


Chapter 5 Section 4!

Alexander the Great!

Philip II Macedon - Not Greek

359 BC Philip becomes king Admired the Greeks he was a hostage in Thebes and learned from the Greeks

• Organizer- infantry-phalanx (18’ spears)



Philip II • Organizer- infantry-phalanx (18’ spears)

• Greek view of Philip

Savior for everybody else, threat to Aristocrats

• Demosthenes (Athenian) - viewed Philip as threat to Greece. Led opposition, one by one they fell to Philips’ army. • Conquered Greece by 338 BC • Assassinated in 336 BC (at daughters wedding)

Alexander the Great #33 l 356-323 BC l Philip II son l Conquered lots and lots of land at a very young

age (General) l Takes over at age 20 - had some competition l Educated by Aristotle –

–  Taught how to THINK –  Taught all there was to know about the Greek world –  Organizational skills allows to conquer large area



Alexander the Great l 356-323 BC l Conquered lots and lots of land at a very young

age l Takes over at age 20 - had some competition l Educated by Aristotle - Taught how to THINK l Worked together with the Greeks and then

Persians to govern - adopted to their ways –  Had Generals marry Persians as well as troops –  He himself had 2 Persian wives

l 331 BC Completely defeated Persia (Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt)

Alexander the Great



Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great l 331 BC Completely defeated Persia (Asia

Minor, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt) –  India- elephants, suffer greatly –  Tired out army, they want to go home, had enough

fighting. Discontent- morale…. l 326 BC Turn back to Greece

–  Divided troops - some go to Persian Gulf, others to Desert (suffered greatly through the desert)

–  324 BC Susa - Alexander dies of illness? (323)



Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great l 324 BC Susa - Alexander dies of illness? (323)

l 33 years old…. What if?

l HELLENISTIC CULTURE (Section 5) –  Alexander dies, but culture lives on… –  Not Greek Culture- combined cultures of people

conquered. –  Best of everything! = new culture. –  Thrives to 146 BC



Hellenistic Culture �§  Alexander dies, but culture lives on…!

� Not Greek Culture- combined cultures of people conquered.!

�  Best of everything! = new culture.!�  Thrives to 146 BC!

�  Alexander had inter marriage and helps culture spread. !§ Work together rather then against each other.!

Hellenistic Empire �

200 BC Roman armys invade Macedon & Roman armies eventually conquered most of the mighty Hellenistic Empire!
