Download pdf - Algonquian Ethnobotany

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    E CBOLUTAELD]HLO@O]ELQ Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd

    Rrattdl elm Accustretdm `y Gosdph Ceymdl

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd




  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd



    Iordfost# A woucm cajd to ekjlowcdmbd fy `deutaiuc perdlts# Molecm elm Fery Go# eswdcc es fy dltard iefacy# dspdkaeccy Elle# Geko`# elm Khrastophdr# ior dlkourebalb fy

    pessaols elm df`rekalb fy emvdlturous sparat: ior thd fely outalbs al thd wooms# wecjsal thd perjs# elm dlcabhtdlalb kolvdrsetaols wd sherdm: elm ior your uldlmalb support#buamelkd# ekkdptelkd# ulmdrstelmalb# elm pdrpdtuec covd7 A covd you ecc, ]hd cdssols elmwasmof oi so fely wolmdriuc tdekhdrs elm fdltors erd ecavd al thas helm`ooj: fostrdkdltcy fy proidssors elm emvasors et Koccdbd oi thd Etceltak Lashelte Pegejerule#[kott [wel# Kocal Kepdrs# elm Elld Jozej `cdssdm fd wath thdar support#dlkourebdfdlt# elm kratakasf, [dvdrec tdxts wdrd alvecue`cd al ekkofpcashalb thasdlquary# al pertakucer Mevam Fodrfels Letavd Efdrakel Dthlo`otely # IrelkdsMdlsfords How Almaels Tsd Racm ^celts ior Ioom# Fdmakald ) Kreits # elm Ecfe P,Hutkhdls Almael Hdr`ecoby oi Lorth Efdrake provamdm fukh weltdm jlowcdmbd elmwasmof, Cestcy# A woucm cajd to ekjlowcdmbd thd Bermdl Kcu` oi Efdrake ior ewermalbfd thd Wdccdr [uffdr [khocer al Fdmakalec @otely brelt,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd



    Altromuktaol =

    @ecsef Iar ~ E`ads `ecsefde 2@eld`drry ~ Ektede ru`re 55

    Ketteac ~ ]yphe cetaiocae 5=

    Kdmer ~ ]huge okkamdltecas 52

    Meture ~ Meture strefolauf 00

    Icy Eberak ~ Efelate fuskerae 09

    Almael papd~ Folotrope ulaicore 08

    Jallajallkj ~ Erktostephycos uve&ursa ;>

    ^alj Cemys scappdr ~ Kyprapdmauf ekeucd ;;Pesp`drry ~ Pu`us amedus ver, strabosus ;9

    [erseperacce ~ Erecae lumakeucus ;1

    [uber Fepcd ~ Ekdr sekkheruf =0

    Rhatd @arkh ~ @dtuce pepyraidre =9

    Racm Pakd ~ Wazelae pecustras 40

    Qerrow ~ Ekhaccde faccdiocauf 42

    Qdccow @cud`dem cacy~ Kcaltolae `ordecas 9>

    Catdreturd Katdm 90

    Bcossery 99

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd



    ]hd Ecbolquael pdopcds rdspdktdm elm ulmdrstoom thd sablaiakelkd oi thd pcelts thdycavdm wath, Mdvdcopalb rdcetaolshaps wath thd pcelts# thd Ecbolquael ioulm sparatuec elm

    physakec lourashfdlt al thd pcelts potdlt propdrtads, Al mrestak koltrest to thdalmustraecazetaol thet ioccowdm kocolazetaol# thd Ecbolquaels usd oi pcelts ulmdrcalds emddp kolldktaol to leturd thet as spdccdm out al thd ratuec elm fythocoby oi thd kucturd,]has helm`ooj rdicdkts ol thd Ecbolquaels usd oi veraous dma`cd# fdmakalec# elmsparatuec pcelts elm iulba letavd to thdar koffulatads, ]hd pcelts al thas helm`ooj hevd

    `ddl koccdktdm# prdsdrvdm# usdm# elm sherdm koffuleccy al `oth tremataolec elm fomdrlweys to iuccy dxpdradlkd# epprdkaetd# elm ulmdrstelm thdar brekd, @dyolm iulktaolalb es eiadcm buamd to thd icore oi destdrl Lorth Efdrake# thas helm`ooj mavucbds tremataolecEcbolquael prdperetaols elm fythocoby to dcukametd thd ulaqud rdcetaolshap `dtwddl

    pcelts elm pdopcd felaidst al thd kucturd oi thd Ecbolquael pdopcds,

    Lorthdrl Ecbolquael Kefp7


    ]hd celmskepd oi Ecbak maecdkts dlkofpessds skords oi mastalkt tra`ec broups eccsheralb thd koffol thrdem oi celbuebd, ]hd Ecbolquael celbuebd iefacy kolsasts oi thdKrdd# Foltebleas# Lesjepa# Oga`we# Jakjepoo# Fdlofaldd# Fdsjweja# Faefa#

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ^otewetofa# [hewldd# E`leja# ^essefequemmy# Fecdkatd# Fakfek# Fohdbel# Fulsdd#^owhetel# Leltakojd# Tlefa# Refpeloeb# Erepeho# Bros Ydltrd# @cekjioot# elmKhdydlld tra`ds, ]hd Ecbolquael celbuebds massdfaletdm ekross lorthdestdrl LorthEfdrake# sprdemalb to thd lorthdrl pceals oi Keleme# thd Brdet Cejds# elm `dyolmthroubh thd vest ldtworj oi wetdrweys trevdrsalb Lorth Efdrake, ]hd mavdrsaty oi thd

    tra`ds eccowdm ior fely veraelts oi kucturd elm tremataol# thd usd oi pcelts# elm celmfelebdfdlt tdkhlaquds shaitdm irof tra`d to tra`d mdpdlmalb ol kcafetd# dlvarolfdlt#elm bdldretaolec jlowcdmbd, Howdvdr# wamdsprdem altdrrdcetaols efolb tra`ds eccowdmior sheralb oi koffulec jlowcdmbd# rdvdecdm `y pereccdc orec tremataols,


    @y alstatutalb el dkocobakeccy syf`aotak rdcetaolshap wath leturd# thd Ecbolquaelrdkaproketdm thd `oulty oi leturd wath e kucturec pdrspdktavd thet prdsdrvdm elm rdvdrdmthd leturec worcm (@cekj# 518>!, ]omey# thd dremaketaol oi mavdrsd icore elm thd kucturds

    pdrpdtuetalb lot olcy tremataolec jlowcdmbd elm prektakd oi pcelt usd `ut ecso celmfelebdfdlt rdprdsdlts e fegor coss (^relkd# 0>>2!, Almabdlous jlowcdmbd fealteals atsafportelkd to fomdrl sokadty `y afpcdfdltalb kofpcdx celm felebdfdlt systdfs(]urldr# 0>>1! elm maskovdralb fyraem caid&sevalb mrubs sukh es Mabatoxal# Pdsdrprald#elm Uualald (@eccakj elm Kox# 5119!, ]has helm`ooj koccdkts thd Ecbolquaels hastoraktremataols# erkhavalb thdar ulaqud usd elm felebdfdlt oi veraous dma`cd# fdmakalec# elmsparatuec pcelts letavd to lorthdestdrl Lorth Efdrake, [okadty mdpdlms upol pcelts elmthd promukts krdetdm irof thdf, Dthlo`otely alicudlkds fomdrl fdmakald# ebrakucturd#elm almustry `y provamalb tdls oi thouselms oi yders oi hufel o`sdrvetaol elmdxpdrafdltetaol to fomdrl probrdss, Rath thd repam maseppderelkd oi kucturds elm icore

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ekross thd bco`d# koccdktalb dthlo`otelakec elm dthlobrephakec mete as krukaec to thdaffaldlt khelbds al celm usd elm celm felebdfdlt thdorads to `d mdvdcopdm `y iuturdbdldretaols, ]hd pdrspdktavd oi almabdlous pdopcds wacc d alvecue`cd to afpcdfdltalbkoltaludm probrdss, ]hd outkofd oi thas stumy# el efecbefetaol oi cokec almabdlousjlowcdmbd elm fomdrl skadltaiak jlowcdmbd# wacc hdcp to pdrpdtuetd tremataolec

    dkocobakec jlowcdmbd al fomdrl skadlkd elm almustry,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    @EC[EF I AP ~ E`ads `ecsefde

    Koffol lefds7 Keleme Iar# Efdrakel [acvdr Iar# Destdrl Iar# Khrastfes trdd,

    [kadltaiak lefd7 E`ads `ecsefde ~ ^alekded (^ald iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 ^oo&pooje&wabu (^essefequommy!: Elalelmej (Khappdwe!:@opuj hewdj (^dlo`skot!

    He`atet7 Letavd to thd `ordec iordsts oi destdrl Lorth Efdrake# thd `ecsef iar relbds esier wdst es thd Kelemael Pokjads elm es ier south es thd Eppecekhael Foulteals oi RdstYarbalae# okkupyalb thd iucc celmskepd oi whdrd Ecbak maecdkts wdrd spojdl,

    ]exolofy7 ]hd `ecsef iar# e fdmauf&sazdm# shemd tocdrelt dvdrbrddl# rdekhds# olevdrebd# e hdabht oi 9> iddt es at spards upwerm kolakeccy# dlmalb al e lerrow krowl, ]hd

    `ecsef iar possdssds icet lddmcds (5 alkh colb! wath roulm pdtaocds: thd lddmcds ecso possdss two mastalktavd whatd strapds ol thdar ulmdrsamd, ]hd youlb# mddp purpcd kolds

    brow drdkt elm feturd to 5&= alkhds `diord masaltdbretalb irof thd uppdr `relkhds oi thdtrdd (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, ]hd `erj as sfooth elm kovdrdm al rdsalous `castdrskoltealalb erofetak ocdordsals (Lddmhef# 0>55!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Lddmcds# roots# alldr `erj# rdsal,

    Tsds7 [tafucelt# dxpdktorelt# maurdtak,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 Ioulm browalb u`aquatouscy efolb thd Ecbolquaeltra`ds# thd `ecsef iar wes koffolcy usdm fdmakaleccy to eccdvaetd veraous eacfdlts,Bethdralb e helmiuc oi roots elm stddpalb thdf al e pot oi `oacalb wetdr ior ;> to =4falutds femd e usdiuc `ecsef mdkoktaol, E bdldrec retao ior pcelt perts to wetdr wes 575,

    Olkd cujd&werf# thd mdkoktaol ektdm es el elecbdsak to rdcadvd peal irof rhdufetasf(Fodrfel# 5118!, El aliusaol oi thd `ecsef lddmcds ektdm es el dfoccadlt elta&sdptak ior kcdelalb opdl sords# rdcadvalb alsdkt `atds elm stalbs# `oacs# elm alidktaols (Yobdc# 512>!,Ford so# thd ^otewetofa eppcadm thd buf oi thd `ecsef es e secvd to hdec falor e`resaols elm `urls, ]o trdet safacer eacfdlts# thd Ecbolqual eppcadm e pouctakd femd oi

    `ecsef rdsal elm broulm lddmcds to opdl sords elm woulms, ]hdy ecso mrelj e rootmdkoktaol elm etd `ecsef sep to trdet jamldy peal, ]hd Oga`we usdm e `ecsef mdkoktaoles e maephordtak to almukd swdetalb elm es el dxpdktorelt to rdcadvd sordldss oi thd khdstmud to kocms (Fodrfel# 5118!, Khdwalb thd alldr `erj elm sep oi thd `ecsef iar wes

    prektakdm ulavdrseccy to eccdvaetd kocms elm koubhs# elm thd roots wdrd khdwdm to hdecsords oi thd fouth (Yobdc# 512>!, ]hd Khappdwe usdm thd buf oi thd `ecsef iar es el

    elecbdsak ior hdemekhds elm koubhs, Eppcadm to e hot stold# thd buf fdctdm elm atsiufds wdrd alhecdm to rdcadvd peal, [afacercy# thdy usdm e mdkoktaol oi thd roots toeccdvaetd rhdufetasf, ]hd Fakfek `rdwdm tde irof thd `ecsefs `ums elm kolds toemfalastdr es e cexetavd (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hd Ecbolqual `rdwdm e safacer tde femd oi

    `ecsef twabs elm lddmcds es e sumetory to desd perturataol ior wofdl (@cekj# 5180!,Fordovdr# woomcelm Krdd usdm thd patkh oi thd `ecsef es el e`ortaiekadlt to trdetfdlstruec arrdbuceraty (Fodrfel# 5118!,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    @dyolm ats fdmakalec usd# thd `ecsef iar fealtealdm thd rocd oi pelekde# profotalb bdldrec wdcc `dalb# `oth physakeccy elm sparatueccy# es wdcc es rdtealalbkdrdfolaec usd al thd swdet `eth oi thd Oga`we (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hd ^dlo`skot usdm

    `oubhs oi thd `ecsef iar to kolstrukt wabwefs7 olkd e kolakec irefd wes `uact# irdsh `ecsef `oubhs# taps mowlwerm# wdrd posataoldm ekross thd supports to dlkcosd thd

    strukturd: ol thd kocmdst labhts# thdy drdktdm el altdraor calalb oi mddrsjal ior emmdmalsucetaol (^rals# 0>>2!,

    Orec ]remataol7 ]hd Ecbolqual cdbdlm oi thd Brdet Khdloo tdccs thd story oi babeltak#wakjdm mdvacs who mdskdlm irof thd aky dxpelsds oi thd lorth, Ecso jlowl es Jdwehqu or Jdwoqu to thd ^essefequommy# thdsd kella`ecs wath hderts oi akd wdrd krdetdm whdlsfecc watkhds jaccdm thd brdet watkh# elm thus `elashdm thd brdet watkhs rdfeals e hdertfemd oi akd, Dvdl mdem# thd ieccdl Jdwehqu ioubht old elothdr, Rhdl thdy ioubht#thdar aky hderts brdw es cerbd es thd trdds# elm thd Jdwehqu uprootdm thd brdetdst trddswhakh thdy krossdm to `ettdr dekh othdr wath# mdspdretdcy tryalb to kolqudr thd othdrshdert elm emm at to ats owl, ]hd watkhds# tdrraiyalb# peresatak trakjstdrs# wdrd brdetcyiderdm efolb thd ^essefequommy, Al thd waltdr# old sukh cdbdlm bods# e kreity Khdloousdm thd rdsal oi E`ads `ecsefde to emhdrd foss# twabs# bress# elm cdevds to masbuasd atshdert, ]hd folstrous akd krdeturd sldejdm ulmdtdktdm alto thd hofd oi e youlb iefacy#thdar khacm escddp al thd wabwef, ]hd wofel# whosd hus`elm wes ewey hultalb#rdecazdm hdr mard satuetaol elm trdetdm thd watkh wath thd utfost hospatecaty to pdrsuemd atlot to det thd `oy elm hdr ecavd, Rhdl hdr hus`elm rdturldm hofd irof has hult# thdwaid afpcordm hdr hus`elm to mo lothalb `ut ekkdpt thd Khdloo es el ulkcd# ior thd watkhwes fukh too powdriuc elm safpcy mdsardm thd covalb werfth oi thd iefacy, ]hd Khdloosteydm al thd wabwef ior thrdd meys elm labhts# thd dltard tafd thd iefacy stojdm thd iardalsamd, Et thd dlm oi thd thrdd meys elm labhts# thd Khdloos hdert hem fdctdm elm hd

    `dkefd sakj elm wdej, ]hd iefacy idm thd Khdloo mddr fdet# elm# thd Khdloos strdlbthrdvavdm# thdy ecc cavdm al pdekd es iefacy ultac thd Khdloo pdrashdm irof thd werfth oi thd ioccowalb suffdr (Cdcelm# 5110!,

    ^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 Browalb up# fy iarst fdforads oi thd @ecsef Iar kefd muralbKhrastfes, Dekh yder fy iefacy elm A woucm mdkoretd our cavalb roof wath e Khrastfestrdd, Ford fdfore`cd thdl thd shalalb cabhts# stralbs oi dems# elm helm&femdorlefdlts thet emorldm our iefacys trdd wdrd thd ydercy traps to kut mowl elm koccdkt our

    `ecsef iar, [ofd yders# `ulmcdm al ceydrs oi wooc elm mowl# losds rullalb# wd woucmkrulkh throubh thd slow coojalb ior thd rerd elm `deutaiuc spdkafdl thet woucm brekd our hofd ior thd Khrastfes sdesol, Othdr yders# thd ear iobbdm wath our `rdeth# thd broulm

    `erd# wd woucm treapsd throubh ekrds elm ekrds oi pdridktcy pceltdm rows# rdcashalb thdswddt# paldy erofe oi thd iars lot weltalb to cdevd, Fy sastdr elm A woucm `cathdcy pcey

    hamd&elm&bo&sddj efolb thd iar trdds# rdemacy khdwalb ol thdar seppy twabs es ai thdywdrd pdppdrfalt kelmy kelds,

    Browalb ocmdr# A tooj to thd wooms to hold fy wacmdrldss survavec sjaccs, Erfdmwath e sherp jlaid elm e `ox oi fetkhds# A trofpdm throubh thd iordst coojalb ior e pcekdto kefp out, Koccdktalb thd cest oi thd sdesols resp`drrads to fulkh ol ovdrlabht# Akefd to thd dmbd oi e krddj, ]hd kcder wetdr wes kooc elm rdirdshalb# elm A sdt e`outkoccdktalb iardwoom elm fetdraec ior e shdctdr, A drdktdm e pocd irefd ior e cdel&to#

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    bethdrdm lder`y vdbdtetaol to kovdr thd `erd sjdcdtol# elm stekjdm jalmcalb elm cobs `dldeth thd strukturd, Es thd sul sdt ovdr thd tops oi thd trdds elm maseppderdm `dhalm thdroccalb haccs# thd celm brdw merj# elm thd kocm# irabam labht sdt al, A krewcdm `dldeth fy

    protdktavd cdel&to elm thrdw el erfiuc oi cobs olto thd iard ultac at `cezdm `dsamd fd, ]hdrooi alsucetdm wath idrls elm kcufps oi soac elm thd broulm alsucetdm wath `oubhs oi

    `ecsef iar# fy fejdshait hofd femd e kozy e`omd, Fy `dm oi iar `oubhs alsucetalb fdirof thd kocm derth# A mrdeft koltdlt es thd iard melkdm ats wacm# vaskdrec pettdrls ekrossfy rdstalb `olds,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    @ELD@DPPQ ~ Ektede ru`re

    Koffol lefds7 Pdm @eld`drry# Pdm Kohosh# Hdr` Khrastophdr,

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Ektede ru`re ~ Pelulkucekded (@uttdrkup Iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 Kohosh (Fessekhusdt!: Rakosamga`aj (Khappdwe!

    REPLALB7 @eld`drry kolteals sdvdrd toxals, Mo LO] albdst thd iruat oi thas hdr`%]hdy kolteal herfiuc poasol elm fey keusd mdeth,

    He`atet7 El hdr`ekdous pcelt ioulm okkesaoleccy elm `dcolbalb to thd @uttdrkup iefacy:rdm `eld`drry brows `dsamd strdefs# ecolb rokj scopds# elm altdrspdrsdm efolbhermwoom elm faxdm&woom iordsts# prdidrralb faldrec&rakh# foast soac (@dlocadc# 512=!,Fealcy okkupyalb thd `ordec iordsts oi destdrl elm kdltrec Lorth Efdrake elm southdrlKeleme# thd pcelt dxtdlms es ier wdst es Ordbol elm Tteh (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ]exolofy7 El drdkt browalb pdrdllaec# rdm `eld`drry fey rdekh upwerms oi 0&;it alhdabht (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, ]hd rhazofd supports e hearcdss stdf koltealalbectdrletdcy errelbdm cdevds, ]hd cerbd kofpoulm cdevds kolteal 0&; cdeicdts mavamdm altothrdd sdbfdlts thet erd co`dm elm sherp&toothdm, Al cetd Fey elm dercy Guld cerbd roulmkcustdrs oi sfecc whatd icowdrs rdstalb ol colb stecjs `cossof elm quakjcy mad oii, ]hdbcossy# rdm iruat rapdls al Gucy elm Eubust elm as poasolous to kolsufd ( LorthwdstdrlOlterao Iordst7 Koffol Hdr` [pdkads # 0>>>!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Poot# `drry,

    Tsds7 ^oasol #eltaspesfomak# elecbdsak,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 E potdlt poasol# thd mdcdtdraous diidkt oi thd rdmkohoshs iruat wes wamdcy jlowl, Pdm `eld`drry kolteals thd toxal relulkucal# ekhdfakec ebdlt koffolcy ioulm al fdf`drs oi thd @uttdrkup iefacy (Hacc# P, ) velHdylalbdl# 514;!, Rhdl dxposdm to thd toxal# el altdlsd urlalb sdlsetaol okkurs#ioccowdm `y talbcalb# rdmmdlalb oi thd sjal# elm# al sdvdrd kesds# `castdralb oi thd sjal(@dll# F, H, )Qdccelm# 5198!, Ttacazalb thd poasol es e sdkolmery ebdlt oi mdeth#Ecbolquael hultdrs koetdm thdar errows wath thd guakd oi thd `drry (Lddmhef# 0>55!,Rhdl altromukdm altreveskucercy# relulkucal cdems to karkucetory ieacurd elm kdrteal mdeth,

    Ecthoubh kolsamdrdm e poasolous pcelt# lufdrous Ecbolquael tra`ds usdm rdmkohosh al e veradty oi fdmakalec prdperetaols, Fdmakaleccy# thd fost afportelt pert oi thd hdr` as thd root, Mdkoktaols oi thd hdr`# femd irof `oacalb thd root al wetdr wdrd

    usdm to trdet koubhs elm kocms# rhdufetasf# elm dfekaetaol# to puraiy thd `coom# elm esel elecbdsak, Fdl oi thd Oga`we etd falutd padkds oi thd root to kurd stofekh peals(Fodrfel# 5118!, Ford irdqudltcy# Ecbolquaels emfalastdrdm thd hdr` ioccowalbkhacm`arth, ]hd fdmakald ektdm thrdd&iocm7 stoppalb dxkdssavd cddmalb# desalb

    postpertuf peal# elm alkrdesalb cektetaol, Rofdl mrelj e mdkoktaol oi rdm kohosh rootto desd hdevy fdlstruec `cddmalb es wdcc (Yobdc# 512>!, ]hd Khdydlld kdcd`retdm thd

    pcelts diiakeky `y usalb thd root al kdrdfolads (Fodrfel# 5118!,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    Orec ]remataol7 Es thd dtyfocoby subbdsts# `eld`drry promukds e iruat thet kolteals e poasolous toxal kepe`cd oi mdeth, ]hd Ecbolquael pdopcds jldw `eld`drry es kohosh# etdrf thet kofds irof e Fessekhusdt worm# joshja # elm trelscetds# at as roubh,Orabaleccy# thas mdskraptaol amdltaiadm thd blercdm tdxturd oi thd `cekj kohosh ( Ektede rekdfose ! root: howdvdr# thd mdsabletaol dvdltueccy mdlotdm pcelts koltealalb safacer

    fdmakalec propdrtads es thd orabalec7 a,d, `cud kohosh ( Keucophyccuf thecaktroamds!# rdmkohosh ( Ektede ru`re !# elm whatd kohosh ( Ektede pekhypome ! (Lddmhef# 0>55!,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    KE]]EAC ~ ]yphe cetaiocae

    Koffol lefds7 @roemcdei Ketteac# @ucrush# Koffol Ketteac

    [kadltaiak lefd7 ]yphe cetaiocae ~ ]yphekded (Ketteac iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 Bkabe ltj (^otewetofa!: Ba gb (Oga`we!: Jdsesete uj (Fdlofaldd!

    He`atet7 Letavd to Lorth elm [outh Efdrake es wdcc es Eirake elm Duresae# thd ketteace`oulms throubhout destdrl Lorth Efdrake# elm cerbd broups oi thd pcelt oitdl kocolazdopdl sweths oi irdshwetdr fershds# polms# elm othdr swefpy erdes (@dlocadc# 512=!,

    ]exolofy7 E pdrdllaec rdekhalb = to 8 iddt al hdabht# ketteacs brow al tabht kcustdrs# thdar thakj rootstokj rdsamalb gust `dcow thd suriekd oi thd soac, ]hd cdevds oi thd pcelt erdcolb# scdlmdr# elm sworm cajd, Drdkt icowdralb stecjs staiicy rasd e`ovd thd cdevds oi thd

    pcelt elm erd toppdm wath mdlsd kcustdrs oi fecd icowdrs kovdrdm al ydccow poccdl: thdidfecd icowdrs iorf safacercy elm rdst affdmaetdcy `dcow (@dlocadc# 512=!, ]hd

    brddlash icowdrs `coof irof Fey to Gucy# elm thd sddms erd walm maspdrsdm(Fattdcheusdr# 0>5>!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Rhocd pcelt,

    Tsds7 Dma`cd# fetdraec,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 ]hd Ecbolquael pdopcds koffolcy hervdstdm ketteacs ior usd es fdmakald# fetdraec# elm ioom, Bethdralb thd pcelt okkurrdm ecc yder colb# maiidrdltsdesols `dalb `dttdr ior kdrteal eppcaketaols oi thd pcelt, Al thd dercy spralb whdl ldwbrowth dfdrbdm# thd youlb shoots oi thd pcelt wdrd bethdrdm ior ioom, ]o bethdr youlbdma`cd ketteac shoots# safpcy bresp thd stecj es kcosd to thd root es possa`cd elm pucc: thd

    stdf `rdejs ewey irof thd root wathout fukh dxpdlmaturd, ]hd @cekjioot# Oga`we# elmwoomcelm Krdd ecc coojdm to thd ketteac ior lourashfdlt, ]hd @cekjioot elm Oga`we etdthd root elm `esd oi thd stdf irdsh al thd spralb elm dercy suffdr, ]hd Oga`we ecso femdicour irof thd pcelts poccdl elm etd ketteac icowdrs# mradm or `oacdm, ]hd Krdd prdperdmthd roots oi thd pcelt veraouscy7 thdy pddcdm thd root elm mradm thd alldr pert ovdr e iard tostord ior thd waltdr: thdy etd thd `esd oi thd stdfs elm thd youlb shoots irdsh al thdsuffdr: elm thdy `oacdm or werfdm thd roots to det whdl thd ketteac wes al `coof(Fodrfel# 5118!,

    @dyolm ats rocd es el dma`cd# thd ketteac oiidrdm ekkdssa`cd elm kolsastdltfdmakalec vecud, ]hd root oi thd pcelt wes usdm veraouscy efolb thd Ecbolquael

    pdopcds, ]hd Ecbolqual krushdm thd roots oi thd pcelt elm eppcadm thd fettdr es e pouctakdto protdkt woulms elm prdvdlt alidktaols (@cekj# 518>!: thd ^otewetofa eppcadm e safacer pouctakd oi poulmdm root to eppcy to aliceffetaols ([fath# 51;;!, ]o efdcaoretde`mofalec krefps# thd Khdydlld femd el aliusaol oi mradm# krushdm ketteac root elm thdcdevds et thd `esd oi thd pcelts stecj, ]hd Mdcewerd usdm thd root to hdcp massocvd jamldystolds elm desd thdar pessalb# elm thd Oga`we femd e pouctakd irof thd alldr root to trdetsords elm `oacs, ]hd Fecdkatd elm thd Fakfek utacazdm thd cdevds oi thd pcelt fdmakaleccy

    `y pcekalb brdesdm ketteac cdevds ovdr sords (Fodrfel# 5118!# whdrdes thd Fdsjweja

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    usdm thd iuzz oi thd ketteacs icowdr to pem sords es thdy hdecdm ([fath# 510;!, ]hdsukkdssiuc usd oi thd ketteac es e fdmakald rdcadm upol thd pcelts estralbdlt# dfoccadlt#elm mdtdrbdlt khdfakec propdrtads: howdvdr# thd ketteacs physakec propdrtads woucmiurthdr rdwerm thd Ecbolquael pdopcds,

    Ford thel thd pcelts lutrataolec elm fdmakalec vecud# thd ketteac wes prazdm es etremalb koffomaty, ]hd ketteac provamdm two afportelt fetdraecs to thd Ecbolquael7strolb# streabht cdevds# elm soit# werf mowl# jlowl es "`d`efes l" to thd Oga`we#fdelalb# at icads eroulm, ]hd mowl&cajd sddms bethdrdm irof thd pcelt wdrd usdm

    safacercy efolb thd tra`ds# praferacy es `dmmalb al thd iorf oi quacts# scddpalb `ebs# elm paccows (Mdlsford# 512=: [fath# 510;: 5108: 51;0: 51;;!, ]hd Khappdwe elm^otewetofa pcekdm thdar ldw`orl alielts alto e kremcd oi thd soit mowl# elm thd

    @cekjioot ieshaoldm maepdrs out oi thd ketjals ior thdar khacmrdl (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hdKhdydlld# Fdlofaldd# ^otewetofa# Khappdwe# Oga`we# elm Fdsjweja ecc utacazdm thd

    cdevds oi thd ketteac to kolstrukt `esjdts# elm ecc `ut thd Khdydlld kolstruktdm fets,@esjdts wdrd e vecudm possdssaol elm e usdiuc tremalb atdf, Tlcajd fets femd oi rushds#

    kolstruktalb e fet oi ketteac rdquardm sdwalb thd cdevds oi thd pcelt tobdthdr wath e ra` `old lddmcd elm ldttcd or `esswoom stralb: thdsd fets wdrd fucta&ceydrdm elm hulb ecolbthd alsamd wecc oi thd wabwef to wdethdrprooi thd combd elm protdkt ats okkupelts irofthd walm# slow# elm real (Fodrfel# 5118: Mdlsford# 512=: [fath# 510;: 5108: 51;0:51;;!, @y thetkhalb thd roois oi thdar combds wath thdsd fets# thd Fdlofaldd alsucetdmthdar waltdr wabwefs ebealst mreits elm fdctalb slow ([fath# 510;!, @dyolm thd usd oi thd cdevds elm sddms# thd Fdsjweja# ecolb wath thd Fdlofaldd# usdm thd ketteac root tokeucj thdar kelods `y wdmbalb thd root alto thd sdefs oi thd `oet to ieshaol e wetdrtabht

    kreit ([fath# 510;: 5108!, ]hd Khdydlld ecso usdm thd cdevds al thdar [ul Melkdkdrdfoly (Fodrfel# 5118!# elm thd Oga`we wdrd seam to hevd throwl thd sddms oi thd

    pcelt et thd iekds oi thdar dldfads muralb wer to `calm thdf ([fath# 51;0!,

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    KDMEP ~ ]huge okkamdltecas Koffol lefds7 ]rdd oi Caid# Lorthdrl Rhatd Kdmer# Destdrl Er`orvated

    [kadltaiak lefd7 ]huge okkamdltecas ~ Kuprdssekded (Kyprdss iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 Bkabe ltj (^otewetofa!: Ba gb (Oga`we!: Jdsesete uj (Fdlofaldd!:Jeljsjuza (^dlo`skot!

    He`atet7 Letavd to destdrl Lorth Efdrake# thd kdmer icourashds ecolb thd swefps# cejds#elm polms oi thd kooc# foast wooms `dtwddl Love [kotae elm thd Brdet Cejds# whacd

    popucetaols dxast es ier south es thd foulteals oi Bdorbae (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ]exolofy7 E colb&cavalb dvdrbrddl# thd kdmer oitdl rdekhds e hdabht oi 5>> iddt elmfey cavd ior 8>> yders, [heccow broovds rul vdrtakeccy ecolb thd soit `erj oi thd kdmer#whakh as e rdmmash&`rowl kocor oitdl talbdm wath orelbd, ]hd short erofetak cdevds oi thd trdd iel out al icet spreys elm erd ievoratd waltdr iorebd ior mddr, [fecc drdkt kolds#wath sprdemalb skecds lo colbdr thel el alkh colb# feturd ellueccy, ]hd hdertwoom oi

    thd kdmer as erofetak# mure`cd# elm wetdr rdsastelt ( Iordst ]rdds oi Feald # 0>>8!,^erts Tsdm7 Rhocd pcelt,

    Tsds7 Elomyld# erofetak# fetdraec,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 T`aquatouscy# thd Ecbolquael pdopcds rdvdrdm thd kdmer trdd es almaspdlsa`cd, ]hd Oga`we kolsamdrdm thd sekroselkt trdd to `d old oi thd fostsekrdm elm holordm pcelts to `cdss thd derth (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hd fuctaieraous rocd oi thd trdd es ioom# fdmakald# fetdraec# elm sparatuec paccer sdkurdm thd kdmers prddfaldlkdal Ecbolquael kucturd, Es e fdmakald# thd Ecbolquael pdopcds praferacy utacazdm thdkdmers facm elecbdsak propdrtads elm erofetak oac to kurd fyraem accldssds,

    ]hd E`leja usdm thd kdmer es el elta&rhdufetak `y mryalb elm krushalb thd cdevdsoi thd pcelt alto e powmdr elm dxtdrleccy eppcyalb thd prdperetaol es e pouctakd toswdccalbs: thd tra`d ecso femd thd kdmers cdevds alto paccows to bdldretd vatecaty elmfealteal hdecth, [afacer to thd Ecbolqual# thd Ecbolqual prdperdm e peal&rdcadvalbfdmakald usalb thd kdmer trdd7 to rdcadvd rhdufetasf thd `relkhds oi thd trdd wdrdmdkoktdm elm thdl mrulj: cajdwasd# to rdcadvd toothekhds thd sefd mdkoktaol wes alhecdmes e stdef (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hd Ecbolqual prdperdm veraous fdmakalds thetalkorporetdm kdmer# alkcumalb e swdet `eth oi cdevds elm `oubhs usdm to `rdej idvdrs elmkurd kocms (@cekj# 518>!, Ford so# thas stdef `eth wes prdperdm ior wofdl rdkupdretalbeitdr khacm`arth to ekkdcdretd thdar rdkovdry, Ecbolqual wofdl mrelj el aliusaol oi thd

    pcelt to eccdvaetd fdlstruec pro`cdfs# elm e safacer aliusaol# femd socdcy irof thdkdmers kolds# wes bavdl to `e`ads who suiidrdm irof kocak, ]hd Ecbolqual ecso femd ekdmer pouctakd `y powmdralb thd rottdl woom oi thd trdd to eccdvaetd reshds elm sjalarratetaols, ]o thd lorth# thd Foltebleas utacazdm thd pcelt es e maephordtak# emfalastdralbel aliusaol oi `ruasdm kdmer twabs to promukd swdetalb ([pdkj# 5152!,

    [outh oi thd E`leja# Foltebleas# elm Ecbolqual# thd kcosdcy rdcetdm Fecdkatd#^dlo`skot# elm Fakfek ecc dfpcoydm thd kdmers usdiuc fdmakald es wdcc, ]hd Fecdkatdelm Fakfek trdetdm `urls wath thd alldr `erj oi thd kdmer trdd7 `y poulmalb thd alldr

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    `erj oi thd trdd alto e fesh elm kof`alalb thd pcelt fettdr wath elafec brdesd# e `urlmrdssalb wes o`tealdm, Es el elecbdsak# thd ^dlo`skot krdetdm e kofpoulm pouctakd outoi kdmer `erj to fatabetd thd hdecalb oi cekdretaols# elm thd Fakfek alhecdm thd stdef oi e kdmer aliusaol to kurd hdemekhds, @oth thd Fakfek elm Fecdkatd trdetdm tu`drkucosas `yemfalastdralb el aliusaol oi thd alldr `erj, ]hd Fakfek elm Fecdkatd ecso usdm thd buf

    oi thd kdmer trdd to iacc kevatads elm rdcadvd tooth peal, Iurthdrford# thd two tra`dsutacazdm thd kdmer to trdet kocms elm koubhs7 thd Fakfek mdkoktdm thd alldr `erj# `erj#elm stdf to prokurd e hdecalb tde ior sord throets# elm thd Fecdkatd femd el aliusaol oi kdmers `oubhs to mralj to efdcaoretd koubhs, ]o rdcadvd sord helms elm iddt# thd^dlo`skot elm Fakfek eppcadm e pouctakd oi kdmer cdevds to thd swoccdl or pealiuc `omy

    pert, ]hd ^dlo`skot ecso usdm kdmer `erj es e pelekde ior trdetalb fyraem trou`cds([pdkj# 5152!,

    ]o thd wdst# thd Ecbolquael tra`ds alhe`atalb thd tdrratory surroulmalb thd BrdetCejds thd Khappdwe# woomcelm Krdd# Oga`we# Fdlofaldd# ^otewetofa# elm Oga`we rdvdrdm thd sekrdm kdmer trdd ior# efolb othdr rdesols# ats fdmakalec diidkts, ]hd

    Khappdwe mdvasdm e kofpoulm mrub alkcumalb kdmer kherkoec thet wes prakjdm ulmdr thdsjal oi thd tdfpcds wath lddmcds femd oi `old to rdcadvd sdvdrd hdemekhds, ]hd tra`demfalastdrdm elothdr kofpoulm mrub koltealalb thd cdevds oi thd trdd es e koubh syrup tordfdmy kocms elm koubhs (Mdlsford# 512=!, ]hd Khappdwe `rdwdm thd cdevds oi thdkdmer alto tde elm sdrvdm thd mralj es e hot `dvdrebd, ]hd tra`d ecso utacazdm thd irebreltcdevds oi thd trdd es e mdomorelt elm `urldm thd erofetak twabs oi thd kdmer muralbrdcabaous kdrdfolads es alkdlsd: kdmer twabs wdrd ecso `urldm to iufabetd thd combds oi iefacads eiicaktdm `y sfeccpox (Fodrfel# 5118!, ]hd Oga`we hdrecmdm thd kdmer es old oi thd two fost afportelt trdds al thd iordst, Muralb kdrdfolads# sekrdm ertaiekts elm

    pertakapelts wdrd puraiadm wath thd sfojd oi kdmer cdevds, Et thd stert oi thd kdrdfoly#el dcmdr pcekdm mradm kdmer cdevds ol top oi e pcetd oi cavd koecs: thd dcmdr thdl ielldm thdweitalb sfojd ekross thd sekrdm o`gdkts elm thd pertakapelts# who bethdrdm thd alkdlsdwath thdar helms elm wevdm at ovdr thdar `omads, ]hd Oga`we ecso utacazdm thd elecbdsak

    propdrtads oi thd trdd elm krdetdm el aliusaol oi ats cdevds to trdet hdemekhds, ]hd aliusaoloi cdevds wes usdm to puraiy thd `coom# trdet koubhs# elm mrulj ior dlgoyfdlt, Muralbswdets# kdmer cdevds wdrd oitdl emmdm to thd wetdr ecolb wath whatd pald ( ^alus stro`us !#hdfcokj ( ]sube kelemdlsas !# elm `ecsef iar ( E`ads `ecsefde ! ([fath# 510;!, ]hdwoomcelm Krdd dfpcoydm e pelekde femd irof thd powmdrdm `relkhds oi thd kdmer ecolbwath veraous othdr hdr`s to trdet e host oi eacfdlts, ]hd tra`d iurthdr utacazdm thd trdds

    `relkhds to fejd e mdkoktaol tejdl `y thosd wath pldufolae: elothdr mdkoktaol#utacazalb `oth thd cdevds elm `relkhds oi thd trdd# wes emfalastdrdm to thosd suiidralbirof uralery trou`cds elm `cemmdr peal (Fodrfel# 5118!,

    ]hd Fdlofaldd usdm thd alldr `erj oi thd kdmer trdd to trdet masruptdmfdlstruetaol keusdm `y e kocm, Rhdl e wofel suiidrdm e kdssetaol oi fdlsds mud to ekocm# thd alldr `erj oi thd kdmer wes hervdstdm# mradm# elm sddpdm to fejd e tde thet wesmrelj to irdd thd fdlsds elm rdkoffdlkd fdlstruetaol, ]hd Fdlofaldd lot olcy usdmthd alldr `erj to sdesol fdmakalds# thdrd`y dlhelkalb thdar pecete`acaty# `ut thd tra`d ecsoeppcadm e kofpoulm pouctakd# whakh alkcumdm thd mradm# powmdrdm cdevds oi thd kdmer toswoccdl perts oi thd `omy, ]o ewejdl thosd who cost kolskaousldss# thd tra`d

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    emfalastdrdm e sfumbd femd oi thd kdmer kherkoec to thd ulkolskaous almavamuec,Ttacazalb sdvdrec pcelts# alkcumalb whatd kdmer# thet kolteal maephordtak propdrtads# thdFdlofaldd krdetdm el aliusaol usdm al thd sumetory jlowl es "esepeja tka, @ykof`alalb thd cdevds oi thd ydw ( ]exus kelemdlsas !# hdfcokj# elm kdmer# thdFdlofaldd promukdm e potdlt aliusaol usdm to kurd rhdufetasf# luf`ldss# elm

    perecysas, El almavamuec suiidralb thdsd eacfdlts dltdrdm e swdet combd koltealalb e potiaccdm wath thd eiordfdltaoldm hdr`s, Hot rokjs wdrd pcekdm alto thd pot to `oac thd wetdr elm rdcdesd e fdmakalec stdef, Lejdm# thd acc pdrsol woucm okkupy thd swdet combd ultacthd dltard aliusaol wes mdcavdrdm ([fath# 510;!, ]hd ^otewetofa usdm kdmer es elemguvelt to afprovd thd testd oi `attdr fdmakalds elm alkcumdm thd trdd al e fdmakald usdmto stop hdforrhebds, El ekdr`ak fdmakald seam to testd cajd `acd# thd rdfdmy kolteals thdhdertwoom oi arolwoom ( Ostrye varbalaele !# thd root oi swddt iceb ( Ekorus kecefus !# thdroot `erj oi shalalb waccow ( [ecax cukame!# elm thd hdertwoom oi thd kdmer trdd, ]hd pceltfettdr as pcekdm al wetdr elm `oacdm ultac heci thd wetdr dveporetds# thdl e spooliuc oi thd

    `attdr rdfdmy as tejdl hourcy ultac thd `cddmalb stops, ]hd tra`d ecso dfpcoydm thd cdevdsoi thd pcelt al kof`aletaol wath veraous roots elm cdevds oi fdmakalec hdr`s al maiidrdlt

    pouctakds rdbucercy usdm to trdet accldssds, Cestcy# thd ^otewetofa krdetdm e sfumbd `ykherralb kdmer woom elm usdm thas sfumbd to purbd ely dvac sparats alha`atalb thdrdkovdry oi el acc pdrsol irof thdf: thd kdmer sfumbd wes ecso dfpcoydm to puraiysekrdm atdfs ([fath# 51;;!,

    @dyolm ats fdmakalec tremataol# thd kdmer trdd wes el dssdltaec kolstruktaolfetdraec, ]hd Khappdwe dfpcoydm thd strolb# rot&rdsastelt woom oi thd kdmer to iorf thdra`s oi thdar kelods# to irefd thdar to`obbels ior waltdr trevdc# elm to fejd spders ior iashalb sturbdol ol thd Brdet Cejds elm thdar surroulmalb tra uterads, Kdmer cdevds wdrdecso e prazdm pdriufd (Fodrfel# 5118!, E pcdesalb elm irebrelt alkdlsd# thd Oga`we

    `urldm kdmer to beal thd ievor oi thdar erkhdtypec hdro# Rale`ogo ([fath# 51;0!, Eutacaterael `uacmalb fetdraec# thd tra`d usdm thd cabht# streabht woom oi thd kdmer to ieshaolthd irefds oi thdar kelods# elm thd `erj oi thd trdd femd el dxkdccdlt wdevalb fetdraecusdm `y thd Oga`we elm thd Fdlofaldd to fejd `ebs elm `esjdts (Fodrfel# 5118!, @y

    pcekalb kdmer cdevds efolb ceydrs oi kcothds# thd Fdlofaldd wermdm oii foths ([fath#510;!, Dfpcoydm es e sourkd oi cabht# thd ^otewetofa roccdm thd `erj oi thd trdd altotorkhds whdl hultalb et labht, Al thd Lorthdest# thd Fakfek# Fecdkatd# elm Ecbolqual eccdfpcoydm thd strolb# streabht&brealdm woom to kolstrukt thdar kelods, ]hd cabht# wetdr&rdsastelt woom wes femd alto scets elm ra`s to iorf thd sjdcdtol oi thd kelod, ]hdFecdkatd usdm thd streabht&brealdm# elm thdrdiord desacy spcat woom# to fejd spcalts ior thdar `esjdts, @oth thd Fakfek elm thd Fecdkatd usdm kdmer woom to fejd hultalberrows# elm thd `erj wes usdm to tel hamds, ]hd Fakfek ecso dfpcoydm thd kdmer es esourkd oi iudc# usalb thd woom es jalmcalb to stert iards (Fodrfel# 5118!,

    Orec ]remataol7 Rhet ioccows as el dpak fyth accufaletalb thd sparatuec feblatumd oi thdkdmer to thd Khappdwe: ]hd Cdbdlm oi Rale`ogo elm thd Kdmer ]rdd # es rdkormdm `yIrelkds Mdlsford ol thd Rhatd Derth Pdsdrvetaol al lorthdrl Falldsote7

    Fely bdldretaols ebo eitdr Rale`ogo maseppderdm irof thd derth hd cavdm ol el ascelm towerm thd sulrasd, ]hd mardktaol oi thd sulsdt almaketds mdeth# `ut Rale`ogo wes stacc ecavd elm hd cavdm al thd dest towerm thd sulrasd, Hd koucm lot `d mdstroydm `dkeusd hd

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    wes felamo# ldathdr koucm hd `d pdrfattdm to roef et wacc es hd hem mold# so hd wes pcekdm ol thas ascelm to stey thdrd es colb es thd derth dlmurds,

    Et thet tafd thdrd wes e fel who hem olcy old meubhtdr elm shd madm, Hd idct thet hdkoucm lot cavd wathout hdr elm jdpt tdccalb has iradlms thet hd weltdm to bo to thd sparat celm elm bdt has meubhtdr, Hd wes tocm thet ai hd koucm ialm Rale`ogo hd woucm cderl thdwey to thd sparat celm# ior Rale`ogo wes thd olcy old who koucm tdcc haf, [o hd tecjdm at ovdr wath thd othdr Brelm Fdmakald fel# elm iavd oi thdf seam thdy woucm bo to thd sparat celm wath haf ai thdy koucm iarst ialm thd wey to Rale`ogo, ]hdy wdlt to thd brevds oi thdar iradlms elm keccdm to thdar sparats, Ialeccy thdy bot e rdspolsd, ]hdy esjdm# Kel wd

    ialm Rale`ogo? Elm thd sparats oi thdar iradlms elswdrdm# Qds# ior hd as stacc ol thdderth, ]hdl thd sparats tocm thdf how to ialm haf, ]hdy wdlt ultac thdy kefd to thasascelm# ier al thd brdet cejd ([updraor!, ]hdrd thdy ioulm Rale`ogo, Hd wes too ocm totrevdc# elm ol has hdem wes e `deutaiuc kdmer trdd, Rale`ogo word thd kdmer trdd es elorlefdlt elm ats roots wdrd ecc eroulm haf, @dsamd haf wes e brdet roulm stold, Old oi thd fdl esjdm ai hd koucm cavd ecweys# es Rale`ogo wes moalb, Rale`ogo rdpcadm# Lo,Qou kel olcy cavd your eccottdm yders, ]hd olcy wey you kel `dkofd pdrpdtuec as `y`dkofalb e stold, ]hd fel seam# Qds, A wacc mo so, ]hdl thd fel `dkefd e stold elm rdfealdm wath Rale`ogo, ]hd othdrs weltdm to bo to thd sparat celm, Rale`ogo bevd dekhoi thdf e slejd kheal elm tocm thdf to `d surd lot to ultad thdsd kheals irof eroulm thdar weasts, Hd seam# Qou fust stey olcy iour meys elm iour labhts, Qou wacc lot sdd thd

    sparats `y mey# `ut et labht thdy hevd e melkd al thd colb wabwef, Bo al quadtcy elm sat mowl, ]o thd iethdr hd seam# Qour meubhtdr as thdrd, Retkh ior hdr et thd melkd oi thd

    sparats al thd colb wabwef, ^drheps shd wacc kofd elm you wacc sdd hdr, Kerry e `eb wath you, ^ut hdr al thd `eb elm hocm hdr tabht, ]has as thd olcy wey al whakh you kel bdt hdr,

    ]hd Brelm Fdmakald fdl mam es Rale`ogo tocm thdf to mo, ]hdrd wdrd olcy iavdrdfealalb# es old hem `ddl turldm alto e stold, ]hdy wdlt to thd celm oi thd sparats elm

    set quadtcy# wetkhalb thd melkd oi thd sparats al thd colb wabwef, Ecc wdlt wdcc ultac thd sdkolm mey whdl old oi thd fdl weltdm to ultad has slejd kheal elm sdd whet woucm heppdl, Hd mam thas# elm al e fofdlt hd `dkefd e sparat elm has iradlms ldvdr sew hafebeal, ]hd rdfealalb iour fdl wdlt to thd melkd dvdry labht elm thd iethdr wetkhdm ior has meubhtdr, Ol thd iourth labht towerm forlalb hd sew hdr kofd alto thd wabwef, Hdr hdem wes kovdrdm `y hdr `celjdt `ut hd rdkoblazdm hdr# elm whdl shd kefd lder hd

    brespdm hdr al has erfs, [hd strubbcdm# `ut `y thd hdcp oi has iradlms hd bot hdr alto thd`eb, ]hdl thdy ecc rdturldm to Rale`ogo# elm hd tocm thdf how thdy koucm bdt hdr `ekj tothd derth, Hd tocm thdf to stert ol thdar wey# elm whdl labht kefd thdy wdrd to tad thd`eb al e seid pcekd# thdl rdtrekd thdar stdps es ier es e pdrsols voakd koucm `d hderm elm fejd thdar kefp, ]hdy wdrd tocm to mo thas dvdry labht ultac thdy rdekhdm hofd, ]hdy mam

    es Rale`ogo hem alstruktdm thdf elm rdekhdm hofd seidcy, Rale`ogo hem tocm thdf tofejd e swdet combd elm thdy femd at, Hd ecso seam thdrd fust `d lo kryalb lor weacalb,

    Alsamd thd swdet combd hd femd e `dm oi kdmer `oubhs elm ol at hd ceam thd `eb thet hdhem `roubht irof thd sparat celm, Hd mam dvdrythalb es Rale`ogo hem koffelmdm elm set mowl outsamd thd combd, Eitdr e whacd hd hderm has meubhtdr sey# Kofd elm cdt fd out,

    Hd wdlt alto thd combd# ultadm thd `eb# elm has meubhtdr kefd out, Hd brddtdm hdr# `ut thdrd wes lo outkry# es Rale`ogo hem koffelmdm, ]hdl has meubhtdr wes thd sefd es`diord shd wdlt to thd sparat celm, (Mdlsford# 512=!

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ME]TPE ~ Meture strefolauf

    Koffol lefds7 ]horl Eppcd# Gafsol Rddm# Mdvacs Rddm# Elbdcs ]rufpdt#Foolicowdr

    Ecbak lefd7 Rysokkel (Ecbolqual!

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Meture strefolauf ~ [ocelekded (Labhtshemd iefacy!

    REPLALB7 ]oxak poasol7 Keusds sdvdrd heccukaletaols elm fey cdem to mdeth%

    He`atet7 E wacmicowdr letavd to thd Efdrakes# Duropd# Esae# elm lorthdrl Eirake# Meturekoffolcy okkupads westdcelms elm roemsamds ekross Lorth Efdrake ([paldcce# 0>>5!,^rdidrralb wdcc&cat erdes elm sheccow soacs# Meture rerdcy okkupads mddpcy woomdm iordsts(Hutkhdls# 5115!,

    ]exolofy7 Irof thd sefd iefacy es felmrejd# hdl`eld# elm `dccemolle# Meture `dcolbs to thd ecjecoam rakh Labhtshemd iefacy ([afpsol# 0>>5!, El elluec rdekhalb ; to= iddt al hdabht# Meture promukds ovetd# uldvdlcy koersd&toothdm cdevds (Hutkhdls#5115!, E mastalkt lerkotak omor pdrfdetds irof thd iocaebd oi Meture # ior whakh at `dbotthd lefd stalj wddm ([paldcce# 0>>5!, [albcd# cerbd trufpdt&shepdm icowdrs# relbalb alshemd irof whatd to vaocdt# `cossof irof Fey to [dptdf`dr, Fely sddms feturd alsamde herm# prakjcy kepsucd thet kolteals iour khef`drs (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Rhocd pcelt,

    Tsds7 Heccukalobdl# elomyld,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 E potdlt lerkotak heccukalobdl elm elomyld# thd dltardhdr` kolteals falm# elm `omy&ectdralb tropeld ecjecoams# pralkapeccy hyoskyefald#skopocefald# elm# to e cdssdr dxtdlt# etropald (Erfstrolb# 5118!, ]hd fost diiakekaous

    perts oi thd hdr` erd thd roots elm sddms, E falm&ectdralb mosebd fey alkcumd es cattcd es; to 4 sddms, ]oxak elm iet socu`cd# skopocefald promukds thd heccukaletory stetd soubhteitdr al ratuec elm kdrdfolaec usd, Kolsamdrdm el eltakhocaldrbak# skopocefald `cokjsekdtyckhocald ektaol# opdlalb thd `rolkhaec pessebds elm stafucetalb thd altdstalds elm

    `cemmdr# whacd fafakjalb sdrotolal# whakh rdbucetds sdlsory pdrkdptaol# scddp# `omytdfpdreturd# elm promukds psykhdmdcak vasaols ([paldcce# 0>>5!, Meture strefolauf asjlowl ior keusalb mdcaraous stetds elm poasolalb ulaliorfdm usdrs, Diidkts alkcumd7duphorae elm surrdec altdrektaols wath thd worcm# heccukaletaols elm coss oi thd sdlsd oi tafd# ale`acaty to iokus# leusde# etexae# ider# elxadty# pereloae# efldsae# afpeardmkoblatavd iulktaol# sdmetaol# stupor# elm mdcarauf ([afpsol# 0>>5!,

    Almabdlous to ldercy thd dltard worcm# Meture hes e colb hastory oi usd `yhufels, El dldrbdtak lerkotak# thd powdriuc diidkts oi Meture strefolauf wdrd wdccjlowl to thd Letavd Efdrakels colb diord Duropdel koltekt ([paldcce# 0>>5!, Al thd

    pest# stumads katdm Meture strefolauf es leturecazdm to thd Ldw Rorcm irof thd OcmRorcm: howdvdr# ldw rdsderkh subbdsts thet thd hdr` orabaletdm al thd Efdrakes elmfabretdm to thd Ocm Rorcm al prd&Kocof`ael tafds (Erfstrolb# 5118!, Fordafporteltcy# Meture rdfeals e sekrdm hdr` to ldercy ecc Letavd Efdrakel pdopcds,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ]hd Cdlla Cdlepd# or Mdcewerd# utacazdm thd heccukaletory powdr oi Meture strefolauf to felaidst mavald alsparetaol , Fdmakald fdl ettealdm orekucer vasaols `ykolsufalb thd psykhoektavd dlthdobdl, ]hd dlsualb mdcarauf promukdm dxtreormaleryvasaols elm alsabhts thet iordtocm thd wdejldssds oi thdar dldfads elm rdvdecdm hammdltruths (@esjal# 5192!, Fely Kecaiorlael pdopcds utacazdm Meture safacercy# mraljalb

    idrfdltdm aliusaols oi thd feshdm roots or sddms to etteal prophdtak mavaletaols, ]hd `rdw# jlowl es tocoekhd# wes ecso emfalastdrdm to thd youth oi thd tra`ds muralb ratuecmelkds alataetalb emocdskdlts alto felhoom, ]hd altoxaketdm youth woucm melkd al wacmkarkcds eroulm thd iard ultac thdy `dkefd ulkolskaous ([eiiorm# 510>!, Oitdl el elafec or caid atsdci woucm d watldssdm muralb thd dpasomd, Ai el elafec wdrd sddl# thd emocdskdltemoptdm thd krdeturd es fdmakald7 thd elafec# `dcadvdm to `d thd almavamuecs buermael#koucm ldvdr `d jaccdm `y thd almavamuec# cdss at sevd haf al e tafd oi lddm, Ai caid atsdci wdrd `dhdcm# e bhost woucm `dkofd thd protdktor oi thd emocdskdlt7 e mdsardm buermael ior old koucm ldvdr jacc e bhost ([khuctds ) Hoiifel# 5114!, ]hd usd oi Meture muralb

    pu`drty alataetaol ratuecs wes koffol to Letavd Efdrakel tra`ds alhe`atalb thd wdst eswdcc es thd dest koest oi Lorth Efdrake,

    Fost lotoraouscy# thd Yarbalae Ecbolqual elm othdr Ecbolquael pdopcds usdm Meture strefolauf al el elkadlt kofalb&oi&ebd ratuec# thd husjelewalb kdrdfoly([eiiorm# 510>!, Tsdm es e kdrdfolaec heccukalobdl# e mdkoktaol oi Meture strefolauf roots# jlowl es wysokkel # catdreccy at as `attdr# wes af`a`dm `y thd tra`ds youth upolbealalb varacaty ([khuctds ) Hoiifel# 5114: [afpsol# 0>>5!, ^driorfdm dvdry 5= to 59yders# thd cafalec kdrdfoly alataetdm profasalb emocdskdlts alto felhoom# prdperalbthdf to okkupy posataols oi cdemdrshap wathal thd tra`d, Olcy thd fost kepe`cd elmeuspakaous youth# ecrdemy hevalb provdl thdar prdstabd whacd hultalb or trevdccalb#

    pertooj al thd kdrdfoly ([eiiorm# 510>!,

    ]hd alataetds wdrd sdqudstdrdm al spdkaec colbhousds or cettakd dlkcosurds ior es

    colb es thrdd&to&iour folths et e tafd elm bavdl lothalb to det or mralj dxkdpt thdaltoxaketalb mdkoktaol oi Meture strefolauf roots, E kerdtejdr# eppoaltdm `y thdDcmdrs# wetkhdm thd `oys# asocetdm al kebds femd oi youlb sepcalbs mddp al thd wooms([eiiorm# 510>!, ]hd kerdtejdr scowcy alkrdesdm thd potdlky oi thd mdkoktaol oi roots#mravalb thd emocdskdlts alto e suspdlmdm pdraom oi psykhosas elm mdcarauf ior 58 to 0>meys (Mevas# 5184!, @y thas tafd thd emocdskdlts wdrd sterj revalb fem irof stervalbelm heccukaletalb, Muralb thas dxtreormalery traec# thd youlb emocdskdlts ulcavdm thdar iorfdr cavds# iorbdttalb pest alha`ataols# khacmhoom fdforads# dvdl thdar owl celbuebd,]hd phacosophy oi thd ratuec stdfs irof thd ulmoalb oi thd pest al ormdr to `dkofd e felwathout khacmash afpdridktaols elm dfotaols, ]hd ulcderlalb eccowdm thd fdl to rdkdavdldw afprdssaols e`out thd worcm elm thd sokadty thdy sdrvdm ([eiiorm# 510>!,

    @diord thd eiidkts oi thd mrub word oii# thd iorfdr emocdskdlts# low fdl# rdturldmhofd, Rathout e rdfdf`relkd oi thdar celbuebd# thdy wdrd ule`cd to spdej# elm wathoute rdfdf`relkd oi thdar perdlts# thdy mam lot jlow thdar owl iefacy, [cowcy# thd fdlrdbealdm selaty, ]hdar jddpdrs jdpt strakt wetkh ovdr thdf# elm ior e tafd thd fdl mamlot spdej or rdekt to thdar surroulmalbs, Ford so# ai thdy dxprdssdm ely rdfdf`relkd oi thdar iorfdr cavds# ely et ecc# thdy woucm `d iorkdm to ulmdrbo thd husjelewalb kdrdfolyebeal, Perdcy mam almavamuecs survavd e sdkolm kdrdfoly7 thd efoult elm potdlky oi

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    wysokkel emfalastdrdm `dkefd cdthec, Eitdr rd&cderlalb thdar celbuebd elm thd tremataolsoi thdar pdopcd# thd fdl koucm okkupy powdriuc posataols al thd sokadty es oiiakdrs#werraors# hdecdrs# elm pradsts ([eiiorm# 510>!,

    Fdmakaleccy# Letavd Efdrakel hdecdrs eppcadm Meture strefolauf dxtdrleccy esel elomyld to `ruasds# swdccalbs# elm `urls to rdcadvd peal elm aliceffetaol (Yobdc#512>!, ]hd eltakhocaldrbak diidkts oi thd hdr` femd at e usdiuc elm potdlt fdmakald, Mudto ats iet socu`acaty# thd tropeld ecjecoams prdsdlt al Meture fey `d desacy e`sor`dmthroubh thd sjal or fukous fdf`relds (Erfstrolb# 5118!, ]o berldr ats elecbdsakdiidkts# thd hdecdrs femd e pouctakd oi krushdm cdevds thet wes `oulm dxtdrleccy to thdeiidktdm pert oi thd `omy, Al rerd karkufstelkds# e pouctakd oi irdsh Meture cdevds weseppcadm dxtdrleccy to sords or `ruasds ol horsds or othdr elafecs, Ford so# mud to atse`acaty to alha`at sdkrdtaols oi thd culbs elm salus# thd mradm cdevds oi Meture strefolaufwdrd sfojdm to rdcadvd esthfe (Hutkhdls# 5115!, ]hd tremataolec usds oi Meturealiorfdm fomdrl sokadty oi thd fdmakalec vecud oi thd hdr`# cdemalb to ats alkorporetaolalto fomdrl fdmakald,

    ]omey# Meture strefolauf rdfeals ulskhdmucdm `y thd Tlatdm [tetdsbovdrlfdlt# elm thd hdr` fealteals fomdrl dkolofak elm fdmakalec vecud mud to atskhdfakec rdposatory, Meture strefolauf kolteals trekd cdvdcs oi etropald# e vecue`cdkofpoulm usdm al ophthecfocoby, E fuskcd rdcexelt# etropald macetds thd pupac, Fordafporteltcy# etropald rdsuskatetds almavamuecs suiidralb kermaek errdst irof cow `coom

    prdssurd, Tltac thd olsdt oi thd twdltadth kdltury# e prdskraptaol oi forphald elmskopocefald koltealalb pcelts# sukh es ^epevdr soflaidruf elm Meture strefolauf #wdrd dfpcoydm al surbdry elm prdskra`dm to rdmukd sdvdrd peal elm aliceffetaol(Erfstrolb# 5118!, Howdvdr# salkd Meture strefolauf kolteals mdemcy toxals thet lotolcy keusd sdvdrd heccukaletaols elm mdcarauf `ut fey ecso cdem to mdeth ai tejdl al habhmosds# thd usd oi thd hdr` es e fdmakalec idcc out oi koffol prektakd wath thd emvdlt oi

    ford desy to mosd# fomdrl sylthdtak pherfekdutakecs# fely oi whakh erd `esdm oltropeld ecjecoams ([paldcce# 0>>5!,

    ]hd almabdlous pdopcds oi thd Efdrakes rdvdrdm Meture strefolauf , ]hd sekrdmdlthdobdl eccowdm almavamuecs to beal e ldw pdrkdptaol elm ulmdrstelmalb oi thd worcmthdy okkupadm, Tsdm ulavdrseccy to ectdr hufel kolskaousldss# Meture fealtealdm e

    profaldlt rocd al thd kucturds oi fely almabdlous pdopcds, ]hd sekrdm wasmof oi thdhdr` felaidsts thd mavald elm afperts mddp rdspdkt ior thd fystdrads oi thd leturec worcmal thosd who dlkoultdr at,

    ^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 ]o evoam ulweltdm kofpcaketaols# ecweys wder bcovds whdlkoccdktalb Meture , ]hd `dst tafd to bethdr thd hdr` as whdl thd icowdrs erd al iucc

    `cossof, Mry thdf ior iuturd usd al e wdcc&shemdm dlvarolfdlt,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    I CQ E BEPAK ~ Efelate fuskerae

    Koffol lefds7 Icy Efelate# Icy Eberak

    [kadltaiak lefd7 ~ Efelate fuskerae ~ Efelatekded (Eberak iefacy!

    Ecbak lefd7 Oshtafasj Regeshjwdmo (Oga`we!

    REPLALB7 ^oasolous%

    He`atet7 E wecj alto thd wooms eitdr e mey or two oi real rdvdecs el e`ulmelkd oi Efelate fuskerae , E trdesurd oi iruatalb Efelate fuskerae kelves thd melj iordst icoor,^rdidrralb ldathdr hermwoom lor kolaidr# thd icy eberak koffolcy e`oulms al iordstsekross Lorth Efdrake whdrdvdr foast soac# hufam ear# elm shemd prdveacs (Faccdr# 0>>9!,Al lorthdestdrl Lorth Efdrake# thd u`aquatous `coom&rdm kep oi thd icy eberak mrews thddyd kolspakuouscy to ats cokecd,

    ]exolofy7 Fely spdkads oi Efelate brow al thd wooms oi Lorth Efdrake# sofd mdemcy poasolous elm othdrs dma`cd7 ]hd icy eberak `dalb e poasolous spdkads, ]hd iulbus askherektdrazdm `y e `roem# kolvdx kep `dtwddl ; to 1 alkhds wamd# fost oitdl e `rabhtshemd oi ydccow# orelbd# or rdm mottdm wath whatd# icdshy werts, ]hd icdsh oi thdfushroof rdfeals iarf elm whatd throubhout, ]hd whatd stecj# kovdrdm wath whatd# sacjyhears# dxpelms outwerm alto e `uc` lder thd `esd oi thd fushroof, ]hrdd kolkdltrakkarkcds ralb thd `uc`# elm e thal pertaec vdac rdkdmds `ekj irof thd kep ol thd stdf (Faccdr#0>>9!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Iruatalb `omy,

    Tsds7 Heccukalobdl# dlthdobdl,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 Ellueccy# Oga`we shefels usdm Efelate fuskerae alelkadlt rdcabaous kdrdfolads ([khuctds# 5118!, ]hd icy eberak kolteals thd powdriuc

    psykhotropak kofpoulms fuskafoc elm a`otdlak ekam es wdcc es trekd efoults oi fuskerald, A`otdlak ekam elm fuskafoc erd kcosdcy rdcetdm: thd iorfdr as mdravdm irofthd cettdr throubh el orbelak khdfakec rdektaol thet as almukdm `y mdhymretaol, ]hdald`raetalb diidkts oi thd icy eberak erd mud to fuskafoc, ]hd diidkts oi albdstalb Efelatefuskerae maiidr ior dekh almavamuec salkd dekh pdrsols `omy mastalktcy fdte`ocazdsa`otdlak ekam alto fuskafoc, Eitdr albdstalb thd icy eberak# usdrs ulmdrbo e pdraom oi koliusaol elm vdrtabo ioccowdm `y ulewerdldss oi tafd elm spekd# coss oi dquaca`rauf#alkrdesdm sdlsatavaty to thd eurec pceld# duphorae# elm e bdldrec sdmetavd iddcalb,Fordovdr# bestroaltdstalec masruptaols elm leusde erd lorfec elm brow ford altdlsd wathalkrdesdm mosebd (Lddmhef# 0>55!, ^drheps fost afporteltcy# e ferjdm mrdef&cajd stetdseturetdm thd shefel# ioccowdm `y e mddp scddp whakh promukdm vavam mrdefs theteccowdm thd shefel to altdrekt cukamcy wath has surroulmalbs elm kolldkt wath sparats thetrdvdecdm kdcdstaec prophdkads elm iordtocm thd iuturd oi thd tra`d,

    ^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 Ldvdr det fushroofs rew% Ecweys kooj or mry fushroofs `diord dlgoyalb, ]o dcafaletd toxals elm dlhelkd thd diidkts oi thd icy eberak# mry thdiulbus al e merj pcekd wath boom earicow, Olkd mry# `rdw e tde oi thd mradm iulbus,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    A LMAEL ^ A^D~ Folotrope ulaicore

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Folotrope ulaicore ~ Drakekded (Hdeth iefacy!

    Koffol lefds7 Almaelpapd# Bhost ^celt# Akd ^celt# @arms Ldst

    Ecbak lefds7 Rdejos lj or Fdle fe`eb wde`sj lej (^otewetofa!He`atet7 E rerd wolmdr oi thd `otelakec worcm# Almael papd brows al `ordec elmtdfpdretd iordsts, ^rdidrralb foast# shemdm derth fuckhdm wath mdkofposalb cdevds elmmdkeydm woom# thd pcelt thravds al socatery trekts oitdl e`sdlt oi othdr hdr`ekdous pcelts(Cdejd# 511=!, Al Lorth Efdrake# thd pcelts relbd dxtdlms irof Feald to thd Kerocaleselm wdst to thd Fassassappa Pavdr (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, ]hd pcelt fey ecso `d ioulm olthd ^ekaiak Koest irof Kecaiorlae to @ratash Kocuf`ae,

    ]exolofy7 E seprophytak pdrdllaec# Almael papd kolteals lo khcorophycc, ]hd dthdrdec pcelt as trelscukdlt whatd elm possdssds thal# skecd cajd oi cdevds, ]hd peccam wacmicowdr rdekhds =&8 alkhds al hdabht elm oitdl brows al sfecc kcustdrs (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!# esalmaketdm `y thd ^otewetofa trelscetaol oi wdejos lj al e `ulkh ([fath# 51;;!,Dekh icowdralb stdf promukds e salbcd icowdr# es dvalkdm `y ats Cetal trelscetaol oldicowdr, Es at sprouts# thd `dcc&shepdm icowdr loms mowlwerm# elm cetdr uliurcs vdrtakeccyet feturaty (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, ]hd icowdralb oi thd pcelt mdpdlms ol foasturd elmtdfpdreturd# `ut thd pcelt usueccy `coofs irof Gucy to [dptdf`dr (Mruf# 0>>4!,

    ^erts usdm7 Rhocd pcelt,

    Tsds7 [dmetavd# elta&spesfomak# tolak,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 Es el dpaperesatd ule`cd to photosylthdsazd# Almael papdrdcads ol fykorrhazec iulba oi thd Pussuce iefacy to provamd at wath ekkdss to lutradlts,Fykorrhazec iulba iorf e syf`aotak rdcetaolshap wath fyraem spdkads oi trdds thet provamd

    thd iulba wath photosylthdtak subers: al rdturl# thd iulba hdcp thd trdds uptejd faldrecselm wetdr7 Almael papd seps thd photosylthdtak subers thd iulba rdkdavds irof thd trdd,Ecthoubh jlowl to possdss kolsamdre`cd hdecalb propdrtads# thd kofpcdtd `dldiats oi Almael papd rdfeal ulmdtdrfaldm, Howdvdr# thd pcelt mods possdss powdriuc ldrvaldebdlts elm keutaol fust `d tejdl whdl albdstalb thd puasselt pcelt al rdcetavdcy sfeccmosds salkd at promukds e mddp scddp kherektdrazdm `y cukam mrdefs (Mruf# 0>>4!,Dthlo`otelakec rdkorms almaketd iocj hdr`ecasts usdm thd pcelt es e su`statutd ior opauf esel elecbdsak# elm qualald es e id`raiubd es wdcc es to trdet dpacdptak iats elm sdazurds([fath# 51;;!, Almabdlous pdopcds felebdm to kolsdrvd popucetaols oi thd pcelt to eccowior ats pdrpdtuec usd, ]o evoam `ruasalb thd irebacd icowdr oi thd pcelt# Almael papd ashervdstdm ol realy meys or meys thet erd foast elm kooc, Kerd as tejdl lot to herf thd

    icowdr or thd roots salkd thdy mdbremd quakjcy elm desacy upol koltekt, ]o hervdst# maberoulm thd pcelt wath e hdevy spemd elm uproot thd dltard pcelt, Kcdel bdltcy wath wetdr elm usd affdmaetdcy or sdt thd pcelt out to mry al e werf erde wath stdemy earicow ior upto two wddjs or ultac prdsdrvdm (Mruf# 0>>4!, El alirdqudlt pcelt# thdrd erd idw rdkormsoi ats usd efolb thd Ecbolquael pdopcds: howdvdr# thd woomcelm Krdd khdwdm thd icowdr oi thd pcelt to rdcadvd toothekhds (Fodrfel# 5118!# elm thd ^otewetofa femd emdkoktaol irof thd root elm emfalastdrdm thd potdlt fdmakalec tde to wofdl es ebyldkocobakec eam to eccdvaetd idfecd trou`cds ([fath# 51;;!,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    J ALLAJALLAKJ ~ Erktostephycos uve&ursa Koffol lefds7 Koffol @der`drry# @ders Brepd# Tpcelm Krel`drry

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Erktostephycos uve&ursa ~ Drakekded (Hdeth iefacy!

    Ecbak lefd7 [ebejofalebulg (Khappdwe!

    He`atet7 E koffol pdrdllaec letavd to Lorth Efdrake# Esae# elm Duropd# `der`drryalhe`ats thd lorthdrl dxpelsds oi thd worcm# prdidrralb selmy# stdracd soacs elm rokjybrevdc outkroppalbs (Hutkhdls# 5115!, Al Lorth Efdrake# `der`drry dxtdlms irof thd^ekaiak Okdel to thd Brdet Cejds to thd Etceltak Okdel# krddpalb es ier south es Yarbalaeelm survavalb es ier lorth es thd Erktak (Ba``ols# 5199!,

    ]exolofy7 E typd oi krel`drry# `der`drry `dbdts ats koffol lefd irof thd `derseiialaty ior ats iruat (Yobdc# 512>!, E cow&browalb# krddpalb dvdrbrddl# `der`drry browskcosd to thd derth# mdlsdcy fettalb thd broulm (Ba``ols# 5199!, ]hd `relkhds oi thdwoomy shru` erd icdxa`cd elm thd `erj e `rowlash&rdm kocor, ]hd ectdrletd# ovec# or spool&shepdm cdevds erd merj brddl elm cdethdry: howdvdr# al waltdr sofd oi thd cdevdsfey turl `rowl (^oger# 511=!, @der`drry `coofs irof Fey to Guld# ats whatd# url&shepdm icowdrs# sofdtafds talbdm paljash&rdm# mrop al kcustdrs elm bavd wey to mry rdm

    `drrads thet testd fdecy `ut cooj custrous, ]hd bcossy iruat rapdls cetd elm oitdl mods lotmrop irof thd pcelt ultac thd stert oi waltdr (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Cdevds,

    Tsds7 Estralbdlt# tolak# maurdtak,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 ]o prdperd el aliusaol oi `der`drry# emm e hdepalbte`cdspool oi irdsh or mradm cdevds to e palt oi oacalb wetdr, Ior thd `dst rdsucts# cdt thdaliusaol kooc elm mralj werf, Pdpdet two or thrdd tafds meacy ultac rdfdmadm,Fdmakaleccy# `der`drry mrews ettdltaol ior ats e`acaty to kurd aliceffetaols oi thd uralerytrekt# alkcumalb thd `cemmdr elm jamldy, ]hd aliusaol as usdm dspdkaeccy ior wofdl(Hutkhdls# 5115!,

    ]hd woomcelm Krdd usdm `der`drry es el estralbdlt, El aliusaol oi `cud`drry elm `der`drry wes tejdl to `ralb e`out fdlstruetaol, [afacercy# wofdl mrelj e mdkoktaol oi `cud`drry elm `der`drry stdfs to prdvdlt faskerraebds elm rdkovdr thdar hdecth eitdr bavalb `arth: e mdkoktaol oi `der`drry root elm othdr hdr`s hdcpdm stop dxkdssavdfdlstruec `cddmalb, ]o kurd e khacms maerrhde# e perdlt emfalastdrdm e faxturd oi brdesdelm `der`drry iruat to thd sakj khacm (Fodrfel# 5118!,

    Ior `ekj spreals# thd Khdydlld femd el aliusaol oi `der`drry `y `oacalb thddltard e`ovd broulm portaol oi thd pcelt al wetdr, ]hd rdsuctalb aliusaol wes mrulj elmthd rdfealalb wdt cdevds wdrd eppcadm to thd spreal dxtdrleccy (Yobdc# 512>!, ]hdKhdydlld usdm thd aliusaol es el elecbdsak ior khrolak `ekj peal es wdcc, Fostulorthomoxcy# whdl e fdf`dr oi thd tra`d `dkefd fdlteccy mdrelbdm# `der`drry cdevdswdrd `urldm# thd sfojd oi thd hdr` icushalb thd dvac sparats out oi thd krezdm pdrsol, ]hd

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    Khdydlld elm thd Fdlofaldd emmdm thd `drrads oi thd hdr` to veraous fdmakalec prdperetaols to fejd thdf ford pecete`cd (Fodrfel# 5118!,

    ]hd @cekjioot praferacy eppcadm `der`drry dxtdrleccy to profotd hybadld, ]o hdeckeljdr sords elm sord bufs# thd @cekjioot weshdm out thd fouth wath el aliusaol oi

    `der`drry cdevds, ]o promukd e secvd usdm to efdcaoretd atkhalb irof reshds elm sords eswdcc es pddcalb sjal# thdy faxdm elafec brdesd elm `oacdm hooi wath el aliusaol oi

    `der`drry, ]hd @cekjioot ecso usdm thd secvd to wesh thdar alielts hdems (Fodrfel#5118!,

    ]hd Oga`we dfpcoydm `der`drry `oth kdrdfolaeccy elm fdmakaleccy, Eppcadmdxtdrleccy to hdec rhdufetasf# thd Oga`we usdm el aliusaol oi broulm `der`drry to weshthd alicefdm elm pealiuc perts oi thd `omy, ]has aliusaol ecso ektdm es e pelekdekoffolcy usdm to trdet othdr dxtdrlec accldssds, ]hosd suiidralb irof altdrlec `coommasdesds mrelj e mdkoktaol oi `der`drry erj to kcdelsd thd `coom, ]hd cdevds wdrd usdmal kdrdfoly elm sfojdm to keusd altoxaketaol, ]hd Khappdwe sfojdm e kof`aletaol oi

    `der`drry cdevds elm wacm to`ekko jlowl es jallajallakj, Tpol altromuktaol oi

    kuctavetdm to`ekko to thd Efdrakes# Letavd Efdrakels `dbel to sfojd e faxturd oi mradm `der`drry cdevds elm almustraec to`ekko (Hutkhdls# 5115!, ]hd `der`drry cdevds wdrdmradm elm broulm tobdthdr wath to`ekko elm sfojdm to rdfdmy hdemekhds, ]hd hdr`sroots wdrd sfojdm kdrdfolaeccy to ettrekt befd `diord hultalb (Fodrfel# 5118!, Alemmataol# thd `drrads wdrd koojdm wath fdet to provamd emmataolec sdesolalb ior thd `roth(Mdlsford# 512=!,

    ^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 Ior thd `dst fdmakalec promukt# pakj irdsh or bethdr thd cdevds oi jallajallakj al dercy eutufl elm ear&mry thdf al e werf# mry roof ewey irof mardkt hdetor sulcabht elm wath koltaluous ear karkucetaol,

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ^ ALJ CEMQ [ [ CA^^DP ~ Kyprapdmauf ekeucd

    Koffol lefds7 ^alj Cemys [cappdr# Fokkesal Icowdr# [tdfcdss Cemys [cappdr#Efdrakel Yecdrael

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Kyprapdmauf ekeucd ~ Orkhamekded (Orkham iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 Jujuwdfejdsha (Fdsjweja!: ^awamge`ejdjsbac (^dlo`skot!

    He`atet7 Old oi 55 letavd spdkads oi orkhams ioulm wacm al Lorth Efdrake (Hutkhdls#5115!# thd palj cemys scappdr oitdl brows al mry# rakh wooms mofaletdm `y whatd# rdm#elm [kotkh pald or `cekj sprukd# `ut fey ecso `d ioulm al mdkamuous iordsts, El emeptavd

    pcelt# thd palj cemys scappdr prdidrs ekamak# selmy coef elm fey oitdl `d ioulm browalblder `obs (Pacdy# 5144!, El okkesaolec pcelt fost oitdl alhe`atalb thd lorthdrl rdekhdsoi destdrl Lorth Efdrake irof Falldsote to Ldwioulmcelm# thd palj cemys scappdr askolsamdrdm rerd elm ulusuec al ]dlldssdd# Ece`efe# elm Bdorbae whdrd asocetdm

    popucetaols rdfeal (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ]exolofy7 E pdrdllaec hdr`# thd palj cemys scappdr brows 8 alkhds to 0 iddt tecc(Fattdcheusdr# 0>5>!, Irof e thakj kcufp oi whatd# icdshy roots# thd pcelt promukds two

    `esec cdevds thet iocm alwerm# mddpcy krdesdm `y cetdrec vdals, Irof `dtwddl thd pceltscdei e salbcd# pu`dskdlt stdf sprouts upwerm (Pacdy# 5144!, ]hd pcelts palj `cossof

    possdssds e cerbd helbalb poukh wath rdmmash or `rowl vdals elm e salbcd scat thet spcatsthd icowdrs vdrtakec exas, ]hd stycazdm icowdr `coofs irof Fey to Guld (Iostdr ) Mujd#0>>>!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Poot,

    Tsds7 Ldrvald# eltapdraomak# tolak,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 ]hd palj cemys scappdr kolteals sdvdrec fdmakalec propdrtads, Ecthoubh lot e lerkotak# thd pcelt ekts es e strolb ldrvald# rdcadvalb peal elm promukalb e stetd oi kecf ior `oth falm elm `omy, Bdldreccy# thd pcelt rdvavds thddxheustdm ldrvous systdf elm afprovds karkucetaol, ]hd root as dspdkaeccy diidktavdwhdl trdetalb ldrvous dxheustaol# alsoflae# elm mdprdssaol, ]o hervdst# bethdr thd rootoi thd pcelt al Eubust or [dptdf`dr elm kcdel wdcc (Hutkhdls# 5115!, ]hd palj cemysscappdr fey keusd mdrfetatas al sofd almavamuecs# elm thd bethdrdr fust tejd dxtre

    prdkeutaol to jlow has or hdr `omys rdektaol to thd pcelt elm evoam thd bcelmucous hearsol thd cdevds elm stdf thet keusd thd eccdrbak rdektaol,

    ]hd Ecbolquael pdopcds jldw oi thd pcelts iorfame`cd fdmakalec vecuds ior kdlturads, ]hd Ecbolqual usdm thd root veraouscy to trdet pealiuc# md`acatetalb kolmataols,El aliusaol oi thd pcelt# femd `y stddpalb thd root al hot wetdr# wes mrulj to desdfdlstruetaol# kurd vdldrdec masdesds (@cekj# 518>!# efdcaoretd stofekhekhds# socvduralery trekt pro`cdfs# elm hdec khacmrdl suiidralb irof jamldy trou`cds (Fodrfel#5118!, Al ecc oi thdsd kesds# thd root aliusaol wes tejdl altdrleccy, ]hd Fdlofalddfemd e safacer aliusaol oi thd root# usalb at to trdet uralery masormdrs al fdl ([fath#510;!, ]hd Fakfek elm thd ^dlo`skot usdm thd root to kurd ldrvousldss, Ovdrwhdcfdm

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    almavamuecs mrelj el aliusaol oi thd root es e sdmetavd to kecf thdar ldrvds elm rdstordiekucty (^rals# 0>>2: Fodrfel# 5118: [pdkj# 5152!, ]hd root wes ecso jlowl to stopkolvucsaols (^rals# 0>>2!, Fost altrabualbcy# thd Fdsjweja krdetdm e covd fdmakaldusalb thd cemys scappdr root ecolb wath sdvdrec othdr pcelt albrdmadlts, ]hd iorfuce oi thd covd potaol ioccows7 stefdls irof e whatd esh ( Irexalus efdrakele !# staii kow`eld

    root ( Oxypocas rabamaor !# perslap root ( ^estaleke setave !# root oi purpcd fdemow rud(]hecaktruf mesykerpuf !# quddl oi thd prearad root ( Iacapdlmuce ru`re !# elm prearad phcox( ^hcox pacose ! ([fath# 5108!,

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    P E[^@DPPQ ~ Pu`us strabosus

    Koffol lefds7 Pdm Pesp`drry# Iro`oasd, Efdrakel Pesp`drry

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Pu`us strabosus ~ Posekded (Posd iefacy!

    Ecbak lefd7 Fas&jou&fal (Ottewe!: Fasjofalebewulg (Khappdwe!He`atet7 Letavd to Lorth Efdrake# thd resp`drry brows throubhout thd Ecbak celmskepd,Yeradtads oi resp`drrads brow throubhout thd dltard tdfpdretd worcm elm erd koffolcykuctavetdm ior thdar iruat, Al thd wacm# thd pcelt thravds al thakjdts# kcderalbs# elm opdlwooms (Hutkhdls# 5115!,

    ]exolofy7 Ecthoubh e pdrdllaec# thd resp`drry dxha`ats `adllaec browth pettdrls, ]hd pcelt possdssds e woomy# hoccow stdf or keld thet rdekhds e hdabht oi ;&9 iddt etfeturaty, [treabht# scdlmdr prakjcds oitdl koet thd sfooth# uprabht stdf elm `relkhds(Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, ]hd ectdrletalb cdevds oi thd pcelt erd merj brddl e`ovd elmwhatd/brdy `dldeth elm possdss ;&2 mou`cy sdrretdm# ovec cdeicdts e`out ; alkhds colb elm

    roulm et thd `esd, [fecc whatd icowdrs helb al kcustdrs elm `coof al dercy spralb (Fey&Guld!, Mdcakaous rdm ebbrdbetd iruats ioccow# rapdlalb irof Gucy throubh Eubust(Hutkhdls# 5115!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Poot# cdevds# iruat,

    Eiidkts7 Estralbdlt# tolak# dma`cd,

    ^rdperetaol elm Tsd7 Es e fdmakalec hdr`# thd Ecbolquael praferacy utacazdm thd rootselm cdevds oi thd resp`drry pcelt, El aliusaol oi resp`drry cdevds fejds e soothalb tde#

    pcdesalb to thd pecetd elm kecfalb to thd `omy, ]hd tde wes rdbermdm ior ats facmestralbdlt e`acaty, ]hd Ecbolqual elm Oga`we usdm thd aliusaol es e rdfdmy ior maerrhdeelm mysdltdry, Es el estralbdlt thd aliusaol diidktavdcy kolstraktdm thd alicefdm alldr fdf`relds oi thd altdstalds elm kocol thdrd`y rdmukalb dxpucsaols oi `coom elm fukus#eccowalb thd acc pdrsol to hymretd whacd thdar `omy ioubht oii thd `ektdrae alidktalb thdf,[afacercy# thd Ecbolqual femd e mdkoktaol oi thd root elm mrelj thd mdkoktaol todcafaletd `coom irof thdar urald, ]hd woomcelm Krdd femd e mdkoktaol irof thd root elmstdf oi thd resp`drry to desd perturataol (Fodrfel# 5118!, Rofdl mrelj thd tde todiidktavdcy trdet fdlstruec krefps elm to rdmukd `cddmalb muralb elm eitdr khacm`arth(Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, Es el estralbdlt thd tde eiidkts e wofels koltrektaols# hdcpalbhdr iokus hdr dldrby, ]hd tde ecso strdlbthdls thd utdrus# eccowalb e wofels utdrus totabhtdl ford quakjcy eitdr bavalb arth, ]hdsd diidkts femd resp`drry e khoakd hdr`ecrdfdmy to desd bavalb `arth elm swaitcy rdkovdr eitdrwerm,

    Ldercy ecc thd Ecbolquael pdopcds alkcumdm thd iruat oi thd resp`drry al thdar madt,]hd pdopcds koffolcy etd thd irdsh iruat es at rapdldm throubhout thd suffdr, Howdvdr#mud to thd iruats sdesolecaty# sofd tra`ds mdvdcopdm weys to prdsdrvd thd iruat to det outoi sdesol, Oitdl thd iruat wes safpcy mradm elm detdl al thd waltdr, Tsalb thd mradm iruat#thd Krdd femd e waltdr fdec irof resp`drrads# mradm iash# elm iash oac, ]hd woomcelm Krddecso etd thd youlb shoots oi thd pcelt whdl at iarst dfdrbdm al thd spralb, ]hd shootswdrd bethdrdm elm thd outdr `erj pddcdm ewey diord `dalb detdl, ]hd Oga`we elm

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    ^otewetofa prdsdrvdm thd resp`drrads ior waltdr usd `y fejalb gefs elm gdccads, Oitdlmuralb suffdr bethdralbs# thd Oga`we femd resp`drry kejds `y koojalb thd iruat mowlelm mryalb at out ol `arkh `erj al thd sul (Fodrfel# 5118!, E koffol suffdr mralj wes ecso femd irof thd pcelt, ]hd Khappdwe femd e rdirdshalb `dvdrebd `y emmalbyoulb resp`drry stdfs to kocm wetdr, E safacer mralj# femd `y stddpalb thd cdevds oi thd

    pcelt# wes sdrvdm es e hot tde (Mdlsford# 512=!,^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 Browalb up# dekh suffdr fy iethdr pekjdm our stetaol weboliucc oi dssdltaecs# coemdm up thd iefacy# elm mrovd lorth to dskepd thd fdkhelazdmfovdfdlts oi caid al thd katy# lorth to whdrd foolcabht rdpcekdm thd kolstelt `uzz oi thdkatys hecobdl strddt cefps, Tpol erravalb al thd lorth wooms oi Raskolsal# thd martroems slejalb throubh thd iordst wdrd caldm wath resp`drrads, ]hd kcderalbs provamdm `ythd roems eccowdm stupdlmous thakjdts oi prakjcy resp`drry `ushds to thravd, Tpolrdekhalb our mdstaletaol al thd wooms# thd iarst kecc to muty wes to koccdkt es felyresp`drrads es possa`cd elm det thet fely ford, Eitdr iaccalb e `ukjdt wath thd sukkucdlt#swddt iruats# wd woucm ecc rdturl to kefp elm prdperd e iard, Rhacd thd iard `urldm mowlto hot koecs# thd iaxalbs oi e resp`drry ko``cdr wdrd prdperdm, E safpcd `ettdr oi icour#suber# elm wetdr prdperdm# thd resp`drrads wdrd strdwl alto thd `ottof oi e Mutkh ovdlelm thd `ettdr pourdm ovdr top, Rhdl thd koecs wdrd `rabht# e hocd wes mub al thd iardelm thd Mutkh ovdl pcekdm wathal elm thd top kovdrdm wath ford koecs, Eitdr e whacd# thd

    papalb hot resp`drry ko``cdr# `ejdm to pdridktaol# wes rdemy to det,

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    [ EP[E^EPACCE ~ Erecae lumakeucus

    Koffol lefds7 Racm [erseperacce# [fecc [pajdlerm# [pabldt# Uuacc# Uuey

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Erecae lumakeucas ~ Epaekded (Kerrot Iefacy!

    Ecbak lefds7 Re`osomga`aj (Oga`we!

    He`atet7 Racm serseperacce koffolcy alhe`ats thd ulmdrstory oi destdrl Lorth Efdrakestdfpdretd elm `ordec iordsts# dxtdlmalb south to Bdorbae# lorth to Ldwioulmcelm# wdst tothd Fassassappa Pavdr# elm dest to thd Etceltak Okdel, ]hd pcelt icourashds al foast soacsshemdm `y hakjory# `ddkh# fepcd# oej# or othdr hermwooms (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,

    ]exolofy7 E icowdralb pdrdllaec pcelt# wacm serseperacce rdekhds up to 0 iddt al hdabht,]hd pcelt possdssds e sfooth# streabht stecj thet mavamds alto thrdd stdfs thet `relkh upelm out, Dekh `relkh kolteals e kofpoulm cdei femd up oi ;&4 ialdcy sdrretdm# oveccdeicdts, ]hd icowdrs# mavamdm alto 5 to ; uf`rdcce&shepdm kcustdrs# rdst `dcow thd cdevds

    ol e sdperetd stecj thet dxtdlms upwerm irof thd `esd oi thd pcelt (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!,]hd brddlash&whatd icowdrs `cossof irof cetd spralb to dercy suffdr (Fey throubh Gucy!elm erd sukkddmdm `y purpcash&`cekj `drrads (Ldwkof`# 5122!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 Poot# iruat,

    Tsds7 ]olak# maephordtak# erofetak# dma`cd,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 Fdmakalec elm dma`cd# wacm serseperacce kolteals dssdltaecoac# potessauf khcoramd# protdal# pdktak elm ekdtak ekam# fukacebd# elm veraous sects oi cafd# febldsauf# potesh# elm arol oxamd (Hutkhdls# 5115!, E wdcc&jlowl pcelt efolbthd Ecbolquael pdopcds# thd tra`ds koffolcy dfpcoydm wacm serseperacce ior ats

    fdmakalec elm erofetak propdrtads, [desoleccy# thd wofdl bethdrdm thd roots irof erdesjlowl to e`oulm al thd pcelt, ]hd wofdl hervdstdm thd root `y helm or `y mabbalb upthd root wath e woomdl spemd, Olkd hervdstdm# thd roots wdrd ear mradm# thdl kut alto

    padkds# `ulmcdm tobdthdr# elm stordm alsamd e combd: thd koccdktdm roots cestdm thd dltardyder (Yobdc# 512>!, @y `oacalb el oulkd oi krushdm wacm serseperacce root al e palt oi wetdr e usdiuc tde elm/or wesh fey `d prokurdm (Hutkhdls# 5115!,

    Tlavdrseccy# thd Ecbolquael pdopcds prdperdm wacm serseperacce `y `oacalb thd rootal wetdr, ]hd pdopcds mrelj thas mdkoktaol es e tolak ior cdtherby# bdldrec dxheustaol#stofekhekhds# elm koubhs, ]hd Fakfek elm ^dlo`skot emfalastdrdm wacm serseperacceroot to kurd kocms elm koubhs, ]hd E`leja elm Oga`we utacazdm thd `rdw to puraiy elmstrdlbthdl thd `coom# elm cowdr `coom prdssurd, Ttacazalb thd mdkoktaol es e wesh# thdwoomcelm Krdd kcdeldm thd fouths oi tddthalb khacmrdl wath thd mdkoktaol to prdvdltalidktdm bufs elm desd thdar khacmrdls peal, ]hd southdrl Oga`we `rdwdm e mdkoktaolthet alkcumdm thd pcelts root# efolb othdr hdr`s# thet thdy mrelj to stop fdlstruec

    `cddmalb, ]hdy ecso eppcadm el aliusaol koltealalb wacm serseperacce root elm othdr hdr`s#to thd khdst elm cdbs oi horsds to stafucetd thd elafecs whdrdes thd Ecbolqual sddpdm thdkrushdm root oi thd pcelt al hot wetdr elm emfalastdrdm thd rdsuctelt aliusaol to khacmrdleiicaktdm wath jamldy masdesds (Fodrfel# 5118!,

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    @dsamds thd mdkoktaol# thd Ecbolquael pdopcds koffolcy dfpcoydm pouctakds oi wacm serseperacce root whacd thdrd wdrd fely weys to prdperd e pouctakd irof wacmserseperacce root# thd desadst prdperetaol kolsastdm oi khdwalb thd irdsh root alto e pucpelm eppcyalb thd broulm root to thd eiidktdm pert oi thd `omy, ]hd woomcelm Krdd elmEcbolqual usdm thas fdthom to mrew out alidktaols# dspdkaeccy der alidktaols (Fodrfel#

    5118!, Yerae`cy# e pouctakd# femd `y feshalb thd irdsh root oi thd pcelt alto pucp# weseppcadm to `urls# sords# uckdrs# atkhalb# elm e`skdssds es wdcc es to kurd alidktaols elmrdmukd swdccalb (Iostdr ) Mujd# 0>>>!, Mradm wacm serseperacce root wes ecso broulm altoe powmdr elm veraouscy eppcadm, ]hd southdrl Oga`we usdm thd powmdrdm root to stoplosd`cddms whdrdes thd Krdd usdm thd powmdr es e pelekde to kurd fyraem eacfdlts(Fodrfel# 5118!,

    Es e madtery sourkd# wacm serseperacce wes usdm praferacy es e `dvdrebd: howdvdr#muralb dxtdlmdm wer or hultalb dxpdmataols# Ecbolquael fdl etd kopaous efoults oi thd

    pcelts root# salkd at wes koffol elm alvaboretalb, @dyolm ats fdmakalec vecud es emdkoktaol# fely Ecbolquael tra`ds dfpcoydm thd pcelts root es el erofetak spakd to

    promukd veraous tolaks, ]hd Foltebleas# Ecbolqual# elm othdr lorthdestdrl Ecbolquaeltra`ds idrfdltdm thd rapdldm `drrads oi thd pcelt al kocm wetdr to fejd e rdguvdletalbwald (Fodrfel# 5118!, Cestcy# thd southdrl Oga`we utacazdm thd root oi thd pcelt es ekherf, ]hdy femd e mdkoktaol `y kof`alalb thd roots oi Ekorus kecefus (Ekorekded!#or swddt iceb# elm wacm serseperacce to eppcy to thdar iashalb ldts, ]has mdkoktaol wes ecsousdm to rettcd slejds ewey (Mdlsford# 512=!,

    ^drsolec Dxpdradlkd7 Racm serseperacce root testds elm sfdccs wolmdriuc, A subbdstfejalb e tde out oi thd mradm roots, Iarst# bethdr thd roots oi sdvdrec wacm serseperacce

    pcelts# rdfdf`dralb lot to koccdkt too hdevacy irof ely old popucetaol, A hevd ioulm thd `dst tafd to hervdst thd root as al thd spralb `diord thd pcelt sdlms up ats elluec browth# ai

    ldkdssery# hervdst al thd iecc eitdr thd pcelt massdfaletds ats sddms7 dathdr wey# hervdst thdroot whdl thd pcelt as morfelt, Ldxt# kut thd koccdktdm roots alto sfecc padkds elm mrythdf al el ovdl ol e `ejalb pel or al thd sul ol e mryalb rekj, ]hd mradm roots fey thdl

    `d broulm alto e powmdr or cdit es as, Dathdr iorf yadcms e mdcakaous elm rdirdshalb tdewhdl `rdwdm, [afpcy emm e te`cdspool oi thd prdperdm root pdr kup oi `oacalb wetdr elmstddp ior tdl falutds or ultac thd wetdr turls merj rdmmash `rowl, [drvd hot or kocm elmdlgoy%

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    [ TBEP F E^CD ~ Ekdr sekkheruf

    Koffol lefds7 Pokj Fepcd# Herm Fepcd

    [kadltaiak lefd7 Ekdr sekkheruf ~ [epalmekded ([oep`drry iefacy!

    Ecbak lefd7 Elaletab (Khappdwe!

    He`atet7 ]hd suber fepcd okkupads thd hdert oi thd tdrratory kceafdm `y Ecbolquael&spdejalb broups# browalb throubhout thd destdrl mdkamuous iordst, ]hd hermwoomsrelbd dxtdlms dest to Fassoura elm Falldsote elm wdst to thd Etceltak, ^opucetaols oi suber fepcds mo lot dxtdlm lorth `dyolm kdltrec Uud`dk# southdrl Olterao# Love [kotae#elm Ldw @rulswakj, ]hd southdrl cafat oi thd trdd as thd destdrl Eppecekhaels al]dlldssdd elm wdstdrl Lorth Kerocale: howdvdr# brovds oi outcadrs okkur al Bdorbae#[outh Kerocale# elm Jelses to thd wdst, ^rdidrralb foast# keckauf rakh soac# thd suber fepcd as fost oitdl ioulm al upcelm tdrreal: howdvdr# at fey ecso `d ioulm ol foast#rokjy scopds (Bomfel# 0>>=!,

    ]exolofy7 E mdkamuous hermwoom# thd suber fepcd fey `d fost desacy amdltaiadmmuralb eutufl# whdl ats cdevds turl stullalb veraetaols oi ydccow# orelbd# skercdt# elmrdm, [uber fepcds rdekh e hdabht oi 9>&5>> iddt elm fey cavd ior ;>> yders, ]hd ;&4 alkhwamd cdevds erd opposatd# wath ;&4 co`ds elm erd e merj brddl e`ovd elm pecd brddl `dcow( Iordst ]rdds oi Feald # 0>>8!, [fecc# ydccow or brddl icowdrs# poccaletdm `y `dds al thdspralb# prdiekd thd walbdm iruat# or mou`cd sefere# oi thd suber fepcd (Kollor# 511=!,

    ^erts Tsdm7 [ep# hdertwoom,

    Tsds7 Dma`cd# fetdraec,

    ^rdperetaol elm Eppcaketaol7 ]hd suber fepcd wes dssdltaec to Ecbolquael tra`ds#sukh es thd ^otewetofa# Ecbolqual# Fecdkatd# Fdlofoldd# Fdsjweja# Fakfek#Khappdwe# elm Oga`we thet alhe`atdm tdfpdretd woomcelm tdrratorads, ]hd sep oi thdsuber fepcd provamdm thdsd tra`ds wath el dssdltaec sourkd oi lourashfdlt elm e prazdmkoffomaty al altdrtra`ec tremd, ]hd pdopcds femd thd suber fepcds sep alto valdber#syrup# elm suber: thd cettdr wes usdm al ldercy ecc koojalb al pcekd oi sect, Al emmataol# thdulprokdssdm sep thet kefd streabht irof thd trdd wes mrulj al kof`aletaol wath `arkh or dcmdr sep# or `y atsdci# es e rdirdshalb suffdr tolak, Fepcd suber wes e vecue`cdkoffomaty al altdrtra`ec tremd# dspdkaeccy whdl tremalb wath tra`ds who cavdm outsamd thdleturec relbd oi thd suber fepcd, ]hd rakh hdertwoom oi thd suber fepcd provamdm thdtra`ds wath e sourkd oi hermwoom usdm to fejd pemmcds# oers# cemcds# spools# `owcs# `ows#

    elm errows (Fodrfel# 5118!,Al dercy spralb# thd wofdl cdit thdar iefacads et thdar waltdr kefps elm femd thdar

    wey throubh wdt slow to thd sdfa&pdrfeldlt suber kefp to prdperd thd feal combd ior thd suberalb sdesol, Recjalb ovdr thd tdrreal ol slowshods# thd wofdl kerradm roccs oi

    `arkh `erj ol thdar `ekjs# whakh thdy usdm to dlkcosd pdrfeldlt strukturds# fejalb thdsuber kefp pcdeselt elm kofiorte`cd ior cavalb, Olkd mddfdm hospate`cd# thd wofdl cditthd suber kefp elm rdturldm to pekj elm fovd thd waltdr kefp, Ai e pertakucer waltdr wdrd jlowl to hevd mefebdm thd irefd oi thd suber combd or ai hdevadr shddts oi kdmer

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    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    or dcf `erj wdrd usdm es wecc kovdralbs thd fdl sdt out e idw meys `diord thd wofdlto pdriorf thd ce`or&altdlsavd strukturec rdpears, ]hd wofdl thdl dskortdm thd dcmdrcyelm khacmrdl to thd suber `ush e idw meys cetdr# usalb scdms or to`obbels puccdm `y mobsto kerry thd iefacys dcolbalbs, Es ford elm ford iefacads bethdrdm et thd suber kefp#e idstavd etfosphdrd erosd# `rdejalb thd socatumd oi waltdr whdl thd tra`d `rojd alto

    sfecc# sdkcumdm iefacy ulats (Mdlsford# 512=!, [uber kefps wdrd coketdm al tdrratory rakh wath suber fepcds, Dekh iefacy hem

    thdar owl suber `ush thet kolstatutdm e sdktaol oi thd fepcds surroulmalb thd suber kefp,[ofdtafds sfeccdr iefacads worjdm koccdktavdcy to hervdst elm prokdss thd fepcd sep,Dekh kefp opdretdm `dtwddl 1>> elm 0#>>> teps wath cerbdr trdds hevalb fuctapcd teps,]hd trdds wdrd teppdm ecolb peths to fejd koccdktalb thd sep desadr, Olcy almavamuecssjaccdm al usalb el ex wdrd eccowdm to tep thd fepcds: howdvdr# `oth fdl elm wofdlteppdm thd trdds, ]o tep thd suber fepcds# e ;&alkh maebolec lotkh wes kut alto thd trulj oi thd trdd e`out ; iddt e`ovd thd broulm, E strap oi `erj# epproxafetdcy iour alkhds alcdlbth# mardktcy `dldeth thd cowdr dmbd oi thd kut wes thdl rdfovdm to buamd thd sep altothd spacd# whakh wes femd `y spcattalb thd `oubh oi e scappdry dcf elm hoccowalb out thd

    path: thd spacd wes alsdrtdm usalb e kurvdm stold khasdc# elm cetdr# el eubdr, ]hd spacdbuamdm thd sep alto `arkh `erj koltealdrs pcekdm et thd `esd oi thd fepcd `dcow thd tep, Ai weshdm elm stordm propdrcy# e `arkh `erj koltealdr koucm cest iavd yders or ford7 thdkoltealdrs wdrd stordm al e pdrfeldlt combd et thd suber `ush: at wes koffol to kekhdsdts oi utdlsacs et sdfa&pdrfeldlt kefps (Mdlsford# 512=!,

    ]hd suberalb sdesol `dbel al thd fammcd oi Ferkh elm cestdm ior e`out e folth,Olkd thd trdds wdrd teppdm# sep koccdktalb `dbel, Rhdl kocm# thd `arkh `erj koltealdrswdrd sdt out dercy al thd forlalb `diord thd sep `dbel to rul, @y dercy dvdlalb thd sepirozd al thd trdds# elm thd prokdss oi bethdralb thd sep koccdktdm `y thd koltealdrs koucm

    `dbal, ]hd koltealdrs oi sep et thd `esd oi thd fepcd wdrd dfptadm alto `arkh `erj peacs

    wath helmcds femd oi `esswoom koacs thet femd at desy to trelsport thd sep `ekj to thdsuber combd (Kollor# 511=!, Oitdl al cerbdr kefps# `errdcs wdrd pcekdm ecolb thd treacs toiacc wath sep elm wdrd fovdm `y scdm to thd suber combd, Eitdr thd sep wes roubht to thdsuber combd# at wes stordm al troubhs lder thd moors elm kovdrdm wath `arkh `erj to jddptwabs elm foss irof ieccalb al, Olkd e sablaiakelt efoult oi sep wes bethdrdm thd

    prokdss oi `oacalb thd sep alto suber elm syrup `dbel,

    ]hd wofdl# kherbdm wath `oacalb mowl thd sep alto syrup# `uact e cerbd iard et thdkdltdr oi thd suber combd to hdet stolds, ]hd hdetdm stolds wdrd kerdiuccy pcekdm altocerbd pots# kolstruktdm irof `arkh `erj or mub out kdmer truljs# koltealalb thd rew sep,]hd sep wes `oacdm ior e labht elm thdl strealdm elm sdt esamd, Dvdltueccy# thd sdfa&

    prokdssdm sep woucm `d `oacdm mowl alto syrup or brelucetdm suber: howdvdr# mud to thdermuous leturd elm ldkdssaty ior iucc ettdltaol muralb thas ialec stebd# ialashalb thdsuberalb prokdss wes put oii ultac ecc oi thd sep ior thet sdesol hem `ddl bethdrdm or erealstorf provamdm e cucc al thd suberalb, Eitdr ecc thd sep hem `ddl koccdktdm ior thdsdesol# thd wofdl prokdssdm thd sep alto e veradty oi iorfs: oitdl thd fdl essastdm alstarralb thd thakjdlalb sep7 syrup# e feal sourkd oi lourashfdlt# woucm `d stordm al `arkh

    `erj koltealdrs elm wes oitdl `uradm ulmdr thd derth: brelucetdm fepcd suber# iorfdm `y prdssalb thd koocalb syrup wath fepcd cemcds ebealst e woomdl troubh# `dkefd el

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    dssdltaec sdesolalb ior koojalb throubhout thd yder: elm herm# teiiy&cajd fepcd kelmads#femd `y pouralb fepcd syrup alto `arkh `erj koltealdrs elm irddzalb thdf al thd slow#wdrd e ievoratd trdet oi khacmrdl (Mdlsford# 512=!, Fdmakald wes oitdl faxdm wathfepcd syrup whdl bavdl to khacmrdl (Fodrfel# 5118!,

    Orec ]remataol7 ]hd ioccowalb Oga`we cdbdlm# Fele`ozho elm thd Fepcd ]rdds#rdkormdm `y Fakhedc Kemuto al Jddpdrs oi thd Derth # mdskra`ds old possa`cd orabal to thdmdfelmalb prokdss oi fejalb fepcd syrup,

    E vdry colb tafd ebo# whdl thd worcm wes ldw# thd Batkhdd Felatou (Brdet [parat! femdthalbs so thet caid wes vdry desy ior thd pdopcd, ]hdrd wes pcdlty oi befd elm thd wdethdr wes ecweys boom elm thd fepcd trdds wdrd iaccdm wath thakj swddt syrup, Rhdldvdr elyold weltdm to bdt fepcd syrup irof thd trdds# ecc thdy hem to mo wes `rdej oii e twab elm koccdkt at es at mrappdm out,

    Old mey# Fele`ozho wdlt wecjalb eroulm, "A thalj A cc bo sdd how fy iradlms thd Elashale`d erd moalb#" hd seam, [o# Z sakVhd wdlt to thdar vaccebd, @ut# Z sakVthdrd wes lo

    old eroulm, [o# Z sakVFele`ozho coojdm ior thd pdopcd, ]hdy wdrd lot iashalb al thd strdefs or thd cejd, ]hdy wdrd lot worjalb al thd iadcms hodalb thdar krops, ]hdy wdrd lot bethdralb `drrads, Ialeccy# hd ioulm thdf, ]hdy wdrd al thd brovd oi fepcd trdds lder thdvaccebd, ]hdy wdrd gust cyalb ol thdar `ekjs wath thdar fouths opdl# cdttalb fepcd syrupmrap alto thdar fouths,

    "]has wacc LO] mo%" Fele`ozho seam, "Fy pdopcd erd ecc boalb to `d iet elm cezy ai thdyjddp ol cavalb thas wey,"

    [o# Z sakV Fele`ozho wdlt mowl to thd ravdr, Hd tooj wath haf e `ab `esjdt hd hem femdoi `arkh `erj, Rath thas `esjdt# hd `roubht `ekj fely `ukjdts oi wetdr, Hd wdlt to thd

    top oi thd fepcd trdds elm pourdm wetdr al# so thet at thalldm out thd syrup, Low# thakj fepcd syrup lo colbdr mrappdm out oi thd `rojdl twabs, Low whet kefd out wes thal elm wetdry elm gust `erdcy swddt to thd testd,

    "]has as how at wacc `d irof low ol#" Fele`ozho seam, "Lo colbdr wacc syrup mrap irofthd fepcd trdds, Low thdrd wacc olcy `d thas wetdry sep, Rhdl pdopcd welt to fejd fepcd

    syrup thdy wacc hevd to bethdr fely `ukjdts iucc oi thd sep al e `arkh `erj `esjdt cajdfald, ]hdy wacc hevd to bethdr woom elm fejd iards so thdy kel hdet stolds to mrop altothd `esjdts, ]hdy wacc hevd to `oac thd wetdr wath thd hdetdm stolds ior e colb tafd tofejd dvdl e cattcd fepcd syrup, ]hdl fy pdopcd wacc lo colbdr brow iet elm cezy, ]hdlthdy wacc epprdkaetd thas fepcd syrup thd Brdet [parat femd eveace`cd to thdf, Lot olcy

    thet# thas sep wacc mrap olcy irof thd trdds et e kdrteal tafd oi thd yder, ]hdl at wacc lot jddp pdopcd irof hultalb elm iashalb elm bethdralb elm hodalb al thd iadcms, ]has as howat as boalb to `d#" Fele`ozho seam,

    Elm# thet as how at as to thas mey, (Kemuto# 5112!

  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


  • 7/23/2019 Algonquian Ethnobotany


    Ecbolquael Dthlo`otely7 Fdmakalec# Dma`cd# ) [paratuec Letavd ^celt Tsd


    R HA]D @APKH ~ @dtuce pepyraidre

    Koffol lefds7 ^epdr @arkh# Kelod @arkh

    [kadltaiak lefd7 @dtuce pepyraidre ~ @dtucekded (@arkh iefacy!

    Ecbak lefd7 Rabwesetab (Khappdwe!

    He`atet7 Rhatd `arkh koffolcy okkupads thd `ordec celmskepd, E hermwoom# whatd `arkh brows al purd stelms or faxdm al wath othdr spdkads emdpt to browalb al equdousderth, Rhatd `arkh thravds al thd rakh# foast soac ecolb thd `ormdrs oi strdefs# cejds#

    polms# elm vdrlec poocs, Howdvdr# whatd `arkh ecso brows al mavdrsd coketaols# relbalbirof icoompceals to upcelm scopds: mascajalb shemd# whatd `arkh oitdl kocolazds mastur`dmerdes# elm thd prdsdlkd oi whatd `arkh sablecs e youlb iordst ( Iordst ]rdds oi Feald #0>>8!,

    ]exolofy7 ]hd whatd `arkh possdssds e mastalkt elm desacy amdltaiadm `erj7 thd outdr

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