Page 1: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club · 2015-10-06 · • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced. •

Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club

Mountain Messages

March 2014

Page 2: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club · 2015-10-06 · • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced. •

Mountain Messages – March 2014 Page 2 of 17

2014 Board of Directors President: Lorna Myers (W) 403.290.2910 [email protected] Immediate Past President: Theresa Schultz (W) 403.723.3443 [email protected] Vice President: Cori Peever (W) 403.264.3010 [email protected] Treasurer: Brian Carter (W) 403.514.4328 [email protected] Secretary: Mirja van Herk (W) 403.296.3437 [email protected] Parliamentarian: Lucy Mulgrew (W) 403.930.5536 Ext. 243 [email protected]

2014 Editorial Team Editor: Connie MacRae (W) 403.296.6605 [email protected] Photographers:

Marilyn Carter Loreen Jensen (W) 403.386.5056 (W) 403.262.2883 [email protected] [email protected] Board Contact: Lorna Myers (W) 403.290.2910 [email protected] Sincere thanks to all contributors. The Editor reserves the right to edit articles for clarity and space.

Committee Chairs Communications Connie MacRae (W) 403.296.6605 [email protected] Website ( ) Chanel Chalifoux (W) 403.260.6138 [email protected] Education Lenore Summers (W) 403.386.5604 [email protected]

Membership Naomi Reid Shirley Flaherty (W) 403.296.4028 (W) 403.296.4668 [email protected] [email protected] Reservations Gisele Mayert [email protected] Program Colleen Gibson (W) 403.514.7703 [email protected]

2014 Region VII Director Christina Forth-Matthews [email protected] 2014 ADDC President Linda Rodgers (W) 505.324.3981 [email protected]

Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs – Purpose

The purpose of the Desk and Derrick Club is to promote the education and professional development of individuals employed in, or affiliated with, the petroleum, energy and allied industries and to educate the general public

about these industries.

Greater Knowledge – Greater Service

ADDC website:

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In this Issue February meeting minutes ........................................... 4 February meeting photos ............................................. 5 ABFDDC President’s Letter ........................................... 6 What’s the Buzz? .......................................................... 7 ADDC President’s Letter ............................................... 8 ADDC Membership Survey results .............................. 10 Region VII Director’s Letter ........................................ 11 OSQAR newsletter ...................................................... 12 Events ......................................................................... 13 Speaker reports:

Coping With Regulatory Change ............................. 14 Intelligent Management of your Drilling Data ........ 16

Mountain Messages Submission deadline for April issue: March 28 Send submissions to:

Connie MacRae [email protected] The Desk and Derrick Journal (DDJ) Submit articles to the Editors:

Diana Walker [email protected] Audra Horton [email protected]

Membership information Send membership changes to:

Naomi Reid [email protected] or Shirley Flaherty [email protected]

Reminder: all member information is for our members only and not to be shared outside of Desk and Derrick.

New Members:

Pam Berstad

Erica Fernandes

Debra Rice-Salomons

INSPIRATION Presented by Lenore Summers at the February Membership meeting

Attitude The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on my life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company, a church, a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes. – Charles Swindoll

March is Desk and Derrick Awareness month

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Minutes of the 126th Membership Meeting of the Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club February 12, 2014 at the International Hotel, Calgary

The 126th meeting of the general membership was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by Lorna Myers, President. There were 7 guests in attendance: Kevin Heikkinen, Patrick Thorburn, Jason Roth, James Neglia, Breanne Topolinsky, Elizabeth Laidlaw, and Andrew Dabrowki. Lorna welcomed all members and guests, with a special welcome to our two newest members: Pam Berstad and Debra Rice-Salomons. The Inspiration was presented by Lenore Summers. Club Business: • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal

deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced.

• The results of the ADDC member survey can be viewed on the ADDC website or in the March bulletin.

• Cori Peever, Vice President, has sent an on-line survey to Alberta Foothills members. Please respond as soon as possible so the results can be compiled for the next Board meeting. The survey is anonymous, so please speak freely. A Comments section is available for your feedback about any issues not addressed in the survey questions.

• Lorna Myers has sent out an Inventory spreadsheet, asking members to indicate any Club property currently in their possession. The Board wants to create a master list which will be passed on to future Board members annually.

• Lorna reminded members of the intent to ‘Empower Growth’ by increasing our membership. Members are encouraged to bring lots of guests to the March dinner meeting. One guest per member, who has never attended a meeting before, will receive their dinner compliments of the Club.

• Last week a lunch-hour information session was held at the CNRL offices, organized by Kitty Yip and presented by Marilyn Carter and Lenore Summers. Lorna Myers encouraged other members to organize a similar event at their company, and the senior members would be glad to do a presentation.

Gisele Mayert announced the dinner order. Colleen Gibson introduced the guest speakers, Kevin Heikkinen and Patrick Thorburn of RigManager, who presented: RigManager – Intelligent Management of your Drilling Data.

Sandy Fitzpatrick thanked Kevin and Patrick, and presented the Speaker gift. Club Business: • Lenore Summers and Colleen Gibson provided an

update on proposed field trips and speakers, and the Industry Appreciation Night for the coming year.

• Submission deadline for the March Mountain Messages is February 28, per Connie MacRae.

• Naomi Reid advised that membership is currently 32 (renewed and new members). A reminder will be sent to members who have not yet renewed.

• The proposed 2014 budget was presented and discussed. Moved by Theresa Schultz and seconded by Mary Alice Rooney that the 2014 Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick budget be accepted as presented. Motion approved.

The 50 / 50 draw was won by Linda Topolinsky. Winners of the Valentines draws: Fannie May Fine Chocolates (donation arranged by Naomi Reid) won by Colleen Gibson. The prizes donated by Lorna Myers were won by Andrew Dabrowki (chocolates) and Tracy Fillmore and Pam Berstad (gift bags). The next general dinner meeting is March 12 at the International Hotel, and the next Board meeting is February 26 at Suncor Energy Centre. Lorna invited members to attend the Board meetings to observe. Lorna Myers adjourned the 126th Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club meeting at 7:25 p.m. Parting thought: “Continuity gives us roots; but change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights.” – Pauline R. Kezer Lorna Myers Lorna Myers, President Mary Alice Rooney Mary Alice Rooney, Scribe

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February Membership Meeting Photos

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ABFDDC President’s Letter Lorna Myers (W) 403.290.2910 [email protected] March 2014

I’ve lived in Calgary all my life and I sure don’t remember March ever starting out this cold. Normally we would be thinking of spring and the Home and Garden Show, but this year – wow! With a temperature of -44 with the wind chill factor, it’s hard to think of anything but trying to stay warm. I’m hoping March will end a whole lot warmer. We certainly had an exciting February, though – weren’t those Olympics something? What a job our Canadians did of bringing home the medals! For ten days my world stopped as I watched that TV with bated breath, cheering them along. They really did well and gave us lots to be proud of. I must admit though, not too much work was done at the office during the ten days – so I know there are a few of us trying to catch up. Our February dinner meeting was just as exciting. We had a great time networking, and enjoyed the Valentine’s Day door prizes. There was no end to those chocolates either. Kevin Heikkinen and Patrick Thorburn (our guest speakers from RigManager) did a great job of presenting their PowerPoint, Intelligent Management of Your Drilling Data. There is no doubt those gentlemen enjoy their jobs. And speaking of enjoying their jobs, Marilyn Carter and Lenore Summers did a knock-out job of presenting Desk and Derrick to guests of Kitty Yip at a CNRL Lunch and Learn session. As a result, we have already had a guest attend a dinner meeting. We plan on organizing a few more of these sessions in the near future to help increase awareness of our Club. Now we are all looking forward to a terrific March. This is our ‘Industry Appreciation’ month, and a great month it should be. We have a very knowledgeable speaker lined up for our dinner meeting and we hope to have a record attendance due to the anticipated number of guests attending this important meeting. Remember, we want to EMPOWER GROWTH, so talk to your co-workers and business associates and let’s get those numbers up. We need to share with others the energy we exhibit and the fun we have, and allow them the opportunity to gain knowledge and growth and benefit from the networking. The Region VII meeting is fast approaching so please get those registrations in early. I’ve already picked my field trip and I know there is limited space, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out. It looks like a fun program. The dates are May 22 to 24. Lorna If you want to go fast – go alone. If you want to go far – go together. – African proverb

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What’s the Buzz ? Tell me What’s Happening !

Are your co-workers and bosses curious about the Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs (ADDC) and the Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club (ABFDDC)? We can help you get the word out. Pick a date, book a meeting room over the lunch hour and invite your guests. Then sit back and relax, and members of the current ABFDDC Board, along with Marilyn Carter (Immediate Past President of the ADDC Board) and Lenore Summers (2013 Region VII Director), will come by and do a presentation. We look forward to sharing our insights and experiences with you. If you have any questions please contact Lenore Summers at [email protected]

Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick website:

ADDC website:

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Board of Directors PRESIDENT Linda Rodgers Process Equipment & Services, Inc. PRESIDENT ELECT Lori Landry Bean Resources Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Connie Harrison Valero Energy Corp. SECRETARY Barbara Pappas Cobra Oil & Gas Corporation TREASURER Maggi Franks Artistic Promotions LLC IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Marilyn Carter Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Elaine McDowell WO Operating Company PARLIAMENTARIAN Sheryl Minear, RP Sojourner Drilling Corp. REGION I DIRECTOR April C. Lang Lang Surveying REGION II DIRECTOR Stacy Tate Brehm Oil, Inc. REGION III DIRECTOR Sharon Blackwell Rainbow Rental & Fishing REGION IV DIRECTOR Rebecca Perez Petroleum College International REGION V DIRECTOR Philana Thompson Merrion Oil & Gas REGION VI DIRECTOR Abby Johnson Frontier El Dorado Refining LLC REGION VII DIRECTOR Christina Forth-Matthews AOG International

Linda Rodgers March 2014 President [email protected]

Spring is a time for growth! How can we grow with Desk and Derrick? Further, how can we increase membership in our clubs? Now is the perfect time to answer these questions as March is Desk and Derrick Awareness month. Does your club do anything special for the March meeting? What a great time to have a special program and invite potential new members. Most clubs have members who, for one reason or another, are not participating in activities and functions. Why not invite an inactive member to attend the March meeting? In addition to engaging former or inactive members, each one of us knows already the benefits of belonging to Desk and Derrick, but many people have never heard of Desk and Derrick. We all have co-workers and friends who could benefit in so many ways from being a member. It is incumbent upon each of us to get the message out that we provide AWESOME educational opportunities! Let’s see how much we can all do to help Desk and Derrick grow. Speaking of Desk and Derrick Awareness month, how does your club market Desk and Derrick? Anyone currently working in the energy or allied industries is eligible for membership and can benefit from what we have to offer. Another way to market Desk and Derrick is by using new “Energy Saver Tip” ads that will be available soon. A special thank you goes out to Rene Peckham from the San Angelo club for bringing these ads to the Board. Several years ago her club was in jeopardy of disbanding and through the use of additional marketing with the new ads, the San Angelo Club not only survived but is thriving. We will notify the club Presidents when the ads are available. Strategic Planning is well under way. We have now formed ad-hoc committees intended to address each of the focus areas: technology, communication, education, leadership development, operational effectiveness and marketing. It is my intent to provide the full strategic plan at the upcoming Region meetings. The committees are made up of a minimum of two members from the Board as well as members from the Association who might be willing or able to assist with a particular task. Each committee has been encouraged to recruit more members throughout the Association and add additional goals as necessary. By now, most of you should have seen the updated General Information Section of the Association Bylaws. Keep in mind that the General Information Section can be amended by the Board at any time and requires the Board to provide any updates to the membership within 60 days. The Board approved a change to the General Information Section that allows a club to count a field trip toward fulfillment of the nine program requirement. This change came from a Regional Director who had members and club representatives voicing concerns that the guidelines were not clear about what could or could not count. This left each club to interpret the guidelines in their own way. Upon bringing it up at Budget and Planning, other Regional Directors had similar concerns. This change is not to the Bylaws but general information that had to have clarification so that clubs and members could move forward with the education of our members in a more efficient manner. If any member still feels uneasy about this change, please contact your Regional Director.

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March 2014 – Continued If you haven’t already done so, please take a few minutes to familiarize yourselves with the website. It contains useful information on topics such as the history of Desk and Derrick; ADDC Foundation and Educational Trust; ADDC publications, forms and manuals, monthly letters, and member information. You can look up any member of Desk and Derrick and have all their information available to communicate with them. If you do not have the password, contact your club President. Every member has access, so use it! Please contact your Regional Director about any issues or suggestions you have on improving the website. I’m interested in hearing what you look for the most, what is the hardest information to find and how the website could be improved to make finding information easier. A few reminders for us to keep in mind during the year: • Program reports need to be completed every month and turned in to your Region Program representative • Remember that membership information, e-mail addresses and mailing lists are restricted for Desk and Derrick

purposes only. • Members who change jobs or addresses need to update ADO, Form ADO 30. • Clubs in Regions II, IV and VI will be required to have their bylaws reviewed no later than May 1. The Club

Bylaws should be submitted to Dorothy Semon, Club Bylaws Review chairman. • All clubs must submit a TAXE 1 – 2 form to Shelly Hildebrandt, US Tax Exempt Committee Chairman. The form

can be found on the website; deadline to submit this form is May 15, 2014. I hope you are making plans to attend the 2014 Convention in Lafayette, Louisiana. At Budget and Planning, the registration fee was approved at $200 if registration is sent in prior to July 15, and $225 if postmarked after July 15. We are hoping to get registrations in early so plans can be finalized and deadlines met. The Convention package should be out by the time you read this letter. With its endless educational opportunities, field trips, professional development and networking, you will not want to miss it. If you are not able to attend Convention, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunities afforded at the Regional Meetings. Beginning next month (April), each host club and Regional Director is busy making final arrangements. Some of the packages are already posted on the website. Make your plans now to attend; just like Convention, these meetings are highly beneficial. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, I offer the following blessing to each one of you: For each petal on the shamrock This brings a wish your way; Good health, good luck, and happiness For today and every day. Linda Rodgers

Upcoming Events: Desk and Derrick Awareness Month March Region III Meeting, Baton Rouge, LA April 2 – 4 Region II Meeting, Lansing, MI April 24 – 26 Region V Meeting, Amarillo, TX April 24 – 26 Region IV Meeting, Tyler, TX April 24 – 26 Region VI Meeting, El Dorado, KS April 24 – 26

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Board of Directors PRESIDENT Linda Rodgers Process Equipment & Services, Inc. PRESIDENT ELECT Lori Landry Bean Resources Inc. VICE PRESIDENT Connie Harrison Valero Energy Corp. SECRETARY Barbara Pappas Cobra Oil & Gas Corporation TREASURER Maggi Franks Artistic Promotions LLC IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Marilyn Carter Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT Elaine McDowell WO Operating Company PARLIAMENTARIAN Sheryl Minear, RP Sojourner Drilling Corp. REGION I DIRECTOR April C. Lang Lang Surveying REGION II DIRECTOR Stacy Tate Brehm Oil, Inc. REGION III DIRECTOR Sharon Blackwell Rainbow Rental & Fishing REGION IV DIRECTOR Rebecca Perez Petroleum College International REGION V DIRECTOR Philana Thompson Merrion Oil & Gas REGION VI DIRECTOR Abby Johnson Frontier El Dorado Refining LLC REGION VII DIRECTOR Christina Forth-Matthews AOG International

Linda Rodgers President ADDC Membership Survey Results – February 2014 [email protected]

In December we conducted our first on-line ADDC membership survey. The intent of the survey was to get a better understanding of membership satisfaction and engagement and to give members a chance to express their opinions. I want to thank those who devoted their time and provided candid input. If for any reason you were unable to participate in the initial survey, we will be conducting additional surveys in the months ahead and I hope we can increase participation. The survey was designed to allow members the opportunity to provide feedback – and we received lots of feedback! In fact, the survey results encompass 179 pages. The results of the membership survey are being used to formulate a Strategic Plan for the Association and to begin to work on problems that de-motivate members, discourage participation, or cause members to disengage. We received 515 responses and although we would have liked 100% participation, the participation rate was phenomenal given that this was our first on-line survey. The results revealed that 77% of respondents are satisfied or very satisfied with the Association and another 16% are somewhat satisfied. The Board is encouraged that membership satisfaction is high and we are developing goals to move that number even higher. About 71% of the respondents have been members for 3 years or more and most have attended either a Regional Meeting, a Convention, or both. The primary reason cited for being a member of ADDC is educational opportunities and professional development. While our mission and purpose is to educate our members, we hope to develop even more opportunities to educate as many members as possible using new and different methods of delivery. Though the results of the survey are encouraging, we realize there is work to be done in five key areas: utilizing technology, improving communication, developing better marketing and public relations, offering more educational curriculum / opportunities, and enhancing leadership development. The Board is still formulating specific goals to meet these key areas but I assure you we are eager to tackle the issues and excited about the positive changes that will be coming soon. During Budget and Planning, quite a bit of time was taken t o discuss the comments we received from members. Please note that the Board is listening and acting on the feedback. Thank you for your patience as we work through all of the information that was provided to us. Editor’s note: This letter has been re-printed from the ADDC Insight newsletter. You can read the complete newsletter at: > Members > President & Regional Director’s Newsletters > ADDC Insight

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Region VII Director’s Newsletter

March 2014 Welcome to March: Desk and Derrick Awareness Month! I am so excited this month, we have so much going on . . . We hope you like the new Energy Saver ads to promote Desk and Derrick. They are available in both color and black and white. I hope you all are enjoying reading the ADDC Insight. It’s nice to see what other clubs are doing this year. Thank you to Kathryn Popovich and Pam Berg for stepping up and helping answer the call to be on the Tech Savvy committee. Our Region thanks you. Linda has assigned a Regional Director and Board member to come up with tasks this year for our Regional Meetings. The task assigned is about Goal 4.2: Offer leadership development annually for Club Presidents. Goal 4.3: Develop best practices for Club programs and ideas to share throughout the Association. If you are interested in helping with SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), please let me know. Our deadline is April 1, 2014. I encourage you all to have a look at the new ADDC website. It has undergone a lot of changes in the past months. The GAC Committee worked incredibly hard in February to get our Region VII Meeting registration packages out. We hope you enjoy what we have planned. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to help our Region VII Meeting be successful. It is so great to have such strong support within our region. So many volunteers are needed and so many have come forward to help. Thank you! If you are interested in volunteering for Scrapbook Committee for the Association, please let me know. Ready! Set! Go! Christina Upcoming events: Region VII Meeting May 22 to 24, 2014 Edmonton, AB Convention September 24 to 27, 2014 Lafayette, La

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What Joni Mitchell knows about energy – submitted by Connie MacRae

“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone?”

Photo Credit: iStockPhoto

Canadian singer songwriter Joni Mitchell is so right, and her observation doesn’t just apply to love and relationships. It’s just as true of many material things in modern life, especially energy. You may have had this experience yourself recently. You wake up to find your house is freezing. You slip out from under the covers and your feet hit an icy floor. You immediately sense the unexpectedly chilly air through your pajamas. You flip the light switch, but nothing happens. You head to the shower, only to find there’s no hot water – or no water at all. Power blackouts This has been a reality for hundreds of thousands of North Americans in recent years, and especially this winter as ice storms and other extreme weather events triggered power blackouts. Suddenly and unexpectedly losing power in your home can be traumatic. Most of us are ill-prepared, especially those of us who live in urban areas where power losses are rare events. However, one unintended positive consequence of losing power is perhaps a renewed appreciation for the value of an 'on-demand' energy supply. In fact, reliable energy, be it electricity, natural gas or heating oil, is fundamental to modern life as we know it. Reliable energy Reliable energy is not only essential to meet our basic needs for shelter, food and water, it backstops our penchant for plane travel, cars and trucks that do more than get us from point A to B, and out-of-season fruits and vegetables.

True, we need to transition to an energy system that’s less dependent on carbon-intensive sources such as fossil fuels. Based on current available technology and alternative energy sources, moving away from hydrocarbons could mean we pay more for our on-demand energy in future, potentially a lot more. (Take Germany, for example. It has the most advanced renewable energy-based economy in Europe and the most expensive electricity to boot.) The future In fact, the transition from fossil fuels may mean that modern life as we know it becomes dramatically different. We might have to forsake some energy-intensive luxuries we currently enjoy simply because there may be only enough energy around to provide for basic needs. In his book, The End of Growth, Canadian economist Jeff Rubin offers a view of what the world might look like when cheap oil dries up. Unexpectedly, it is not all doom and gloom. He points out that high energy costs mean moving goods long distances gets expensive, so more trade and manufacturing will have to be carried out near their markets. So some of our economy, and the jobs that go with it, will be repatriated (this has already happened in the chemical sector in the U.S., because cheap gas has made North American chemical plants financially viable for the first time in years). However the future unfolds, the bottom line is that reliable energy, from whatever sources, has to continue to be a top priority for tomorrow’s energy systems. We’ll need to keep all our energy options open and diversified to achieve what we largely take for granted now. An energy system which doesn’t deliver reliable, on-demand energy is a chilling prospect, as North American ice storm survivors can undoubtedly attest. As Joni also sang, “All we ever wanted was just to come in from the cold.” Reprinted from Suncor’s OSQAR (Oil Sands Question and Response) weekly electronic newsletter. You can subscribe to OSQAR at

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Events Alberta Foothills March Membership meeting

March 12 – 5:00 p.m. International Hotel – 35th floor 220 – 4 Avenue S.W.

March Board meeting

March 26 – 5:00 p.m. Suncor Energy Centre West tower, room 17-E 150 – 6 Avenue S.W.

April Membership meeting

April 9 – 5:00 p.m. International Hotel – 35th floor 220 – 4 Avenue S.W.

April Board meeting

April 30 – 5:00 p.m. Suncor Energy Centre West tower, room 17-E 150 – 6 Avenue S.W.

Region VII 2014 Region VII Meeting

Ready! Set! Go! May 22 – 24 Sandman Inn Edmonton, Alberta Registration Packet available at (scroll down to Region VII Meeting)

ADDC (Association of Desk and Derrick Clubs) 2014 Convention

Livin’, Lovin’, Lafayette September 24 – 27 Hilton Hotel Lafayette, Louisiana Watch for registration information at (scroll down to 63rd Annual ADDC Convention)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! March April Sharon McClare Kike Aderibigbe

Kim Brauer Pam Berstad

Margaret Roy Suzanne Cunningham

Lisa Monague

Lorna Myers

Cori Peever

Deborah Porath

Laura Schmidt

Brenda Wyton

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Coping With Regulatory Change Speaker Review: January 2014 Dinner Meeting

Presenter: Laurie Wilson-Temple

Report submitted by: Lucy Mulgrew

Speaker Introduction Laurie Wilson-Temple began her career in 1974 in the Geology department of the Energy Resources Conservation Board (ERCB). She spent 20 years with her “head below the ground”, as she focused on well and reservoir evaluations and mapping from Coutts to Zama. This foundation provided the grass-roots knowledge from which she then launched her “head above the ground” career for the next 18 years with the ERCB. This ultimately proved to be the most satisfying aspect of her profession as she worked with the many aspects of surface impacts on energy development. At the ERCB Laurie was involved with application processing and auditing; liaising with field centres; dispute resolution; public hearings; and advisory work with the Department of Energy. She is most enthusiastic about two key roles. The first involved collaborative and innovative work within a team which developed the original Guide 56 (now Directive 56). This voluminous document brought together consistent application protocols for facilities, pipelines and well license applications and approvals. She eventually assumed the position of Manager of Facilities Applications, where this important Directive facilitated the processing of up to 50,000 applications annually, with routine application turnaround in 1 to 3 days. Her second key role was a newly created position, Senior Application Officer, which championed internal changes in the public hearing process and formalized measures to educate and support industry and the public participating in these anxiety-producing events. Laurie was recognized with two prestigious awards during her time with the Board: the ERCB Chairman’s Award of Distinction in 2003, recognizing the significance of change implemented in the public hearing process, and a Chairman’s Award of Excellence in 2012 as part of a team that restored integrity to a large data error in the Board’s systems. Laurie left the Board in 2012 to join Sunshine Oilsands as Manager of Regulatory and Stakeholder Relations. This change provided the opportunity to practice her skills and share her knowledge. The role has been expanded to include community relations activities, environmental matters, compliance and mineral, and land support. Laurie’s long association with the ERCB, now the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), and the learnings from her recent journey “to the dark side” provide a unique perspective.

Laurie’s presentation began with Alberta’s regulatory history and the changes that happened over the years. The Government of Alberta created the first regulator 75 years ago with the Oil and Gas Conservation Act, and the mandate of the regulator has expanded over the decades. The Alberta Energy Regulator’s 2013 objective was “life-cycle regulatory oversight”. There have been many name changes for this organization: • 1932 Turner Valley Gas Conservation Board • 1938 Petroleum and Natural Gas Conservation

Board • 1957 Oil and Gas Conservation Board (OGCB) • 1971 Energy Resources Conservation Board

(ERCB) • 1995 Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (AEUB) • 2008 Energy Resources Conservation Board

(ERCB) • 2013 Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Sustainable Resource Development (SRD) functions including the Public Lands Act and portions of the Mines and Minerals Act were added in December 2013 The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) and the Water Act are scheduled for spring 2014. AER is mandated to ensure the safe, efficient, orderly, and environmentally responsible development of hydrocarbon resources over their entire life cycle. This includes allocating and conserving water resources, managing public lands and protecting the environment, while providing economic benefits for all Albertans. AER plans to accept applications and issue and administer dispositions related to upstream oil and gas, geophysical, and coal reserves. AER will conduct inspections, respond to complaints and administer compliance assurance programs. Laurie suggested we prepare for changes. She urged us to provide input for proposed drafts / changes and working committees (CAPP / SEPAC consultation), attend information sessions, and make new friends in the business units with whom we interface at the AER. Relationships and people make the processes work. Laurie advised it is better to be up-front with the AER than to find excuses for not following regulations. AER is there to help and solve problems.

Page 15: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club · 2015-10-06 · • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced. •

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Questions Can anyone file a complaint or inquiry? Anyone who believes they may be directly and adversely affected by an energy resource application can file a complaint. The AER website provides Frequently Asked Questions, as well as information about the filing process. Does AER regulate only drilling wells, oil sands and pipelines? Because it is responsible for managing all of Alberta's energy resources, AER also regulates gas processing plants, bitumen upgraders, coal mines and coal processing plants, thermal, and in situ. Laurie’s final thought: the AER is like “managing traffic at the bustling intersection of Alberta’s growing energy, economic, and environmental interests”.

Daphne Chandler thanked Laurie and presented her with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Check out the new ADDC Certificate of Appreciation form (designed by Lenore Summers, adapted from Marilyn Carter’s PowerPoint presentation) at: > Members > ADDC Forms > Certificate of Appreciation Blank in PowerPoint

Other ADDC Forms: Change of Address form: > Members > ADDC Forms > Change of Address – ADO30 2014 Membership Application form: > Members > ADDC Forms > Membership Application ADDC12

Page 16: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club · 2015-10-06 · • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced. •

Mountain Messages – March 2014 Page 16 of 17

Rig Manager – Intelligent Management of your Drilling Data Speaker Review: February 2014 Dinner Meeting

Presenters: Kevin Heikkinen and Patrick Thorburn

Introduction by: Colleen Gibson Report submitted by: Linda Topolinsky

Speaker Introduction Kevin Heikkinen was born and raised in Calgary. He represented Canada on the Canadian Free Style Ski team in the 1980s. Kevin got involved in the oil and gas industry in the early 1990s and has been there ever since. Patrick Thorburn moved to Calgary from the west coast. He began working in the industry with Nabors Drilling in 2005, then worked his way up to a Directional Driller position with Halliburton. He is currently being mentored and molded by Heikkinen. Who is RigManager? RigManager provides the drilling industry with state-of-the-art computer hardware and proprietary software that is very flexible, customizable and accurate, along with the most reliable sensors available. Their service, equipment and enhanced communications systems provide their customers with the necessary tools and data to manage their drilling operations more effectively than ever before. They also provide payroll duplication and information in downloadable formats while backing up their customers’ data to a secured location. The Electronic Drilling Recorder (EDR) is at the center of the drilling operation. The EDR provides an intuitive interface that offers quick access to charts and real-time data. The EDR is fully configurable, which means the user can decide how much or how little information is viewed at one time. RigManager’s software developers are constantly looking for ways to improve the applications incorporated into the EDR (some of which are listed here), as well as adding new ones:

• Tour sheets • Morning reports • Directional survey • Tool-face display • Sample catcher • Pipe tally Tour sheet reports conform to the CAODC (Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors) 3.0.2 specifications. Data entry is done through a simple and familiar interface, with many tools to help speed up the process. The RigManager EDR lets the crew spend more time on drilling, and less time filling out reports. Site Watch is a version of the EDR, exactly as seen on location, running through an RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) session on the RigManager servers. This tool enables users to monitor everything from near real-time data (a delay of only a few seconds) to reports (updated every 15 minutes), and to enter memos which are immediately transferred back to the rig – all from the comfort of their office, home or any Windows-based PC in the world. RigManager has developed a mobile EDR for use on smart phones, making rig data available anywhere with only a few seconds delay from real-time. With just a few clicks, users can access drilling information from any rig. The application is compatible with the latest iOS 5. RigManager has developed a mobile web site that allows any text based internet-enabled cell phone to access data in the same near real-time speeds that are available through the web portal. Mobile Site is also user configurable. Users can check the status of any rig, anywhere in the world, with a cell phone. Data Acquisition hardware, which is state-of-the-art and intrinsically safe, can be used both on land and offshore around the world. Data Acquisition hardware can also allow interface with third party equipment.

Page 17: Alberta Foothills Desk and Derrick Club · 2015-10-06 · • Lorna Myers advised the membership renewal deadline is February 28, 2014, not February 1 as previously announced. •

Page 17 of 17 Mountain Messages – March 2014

Communications are vital in today’s drilling world. RigManager is taking a big step beyond all of its competitors by utilizing the latest in communications technology. This technology offers a significant increase in download / upload speed, along with a significant decrease in latency. RigManager’s communications are a dedicated 5Mbps download / 3Mbps upload with a latency of 40 ms. This application provides reliable data and allows RigManager to perform maintenance and upgrades quickly. RigManager offers its own line of IP (Internet Protocol) phones. The added bonus of this faster, lower latency communications network is land-based call quality. RigManager is also able to provide Class 1 Division 2 phones to allow for communications from all areas of the rig. Electronic Auto Digger (EAD) enables drilling accuracy while maintaining a smooth WOB (Weight on Bit) and ROP (Rate of Penetration), causing less stress to drill string, drill bit and mud motors. EAD optimizes drilling performance to maximize drilling time, which frees up the driller’s time to perform other duties. We viewed a short video demonstration of the EAD. Gas Detector indicates when gas is present as the fluid flows through the hose. This tool provides early signs of detection and kick (influx of gas in the wellbore, which pushes fluid and gas to surface). Pit Volume Totalizer (PVT) provides accuracy and reliability in monitoring the well’s fluids. This microprocessor-based instrumentation package measures, calculates, and displays readings from the main mud system, trip tank system, return flow system, and the mud pumps. Features of a PVT: • intuitive and easy to use, even for inexperienced

crews • makes readings easy to see in direct sunlight or

complete darkness, using a backlit LCD display • flow monitor with alarm • pump stroke counter for 2 pumps • volume gain / loss • RFM CSA Class 1 Division 2 (communicates with

DHC-EDR in the dog house) • operates under varying power conditions and works

with any continuous voltage, ranging from 85 to 145 volts AC

• approved for use in Class 1, Division 2 hazardous locations, Class 1 Zone 2, and is certified by CSA to be suitable in these hazardous locations

RigManager advantages • 3G data is 7 times faster (using cellular

communication) • wireless shack-to-shack capabilities; cables no

longer required • more accurate PVT radar system with multi-

functional capabilities • 5 to 1 rig technician ratio for servicing (current

industry standard is 7 rigs to one technician) • easier implementation of operator requests for

changes and new ideas • better access to data without additional charge

through the new Site Watch Questions 1 Is this program widely used in the Industry? Almost every rig in Canada and the US uses this

type of system and technology. 2 If there is no cellular coverage in a remote drilling

area, how do you communicate? We use satellite communication in remote drilling

areas. 3 Will the new EAD technology eliminate the need for

a driller? It does not eliminate the driller’s job. It gives the

driller a break from the brake handle, making his job easier.

4 Can you get information downloaded to your cell

phone? Yes there are applications available for cell phones

so you don’t need a computer to view your rig data. 5 What type of skills do your employees require? Our staff has extensive drilling and technical drilling

experience. 6 Who hires you to manage the wells – the oil

company or the drilling company? RigManager is usually hired by an oil company to

monitor the wells being drilled.