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Software Engineering

Rockcliffe University

Bill Krebs – [email protected]

SL: AgileBill Firehawk

AgileDimensions, LLC.

© 2009 Rockcliffe University Consortium

Software Engineering

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What is Lean?


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Optimize how we work.

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Father and Son

Toyoda Automatic Loom Works, Ltd

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Toyota Motor1958 – Exported 230 cars to US

1965 – Toyota wins Deming Award1985 – Cumulative production exceeds 20 million units

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At Toyota

Andon / Jidoka – stop the line culture

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Halt if a defect is detected. Fix it right away.Use as a trigger for continuous improvement

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W. Edwards Deming

Yale PhD

1950 – Consulting executives in Japan“Better Quality = Better Productivity”

1960 – Awarded Japan’s Order of the Sacred Treasureby Prime Minister

Helps Ford 1982 – 3 billion in losses1986 – most profitable US car company

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1900 – 1993

���� Defects are caused by the process,

not the workers

Deming’s 14 points# 5. Improve constantly and forever the system of production and

service, to improve quality and productivity, and thus constantly decrease cost.

Seven Deadly Diseases#2. Emphasis on short-term profits.

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Deming’s 14 points

From “Out of the Crisis” 1986. Does any of this still

apply today?

1. Improve the product and service, compete, stay

in business, and provide jobs

2. Western management must take on leadership

for change

3. Build quality into the product instead of

inspecting for defects

4. Minimize Total cost. Establish a trusted

relationship with a supplier.

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More Deming points

5. Constantly improve the system. This will

improve quality and productivity, and decrease


6. Institute training on the job.

7. The aim of management should be to help

people and machines and gadgets do a better people and machines and gadgets do a better


8. Drive out fear, so that everyone may work

effectively for the company.

9. Break down barriers between departments.

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More Deming points

10. Eliminate slogans and targets for zero defects.

The “System” causes the defects, not the

workers. Fix the system, or process.

11. Eliminate quotas. Substitute leadership instead.

Don’t manage by numbers. Substitute


12. Remove barriers to workmanship. Focus on

Quality, not quantity.

13. Institute a program of education and self-


14. Transformation is everyone’s work

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Mary and Tom Poppendieck’s

book helps us understand what

Japan did.

They translate manufacturingThey translate manufacturing

practices into software terms.

Not Lean Six Sigma

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7 Principles

1. Eliminate Waste

2. Build Quality In

3. Create Knowledge

4. Defer Commitment4. Defer Commitment

5. Deliver Fast

6. Respect People

7. Optimize the Whole

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Eliminate Waste

By “Waste” we mean work that add no value in the

eyes of the customer. “Muda” in Japanese

Over-production / extra features

Transport / Handoffs Defects

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In process inventory / or Partially done work

Over-production / extra features

Extra processing / relearning Motion / Task Switching

Waiting / Delays

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Value Stream Map

1. Identify start and stop

2. Draw boxes for work

3. Lines for wait time

4. Label time for each4. Label time for each

5. Divide total work time

by total elapsed time

6. Look for bottlenecks

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Name some types of Waste

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Build Quality In

�Mistake-Proof the process

� Example: Test Driven Development

� Avoid Technical Debt

a) Creation of work without associated test

b) Work that passes test, but smells badb) Work that passes test, but smells bad

� Avoid big band surprises

� Integrate smaller batches more often

(continuous integration)

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Create Knowledge

�Learn as you work

�Use the scientific Method

� Form a hypotheses, test, observe the results


� What is their purpose? Conformity against change? Or

baseline For change?

�Evolve knowledge Empirically

� Learn and adapt, not just predict and plan

“Don’t just guess about the future and call it a plan”

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Defer Commitment

�Break dependencies

�Maintain Options

� When is the best time to decide?

As early as possible? Or just in time?

� Can we make some decisions reversible?

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Deliver Fast

� Speed, Quality, and low cost go together

�Apply Queuing theory to your business

� Too much work in process at the same time actually slows

you down

�Limit work to capacity

� Efficiency bogs down when people are thrashing at near

100% busy

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Little’s Law

Where is the sweet spot?

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Little’s Law in Action

� An Example of Little’s Law in action.


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Respect People

� Which is more important? More money? Or more

fulfillment (praise, doing what suits you)?

�Provide effective leadership

� Bring out the best in the team

�Respect Partners

� Build alliances and foster trust, not conflict of interest

Also: Thought Diversity. The Servant Leader.

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Optimize the Whole concept to cash

� Focus on the entire value stream / system

� When do we start measuring

� When to we stop measuring?

�Measure “Up”

� Don’t sub optimize

� What you measure is what you get

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� Should we work people at 100% or more?

�Is there a trade off between quality, speed, and


�Which of these companies use Lean?

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Improve like Toyota

“When there is trouble, stopping the machine also

means identifying the problem”

You’re a “Salary Thief”

if you have not improved your process

改善改善改善改善 “Kaizen” - Improvement

Taiichi Ohno

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No work without process

No process without metrics

No metrics without measurement

No measurement without analysis

No analysis without improvement

Taiichi Ohno1912-1990

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What techniques do you like?

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Rockcliffe University

Bill Krebs –

SL: AgileBill Firehawk

Agile Dimensions, LLC.

[email protected]
