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Table of Contents

6 Introduction

Part A: Case for Innovation

10 A.1.0 Design Futuring

- BanQ Restaurant

- The Center for Ideas

12 A.1.1 Design Computation

- Beijing Aquatics Center

- The Orquideorama

14 A.1.2 Composition/Generation

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Status: 3rd year undergraduate in the Architecture Major

My name is Bilal Hallak, but most people call me Bill for short. Growing up as a kid, I never really knew what I wanted to do after I finished my schooling. However, I did take interest into designing and sketching throughout my schooling career. It was only when I wanted to take things seriously did I begin looking into the field of Architecture. Architecture to me is a knowledge we can apply to the real world through our ideas, where there is so much to offer. It feels as if you can never stop learning as an Architect because there are always new ideas and skills that can be developed over time.

Most of the work I’ve created usually consisted of hand drawn images, as digital modelling was never my forte. It was only recently that I was given the opportunity to learn a new design program and took matters into my own hands and tackled the struggles of digital design. Over the summer break of 2014-15, I undertook a 3 week internship at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, also known as KAUST. This productive experience engage me not only in digital architecture, but also put me in real life scenarios of an architect, where I would be given tasks with specific deadlines, or meeting with other members of the team to discuss iterations of plans. I would say my strength in digital design is only beginning to develop, with AutoCAD being the first design tool I managed to understand during the internship in KAUST. Although it may be basic skills, I have been able to grasp the tools of AutoCAD and create scaled floor plans (Fig.1). It may only be basic, but I think its part of what is known as digital architecture.

Another form of digital architecture I tried to understand was the Rhino5 program. During my 1st year, I studied Virtual environments, where I found it difficult to create 3D objects as it had been the first time I attempted at such design. I managed to get the basics of the program when I attempted at recreating a floating device as part of the inflatable exercise. (fig 2)

When I think of digital architecture, I automatically think of designs that have been created using technology. That would only be my broad understanding of this concept, however, there is so much more to digital architecture.

To me, digital architecture includes a variety of technologies for us to design, which has enabled architects to free themselves from the constraints of drafting. By adapting to these new forms of technologies, it enables designers to explore a wider range of ideas, with the notion of parametric design. The digital designs we create potentially have the power to make a positive impact on our environment. How? I believe with digital architecture at our fingertips, we are able to expand our opportunities with biomimicry and challenge the sustainable problems we are facing in the built world. All of this can be made possible with the use of new programs, which can be easily accessible, and by doing so, the power to decelerate the defuturing process is in the hands of our designs. [Defuturing paper]

I do wish to continue my studies in sustainable design, and perhaps one day work in a firm that follow my career path. In order to do so, I must fully grasp the idea of digital architecture and the applications needed to make it possible. Hence why I believe that this studio will be one of the most important classes I take throughout my studies, as my design approach for this semester will revolve around a design that mimics a biological process that can achieve a sustainable project.

INTRODUCTIONAbout Bilal Hallak

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A.1.0DESIGN FUTURINGBanQ Restaurant vs Centre for Ideas


The BanQ restaurant have expanded future possibilities with their design, by incorporating intrinsic algorithmic processes into the internal spaces of the structure. This process allows for the design to create flexible spaces for different functions, in which the ceiling plays a role in setting the environment for different occasions.

The BanQ restaurant has provided a new and improved venue for social gatherings, in which the spaces built make it seem as if they’re in a natural setting. The selection of material allows people to escape from the industrialised city of Boston, to a more relaxed environment which brings forth a modern appearance. By doing so, several social functions can be held within the spaces provided for inhabitants to utilize.

The BanQ restaurant creates a seamless landscape through the use of geometries that form a relationship between structural systems and services along the longitudinal axis. For example, the wooden striated slats conceal the systems used within the building, such as lighting and plumbing, creating a virtual realm that draws people away from traditional design to parametric design. (SITE)

The BanQ restaurant is somewhat revolutionary in terms of services being partially viewed. Lateral views of the wood slats that form the basis of the interior allow people to observe striated glimpses of the building services. This unravels the illusion the interior has casts.

The BanQ restaurant will continue to be appreciated in terms of its modern design. The ‘virtual canopy’ which has been implemented help to create the seamless landscape, where people may dine under.(SITE) The design seems to have been inspired and conceptualized around the idea of division, in which there is a focus on placing certain elements between the ceiling and ground, otherwise known as the z axis.


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The centre for ideas can somewhat be seen as radical design due to the usage of material. The building’s façade mainly consists of reflective stainless steel, which may appear compelling; however, the light it would reflect on its surroundings may cause a disturbance.

The centre for ideas building followed an algorithmic process by utilizing the voronoi tessellation of a plane.(SITE) This algorithm created the basis of the form, which also shows the transition from a virtual model to an actual structure. Digital architecture was an influence in this design, as the voronoi tessellation can be generated on computer programs such as Rhino and grasshopper. The Centre for ideas expands future possibilities of digital architecture, as it is one of its kind to develop a form through the use of an algorithmic processes.


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A.1.1DESIGN COMPUTATIONBeijing National Aquatics center

vs The Orquideorama


Computers have become a large part of our lives and modern society. Without the use of computers in our lives, human civilization would not have progressed this far in terms of modernity and in architectural terms, designing. Computers have affected our designs in a positive way, as the process has become much simpler in terms of determining accuracy and ease of creating. With computers at our fingertips, a huge shift in the design world has taken place, where we are now experiencing ways of creating complex structures as part of parametric design. We can benefit from parametric design, as it develops a new form of design logic and thinking, in which multiple variations of design can be created. (THEORIES OF DIGITAL ARCH)

How can one say digital architecture is not beneficial for the design process? One may believe it conspires against creative thought, such as Lawson Bryan. He’s belief underlies the statement that computer design encourages fake creativity, which may fundamentally interfere with the process of formulating new ideas from refined sketches. Although some may believe in this thought, I would agree with John H. Freezer , who sees design computation as a mere tool for creative design. Design computation doesn’t interfere with the design process, it only allows the user to create and process to a more accurate and finer degree, opening up opportunities for new ideas.

Engaging with contemporary computational design techniques allows designers to develop structures that have a positive impact on the environment. With biomimicry becoming widely accepted, buildings such as the Beijing National Aquatics center allow for a greater extent in the area of sustainability. This can be made possible by incorporating design computation and biomimicry together. With this, designers can explore an endless amount of possibilities to create buildings that can help slow the process of defuturing.

When looking at the Aquatics center, it can be first noted that the structure represents bubbles, in which is the case, as the bubbles have been formulated to help create a resistance to seismic activity. The design itself also appears to have been derived from computational design programs, as this structure resembles the Voronoi function used on Grasshopper. By using design computation, architects can benefit from this in the pursuit of creating a sustainable environment, as this process allows designers to incorporate other ideas such as Biomimicry.



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Architects are beginning to embrace the idea of biomimicry and incorporating digital design technologies as part of the framework for new structures. The Orquideorama, by Camilo Restrepo, is another example of how computational design was beneficial for the design process. The design follows a series hexagonal panels that help create a canopy over the sites environment. These organic shapes can be understood in two different scales, the microscopic scale and the visual scale. By digitally designing these concepts, Camilo was able to define geometrical patterns in his works by forming relations with the virtual world to the natural world. This idea of his was to unite both natural and artificial, and wanted to allow architecture to be conceived as a material, spatial, environmental organization that is deeply related to the processes of life.(SITE ARCHTONIC)

So how does this show benefit of design computation in the design process? By having accessing to digital design, Camilo was able to formulate his structure and incorporate biological processes into modules that he would later put together to develop a canopy which helped develop a sustainable environment.



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