their homes. Donating is easy and

is tax-deductible. Call our Donation Hot-

line at 888.986.4483 or schedule via

Giving Please go to “Give Online with WeShare on the All Souls website at Your Parish needs your support in these times.

Page 7: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

YOUTH Corner

All Souls Catholic School United States Department of Ed-

ucation National Blue Ribbon

School of Excellence in Catholic


If you are interested in a Catholic

school education for your stu-

dent, we would love to introduce

you to our campus! Please con-

tact our school office and sched-

ule a tour today.

Barbara Schirard | Principal

Mary Moran | Asst. Principal

810 S. Oak Ave., Sanford, FL 32771

Phone: 407.322.7090

Fax: 407.321.7255 Website:

Are you looking for technology

friendly FREE VPK for your child?

All Souls Catholic School is current-

ly enrolling new students! With a

score of 100% on the “readiness

Rate” in Seminole County, our VPK

students are Kindergarten ready!

Call us and come tour our campus.

Phone: 407.322.7090

Pg. 6

School Open House

This Thursday

November 12th, 5 - 7pm

If you are seeking an education that offers differentiated instruction to

meet your child’s needs within a nurturing environment, come tour

All Souls!

Our certified faculty offers classrooms that are engaging and promote explora-

tion, collaboration and discovery through hands-on experiences, small group

instruction, enhanced academic programs and the latest in technology.

All Souls is part of the Diocese of Orlando. We live out our Mission statement by

encouraging students to live, love and learn through Christ. We are dedicated to

educating the whole child; academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually.

All Souls partners with our parents, faculty, parishioners and priests so that our

students can truly live out the characteristics of our Mission statement; leader-

ship, service and compassion.

Come see the All Souls difference!

All Souls Catholic School

Page 8: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

W ith strong conviction of the importance of the Bishop of Rome in

the Church, and of the Church as the ongoing sign of Christ’s

presence in the world, Leo the Great displayed endless dedica-

tion as pope. Elected in 440, he worked tirelessly as “Peter’s successor,” guid-

ing his fellow bishops as “equals in the episcopacy and infirmities.”

Leo is known as one of the best administrative popes of the ancient

Church. His work branched into four main areas, indicative of his notion of the pope’s total responsibility for the flock of Christ. He worked at

length to control the heresies of Pelagianism—overemphasizing human freedom—Manichaeism—seeing everything material as evil—and others,

placing demands on their followers so as to secure true Christian beliefs. A second major area of his concern was doctrinal controversy in the

Church in the East, to which he responded with a classic letter setting down the Church’s teaching on the two natures of Christ. With strong

faith, he also led the defense of Rome against barbarian attack, taking the role of peacemaker.

In these three areas, Leo’s work has been highly regarded. His growth to

sainthood has its basis in the spiritual depth with which he approached the pastoral care of his people, which was the fourth focus of his work. He is known for his spiritually profound sermons. An instrument of the call to

holiness, well-versed in Scripture and ecclesiastical awareness, Leo had the ability to reach the everyday needs and interests of his people. One of his

sermons is used in the Office of Readings on Christmas.

It is said of Leo that his true significance rests in his doctrinal insistence on the mysteries of Christ and the Church and in the supernatural charisms of

the spiritual life given to humanity in Christ and in his Body, the Church. Thus Leo held firmly that everything he did and said as pope for the ad-ministration of the Church represented Christ, the head of the Mystical

Body, and Saint Peter, in whose place Leo acted.

And The Bible Says...

“Afterwards the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open

the door for us!’ But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not

know you.’ Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day

nor the hour.” Mt 25:11-13

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD.

“Más tarde llegaron las otras jóvenes y dijeron: ‘Señor, señor, ábrenos’.

Pero él les respondió: ‘Yo les aseguro que no las conozco’. Estén pues, pre-

parados, porque no saben ni el día ni la hora’’. - Mt 25:11-13

Leccionario I © 1976 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la

Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.

Sacraments & SaintsPg. 7

(d. November 10, 461)

Faith Formation Updates

TUESDAY EVENING PROGRAM We continue to meet weekly via Zoom. The children are doing an out-standing job in this new format. All have been very attentive, fully partici-pating. Attendance has almost been 100% every week. In addition to regu-

lar Zoom sessions children are assigned Jesus Training Exercises at three different levels: Jr. Disciple, Disciple and Apostle level. Designed to enforce

the lesson taught, children may select any level depending on their faith experience. If they are exceptional-

ly aware of a particular topic (i.e. Mass, Prayers, Saints, etc.) they

may decide to complete the Apos-tle level activity. Or if it’s a topic

they are only marginally aware the Disciple level is appropriate. If the topic is new to them then they may

decide to complete the Jr. Disciple exercise. All in all the children and

families are eager to stretch and grow in faith. One of our first

graders, Francesca completed the Jr. Disciple exercise where she

drew a picture of her favorite part of the Mass and the items used dur-ing that particular part of the Mass. This past week children learned that

the Roman Missal is the big book of prayers used by the priest during Mass. Mia also did the Jr. Disciple exercise and Samuel chose to complete a

Disciple exercise where he illustrated one of the Sunday readings. What is your favorite part of the Mass?

FIRST RECONCILIATION PREPARATION There are a handful of families who still need to pick up there preparation materials. In order to remain on track for celebrating First Reconciliation in December, these materials must be picked up. By now most families

should be finishing up Chapter 2 and starting Chapter 3. If you need any extra assistance in preparing your children for 1st Reconciliation and First

Eucharist there is a regularly scheduled Parent Zoom Session in English and Spanish on Monday evenings beginning at 6:30PM. Please contact Ms.

Holly for Zoom Meeting credentials.

Sacraments & SaintsPg. 7

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Around The Parish

Parish Information

Parish Clergy

Fr. David P. Vivero | Parish Priest [email protected]

Fr. Ed McCarthy, Retired

Fr. Kenneth Metz, Retired

Fr. Andrzej Jurkiewicz, Latin Mass Celebrant

Rev. Mr. Wenny Cruz | Deacon [email protected]

Parish Staff

Stephen Gensel, Jr. Director of Operations [email protected]

Amy Scott, ext. 501 Receptionist [email protected]

Beatriz Perez De Koeneke, ext. 502 Hispanic Secretary [email protected]

Deacon Wenny Cruz Coordinator for Spanish Community [email protected]

Holly Hooton, ext. 506 Parish Catechetical Leader [email protected]

Michelle Murphy, ext. 507 Youth Minister [email protected]

David McGhee Director of Music & Liturgy [email protected]

Music Website:

Nancy Pfingsten Associate Director of Music [email protected]

Mary Valente, ext. 508 Director of Cemetery Operations [email protected]

Eduardo Brenes-Montero, ext. 505 Supervisor Facilities, Safety and Security [email protected]

Office Hrs: Mon-Fri 8:00am-4:00pm

Phone: 407.322.3795

FAX: 407.322.1131

Parish Website:

All Souls Parish Office Address: 301 W. 8th Street, Sanford, FL 32771

Our Faith Community

Pg. 8

CARES Grant for COVID Relief The Society of St. Vincent de Paul of All

Souls Catholic Church in Sanford has re-

cently received a CARES grant from Semi-

nole County to aid those in the county who

have been affected by

COVID-19, and to-

date, have not re-

ceived assistance

from Seminole

County. This in-

cludes financial assis-

tance for such things as

mortgages, rents, utilities, car insurance,

phones, and/or food, for anyone who has

been directly affected by COVID, either

health-wise or job-related.

Please call our office 407.330.4400 for more

information. If there is no answer, kindly

leave a message, and we will return your

call as soon as possible. All inquiries, infor-

mation and assistance is confidential.

Respect For Life Ministry

Please consider attending the next Re-

spect For Life Ministry meeting, to be

held on Saturday, November 21, 10am at

Totally Yours 105 E 1st Street, Sanford.

Father David will be joining us and, as

always, all are welcome.

Online Family Life Workshops Every family, no matter what it looks like, has the power to transform the world. Starting No-vember 4, join us online as we talk about some practical ways to strengthen the bonds of rela-tionship within your home and share the warmth of love within your family with oth-ers. All three sessions will be held on Facebook, on the Diocese of Orlando – Office of Laity, Fam-ily & Life page.

November 4 @ 7:00pm “Love Greater: Igniting the spark of family relationships”

November 11 @ 7:00pm “Connect Better: Four ways to fuel family connections”

November 18 @ 7:00pm “Care Deeper: Sharing the warmth of love with others”

The Baby Steps Camino

The Order of Malta American Association presents

the 4th Annual Baby Steps Camino™, a 3 day beach-walking pilgrimage December 11th-13th

from the historic Beaches Museum Chapel in Jack-sonville Beach to Our Lady of La Leche National

Shrine at Mission Nombre de Dios in St. Augus-tine. Join us for Mass, Confession, Holy Hours, and pilgrim socials as we walk in this ancient method

of prayer during the Holy Season of Advent.

This pilgrimage is offered for the pilgrim's person-al spiritual growth and to raise awareness of the

Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, a primary work of the Order of Malta. Holy Family Hospital

is the premier maternity hospital and neonatal critical care center in the Bethlehem region of the West Bank. Its Neonatal Intensive Care Unit cares

for the critically-ill newborns, some weighing just over one pound.

Pilgrims are welcome

to join us 1, 2, or all 3 days of the pilgrim-

age. A guided "mini pilgrimage", the Bambino

Camino™, a 2 mile walk from Vilano

Beach to the Shrine on December

13th, the final day of pilgrimage, is an easy

walk for pilgrims of all abilities. Non-walkers are also most

welcome to join us on the final day for the

events at the Shrine. Register

online at

Page 10: ALL SOULS · 2020. 11. 6. · Fiesta de Todas las Almas, con nuestros Festival – No Festival Anual. El evangelio nos recuerda que no seamos tontos en desatender el hecho de realizar

Mass Readings & Prayer Intentions

7 Sat Phil 4:10-19/

Ps 112:1b-2, 5-

6, 8a and 9/Lk


8 Sun Wis 6:12-16/Ps

63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 7

-8 [2b]/1 Thes

4:13-18 or 4:13

-14/Mt 25:1-13

9 Mon Ez 47:1-2, 8-9,

12/Ps 46:2-3, 5

-6, 8-9 [5]/1 Cor

3:9c-11, 16-17/

Jn 2:13-22

10 Tue Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/

Ps 37:3-4, 18

and 23, 27 and

29 [39a]/Lk


11 Wed Ti 3:1-7/Ps

23:1b-3a, 3bc-

4, 5, 6 [1]/Lk


12 Thu Phlm 7-20/Ps

146:7, 8-9a,

9bc-10 [5a]/Lk


13 Fri 2 Jn 4-9/Ps

119:1, 2, 10,

11, 17, 18 [1b]/

Lk 17:26-37

Saint Didacus 32nd Sunday in

Ordinary Time;

Blessed John

Duns Scotus

Feast of the Dedi-

cation of the Later-

an Basilica in Rome

Saint Leo the


Saint Martin

of Tours;

Veterans Day

Saint Josaphat Saint Frances

Xavier Cabrini

8:30am -

Requested By:

4:00pm -

Requested By:

6:00pm - Requested By:

8:00am - Requested By:

10:00am - Church Requested By:

12:00pm - Church

Requested By:

8:30am -

Requested By:

8:30am -

Requested By:

8:30am -

Requested By:

8:30am - Requested By:

8:30am -

Requested By:



Pg. 9


We have Masses in 2021 available for

reservation (Sat., Sun. & Weekday) for

a loved one, living or deceased. Please

email, or stop by the Parish office to

reserve a Mass for your intentions.

Email: [email protected]

Our Sanctuary Light burns at

the Church this week in loving

memory of Elmer & Alice

Pacella as requested by

Vincent & Marcia Salas

This Week’s Catholic Resources Reliable sources to help you learn more and grow your faith .

MAGNIFICAT Free access to “Magnificat” in English Free access to “Magnificat” in Spanish

GIVE US THIS DAY Free Access to “Give Us This Day”:

LITURGY OF THE HOURS Liturgy of the Hours is available through the Divine Office


Prayer resources, catechetical material, reflections, etc.


A free virtual retreat to explore some themes that arise in times such as

these. We are all part of the Mystical Body of Christ.


Search the world’s largest database of answers about the beliefs and prac-

tices of the Catholic faith. Learn more about Catholicism through articles,

books, videos and more.


Read about Saints and gain an understanding of how they dealt with the

challenges of their times and in their lives.


Sign up for Flocknote and get immediate access to the

latest news and information. Flocknote is your email

and texting direct connection to All Souls Parish. Two

ways to sign up: 1) From your mobile phone, text

84576, then in the text box enter ALLSOULS and send.

2) Go to website Enter your name, phone and email address in the simple online

screen, and you’re done! You’ll instantly be able to receive

updates from All Souls groups you’re interested in; Unsubscribe

anytime; Your info stays private; No spam, we promise.

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