
                                                         Al  Wahaab                  

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l W a h a a b .

27th May, 2014

Introduct ion: Allah has created everything and Allah also planned our decree and behind all of this is just Laa ilaha ilalaa. What ever Allah brings in front of our eyes is so that we see Laa ilaha ilala. When we know Allah by His Names and attributes then we will know laa ilaaha ilala more. When you get to know Allah then the way you look at things change completely. We did the example of righteous spouse and children as a gift.

This is the dua of Ebaad ur Rehman who are the best people. This dua is a gift from Allah to His best slaves so that they get the best and make the best dua. We should always make dua that is the best. Sometimes we ask duaa for children but that is not good for the child but Allah knows best what is best for them. We usually make duas for the children but forget the husband. This duaa is perfect and beautiful. We ask that make them the coolness of my eyes that is when you see them you feel peaceful and happy. We don’t know what is good for others but Allah knows so ask Him. Allah gave you husband or not this is to make you attach to Allah. This is for every situation. Allah wants you to be a righteous obedient slave of Allah. Allah will initiate the feel of having a need. When you feel that I need something this is a gift from Allah itself because this is a bridge to Allah. A

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l W a h a a b .

believer will attach to Allah for his needs. Allah initiated this need in you so that you get attached to Allah. If I have a need and I don’t know Allah then I will go in the wrong way and I will become tired. Allah put this need in you so that you attach to Allah but this will only be if you know Allah (Subhanhutaala). Look at Zakariya (AS) he asked Allah despite of the fact that he didn’t have any means. Sometimes we feel that we need children but we forget that we don’t want children or husband to affect our faith so we ask Allah to make them the coolness of our eyes. So this is the best that you ask. When you go to dua we need to see what is the impact

• You should always make this duaa. Don’t think how, when, where. Dua in the Quran should be recited a lot. We should make this duaa always. This tells that Allah knows what we need. We should ask Allah a lot.

• This duaa will help you in this world and the hereafter. When there is a stability in the house then you can focus on worship.. Don’t be selfish in making Duaa. You will not get sad because this Dua is like a weapon but you have to say it with belief that yes this will effect. If you say it just as words then it will not have an impact.

• Your children will be a sadaqah e jariah for you just like ongoing charity for you. Someone might say that I don’t have children but then Allah would have made so many people just like your children who will be an ongoing charity for you. This Duaa is very essential for everyone you love. Some cultures think that we should not teach to young children but this Dua is necessary for everyone.

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l W a h a a b .

Allah is saying that you cannot control the coming of the baby or not. Now people think that with technology we can change the baby and we can even change the features of the baby by changing the features. Allah says that I am the king of all the worlds and this all belongs to me. So only Allah can give us whatever He wills. It’s not in anyone else’s hand to give or withdraw. The king is giving gifts but these gifts are associated with His will. He creates whatever He wills. Because imagine that if it was in our hands then we might have taken for us what is bad for us. The will of Allah is not random it is associated with His perfect knowledge. He will give sons to those who can take sons and daughters to those who can take daughters. There are four groups in all human beings:

• Those who have only girls. This is not bad this is the best for you. If you don’t have it then its not good for you if you had a boy then he might spoil you and Allah is saving that from you. Allah gave you test that you will be able to pass. First girls are mentioned because usually people get sad on the birth of girls. There are more ahadith on the virtue of girls if someone has two girls then they are patient with them then they will be close to Prophet. If you raise your daughters in a righteous way and teach her religion then the complete generation will be righteous with the will of Allah. This will reform the society because they are more. There are more women classes for Deen because we women need it more. We need these classes more because we can get deviated easily because of being emotional. The house stability depends on the women. Allah knows your capability and He will give you exactly what you need. Allah will give you a spouse who is opposite to your personality and the children will be with different combination of personalities. Don’t tire yourself by looking at other’s husband and saying I wish I could have that husband because if you do this then you are doubting Allah’s Hikmah. Allah will never give you something to destroy you. Use it for your way to paradise.

• Those who have only boys. This doesn’t mean that our house is boring; there is no pink. The house is full of cars and footballs. Allah knows all the possibilities that you can have you remain single; you have a spouse and no children, having different combination of children etc. Out of all these combinations Allah selected the best for you.

• Those who have different combination of children. This is suiting you as a test. The gender, the gaps between them and their personalities were all tailor made for you. We sometimes want to have this thinking that we want this much gap or this many children but this is all ignorance. Sometimes we say that I am poor I cannot have children; this is totally wrong as Allah gives Rizq to those whom He wills. So He is going to feed the children not you. Allah gave you according to how you have to bring them up. If you have too many children and you have faith in Allah HE will give barakah in your time. The momin should

K n o w i n g A l l a h A l W a h a a b .

attach to Allah and make them a way to paradise. They are gifts from Allah. This is an elevation that Allah is giving you and you become thankful to Allah. Whatever Allah gave you is your way to paradise because as a mother you love your children and Allah will reward you for that.

• Those who have no children. People should not talk about those who have children or they don’t have children that why you have so many, why you don’t have any. When someone gets married then we ask them when you will have children. People are never happy.

This shows that only Allah is the owner and controller of everything and only He can give us so we should ask only Him. Anything that crosses your mind as a need is from Allah so just make duas immediately. One mother was living in her flat and her daughter used to come to visit her. Her mother just felt in her heart from Allah to ask that may Allah protect my daughter and at the same time her daughter got stuck in the elevator. But because of the dua of the mother she didn’t panic. This girl was so young that she could not even reach the emergency button. She just jumped a little thinking that elevator will go down and the elevator went down and it opened. A mother’s dua is always acceptable so when something comes in your mind; then do it immediately. Allah is AL Wahaab and nothing is difficult for Him. We need to deal with Allah with patience. Sometimes we make duas for our children but they don’t change. Then we need to believe that there is a time for it and it will come at the perfect timings. Allah will give you only when you are ready for the gifts. We believe in Allah Al Wahaab so He will give you in a time that is suitable and so perfect that even if it came a second before it was not suitable at that time. If you believe that Allah is Al Wahaab then you should not be hasty at all. Zakaria (AS) asked Allah and her wife was cured at the right time. Never loose hope in Allah, always believe that Allah will give you the coolness of your eyes. You have to believe without any doubt that Allah will make your children the coolness of your eyes. If you have children who are not a coolness of your eyes then you need to be very patient. If you are asking for them to become righteous then they have to go through nurturing and tests and trails so you have to be really patient. We should not want our children to change just for our sake. Allah will prepared the means and change them at the right time. You will get it at the most perfect time.