Page 1: All about organic canola oil


The popularity of organic canola oil is increasing in leaps and bounds owing to its ability to reduce cholesterol levels. But is this healthy product actually healthy? What exactly is organic canola oil? How it is made? Is it good for us? What nutrients is it made of? We have tried to find out the answer to all these questions, and much more, in the article below to give you a clear picture about this edible oil.

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Organic canola oil, unlike its name is not derived from any plant named canola but is actually extracted from rapeseeds. Rapeseed oil in old days was used for industrial purposes and contained some unfavourable substances for humans. Some Canadian scientists bred these seeds selectively to produce seeds that comprised of no or little of these harmful substances and converted it into an edible product. This is how it got its name Canola i.e. Canadian Oil.

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Nearly 90% of this product that we find in the market is genetically modified and is prepared by using excessive heat. The extreme heat can turn the healthy fats present in it into harmful toxics making it highly dangerous for us. If you wish to include canola in your diet, always go for an organic product. Organically produced edibles are cold-pressed and keep the nutrients of that particular product intact; thus are undoubtedly a healthier and better choice. Its organic form does not contain any harmful trans-fats and oxidized substances unlike the industrially processed oil.

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Its high popularity among masses is due to the presence of a large quantity of unsaturated fats, which are considered good for our health, and low amount of saturated fats. Also, it contains a slight amount of fat soluble of Vitamin E and K, making it a good product for hair and skin. It is composed of high quantities of mono-saturated and poly-saturated (Omega-6 and Omega-3) fats that are regarded as healthy for human body. Interestingly organic canola oil contains quite a balanced ratio of Omega-6 and Omega-3 fatty acids and will give you maximum benefit when consumed in appropriate quantities; excessive fats are not needed by our body.

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GOOD OR BAD?Now the important question arises – is it good for our health or not? Vegetable oils are usually not considered healthy but an exception to this rule is Organic canola. The health factor of any edible depends upon the way it is manufactured. One should never ever go for factory processed articles as they can cause long term problems for you. It is true that it lowers harmful cholesterol levels but only when consumed in its organic form. Simply put – Stay Organic, Stay

Healthy.As far as the authenticity of organic articles is concerned, it is no longer a problem. Every genuine organic product will possess a certification label of their respective countries or recognized certification agencies. Some of these agencies are USDA (USA), APEDA(India), Agriculture Biologique (France).

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