Page 1: A~(~ICAN - Unger Memorial center/1990/1990-06-22.pdf · samples of directed. herbicide applicators available for inspection. This is a new type application

.. . > .. ~ . ........ ' .':' '. --- . < ,

"WhereRumors End '


Number 25

TRIP WINNI<:R--Cotton Center FFA member John McFerrin was one of four FFA members to win a trip to the National FFA Convention

Friday, June 22, 1990 Volume 68 re('ently . McFtorrin walSawarded the trip fora first plu('e finish in furm motors during the SPS Co.

Passing On Leadership--Newly elected Lion 'Boss Craig Curry receives gavel from past president Dub West. Lion officers were installed Tuesday evening.

Partnership Tourney . Slated Saturday

A large number L two man teams will be vying for .the Men's Partnership title this weekend June 23-24 at Hillside Acres.

. Detimding the title in the 36 hole tournament are T.C. Clark and Doug Burke.

The defending champs ~ordedawinning score ofl24 o,utdilitancing the n!!arest team by, fivil strokes. .' '. .' ,

_ "I:~f!pff iime . for the :two mllJl .. scramble tpurn'ament 'is9 ' a.m.

'spd 1:30p.n'I.$!1try fe~ for the ·' ;touma,mentis $80 per te~mplus

cart fees. ' . Hillside Acres will be providing

the Saturday evening meal beginning at 7:30 p.m. Following the meal a Calcutta will be conducted .

The tournament will be held as a scramble both days. Completing the first dllY of the .tournament teams ' will be flighted. Any teain improving

. tl1eir score . by more than . six stro~ellwiUbe moved I1pinto:the

. nextf1ig~t. .' : . . '. ' . . Golfers .donothave to be. a member ()CHillsideAcres to play in . the tournament. For more information' contact BeHy Black 839-2188. .' .

·Local Exhibito'rs Awarded Honors

Cleanup SlatedPunS'atur'day Summer IS here but the

community will receive a good old spring cleaning Saturday when volunteerll armed with gloves, pitchforkll and equipment will invade every street and alley in an attempt to cleanup Hale Center.

OrganizatIOns and individual!! will gather at City Hall at 7 a.m. Saturday. June 2:.1. to receive their battle assignments from Field Marshall Herman Cozart. All volunteers will be treated to corteI' and cmnamon rolls at the Fire Station.

Helping to lead the assault on unsightly trash and litter in the city is commander R.W. Waller. Waller IS a!!!!emblying aliliault vehicles to be used in the campaign. Anyone that can volunteer the use of a truck 01'

trailer contact City Hall. ~nhsting troop!! for the

cleanup day is commander Crail( Curry. Curry has enhsted organizatIOns to help .mvade problem areas of the city.

One organization that hali vol un tee red their services II! the city baseball leagues. Youngsters armed with trallh bags led by coaches and parents will assault assigned vacant lots and streets picking up small litter. '

The Hale Center Women'!! Uub has begun work on the City Park bandstand. Members an' encou\'aged to meet forcoflceand donuts and then begm work painting the All those workmg should bnng brushes. drop cloths ' and extra energy to complete this project.

At 11 :00 a.m. there· will be a ribbon cutting ceremony at Sissy's Place, 12M Cleveland . This will be an ideal time for a break for workers and a time to

Contmued on Page 2

FFA Members Atl.endWorkshop

Clean Up Day

June 23

Vice-President· Named At Bank

, J()'nbY .artd Aaron R!ilJlbo ,' agrjc'l1;"~l"e'sci¢n¢c teaChl'r:; ·. ' ,~!!~e=±:::~~~:z;..J . botl'imembers.oflhe Hale Genler ·. servel,l. a); i/llStructors'. . FFAchapWr werelllliong lh,e70 S(lthlocal m.· e~ber!i~re ac.Jlw . 1<:uture Farlli.e~!i . of ... AmerICil, .. m th.e 'FFA chaplet· exillbltinl{ . :~:~e;:t~A~~:::cl,}!1~~I~~:~~ . liVestoc.k .at major /ilockshow,;. W ' kh . d b ' In . judging and

. So~rh:es~~nS ~~bl~: rServic~ leadership contesl. They are both Company. . officers in the chapter. Ivywlls

The three-day workshop, June recently .elected as presldimt and . 4-6,featured demonstrations, Rambo treasurer, The pall' haw videos and lectures, in part, on j Ullt I·et\ll'nl'd. Trom a FFA wiring farm buildings. assembly leadenilllp lIemmar at Clal'l'ndon of electric controls and electric College .

. safety, Students from the Texas Ivy IS the junIOr lion of Danny Panhandle and S.outh Plains and and Valerie I vy and Rambo u; till' eastern ' New Mexico . attended . sophomore son of Tommy and SPS' employees and area Claudlli Rambo.

·Woodmen .Mark . . .

Centen,n'ial ,Year: . The Woodman of the Wo~ld for the 11ag. .. .

o.rganiza tion marked . the During the ml:j)ting Gem' nationalorganizatiopcentennial Carter gaveabrief history oftht' with a speciai . programand national and local OI·ganIzatlOn. presenta.tions last Th\lrsday. The local ch,apter . wa .s . Afm'mer Hale Center student investmenl8while wor~ing for Prom~ting · patriotism in · cha.rtered · in ,'1901 ' eight .years has.ret.urned to the community to EGT Brokage . Firm 'for . three

schools alld in organizations . after Hale Center was estab· fill a major role at the First .years and Dean Witter Field . Rejlrellent8~iv~ lished in .· 1893 making the NatilmalBiillk, Investments for six yeats. .

" . . presented'·,Henty Woodman organization 'olle of " Ronnie Miller'hns 'been.ilamed '. Miller e.ntered into .... representative for~leHale" ihe city's-pldest civic groups. vice·pre8idimt~mdtrust offi~erat par tn e r sh j p . last A ilfnl8t,

"Farm and R~nch .Soil\eof. the early members ... the localbanlt. Havingextensivl,l . estllblishin .. g Capr.oc. k .. ' Abstr~c.t · "4U~""~I(' '''. United-States ,flag. . inc1ude··tJnc;leTom Mounts. Haz " training ' in securities ami and Title Company before

." ., -,,,,_,,,,,,"",, _ iat~~eY;":~~. ·',,J.~ntoil ·: :, Ri, Mc~ennamy arid _, inve!!tm!!)lts Miller , will be a .accepting his present position lit . ,

pz~taj .. ~~~\~~;~~~~ftta16!~;J,.d ~~~~~~ff;~~~§~t~~e. :~1:S "',:,:' ,.' i ~:~u:;~~'!~~!i~~\;.~~~i:·i~)~ ~1~~I.~,;.,t~~!~~~~~i~ie ~;;:i~' ~~,~;~' -.::. ' :'

Ttie .Bible sch.ool .begins Monday through 1<'riday 8:30· ' 1l:3(j a.m. For enrollment . information c:all·839·240Q or join

. the Vas .parade Saturday. June . 23. '. . .

• : Mille~ attt;ndea. school:here for ' . ·~igljt · .. y'ea~s ' ·~before : mo·\iing' . to!: Lti.,bock . his ,.sophoniore: year. · .. "- M' .' , ' ,'. . . ·· · ··· C 'Follo'winghigh ' school gradua. ' . illerls ··· wi e': IS '8 ·n'ative .o .. :. tlon from Lubbock Coronado. ip Mesquite lind isalsas ' T~xa. • ... 1975 he continued' his 'education .. Tech . graduate.·..;· S.he). ". 1983 . at Texlls Tecl) ' ·University. T.ech·graduaterecei.vingjl B.B.A. ' earning . his diploma in ' 1979 .in firiance. She is presently • majoring in .finance. . While sa II'S re presen titi ve .for attending Texas 'Tech he was a Southwestern . Bell Publica-member of Phi Delta . Theta tions. . '

. . Becoming the C~urth' vice-fraternity. . . '. pre.ident ·of the' bank. Miller'. . He gained vnl!l~ble insight in !!pare time is spent playinlloll • handling securit.ies and . huntiml and sno,", .kiing. · ..

Page 2: A~(~ICAN - Unger Memorial center/1990/1990-06-22.pdf · samples of directed. herbicide applicators available for inspection. This is a new type application

H.E. Moseley Frank Moore Ch .. rl". NorUcd

Mrs. J .... ROI(~r. KG. RUII •. Jr. SW B"II T..t"pllOnt·. I'lv . Earl SI~~n Eddie Turn"r Leo Well B .. rb ...... WlIlT('n MI' •. Ciliude Willen Rlck~y W"sl

Cleanup •• ; encourage new owners. Mlinlyn and G .. ry Koeldel'.

Troops will be led .. t the volunteer helldqullrters at the Fire StatIOn. The volunteer clellnup IIrmy Will be .erved a hllmburger dinner prepared by the Hale Center t<:MS.

Help yoursell. help yuur neighbor. help yuur community enlist in Hale Center Volunteer

. Cleanup Army. Contact Clly hall or Craill Curry.

Jerry Roy Rastetter Wayland Richardson Claude Reedy . Jimmy Stokes Eugene Schulz

~;C~af~~i~hort Brad Warner Roger Woodard Jamie Zayler

Woodmen ••• Highlighting the evening was

the presentation of fifty and twenty·flve year membership pinS.

Golden anmversllry plnll wel'e given to MelVin Stephens and Loy Stewart.

Receiving twenty·five year pins Were Herman Cozarl, Lloyd Jeffreys. Marie Jeffrey •. Claudm.· Carter and Alma Faye Carter .

The .members and gueliis were Ire .. ted 10 II fish fry dinner prePlll'ed by Sherrill Rigsby.


::::- :':~·:::· T-Jife~s.ed To. Announce J. STEVE STOKES

Lawyer Has Joined The Firm

Mark W, Laney 1 . . Steve Stokes (8(}6) 293-2618

P.O. Box 800 600 Ash Street

Plainview, Texas 79072

, . . . '; ,': ' ". :, .. ' .', . '. . ",".. -'

Werep, ... nt severai companies but we work for you. .

Temp/ •. k.IIII Br.lh .. r, CPCU

S8MP Inc. dba

Hale Center Insurance Agency, Inc. 839-2055

IY. ...,.d, ' .. .-on, Wota1'Y 'Public .a.iln.11C~rd Nth· to navly appolDtld ·board .lIber T~ Honford. ' ..

V. KoUoa to aPDraft .'nut •• . fra. the lin 14 .Itina·w.lth coinet-. 'on to .15 to·1 ,,,fOYIl to hire an A.el.tlnt land DineroI'

provided I choir prOln. 11 lnitI.ted ude b,. ROler tIah'lln ~ Seconded bJ' Sid IIr", YoU unent.,.a. Hation to approve Special­e,Ued .eUna May 16 .lnut .... .,ritten _d. by Roaer, Seconded br Jl.., Cun,. Vou unlni.,u •. Motion to approve Sp.cill-

. ~!!::.rb~i~'d :'-:r!: v:~:U!~:~::o:;~tr.n .. de by ROleI' Haha.on.

VI. i:!!;nH!~.:::~Y:J:Y:::!1:!u:~11' made by J'-, Cuny. S.eonde4 by

Superintladent Dodd. pr .. ented the Finan; hi Statement.

The Tax Report v •• prueatld' by SUp4!tintender Dodds.

PI' inc 'pall Report.:

I. T,t. cluk - Akin IleMntu,. - No Report 2. Walter Cox - Jr. Hi.h-Hiddle School - No Report 3. Haney Pennell - Hiah School - No Report 4. Eddie Blnefidd - Special Sll'rvicu - No Repott

X, General Report.:

A,T,P.E, - a' ... en by Lnter Carr.

Superintendent' a iteporta and for Recormncndut ion.a :

1 . Hotion to .PDt"o .... elDployelilent of the l ollowin. cerciried peuanAel IUde by Ji.y Curry. Seconded by Sid Beny . ~!,.I!, . ~1.n.II~.i~~I." ..

LhOl Thocul - Ki nder-aurllm Joyce Wilbanka - Au i ,tant Band Dir@cror 6. Chob Cora Lee Cox - ESL JunJor Kllh 50V Federal 501

J. Hotion to table ite., on pay It.p. ilia de by Rogel" Haha8an. Seconded by Jll11111Y Curt"y, Vote unan Imou •.

4. Motinn to renew contnet on [rpewdters witt! Hoaland Office !guiptaent !Dade by JilZlllr Curry. Seconded by Rog@r Hah.san. Vota I.Inan iIiOUI.

S. The Board -reviewed the resign.tion of Holly Lf!e, Special Ed Teacher at high lehool atcepted by Superintendenl Dodds.

6. Hotion to approve 4% l.c1'II .... (at" auxBin, pereonnel .IS

rec:oamlndd by Super intendent Doddl made by Roser Mahailln, Seconded by Sid Berry . ~ Ul Roser Mahasan, Sid Berry. Pat

~:;t:::: i!:; ~~::~~r~ ~~;.~~~na Treyino, Alfred

7. Hoclon to purchue 4 roOCI' of achool desk and chBirs, 2 rooms (or Jr. Blah 2 room, for middle school _de by JilllDY Curry. Seconded by 10llDY Horaford . Vote un.nimous.

8 . Hotion to appro ... e Inaer-vice Aaroerent (or 1990-91 school year with the Sfrvice Centel" lIlade by Roger Mahasan. Seconded by Sid Berry, Vote I.In4n imoua ,

9. Motion to repair Boiler- by a company wilh the most fuaibh ~ by Jirruny Curry, Seconded by Dian.a Trevino. Vote · ~ ~--

10. The Bo.ord revlewod Summer Work. Pr-ograma.

6oar-d Hemb~rs (No Ac t ion) RePOrt, and/or Reeommend a t ions.

I. July Relul'l" Boud Hee dng aet for July 21, 1990.

Hotion to adjourn lIade by Jinny Curry ~ Sec onded by Torny Houford . Vote unani.ou •.

II:.-S p . • .

Attention Fanners Chemical Hoeing

Kelli Evans, with Ciba·Geigy, will be at Garretson Farm Supply from 8:00 a.m. until 5;00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 26th. She will have samples of directed. herbicide applicators available for inspection.

This is a new type application to this area, It would. be beneficial to the grower to be able to compare the various pr<><!ucts a vailable. This type application is recommended for lay·by and post· emerge control of mid and late season weeds.

Coffee and doughnuts will be available. All interested growers are urged to come by and

take a look .at this equipment.

·C:hurchSlates .. ' An:nu:~l ,·E.ven't ·

St. Th~re8ii'8 Catholic Cburch .. will be .hostingtheir annual fundniiBer. August 111 at the local chun:h.· .

All 'money raised from 'Jamaica 90' will go toward the church's building fund.

Queen hdpefuls are Stephanie . -Hernandez and Lenora Sauceda. Both girls are members of the 5t. TbereBB Cath()lic Church. .

Hi.;.P.I'ains P~ay Care 203.· Hal.· C .• nt.~ ·

$ervlng ages Birth '0 14 yt.1S 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Now taking ' chUdcare .ppilleations : T~ltion . Fees '

Drawer a ··Pllon.831·2312

-HaleT ••• 71041


Exhibitors ... red heifer was named champion of the breed . He also exhibited a second place Polled Hereford in the steer division.

Swimming Lessons

Rogers teamed up with Kevin Ivy and Kimberly Brownlee of Spur to win the prized Team Fitting Contest. Rogers is the son of Bobby and Renae Rogers and I vy is the freshman son of Danny and Valerie Ivy.

Ivy also made his mark in the steer di vision of the Parade of Breeds. His Maine Anjou steer was , named reserve breed champion second only to the steer named grand champion of the show.

~. ;, .

- Per Child

Local 4·H member Jon David Roberts gained points in the TCCA race exhibiting a first place Limousine heifer, fifth

. place Simmental steer and a third place Limousine steer: He was also called back to the &howring to vie for showmanship

Beginning July 9

thru July 20

. honors. Also competing in the Parade

of Breeds was Michelle Dorcas and Lindsay Roberts.


members also exhibited animals in the show. Matt McCarty won second place wi th a Shorthorn and Mich .. el Wood exhibited a fi fth place Hereford.

Betty Black 839-2188

Welconte Owl Drive In


Sissy's Place for having faith in our

community by establishing your

business in Hale Center.

H.C~ Chamber of Commerce

, . . .. . ..

Sa'veupto 50% '.'

L1dl.a, Don'l well; ahop our 1,.«:1.1 w.e"'nd'buYI


Retum W"" u. 1o iIIellood GId.y ....

· ~· t


I· II II ..

We have recently received a set of 52 books, tiUd TH~ NEW ENCHANTMENT OF AMERICA STATE BOOKS. Each book is updated with new facts based on the latest information available from state and federal agencies and state educational consultants. Historical research can be a pleasure for ' 4th graders and up with this highly acclaimed series.

We are very pleased to add this series to our nonfiction collection. Individual books are 12.50 and we would like for our patrons to used these books as Memorials or in honor of someone. As a suggestion , one of the state books could be purchased and placed in honor of your dad for Father's Day or if someone has a birthday, give the book of the state he was born in.

The following Memorials were received by the Public Library:

In Memory of Mrs. Charlotte Triplett from Keith and Jane Brashear.

In Memory of Mrs. Ruth Mooney from Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ritchey. .

. In Memory of Mrs. Amy Kemp from Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rit.;hey.

In Memory of Mrs. Ena Rogers \ mother of Lloyd Rogers) from Keith and Mary Jane Brashear.

In Memory of Mr. Carter, stepfath'er of Polly Heath, {rom Mrs. Ina Lemond and Mrs . Dot Pollard .

The Summer Film Program got off to a great start with 17 attending on Monday. Filmsarefree and will be shown each Menday from 10:00 to 11;00 in the Library.

If you haven't registered for the Summer Reading Program please do so:-l'Oere have been 26 boys and girls registered and 8 ha ve registered in the READ TO ME PROGRAM .

'One of the highlights of my vacation in Tennessee was going to a special program at the Kingsport Public Library. The guest speaker was well known writer. Wilma Dykeman. I took the Lib~ry's copy of her book, The Tall Woman, and Mrs. Dykeman autographed the book. She is a delightful woman. very witty. She spoke intensely on her writing and travels with her husband, James Stokely, Jr. She still writes for the Knoxville Sentinel News and teaches literature classes. She lives in Newport, Tennessee and was one of the mOl;t interesting speakers I ha ve ever heard. .. . . ... ... . ,' - ~ . . ~~

" . jl;j ~.:J •• l~ _ ' •• :: r'. ~ · -: .

"Cultivate Your Mind With .Books" is the window theme for the month of June. A special thanks to Janey Heath, Mary Jane Brashear, Dorothy Weil and Jeanne Allen for l"aning us their bird houses. We sincerely hope. when they are returned. the little hil:ds will return. Billye Sue Sherrod loaned us the little wooden wagon and bear display along with the beautiful plant in the wheelbarrow.

. The H.C.H.S.Classes of 1947-1953

Coridally Invite Ot·her Ex~Students, parenttl, ieachers . and Hale Center Ole Timers

To enjoy fellowship at an Alolm Breakfast Buffet . $5.95 per plate

Sat., July 7, 6:80-9:00 a.m. Poolside, Holiday Inn Courtyard

Plainview, Texas . .' By rcse.rva.tion only . 21J3-4181 before June31 :Attirj!:·Ca8ual .

. .

CO.··.tton lnsurance . . ..

$765 -'y... .. .-s.;,·

Monday evening we had twenty three golfers out to start . the scramble. When everyone finished nine holes we had one team to take first place out right. They shot the low score of 31. This team was J .B. Smith, Mike Kerbu and Johnny Shaver.

We had three teams tied for second place . These teams were Melvin Ritchey, Jo;IWanda

Borchardt and McPherson; Johnny Schenck, Alex Perez and Jack McCaliland; and V.W. Harkins. Hobby McPherHon and Kevin Pittman .

After a two hole playoff the team of Melvin Ritchey. EIWanda Borchardt and Kim McPherson won second pia,'"

Hope we have a few more out to play next Monday.

B.lly HIllck

Senior Citizens Slate Annual Chili Cookoff

The S,·.-ond . Annual Chili Coukoll .pons'J1·~d by the H"I. Centt'" St'nior <. ' Itllt'nt; hw; bt.·t.'n slated Salurduy . ,Junt· :1:\. at tht · Plalnvll'''' Bur ·Non.· Hod.· .. Grounds.

Approximutcly 411 l'illli ('ooks from Hobb •. Amanllo. P'·rrytun. Midland and Lubbock will prepa ... · Ih,' nllllUnal loud 01 Texas untler CASI rul,· •.

Added to II1Is yt· .. rs· actlvltll" will be · a bean and lmsk.·( coukoll.

W mm·r. u!'til.· dull ('uokulfwill gain valu .. bl,· pmnt" loward til. · quuilri('utlun (0 lilt' World', ChamplOnslup ('Iuh ('ookull In '1 ('rlinquu . Pnzt's Will also bt , awarded 10 th,· lop t· .. .,ks m '11u­bean untl bnsht ...,oko l'ls.

Open to tilt' p.llbhc b"Klnnml( at 11 a .m. p,·rson. can buy a s .. mph' {'up tOI' :,UII' tilulc.'nnhlt.'s tlH'rn to samph· .. 11 o! till' dllh. 11I'IIns and bnskct In th,· n ... kol!.

Ah;o dUrtn~ tilt, ('onh'st l'ookolJ ('unlt'stants will I,,· VYIIlI( lor hnnurs fOI" showmanshlU. (·OOkH UWJr Spt·c'·.al rt'l"IPl'. Pl'rs(Jn~ wtll (·njoy tht.· zan,Y l 'nh't"lHlnmt.·nt tha t udds to th.· flu "or 01 tlu­contt.·st.

l)ul'lng- tht· altl' t'lloun ' s Ul'tIVlllt'l'i tiu' local St.'nItH ( . I t I Z t · n s W II( I, ( . . s (·11 i n ~ hom,·matl., bak,·d I(oods. burh4.'(·Ut· sundwll'lll's and art:-­and ('Hills us w l· 1I Uloi chant·,·s tOI"

sl'venll Itt'mt; ut dit, rodt·o gr~unds .

A publ,,' aUt'llOn IS "Iat .. d IlI'l(lIl at I p.m. wllh many , .. Iullhl.· artldes up 101' bid. will dress m ('uslum,' .. nd clll~'youl Ih,· th"m,' ofth.· nanlt' 01

Attends Seminar

Jon Iv)" son of Danny and Valerie Ivy. ' recently returnIJd from ~he FI'-rm Bureau Citizen· ship Seminar conducted on the fnne!~() ~~~I~nlversitycampus

st~d~n':8;~::t~n:!~~~i~~:~0~~ atten!} the' w!!ek long semin!!r .

. . . Students . Were selected to attend the semina,r based on their leadership . ability and high moral. character.

K"'kllll( oil tilt' a<'l,VIlII'S Will hl' H St.·niol" ( ' H l zt'n c'·ounln ",c.'sh'rn dunn' Fnduy night. 1.1'\"1'

\ ' nlt'rlilll1nll'nl 1)I"IIVIUl'(( hy 'Stnlll(ht Sh .. t · Will h"g,n at K:: ltI p.m. at tIll' rodt,o J.:.rtlund~. Adml~!oilOn to tilt, dann' IS $;t.!)() lur Sl'TlIOr {'!llzl 'nl"' .

All pnJ('l'l,ds Irom thl' dalH.'p and ("ookul! wllllH'ndll.!u'tl\"llu'!oi 01 tilt' HHh· ('l'nlt'1" St'fllOr ( '11IZt'IlJoi

To \'l1t('1' any 01 ltw ( 'OIltt 'sts or lor nwn' lIliurl11aLlO1l ("(lIIta,", Bl' tl)" Kirkland l"I;~~J . ~~!'~ or alll 'rfi I).m . ~7! 1 · ·l i :llJ .


'~ " CAN[JY

3··· $1 . FOR



2···.··$ .. 1 . FOR

10 3{4 OZ

You're Invited To Drop By Saturday, June 23,

for our OPEN HOUSE ( . '

. et ,0 t\. .0\.' oOIJ.. Try 8 .emple of our ~ tt'f ,,0(1 dellc/ou. yogurt

fI f'\'(lo'" ot .Open 10-10

Sissy's Place 128 W. Cleveland




.KOOt·AID-· . ' . 2 QT. PKGS. ··

·5···· $1 FQR



Sponsored IItudents w"''''inf,nrn,,,tI CA.MPBELL'S . ..' $

TOMATO SOUP 4 FOR . . -., .'-'-'1..IJ._



.. Melvyn :Morttin. 8'on of . Mrs, .

~~~O::~:8w~:ZreR~fl ~:..mtb! .. IiPr!ng ~Ie.ter at TeD. Tech Unlvemty.

TO 'achiave the Dean'. Honor . RoII. studenta must maintain .a srade pain.t . a:verage of 3.6 or

. peater durinc the semester.





Page 3: A~(~ICAN - Unger Memorial center/1990/1990-06-22.pdf · samples of directed. herbicide applicators available for inspection. This is a new type application

Bertha Soloman. Hi-Plains Nursing Home resident. recently completed the displayed handqu.ilted blanket. Mrs. Soloman has donated the quilt for a conte~t sponsored by the nursmg home employees. Employees will be selhng $1 chances for the drawing to be held July 7th. The Nursing Home will be sponsoring a booth With handcrafted items with all proceeds going to the Nursing Home activity lund.

Crop -Hail Insurance XS10lP Policy Hale County

June 25 Special Cotton Insurance $goo

Corn $415

/15% Off for Cash I PAUL ROBERTSON

BUS. 879-4719 HOME 879-4403

Tuesday',June 26 ACfIVITIES: Exercise 11>:45 a.m. MENU: Barbecue Pork Chop. Lima Beans, Cantaloupe C.ubes. Cornbread/Butter •. Rice Pudding

Wednesday, June 27 ACTIVITIES: Ceramics 9:30 a.m. MENU: Polynesian Chicken Salad. Spinach. Tossed Salad. Whole Wheat Roll/Honey/Butter. Oatmeal Cookies

Thursday, June 28 AC'TIVlTIES: Chicken Fried Steak/ Gravy. Mashed Potatoes. Stewed Tomatoes & Croutons. Yeast Roll/ Butter. Peach Cobbler

"'riday, June 29 MENU: Roast Turkey/Gravy. Mashed Sweet . Potatoes. Cranberry Sauce. Green Beans. Yeast Roll! Butter. Chocolate Cake/ Chocolate Icing

Normlll IIctivitll's lit the Center. outsld,' 01 our regullir noon melii. ha ve been suspended and 1(1 ven over to plans for our week end tommitment. Beginnlnl( atH::!O FridllY eVening come on out a.nd IUilen ur danc.:e' to the guod uld County and Western music prOVided by 'The Straight Shot' musil'l .. ns (rom Levellllnd. Dantin!: or ilstenln!:. whllt"ver turns yuu on. will begm lit the Hill' Nonc Hod.·o !:rounds at H::lO p.m. and ('ontmul' until 11 p.m. PI'ior tu thllt time all partICipants in the chili cook on will enjoy an eWnlnll mt'a1 01 fned chicken. hush puppies .. nd hsh fingers courtesy of Long John Silvers. The fish hngers are a new addition to their menu.

Heglnning at 11 ... m. Saturday the general pubhc is Invited to come out .. nd w .. tch the cooks prepare their speci .. 1 chili lind taste the results. Tasting cups Will be available .. t 50~ per cup and well worth the money by the time the rounds .. re completed.

ActIOn will starlat 1 p.m. With our local .. uctione"r Pack Smith . Kudos to Pack for always being so loyal and avadabl.· wh"n we (,.,11 on 111m. Wmners or th,' aU('llOn Will be announc('d at 4 p.m.

~.99=~7= With the FuB MealIJW,)'Ou get a juicy,! Homestyle'·"Hug ... BII5~ . golden fries, a 16 oz, soft drillk, and a 5 oz.1JaiJy QUM/sundae.

Our thanks and gratitude to the following local merchants for contnbutlng to our auctIOn: Tiner Auto. screwdriver; Brown Pharmacy. three pairs of work ldoves and an adorable stuffed monkey; Garretson Farm Stare. quart of Round Up; Lemond Farm Store. two b .. gs fertilizer; Jel'rle's Place. brass platter; West Budders Supply. phone cord;

~~~lfi~: te :~~r;1fS 'Sa ~~5~~~ J ~N~ HOllers. microw .. ve oven; G B Supply. two bags lerlllizer; Allen & Belich. Cotton Center. water hos,' .. nd sprinkler; Hale Center Americ .. n . clock/ radiO.

Twenty five Plainview ml·rchanls have donated ' items Irom $IQ ta '$100 in value . Pharr H.V. : Lubbock. has donated a uctIOn Items and .. re bringing tl'llvl'i trailers for display.

We regret the conlhct of mh'I'est in OUI' we.·kend pl .. nsand th.· City Cleanup. However. due III ou .. lonl( sLandlnl( commitment to the chdl cookon It was un"vOldable.

A bill thank you to dll'ector Henry and Elouise RielI' for the dehclOus meal 01 ch .. rcoalgnlled I ... mburg.·rs. chips .. nd dips and yummy peach cobbler they served Monday flll(ht. They were ubly assisted by Henry 's brother Glenn and his Wife Lora of l'lulnvww. Fifby (10\0 members enjoyed the ('ulinllry treat. lullowed by several table games 01 4~. dominos and bndge. We a ppl'ccla~ our dll'ectOl's who so ably assist us In the operatIOn of lhe Center then m .. ke the tillle lind ellort to entertain us.

L .. st S .. turday Hetty and Roy en tertained Roy's lamily for a reunitmg 01 the clan. Members attending were from Duncan. Okl .. homa. Amarillo . Acuff and Lubbock. and all of the kin .. esiding In thiS area .

Weleome back to Doc and Ruth Damron who are haVing health problems. We've missed the Djiml'Ons and were pleased to h .. ve them back after a long absence.

Janise Hooper monilored our MOW pl'Ogram la8t week. lier findings and report will be made ' at a later date.

Next Tuesday e.xerCises wjll. be cQnductedby· Standefer . .

. All day Thursday is g~me day. All other ' ~litiviUes will hang in abeyalice,as Betty .imd .. Vicki gi"e

. their undivided attention to en.d of month clOSing; .; .

. Food for thought: The best cure for the national economy would be economy!



. . . . . . , ~ , '.

'l'ho.e · .t.tend~iI; the meeting' were • . Bob l;Irown ·. I Hayor

Eugene Ca~ter R. W, WaUer Bob Stroud. 3r. Sherril Rigsby

. Council

Karen Ung O. V. Johnaon Jamie Johnaon Hartin Jone" Gana Alexander Leslie Reed Hary Wright

Karen King. Director of Regional Services for ' South Plains Association of Governments. explained the grant scoring criteria and informed those present that if ve choose to turn in an application. it must be submitted by July 24th. The Regional Review Commi ttee is scheduled to meet in Sept. and notices Of funding are expected to be out in late Dec.

Mrs. King and Engineer Jamie Johnson both stressed the fact that Senior Citizens applications have been coming in hat for several years and that there is no indication that they will do any better this year .

Martin Jones. Chairman of the Senior Citi~en Building Committee stressed the necessity of enlarging their center and the fact that they were prepared to supply a 15% match of funds.

I t was decided between Mr. Jones and Gene Alexander representing the Senior Citizens and Mrs. King and Mr. Johnson that they would all attend a Senior Ci tizen Board Meeting tentively set for 4:30 P.M., Wed. June 13. to determine if the Sensior Citizens want to ,allow through wi th filing an application.

Hearing adjourne d at 8 P . M.


The COUncil met in special session at 8 P.M . for the purpose of awarding an engineering contract for water line improvements resulting from funding received from 1989Texas Commun i ty Development Program Grant, for the purpose of receiving "Ober J Engineering's" reco~mendation for streets to be seal coated and advertising for bids: and for the purpose of organizing and setting a date for the Spring Clean-up Day.

:idyor Brown presiQt;;:d over the Kleet i ng. Those present included Mayor Brown I Councilrlen Carter I Waller, Stroud a nd Rigsby, Ci ty Clerk Mary Wright and guests Tommy Rambo, Mart in Jones I Gene Alexander, Herl'lan Cozart., Leslie Reed , Dub West , Dick Shaver, Graig Curry, Claude Burnett I Jean Johnson and Mary Stephens.

Motion was mac:ie t;.y ~. W. Waller and seconded by Sherril Rigsby to awal:O engineering contract for waterline improvements to "Ober J Engineering", ot Wellington. who received the highest score during the evaluation of qualifications.

Motion Carried

o. V. and Jamie Johnson evaluated our streets, at the Counci 11 5 request, and made a recommendation of streets that needed to be seal coated this year. They also suggested that the City go ahead and advertise for bids, but. give contractor until some time in sept . for compJ,et.l.on __ o.f. project. _Motion was made by Eugene Carter ~~~::~~~:~~·onb.y Sherril ._Rigsby to accept the Johnson' S

Motion Carried

Spr i ng Clean-up was discussed. It decided to schedUle the Clean-up Day for Sat _. June 23rd _. starting out at 7 A.M. with coffee and donuts for volunteer workers and providing a hamburger lunch around 1 P. M. for those that have worked all morning.

RElsponsibilitles of publicity. contacting people for Vehicles, riding around the town mapping out trouble spots, preparing mealS. lIaking maps and gi\'ing out assi gnment on that morning were assigned to various persons present.

Meeting adjOUrned at . 9,45 ·P.M.

'lUB80CK .ifoi-au ILT .HaMES I "QlIIlIity' and SerVice WiU~re"aill.

AFFORDABLE HO'MESII 100% compl.i • . ~i' : delivered ·,hru .heetfock;.yClu flnllh ou. Ind SAY.E thoullnd~-10Q0f.FlnenS:lng IVlnlbl... . .

, t~800-6S8·2657

802 North a Drive • Lubbock, Texas 79403



Large downtown business bUilding lor sale $50.000 ... 2 BR. 1. Bath. 2 Cal' Garage on West 10th. Would be great 101' a retired couple or lor a st .. rter hom( .

Keeton Real Estate 602 Main 839-2212

Misc. FOI Sale


I sola & I lovesea t Ann .. Rambo



Two male reglHtered poodles. $50 each. One black and one whlte-­ten weeks old.

Also 10 month old registered male poodle. $50. black.

Call 839-2758


Wurhhzer P,ano In E~('cllenl CondlllOll. At! Rea~onabl,· OUers ConSidered. Call Ult"I' Ii p.m . 839-2504.

Ii. ~!J


(: Hl> l "d"1 10k<- Ill''' lUlIUIII!JII. II ('ul Io\lIh ... l('h'·I. ~I.()()().


Solar Surge ollers the besl surve valvl' on the m .... k .. t. Summer speclIll prices HI'" $695.00 to$!l95.00. Call us todllY.

Olton f'arm Supply 285-2404

SMARTEE surge valve owners: We now Inslall a trouble I fl'"

IImer lor YOUI' surge valvc. Olton f·arm Supply


Notice Halderman

Tape, bed; te:llture, mJnor repairs and quality painting. 1939 ~::::: 8~~?::::~n Jr. 839- Lola D. Hudson Anderson


123 East 3rd Ph. !l39-2295 Also. good used mowers for sale ':'" trade.


$5,000 GOLD CARD

Guaranteed! No credit check. NO' deposit. Cash advances. Also easy VISA; MC. no deposit_ Free call 1 (800) 234-6741. anytime.

6/22 pd


The Hale Center A.A. GI'OUP meet, every Tuesday night at !l:UU p.m. Thegroupmeetsat306 W. 14th. If you think you havea problem wllh alcohol 01' drulls . A.A. is the answer. For that we .. re responSible . Fur more informatIOn cull Ann R. at !l;)9· ~'09.

NOW OPEN "obe's Barbecue Pit

Sandwiches. lunch .. s. calTyout and catenng.

918 Broadway, Plainview Across fl'Om City H .. l1


SWIMMING LESSONS $;J!;.UO pel' child

Beginning July 9 thru July ~O HILLSIDE ACRES


"'REE KITTENS White/g ray

523 Ave E 839-2289 6/ 2~ pd

WANT 1'0 BUY Guod used chest 01 drawel's


Ga-rage Sale6 I

June ~2·~9 Furniture . toys. adult and baby clothes and lots mOl·s. 6 1/4 miles west of 1-27 on I'M 37

Hurnett--S .. uth Side 01 road

1940 OIeta Hicks Nicholson

1941 W. J. Caudle ' Lewis Nicholson

1942 Carmen Hitchcock Vaughan Peggy Nicholson Lewis Mattie Burnett 1944 Willie Teeter Margaret Johnson Faith

1945 Doyle (Smokey) Faith Irene Evans Caudle ~Iarie Weil Byrd 1946 Kenneth Louthan 1950

Huby Reiff Teeter

1951 Bettie Caudle Cargill

1954 Bobby Hicks Carolyn Ballard Hicl{s Carl Chandler 1955 Glenn Dal ton Cinger Bo stick LYhch

1956 Jane Robertson Drake Carole Ferguson Pettijohn 1957 Eddie Smith Sarah B McDougal Smith 1958 LaJuana Ritchey Dollar 1961 J err'y Harrison Rosalind Gibson Williams

1962 ~!argal'et Williams Wright 1964 Clofford Berlin

1965 Mar·tha Buch<man Rogers

1966 Beth Cihson Rumbaugh Cheryl Shaver Lyles Don Townsen 1967

WIMP MAl" MANAGBMINT Crop, Hail & M.P.C.I . Insurance


Orenda Helbert PhiiHp~ 1968 Barbara Cannon Townsen Cecil (Eddie) Turner

1970 Ka thy Rog ers Child s BU~S, 879".4719 For your seed needs also call ~OME 879".4403

.. '


Hale Center Churches

First Baptist Ch~reh . Gene~

. FirstU ~i~d lWethodis~ Chureh . ReKCraig ~Urry, pastor

Igl~sia Bautista . Rolando Miralez

Lone Star Baptist Chureh Claude Mullin •• pastor'

Chureh of Christ 51181 Short, Preacher

JOYFUL SERENI1Y OF SUlMMIER Whim springtime Dowers ' fade away And sUnlight wanns each golden day, All work Will.stop, whUe everyone

St. Theresa's Catholic Chureh Father George Rooney, pastor

Church of God of the Fir.t Born Sergio Be~nal'

I ...... ~f~~::=~!fo~~r~~!i~ outdoor run~ the .... statUs 'luo •

. Friendship -Holiness Baptist No.2 '.' Ella GrlCftn, ,..stor

. '. Chureh Of The Valley . Rev .•.. EU,eo ,sal4ana,

Cotton Center ' Ch~n;bes "

First Baptist Chureh . Rev. Joe E.Cariker. Pastor

.. First U niteci MethOdist Church Rev .• , LYnda'l "'etch~r ..

IIaI8 Ceater. CoUoa Ceater, .~ift.ld

Byrd Clifton


Lynn Roddy Bro\lll

Helen Minchew


'I'cadlCl'S Reese Mas ten Lucill c Mas ten

1939 Lola Dean Hudson AlIderson

J 942 Peggy Nicholson Lewis 1937 Robert Landers

1942 Mattie Burnett

1945 Marie Weil Byrd

1946 Kenneth Louthan

1954 Carl Chandl er

1956 Jane Robertson Drake

1958 La.ruana Ri tchey Dollar

1964 Clifford Berlill

1967 Brenda Helbert Phillips

1975 Danny C, Cinn

1977 Lynet te Boyd Ginn

Notice MelTY Neeley CUl'!(l1l will man

an mlormatlOn booth on llll' square un S .. lul·day . July Ith. lrum lO.:lO a.m. until :1::10 p.m.

Ple .. se gIve Merry th.· Inlormatlon on your sub· reunIOn!=!, whu has rt!&:ltitt.,),t.'d to (·oml·. cmit shows ... rl shows and all other happenings lor Saturd .. y.

Sub·reunion Classes 1984·1987

The H.C.H.S. classes 01 19114-ll7 Will be hllvlng a sub·reumon Fnday. July o. a t 7:;)0 p.m. The Backya .. d Putty will be held .. t the home of Jamey and KaLyn

t~en~J~ al:e 1~lvi:;}ds::'"!~::~dand

Classes 1947·1953 Thank you for returnlnl( your

class reunion l:cgistra tion forms TOOA Y II you have not already done so .. nd II you plan to attend the 'LUAU and ALOHA l:lreaklast" at the Hohday Inn.

. Wayland Honor ·· Students

SIX 6tudents il'Om Hale Center Were named ·to the Dean's Honor Roll for the spring semester at Wayland Baptist Umversily.

Among the honorees are two st.udents who maintained a pertect 4.0 gr~de . point average c ',ring the recently completed term.

Recording the perlect mark WaS .Charlsa Schwllrtz and Melissa Shaver.

'Other· students named · to !,he honor roll include"Pam_Hughes. 3.71; Leslie ReL-d. 3.80; lind Manll Thompson. 3.53: '

Bonnie Chlltdn's ' . . 219 W. 1st Street

839-2781 . Hele Center, Texes'

All ' interestell citizens are invited to attend and to eubmit comments.

A copy of the proPlJsed budget is available for public inspection froll! B A.M. to 5 P.H. weekdays at the office of the City Clerk, City Hall. 702 Main Street, • Hale Center. Texas .


T hQ City of Hale Center. Tl!'xi!ls will r ecei vQ sealed bid s for the sc,ll <"11 .11 inrt ,.( q LC ootB until 7 :00 1'.M. on the tOlh d"y nr .lllly . 11),)0, ,It 1I.lle CC!I1Lcr City 11<111. olt WhiCh Uml!' and plocl! all bids wi l l b~ publlC'ly ope n ed find nl'ad a l oud.

Fllds arc invlt~d (o r furnishing all materials, l abor, equipmont an d [email protected] for the seal coating of ~ppro)(imat.ely 77,250 square yards of s treet. pavement. Est.imat.ed mat.erial quant.ities are as fo l l ows:

Asph alt Aggrega t.e

'23.175 gallons 6-45 cubic Y<lrds

Copi as of Contract Documents are on f i l@ II t. Ha Ie C 1 ty Ha 11. P.O. Drawe r 5 32 , HaLe Center, Texas. 19041. Copies at' the Con tract DoculI1ents Inay be obtained (rom Ober J, Engineering. Inc , . F,O. Box 72Et, Wellington. Texas 79095, telephone 806 - 441 - 250], at a c o"t o f $10,00 per set. Thls fee i~ not refundable ,

,., ctHtirl c d cheek o r ban k draft. payable to the order o t t.he Ci t.y of II.-I e Co nl. l..'r, l'CXdS . or <1 satisfac to r y llld Oond exec ut.ed b y t h l..' Aldder and pa ya bl e to the City of Hille Center, Texas wi thout recourse , tn <:In amount. ~qual to five percent (5%) of the total nid, shall bo submitted with each Did, This sha ll be a guaranty that the Ridder 10'1 11 ente r into a contract and execute bond and guaranty 1n the for ms provided with i n ten (10) days after notice ot' aWo1rd of conlrtl c t. to hi m,

l'lll' :i\I!'I:" ,"I:i(,ll bldrlcr must (1lrnlsh Porformance .lnd !'ayment Bunds 111 the amount of 100% of the total contract price. rrom ... Surl!ty Company hOlding a permit from the State ot' Toxas t.o act 3.£1 Surety,

'1'111..' Ci t y ur 11,11 0 Cc-ntor r~~a~rves the right to rCJl" c l any or 0.111 Bi ds o r to W<lIVe any info rmalities in the bidding, Bids ma y br.. held by the City o f Hale Contar for a period not to excep.d t.hirty ( )O) days from t he dale of the opening of oids (or the purpose of r l'~iewII\'1 th e Atds and investi.gat i ng the q ualifications of Ihddcrs. n rlor to iltuardlnq the Contract,

Public Notice TltE STAl b: UI" T&:lA :;

AND TO ALL WHOM 11' I'1U COHn;t.:N t

YOU ARE HERE BY CO ..... ANDED Ttl .IIPb:~R AND IINSItlb:R 81lIl'Uh:i: "Hk H(JNUh!A~Lb: I.' I STRIL:l cUUkl 242"0 JUD1CIAl. UIS1' WICT, IIALII: COUM"'V, T1!:XA~, Al' THli; ... U UI~ llIlJU t; b: LW $IU D CUUNTV HI PLAINVlb:W, n~':XAS . A\ ' at( 1:J1:;I"UIUo'; tiJ u' CI..DCt: A.~l o Or' (HI1: ~IO IWAV NII:XT Ar'(KN THIi: KXV1RAT10N OF 20 DAYS p'ROM THE DATE

':"~69::~~1;'~U~~D 1111 S Cl1'A1lUN, THt;H AND THli:k~ TO AH!!oW£lW TH.!!.: "'IlB TION oro

n -: l'J1 IUHEI, , F,U .. 1:u IN :;lAJ.l) CUUI~T UN THb: 1 2, 'H .c.';UNSC LAURA DIU ACUi[RO

R I~S rIJI'WIi:H'l'(~) ilHu nil:: ~;AIU ~:U1T ll1i:1HG HUI'IBU: 9006-B 25281·'L UN Tllh: IlUL'la;r Uf' ~~AlO C:UUtH, MIO EHIl'J'LE:O "lJf TIlIi: 11AT'J'ER or Ttll:: ~1ttr.:R1A~E OF ROBERTO AGUERO AND LIIURA DIAZ ACUERO " ,l'H~ HA1'Uk~ UI' 1·lIlICIi ~U1T 1.:) tIo h: EtJUE~.T TO DISSOLVE THK I'IAIRIACS:


l S S U~O AND GJVF.N UHDt!R MY HAND AND 'l ilt.: SEAL OF' SAID COURT AT l'l./llIWL I.:: W, °fE. XAS , THIS THE 1:'1'H DAV 010' JUN&: A.D,


ANNA EVAN!;;, CL6:K& 01" T Il£ D19TRIC'1 COURTS, HALt:: COUJll Y, 1.'I!:XAS

. Tiner .. ~uto Supply ·

8311-2610 · lIIorth Main

You may I. -- ..... ----';qed a lawyer _nl, •

First 20 minute ' c BEN Lit


Page 4: A~(~ICAN - Unger Memorial center/1990/1990-06-22.pdf · samples of directed. herbicide applicators available for inspection. This is a new type application

Coca-Cola 12 oz CAN -- 6 PK



Lever 2000 2 BAR PACK



Nice & 4~~!!G $1 29


Ajax 32 oz. BOX


CRISCO $299 OIL 48 oz BTL


Rulnes~ . , SPlLL_TE·

,Cake Mix ' Towels



Ketchup .,~.~uglelDs

u99; J!~~,S6·9 7.4 TO 8.1 OZ. PKG.


~,~. _ ~,... . 11'"- •

,8oz·8gc BTL.


$219 Boneless Bottom

.... ·ndSteak 99,-~
