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LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT For those of you I’ve never met my name is Michael Jalkio, I’m a senior studying computer science, and I’m the current Local Committee President of AIESEC Cornell. By the time you receive this newsletter I’ll be in my final two months as LCP, and it’s been an absolutely amazing experience. Serving as LCP has without a doubt been the most challenging thing I’ve done at Cornell, but I’ve also grown immensely throughout the year. I can’t thank AIESEC enough for the opportunities I’ve had. However, this newsletter isn’t about me, so I’d like to share some of the big things happening for AIESEC Cornell this year (with a focus on this semester). I think the biggest thing affecting our LC this semester was a change in the AIESEC US Membership Model. The Membership Model is what defines the minimums for LCs in the US to exist, and this year at Summer National Conference the National Plenary voted to change the model. In a nutshell, we removed the old system which required every LC to do 2 incoming exchanges and 2 outgoing exchanges every year. In its place we put a system where LCs would either be required to do 4 incoming exchanges or 30 outgoing exchanges, depending on the LC’s local market. This was a big deal for AIESEC Cornell. Since I’ve joined the LC, we haven’t been able to realize any incoming exchanges near Ithaca. This has always put a ton of pressure on the LC, and has stopped us from focusing on the outgoing exchange programs. With the change to the Membership Model, this semester we’ve been able to focus fully on outgoing exchange, and it’s paying off. So far this semester we’ve received 33 applications, putting us at 4th in the nation! We’re hoping to send at least a handful of Cornellians on exchanges this winter, and many more this summer. While our focus changed to outgoing exchange this semester…we also found success with incoming exchange! Curtis Kwan, a member of the incoming exchange team, introduced the company his father works for to AIESEC and right now we have a contract with them for two trainees in Denver, Colorado. If the first two go well they’re hoping to take another 18 trainees over the next year. The LC is thrilled for the opportunity to change 20 lives by giving them the opportunity to work in the USA. I think that in the next year AIESEC Cornell will see huge amounts of success, and am thrilled with what our members were able to accomplish this year. Thank you alumni for everything you’ve given to AIESEC, and for staying connected throughout the years. Please reach out to me if you’d ever like to speak: my phone number is (973) 975-7412 and my email is <[email protected]>. @ly yours, Michael Jalkio

"If you get more than eight hours of sleep a

night, you're probably not doing



AIESEC Cornell has been busy at work all semester

to step up the recruitment efforts for EPs. We kick-started our recruitment efforts this year with Club Fest on September 7, 2014. Armed with a large, colorful trifold poster, three different kinds of quarter cards, two laptops for signups and a huge, inflatable globe, AIESECers took on the daunting task of catching the attention of the thousands of undergraduate students navigating their ways through the maze of organizations. For four hours, we talked to prospective students about the global citizen program, answered any and all questions they had, and rolled the globe around Barton Hall carrying a large wooden AIESEC sign (at the risk of getting yelled at by Denise Cassaro). With at least 7-10 AIESECers standing post at the AIESEC booth at a time, we managed to get an astounding 298 people to sign up for the listserv.

Simultaneous with the Club Fest efforts, the entire LC worked together to make attention-catching chalkings all over north, west, central campus and collegetown. The chalkings read, “Volunteer Abroad” or “See the World,” with date and location information about our information sessions. Everyone was encouraged to change their Facebook cover photos to one of the AIESEC promotional photos and share the information session events on their walls. Through our combined efforts, we currently have 29 global citizen applications, putting us at second most applications in the region and sixth in the nation. We can’t wait to see what the rest of the semester brings us, as we continue our efforts at recruitment.




Chalkings at Cornell


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RoKs was previously known as a “newie” conference The purpose? Get reeled in to the AIESEC culture, learn about how to work within your new functional team and party with people from other LCs. Simple as that. This year, AIESEC Cornell took a new approach on RoKs. Instead of recruiting 20 newies, only 4 were recruited for specific functional tasks. The idea was to limit newies and help our current LC members reconnect each other. Instead of sending only the 4 newies to RoKs, LCP Mike Jalkio thought it would be beneficial for everyone in the LC to go. A total of about 20 people, newies and oldies together, forged their way to the Wyndham Garden hotel in the ouksirts of New Jersey for the 3 day conference that took place from October 3-5th. We were greeted at opening plenary by the OC. After meeting the other members of AISEC New York City, Yale and DC, and some quality LC time, it was party time. Day 2 was functional team break-out sessions. Regardless of going to RoKs before, there was always something to learn we were able to bring back strategies to benefit our LC. Day 3 included sessions reflecting on the impact of AIESEC Northeast Beast as a whole and the contribution of our LC to the region. The numbers coming from Cornell in terms of EP recruitment weren’t great, the least impressive of the region. From that, AIESEC Cornell accepted the challenge of improving our contribution, and since then we’ve recruited 7 potential winter EPs and 11 potential summer EPs. It was inspiring seeing that as a whole LC, we are slowly working more as a team, and everything from RoKs definitely gave us the extra motivation we needed to help fulfill everything we as an LC have committed to.

AIESEC Cornell at NeB Fall RoKs 2014


MEET THE NEWBIES ! Hi! I'm CoCo and here's a short introduction about me: I have a

strong passion for anything creative and have lived in Hong Kong for most of my life (in various different international schools) and also went to boarding school in the UK (UWC Atlantic College) - Wales for the last 2 years of high school.. Best two years of my life so far and has changed me completely. I think initially the reason I joined AIESEC is because of its similarities with this boarding school. I enjoy being challenged and pushed outside my comfort zone. I think AIESEC this will allow me to do this and I can't wait for things to get started xx

! Hey guys,I’m Justin and a newie. Here’s a short introduction about me. I’m from California but lived in Virginia most of my life. My three loves in life are soccer, pho, and hip-hop. I’m an undecided major in CAS but am leaning towards either computer science or government. The reason why I joined AIESEC has become a bit clearer over the past two days. All my life I’ve been looking for ways to improve myself whether it was physically by going to the gym or mentally by studying. AIESEC’s many opportunities for leadership experience attracted me because I feel like this is one area I haven’t concentrated enough on improving in the past. I know I have the potential to be a great leader and I know will AIESEC help me get there. I am also very passionate about people and experiences, and am looking very forward to helping combine the two. Here’s to a great year in AIESEC.

! Hello AIESEC people!I'm Ryan. I'm from Mauritius...yes the beautiful

island in the Indian Ocean! I'm in the college of arts &sciences, going for the most popular major at Cornell--->Undecided. I love econ and psychology but I really want to explore other fields as well. I love sports (especially soccer) and music. I always love to try new things.I joined AIESEC because I think AIESEC is awesome ,But seriously, I love the close-knit community that AIESEC is. I hope to be able to tap on my potentials through the different challenges. I believe AIESEC is a great organization to be in since I love to discover different cultures and meet people from around the world. I've met many of you,and I hope I get to meet the others soon. Cheers!

! Hiiii I'm Gauri! I'm from New Delhi and a sophomore in the hotel

school! I want do a minor in either real estate or psychology. I love playing tennis, dancing, travelling, skiing and watching TV shows!I joined AIESEC because I love the bond that all the members share with each other and I think that AIESEC gives you the opportunity to experience real life situations and develop leadership skills. I loved meeting all the members and looking forward to spending time with everyone this weekend!

AIESEC Burning Question-What was your most valuable AIESEC experience?

! "Working with such a tight-knit functional team and getting work done while having fun! Professional: Learning importance of expectation setting as newie gmm leader; Social: first party after induction - made me feel really welcome and that AIESEC was more than just another club"

! Heading the photo campaign and getting recognized by the MC for it! The littlest things we do in AIESEC can make a BIG difference!

! I attended the party for the @ presidents conference at Cornell (before I was in @), and it prompted me to join. Everyone was so friendly and nice!

! My most valuable AIESEC experience so far was my first RoKS conference-- I got a sense of the immense international AIESEC network and felt like I belonged and was working towards an admirable mission statement.

! Letting me take on leadership roles.

! Going abroad on an AIESEC internship to Turkey this summer.

Want AIESECers to intern at your organization? Please reach out to Akhilesh at vpicx-cornell@aiesecus,org

Alternatively, if you’d like to share your AIESEC story with the LC, feel free to send stories or pictures to [email protected] to be featured in future newsletters!
