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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

22USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

• Referee Uniform & Equipment• Entering the Facility & Pre-match Procedures• Duties During the Match• Ball Handling Calls & Other Rulings• Match Administration & Game Procedures• Sanctions• Officials, Their Duties & Mechanics• Techniques Changes & Points of Emphasis• Officiating Resources

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Required Uniform• White (‘Certified Volleyball Official’) long- or short-

sleeved polo shirt• USAV referee patch – recommend regionally,

required nationally; FIVB arbitre patch may be worn regionally and nationally by USA Int’l referees

• Dark navy blue slacks (NO jeans or faded pants)• Blue or black belt• Solid white shoes and white socks• Well-groomed and neat in appearance• Optional - Certified Official V-neck sweater

(approved for on-court wear by either referee)• Optional – white sweater vest (approved for on-

court wear by either referee)USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Referee EquipmentRequired items & equipment:

• Whistle with lanyard

• Watch (with second hand or timer)

• Yellow and Red Cards

• Coin for coin toss

• Domestic Competition Regulations

Highly recommended items & equipment:

• net height measuring device

• ball pressure gauge and pump

• line judge flags

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Entering the Facility Be at site in uniform at least 30 minutes

prior to start time, preferably earlier!Locate event manager or tournament

directorMeet with co-officials and discuss ground

rulesDetermine format and protocolsResponsibilities begin with arrival courtside

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Entering the Facility Facility & Court Inspection

Service zone: Are sideline extensions present to define the service zone?

Are attack lines extended, if necessary?Overhead obstructionsPlaying vs. non-playing areas: Adjacent

courts? Pursuit? Sport Court or other portable surface? Safety issues? Location of spectators?

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Match Equipment Game balls: color and pressure Net: height; tautness; exposed tensioning

devices; posts/supports and padding; antennas; vertical tape markers (if used)

Referee stand Scoreboard or flip score Timing device

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Player Uniforms Player uniforms:

Matching shirts/jerseys and shortsDiffering manufacturer logos are permittedSleeve length may vary (short vs long);

sleeveless shirts or tank tops not considered “matching” with short/long sleeves

Exposed undergarments Number placement – CENTERED on front

and back of jerseyUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Player Uniforms The Libero uniform:

Jersey must be contrasting colorMay not include any color from the predominant

colors of the team’s regular jerseys Examples included in DCR

Exposed undergarments may differ from rest of team

Re-designated Libero uniform Differing shorts permitted

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Player Equipment Splints and braces

Allowed on hand or arm provided it does not give the player an artificial advantage or pose risk of injury; may need to be covered or padded;

Hard plaster or fiberglass cast on hand/forearm is not permitted

Medical devices (insulin pumps, etc.)Permitted provided such a device poses no risk of

injury to player or other participants; cannot give artificial advantage

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Pre-match Procedures Captains’ meeting:

Introductions Ground rules Warm-up protocol & match format Jewelry Libero replacements & substitution procedure Second referee input Answer questions Coin toss

After each teams has played, subsequent captains’ meetings should be brief!

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Pre-match Procedures Meet with scorekeeper and assistant

scorekeeper: Review scorekeeper duties

Recording subs, time-outs and sanctions;Informing referees of subs, time-outs taken, wrong

servers and illegal substitutions;Verify server before each serve;Ensure lineups are recorded correctly;End of set/match procedures.

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Pre-match Procedures Meet with scorekeeper and assistant

scorekeeper: Review assistant scorekeeper duties

Use of tracking sheet for Libero replacements and substitutions

Handling illegal Libero replacements (after contact of serve)

Communication with scorekeeper.

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Pre-match Procedures Meet with line judges:

Positioning on courtPrior to match;During time-outs (mid-point of end line);Between sets (neutral area);When server is within 4’-5’ of line judge (step

behind server in line with sideline extended).

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Pre-match Procedures Meet with line judges:

Calls and signalsBalls landing “in” or “out”Foot faults by the serverFoot faults by players outside the court linesTouchesHelp with “pancake” digs near the floor

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Pre-match Procedures Meet with line judges:

Calls and signals (con’t)Balls crossing over or outside an antennaBall touching an antennaImplications of “Pursuit Rule,” if being usedScreened from viewing a playReporting rude remarks or inappropriate behaviorReview signals (with or without flags)Signals should be held long enough to be seen by

a refereeUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Pre-match Procedures Referees’ pre-match communication:

Rule changes Ground rules Assistance with judgment calls

how & when to signal; do not offer opinions Use of informal signals R2 method for requesting sanctions Bench control Who conducts deciding set coin toss?

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Pre-match Procedures Referees’ pre-match communication:

First referee determines who will conduct the deciding set coin toss

Post-match procedures: Toot-n-Scoot Include scorekeepers and line judges in the post-

match debrief when appropriate

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Pre-match Procedures Warm-up Procedures:

First referee must supervise the warm-ups May request second referee to time the segments

Ensure safety Observe skill level of teams Review teams for jewelry and

uniform/equipment legality Verify Libero jersey contrast

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During the Match Signal teams to end lines or onto court

following Junior pre-match protocol, DCR page 166) Check line-ups

During service: Eight second violation

Five seconds for 14 & Under

Re-serves not allowed 14 & Under – a re-serve is allowed for each serve; five

seconds permitted per attempt; ball must drop, untouchedUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


During the Match During service (continued):

Foot faults by the server Served ball contacting antenna or obstruction Served ball contacting net No requests after the beckon Positional faults

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During the Match During service (continued):

Screening Movement of players on serving team Flight of ball Separation of players Players bending over Server must be visible to receiving team

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During the Match During service (continued):

Blocking or attacking the serve Attacking is illegal only if ball is attacked while the ball is in

the front zone and completely higher than the top of the net

Player, other than server, off the court A rally begins with the service contact

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During the Match Ball in or out of play:

Ball is in when it lands in the court or on the lines Ball must cross the net between the antennas

(Pursuit Rule implications) Ball is in if any part touches the line

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During the Match Ball in or out of play (continued):

Ball is out of play when:the ball lands completely outside the boundary lines;the ball contacts an object or person outside the

playing area;the ball contacts the ceiling or overhead objects above

opponent's court;the ball contacts the ceiling or overhead objects above

team playing area and crosses into opponent's court;the ball contacts an antenna, or any part of the net

system outside the antenna.USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


During the Match Ball in or out of play (continued):

Ball is out of play when:the ball completely crosses the plane of the net

outside the antenna (Pursuit Rule implications);the ball contacts any object over non-playing


Ball contacting an official is out of play; no replay

The play ends with the referee's whistle

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Ball Handling Calls Sets (overhand ball handling):

Double hitsAllowed on first contact

Caught or thrownOne-handed sets

Use same judgment as two-handed set

Judge contact, not techniqueConcept of “over-control” vs “under control”

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Ball Handling Calls Passes or digs (underhand/forearm ball

handling): Allowable multiple contactsIllegal multiple contactsContact with the ball made only by hair is

ignored – not a touchCaught or thrown ballBall played out of the net – consistency with

other callsJudge contact, not technique

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Ball Handling Calls Tips and dumps:

Duration of contactSame latitude as sets

Direction of the ball before and after contactCaught/thrown ballJudge contact, not technique

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Ball Handling Calls Attacking:

Point of contact in relationship to the rest of the body

Contact of ball must be made above that player’s own playing space; reaching beyond net to “save” a ball is illegal if contact is made with ball above opponent’s playing space

Duration of contactJudge contact, not technique

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Ball Handling Calls Blocking:

Definition: player reaching higher than the top of the net Duration of contact Directional blocks Trapping the ball against the net Illegal or legal blocker Ball rolling down the body – probably legal Contacting the ball before the hitter Reaching beyond the net – when is it allowed? Collective blocks – only players who meet the definition of

a blocker can be considered part of a collective block Non-blocking back row setter in the area of the block –

may be 1st team hit or a block

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Ball Handling Calls Four Hits:

Watch closely for blocking team contact after third team hit

Determine if part of the ball has touched the block along with the net

If third hit is not contacted by the block and ball is contacted again by the attacker, “two hits" is called; if the attacker’s teammate contacts the ball, “four hits” is called

Line judges do not assist in making this callUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Ball Handling Calls Back row attacks/blocks:

Attacker’s foot/feet position in relation to the attack line Position of ball above or (partly) below the top of the net as

a factor for back row attacks Position of player above or below the top of the net as a

factor for back row blocks Ball legally blocked back into an attacker Ball legally blocked back into a setter trying to retrieve it

from near the plane of the net Simultaneous contact of a ball in the plane of the net by a

back row player (setter) and an opposing player

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Other Rulings Net play:

Net driven into playerContact with the net is not a fault unless the

player is in the action of playing the ball or such contact interferes with play; contacting the ball is not a requirement to be “playing the ball”

Contact with antenna by player (illegal)Contact with net supports by player (legal)Intentionally deflecting ball through the net

(illegal)USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Other Rulings Center line:

Hand or foot on or above center line (legal)Hands or feet completely over the line, or

other body parts in contact with opponent’s court (illegal)

Crossing under the net outside the sideline (including Pursuit Rule implications)

Interference with the opposing teamPenetration under the plane of the net without

contacting the floorUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Other Rulings Potential play-over situations:

Inadvertent whistlesPlay ends and ball is out of playReferee makes ruling not penalizing either team

Objects less than 2m (6’6”) from the court interfering with ability to play the ball

Ball contacts overhead object less than 4.6m (15’) above playing area

Ball contacts a person (media or spectator) in free zone during legal attempt to play the ball; ball contact with an official does not result in a replay

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Other Rulings Potential play-over situations:

Player contact with an official IF the contact impedes an otherwise legal attempt to play the ball

Ball comes to rest on an overhead object above team's playing area and is still playable

Simultaneous faults Object coming onto the court that interfere with play Play is stopped due to injury anywhere on court or

free zone

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Other Rulings Whistles:

Simultaneous whistles that occur just as whistle for serve is blownFirst referee determines which occurred firstEither allow request or assess improper request

Simultaneous whistles that occur to end a playFirst referee determines which fault occurred firstIf referee cannot decide which whistle occurred first,

award a play-over

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Match Administration Substitutions:

Unlimited player entries Twelve (12) substitutions per team, plus unlimited

Libero replacements Re-entry into the set must be in the same position Substitution area between center line and attack line Subs must be near sub zone at time of request; if

not, no whistle to recognize request! Sub request by each team during same dead ball

requires separate whistle for each team’s requestUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Match Administration Substitutions (continued):

Requested only by the head coach or captainLocation of coach(es) and substitutesSubstitute entering the sub zone constitutes a request

Players must wait until authorized by the second referee to enter the setFor multiple substitutions by the same team, each

substitute must enter the substitution zone successively, one at a time

Subs may leave bench/warm-up area for medical reasons; coach/captain must make every effort to notify referees of the departure

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Match Administration Libero replacements:

Libero number on the line-up sheet at the beginning of each set

Libero may not serve as team or game captain

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Match Administration Libero replacements:

Replacement of playersThe Libero may replace any back row player, including

an injured player if Libero is not on court at time of injuryReplacements are unlimited, but one rally must occur

between replacementsLibero must be replaced by player whom the Libero

replaced (the replacement may then be substituted before the next play begins)

Replacements take place when the ball is out of playReplacement location – all replacements must occur

over the sideline between the attack line and the end lineLate replacements (after beckon but before service

contact) USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Match Administration Libero:

Libero playing actionsBack row player onlyMay not complete an attack hit when the ball is

entirely above the top of the net from anywhere on the court

May not block, attempt to block or serveRestrictions on attack hits after Libero makes an

overhand fingertip pass in the front zone

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Match Administration Libero:

Re-designation of injured LiberoInjured Libero must first be replaced by the player

s/he replacedRe-designation does not have to happen

immediately, but can occur at coach’s discretion• Only a re-designated Libero may wear a bib or vest;

the number must be visibleRe-designated Libero may be any substitute

(players not in set at time of re-designation)Injured Libero may not return to the match once

re-designation occurs

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Match Administration Time-outs:

Requested only by the head coach or captainLocation of coach

Duration30 seconds; no warning whistle

Two time-outs per team per setThird time-out request is an improper request

(or delay sanction if IR has already been assessed, or if request is whistled)

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Match Administration Time-outs (continued):

Location of teams during time-outPlayers may remain on court or go to free zone

near team bench during time-out; coaches/subs may not enter court

Referees may direct teams to leave court for administrative purposes

Administered by second referee

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Match Administration Injuries:

Stop play immediately, not just on playing area, but injury occurring anywhere

Allow up to 30 seconds for assessment of injury

If player is not ready to resume play after 30 seconds, a substitution or timeout must resultAllow sufficient time for injured player to be safely

removed from playing areaNo other substitution request may be made

until injury is resolved

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Match Administration Injuries (continued):

Special injury timeoutOnly used when there are no legal substitutions

availableLasts a maximum of three minutesOnly one special injury timeout allowed per player

per matchRegular timeouts may be used in conjunction with

the injury timeout

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Match Administration Injuries (continued):

Priority of who may be an exceptional sub for an injured playerPerson who has played in the same position as

the injured player during that set or any player that has not already been in the set

Any player on the bench regardless of previous position played

LiberoAn injured player replaced by exceptional

substitution may not return to the matchUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Match Administration Injuries (continued):

Blood issuesStop play for blood on equipment Stop play for blood on player and/or uniformA bleeding player is treated as any other injury

(30 seconds to resume play); if additional time is needed to address blood on equipment or the court, that time may be used to enable the injured player to return

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Match Administration Protest Procedures:

Must be lodged by captain; coach may act as captain for 14 & Under competition

Time factors for lodging protests between sets, after match

No penalty for a protest that is not upheld

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Match Administration Crowd control:

Event host or tournament management should resolve

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Sanctions Improper Requests:

First improper request in a matchSignaled with a “wave off” and request is denied On score sheet, slash the IR, note the team (A or

B), the set, and the score at the time of the improper request

Second and subsequent improper requests in a match results in a delay sanction

Improper request may be preceded by a delay warning or penalty

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Sanctions Improper Requests (continued):

Examples of Improper RequestsA request during a rally or after the authorization

for service A request by someone other than the head coach

or captainA request for a 13th substitutionA request for a third timeoutA request for a substitution that would result in a

wrong position entryUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Sanctions Delay Sanctions:

First delay by a team in a match is a delay warningSignaled with hand held against back of opposite wrist On score sheet, slash the D in Warning column, note the

team (A or B), the set and the score at the time of the TDW

Second and subsequent delay in a match is a delay penaltySignaled with yellow card against back of opposite wristOn score sheet, write D in Penalty column, note the

team (A or B), the set and the score at the time of the TDP

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Sanctions Delay Sanctions (continued):

Examples of DelaysDelay in completing a substitution Prolonging a game interruption after either referee

requests play to resumeRequest for illegal substitution, which is

recognized (whistled) by a refereeSecond and subsequent improper request in a

matchDelay of game by any team member

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Sanctions Individual Warnings:

No further penalty is assessed with the hand signal or verbal warning

Assessed for minor unsporting conduct by an individual

First referee may call the player to the stand (“This is your warning”), or may whistle and signal (“finger wag”)

For a team member on the bench, the first referee may whistle and signal (“finger wag”), or may request captain to report the warning to the team member

Warnings are not recorded on the score sheet and have no further consequence

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Sanctions Individual Penalties (Yellow Card):

All penalties remain in force for the matchThe team is sanctioned with a loss of rally

(point for the opponent)Penalties assessed for rude behavior include,

but are not limited to:Rude, obnoxious behavior or profanityStomping feet, shouting or yelling at opponents

during playDeliberate contact with an opponent

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Sanctions Individual Penalties (Yellow Card):

A penalty does not require a previous warningA referee may not give two individual

penalties to the same team member in the same match

Yellow card is held in the hand on the side of the net of the offending individual

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Sanctions Individual Penalties (Yellow Card):

For a player on the court, the first referee must call the player to the stand and says, “This penalty is for you for unsporting behavior.”

For a team member on the bench, the first referee must call the captain to the stand, inform him/her of the sanction, and ask the captain to report the sanction to the team member. The team member must stand and raise a had to acknowledge the sanction.

On the score sheet, enter the player’s number (or appropriate code letter for other team members) in the Penalty column, note the team (A or B), the set, and the score at the time of the penalty.

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Sanctions Expulsion (Red Card):

Assessed for a second act of rude behavior or first act of offensive conduct in a match; does not require previous warning or penalty

No other penalty is assessed at the time of expulsion

Offensive conduct includes but is not limited to:Offensive conductDefamatory or obscene words, insulting gestures

or comments

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Sanctions Expulsion (Red Card):

For a player on the court, the first referee must call the player to the stand and says, “You are expelled for offensive conduct.”

For a team member on the bench, the first referee must call the captain to the stand, inform him/her of the expulsion, and ask the captain to report the expulsion to the team member. The team member must go to the Penalty Area.

In the absence of a Penalty Area, expelled players or subs remain seated on the bench; other team members (coaches, etc.) must leave the playing, bench and warm-up areas for the remainder of the set. Expelled team members are subject to further sanction.

An expulsion is recorded in the Sanctions box.USA Volleyball Referee Clinic

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Sanctions Disqualification (Yellow & Red Cards together):

Assessed for a repeated act of offensive conduct or a first act of aggression in a match; does not require previous warning, penalty or expulsion

No other penalty is assessed at the time of expulsion The individual is disqualified from the remainder of the

match Aggressive conduct includes but is not limited to:

Intended aggression Physical attack

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Sanctions Disqualification (Yellow & Red Cards together):

Location of disqualified team member:Must leave the Competition Control Area,

defined as playing area, bench and warm-up areas, and spectator areas, as a minimum.

A disqualification is noted in the Sanctions box on the score sheet

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Sanctions General rules for sanctions:

Only the first referee may issue sanctions; the second referee may request a sanction from the first referee

A player on the court must approach the stand to acknowledge a sanction

The captain must approach the stand when requested to acknowledge a sanction given to a team member on the bench

No individual sanction requires a previous warning or sanction

All sanctions are in force for the duration of the match, including delay sanctions

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End of Set/Match Procedures Procedures:

Players do not go to end line if there is another set to be played; a whistle and the signal to change courts is given immediately after signaling “end of game”

Players go to their team bench during the coin toss for a deciding set

Players change courts without delay at eight points in a deciding set; not under net!

Players to end line at end of match Three-minute interval between all sets begins when

the first referee awards the final point of the set

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Officials & Their Duties First referee:

Has ultimate authority over the matchMay overrule any other officialInspects playing area and equipmentConducts coin toss and captains' meeting

(may request second referee to conduct deciding set coin toss)

Supervises team warm-ups (may request second referee to time each segment)

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Officials & Their Duties First referee (continued):

Determines serving faults and screeningWhistles positional faults of the serving teamWhistles ball handling violationsCommunicates with second referee during

matchAssesses sanctionsIndicates which team scores points and

serves nextSigns score sheet at end of match

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Officials & Their Duties

Second referee:Assists first refereeVerifies line-ups for each team before each

setMimics all signals of first refereeDiscreetly signals violations blocked from first

referee's viewWorks with scorekeeper and assistant

scorekeeperUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Second referee (continued):Authorizes and controls time-outs and

substitutionsSupervises injury situationsVisually (or verbally) notifies coach when 9th,

10th, 11th, and 12th substitutions are usedWhistles player contact with the net and

antennas (on both the R1 and R2 sides of the court)

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Officials & Their Duties Second referee (continued):

Whistles player contact with any portion of the net in accordance with Rule 11.3.1

Whistles antennas on R2’s side of court; may assist first referee with a ball crossing behind the first referee by showing “out” discreetly; R2 should not whistle ball behind R1

Whistles center line violationsWhistles positional faults of the receiving team

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Officials & Their Duties Second referee (continued):

Whistles back row player faults (signal to R1 first)

Whistles a ball contacting the floor (signal to R1 first)

Stops play for balls crossing the net outside the R2’s antenna (Pursuit Rule implications)

Stops play when a ball contacts an object/equipment outside the antenna

Communicates with first referee during matchUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Scorekeeper:Before the match:

Records names of first and second referee, line judges and scorekeeper

May prepare the score sheets for the minimum number of sets to be played

Records starting lineups for both teamsAssists the R2 with lineup verification before the

start of each set

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Officials & Their Duties Scorekeeper (continued):

During the match:Records the score and ensures the serving order

is followed correctlyChecks the eligibility of all substitutes before

entering the courtRecords time-outs and notifies referees of number

of time-outs taken by both teamsAfter recording subs or at the end of a time-out,

indicates readiness by raising both handsRecords all information if a protest is lodged

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Officials & Their Duties

Scorekeeper (continued):Post-match:

Verifies the score Ensures all information is complete on the score

sheetSigns the score sheet

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Officials & Their Duties

Assistant Scorekeeper:Duties:

Ensures that when the Libero leaves the court, the player originally replaced returns to the court

Ensures a rally has occurred between Libero replacements

Notifies referees of illegal replacement after contact of next serve

Records regular team substitutions in addition to Libero replacements

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Officials & Their Duties Line Judges:

Duties:Ball “in” or “out” Signal when view is blockedServer or other player commits a line violation at

time of service contactAntennas (and Pursuit Rule implications)TouchesPositioning during play; also when server is 4’-5’

from line judge’s positionUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

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Officials & Their Duties

Hand Signals:Clear, visible and executed away from the

bodyHeld long enough to convey the callComplete each signal before displaying the

next signal (indicate loss of rally/next team to serve before signaling fault, for example)

Establish a consistent tempo; don’t rush

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Hand Signals:First referee signal sequence when making a

callWhistle to stop playIndicate next team to serve/loss of rallySignal nature of fault (and player at fault, if


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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Hand Signals:Second referee signal sequence when

making a callWhistle to stop playSignal nature of fault (and player at fault, if

necessary) Mimic first referee’s indication of next team to

serve/loss of rally

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Officials & Their Duties

Whistle technique:Clear, sharp and authoritativeReaction time should result in whistle blown

promptlyEach interruption request requires a separate

whistle, including simultaneous requests by opponents during the same dead-ball period

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Officials & Their DutiesWhistle technique (continued):

Use various tones for different purposes (time-out, fault, substitution, injury, etc.)

Separation of service whistle and signal to authorize service

Separation of whistle and loss of rally signal (first referee); “1-2-3 Method” (whistle loss of rally fault)

Separation of whistle and fault signal (second referee); also uses “1-2-3 Method”

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Second referee mechanics:Focus on receiving team at serviceTransition to blockers' side during rally Recommended procedure: After play, step

away from post to side of net of the team at fault, then mimic first referee

If second referee whistles the fault, the step must be to the side at fault

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Second referee mechanics (cont’d):Scan both benches during dead balls to be

attentive to timeouts, substitutions or other needed communication

Serve and protect the first referee, especially as first response to coaches’ concerns; do not delay the match to entertain questions or comments regarding judgment decisions

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Officials & Their Duties Second referee mechanics (cont’d):

Substitution procedureAdminister the substitution from the normal

work area of the second referee in a location that allows the scorekeeper to clearly view the players involved in the substitution

In-coming and out-going subs meet within the substitution zone (in succession, one sub at a time for multiple subs by same team) and must see the “authorization to enter” signal from the second referee prior to entering

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Officials & Their Duties

Second referee mechanics (cont’d):Substitution procedure (cont’d)

Technique for administering simultaneous substitution requests from both teams (requires a whistle for each team’s request)

After releasing substitutes, repeat substitute numbers to scorekeeper as needed

Signal to first referee to indicate that play may begin, i.e., “ready” signal

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Communication with Coaches Remind all coaches to remain 1.75m (5’-

10”) from court while ball is in play Assistant coaches may not intervene Time-out notification Substitution notification Coach’s location when requesting game



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Time-out Procedure Both referees point toward team bench R2’s method for notification of coach and

first referee; second time-out only Not required for either referee to display

time-out information at end of time-out


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Requests for game interruptions – separate whistles

Signal sequence – R1 calls; R2 calls Game captain identification Sanction procedures


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Warm-ups Line judge positioning

During time-out When server is near LJ’s position

Service authorization Uniform numbers

Points of Emphasis

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2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Player equipment Towel, contacts, glasses, etc Hard plaster/fiberglass casts - ILLEGAL Bobbie pins, barrettes, etc - LEGAL

Interference with play Deflecting ball through net Player contact with official

Improper requests

Points of Emphasis

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Coaches Location – 1.75m from court Assistant coaches – one at a time; 1.75m

from court Disruptive coaching

Points of Emphasis

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Referee Resources

www.usavolleyball.orgThe USA Volleyball websiteIncludes links to:

USA Women’s & Men’s National Volleyball Teams 40 USAV regionsNational competitions for juniors and adultsUSAV Officials’ Division resourcesDownloads – rule book, casebook, rule

interpretations and related officiating documentsUSA Volleyball Referee Clinic

2008-09 USA Volleyball Referee Clinic


Referee Resources

www.fivb.orgThe International Volleyball Federation websiteIncludes links to:

All FIVB world competitions, including World League, World Grand Prix, the Olympic Games

FIVB rulebook, casebook and refereeing guidelinesLinks to confederations, i.e., NORCECA (USA,

Canada, Mexico, Caribbean), CEV (Europe), etc.FIVB programs, goals, history and future

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Referee Resources

www.pavo.orgProfessional Association of Volleyball OfficialsIncludes links to:

Collegiate officiating informationTraining & Certification for collegiate officialsRule interpretations and bulletinsPAVO Convention detailsOTP Clinics – sites and hostsVarious documents related to collegiate officiating

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