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Page 1: Ahmed Elsayed CV 3


Ahmed Elsayed

Android developer

at MAL

Location: Cairo, Egypt

Education: Bachelor's degree, IT

Experience: 2 Year

Name: Ahmed Elsayed Fouad Elsayed

Mobile Phone: +20.01122232172

Country: Cairo, Egypt

Email Address: [email protected]


I believe that every one was born for a purpose , I believe that mine is to make people's

life easer through software development so I seek working in a challenging environment

That provide generous opportunities for Learning and which can utilize my position to

learn to the max

Target Job Title: Android Developer

Target Job Location: Egypt

Employment Type: Employee

Employment Status: Full time; Part time

Career Level: Mid Career

Notice Period: Immediately

Birth Date: 27 November 1994 .

Gender: Male

Nationality: Egypt

Marital Status: Single

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(2 Year

Android developer

at MAL

Location: Cairo, Egypt , smart village egypt

Company Industry: Computer/Software

Job Role: Technology/IT

Learning Android development using udacity tutorials and height professional android developer contractor

Bachelor's degree , IT

at Computer and information Zagazig university

Location: zagazig Egypt

Completion Date : June 2017

Grade: 80 out of 100

Java programming Level: Expert | Experience: 5 years or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

Android Developer (Activity Lifecycle , User Interface , List Views , Fragments , SQLite , web services , JSON and Material Design ) Level: Intermediate | Experience: 2 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

Java Web (J2EE)( JSF & JSP & Servlet & Web Services ) Level: Intermediate | Experience: 2 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

SQL && PLSQL Level: Intermediate | Experience: 1 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

HTML5 & CSS3 & JavaScript Level: Expert | Experience: 2 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

ADF Level: Beginner | Experience: 1 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

Software Testing Level: Intermediate | Experience: 1 year or less | Last Used: 1 month or less

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Arabic Level: Expert | Experience: More than 10 years

English Level: Expert | Experience: 5 years or less

Conceptual Knowledge

Deep Understanding OOP concepts

A good understanding of Database concepts

Personal Profile

Excellent adaption skills ,Working well under pressure , managing resources to meet customer

requirements and very quick learner

Team member with good communication skills who also has the ability to work efficiently on his own .


Big Data Specialist with IBM BigInsights

( )

Developing Android Apps with udacity

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Android developer with google and MAL (mobile application launchpad )

Some Project

Graduation project QR-Code Based Access Control System which Maintain your personal accounts and

then by securing the process of entering personal password through the use of barcodes using your phone to

scan barcodes I use ZXing QRcode reader for android and Encryption technology .

Movies App is Android application which user can see popular or top rate movies and can see more details

about movies and add movies to favorites which store in sqlite database and original data come from web

service in json format which I parsed it .

Body Building App is android app which user can get workout data from web service to learning him how

made body training and app have picture to show user how made training and there is stop watch and

interactive Music

In web I made Posts site which like facebook where user can add posts , see other posts , comment and like

in posts I made this web site by java web technology
