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  • Ageing is Still a Mystery

    According to Wikipedia is ageing the accumulation of changes in a person over time. This quite

    funny definition shows how much we actually know about ageing.

    But if we are able to get rid of'accumulation of changes' would it mean we stopped or even reverse

    the process of ageing?

    Ageing is according to my understanding related to the development of consciousness through body

    and mind, while consciousness is not so easy to measure in a scientific way. A soul cannot stay

    endlessly in a body where the ego resists to connect with the Divine - the result of this resistance is

    faster ageing and death before hundred, while ironically the ego is terrified of dying. This is my view

    on the process of ageing, because ageing is mainly an inner mechanism instead of mainly an outer


    Bad food and pollution can fasten ageing, but are according to my view not the main causes of


    The Emerald Tablets

  • The Emerald Tablets mentions a practice that no one really seems to understand to the full extend,

    as well as many other passages by the way.

    This practice is meant to slow, stop or even reverse ageing, depending of the intensity and duration

    of the exercises. After practising and experimenting nearly a thousand times I (I must say we)

    unravelled how to practice this deceptive simple exercise, without making it unnecessary


    The full meaning of the Emerald Tablets is very tough to understand, but becomes so much easier to

    digest if you start to practice the exercises that increases your general awareness.

    The major key of gaining enough consciousness and to become one with the soul is age. Like a

    seed has to find its way up the light from the darkness of the soil, humans have to find their light in a

    similar way and not remain in the 'soil' which in our case is matter, money and success. It takes a

    mad amount of time to outgrow the ignorance and Maya - at least hundred years.

    If ageing would be something that comes from within, you cannot stop this by doing something from

    the outside. This is where the mysterious exercise of Thoth starts.

    Food and Behaviour

    Besides doing the exercises that Thoth narrated to us, it's important to live a healthy life, inter alia:

    the best food,

    physical exercise,

    meditation or at least achieving a state of mental calmness of at least one hour a day,

    no alcohol,

    no smoking,

    no meat (meat pulls your awareness down like a millstone),

    no medication (if possible),

    pure water,

    give love and happiness,

    show compassion to others,

    fresh air,

    being in nature daily,

    try to communicate with animals and plants in a way you feel best, remember that they're living

    creations too and can communicate with you through feelings (by now you must probably think

    I'm crazy),

    no stress,

  • good own dental care to prevent inflammations in joints.

    But these are still mainly outer things. It are the most important things to start with, because the

    practice I'm going to explain below is useless if you still live like a 'bonehead' (not meant offensive).

    Did you ever practised these exercises?

    No, and I am not sure I want to do them.

    No, perhaps I am going to give it a try.

    No, I am surely going to practise them.

    Yes, but I stopped doing them, because I noticed no progress.

    Yes, but I stopped doing them because I have no time.

    Yes, I still practise them and I have lots of health benefits from them.

    None of these above.

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    What is the Purpose of the Exercises?

    The exercises are initially meant to prolong life and to stay in good health, for developing

    consciousness takes so much time, that it is unlikely for the majority to outgrow the ignorance before

    the usual age of dying. Becoming (very) old gives a chance to gain wisdom to fulfill your task,

    whatever this may be. According to Thoth (and many other works) your soul will continuously

    recycle, thrown back into darkness, until your task is fulfilled. That is to acquire the consciousness

    that there is only one real thing in the universe - Love. The rest is illusion and delusion.

    Why does nearly nobody exercises them and/or writes about them? If they give eternal life (or at

    least when you're finished) and good health?

    The fact is that the exercises are lying at everyones feet, openly mentioned in the Emerald Tablets

    everywhere freely to download. I can only think of one reason - because no one seems to have

    practised them in the proper way over a longer period and explaining them thoroughly. It is

    unbelievable, but when I look at the facts I must conclude this appears to be the truth.

    There can be many reasons to practice the exercises:

    to connect with your inner divinity,

    to gain consciousness,

    to learn 'to be',

    to heal diseases,

  • to increase health,

    to prolong life,

    to come in deep relaxation.

    About the Sacred Practice of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth

    There are a few people that shared their experiences on the internet.

    Like the experiences of Simona Rich who practised the exercises. She wrote down her experiences

    in a blog. The experiences of other people who commented on the article as well as the authors

    experiences, imply that the exercise could be performed in a (slightly) forced way, witnessing the

    small 'aches' they had after performing the exercise. Nevertheless it appears that Mrs. Rich

    understands the basics of this practice very well.

    I never performed these exercises before going to sleep, always directly after waking up. Somehow

    it never seemed logical to me to perform them before sleeping, for they give you energy.

    Remember also that the main key of this exercise is about effortlessness andconcentration.

    Mr. Scott Rauvers seems to have a lot of experience in the exercises and wrote a book about it, but

    makes in my opinion the practice too complicated unfortunately. The practice becomes simply

    impossible to perform, due to all the fuzz around it and lost slightly what the exercises are about in

    its essence. I have a few remarks in the way that Mr. Rauvers presents his knowledge:

    I quote from the website "Incorrectly performing the exercises can lead to health problems, but

    doing them correctly leaves the body feeling refreshed and revitalized, with aches and pains

    disappearing immediately after the exercise." Where do you take the knowledge for doing the

    exercises 'correctly'? Of course, you must buy a book for this. This is not how Thoth meant it to

    be. Never scare people for something and offer at the same time something to buy that can

    resolve their fear.

    The advice that you can do the exercise properly in one half an hour all together must be a

    mistake, you first have to go in deep relaxation before starting the actual exercise. If you have

    no time, don't do them at all.

    As far as I know Mr. Rauvers doesn't mention how to use the chakra's in the exercises, that are

    an essential part of the exercise. This made me suspicious about his actual knowledge. When

    you focus on the chakra's, you can experience and feel everything you need in the exercises -

    everything you require already resides in you.

    The exercises aren't explained (or perhaps not well understood) in the correct way, the centre

    of the exercises is the Heart Chakra, also called Anahata.

    The practice that is derived from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, looks pretty straightforward, but it's

    amazingly difficult to develop the right feeling in your body, simply because it lacks every technique

  • and therefore depends of the subtle feelings you can generate and experience in your body. This is

    perhaps the reason of the many misinterpretations that are circling around on the internet.

    Together with a very experienced Yogi teacher, with more than 35 years of experience in many

    different meditation techniques, we developed this practice with the information from the tablets back

    to its essence.

    The exercises are amazingly simple, but it is extremely difficult to develop the correct feelings.

    You will feel directly when you touched the right buttons, it is like you open energy floodgates.

    Be prepared for this.

    First Step - Learn to Practice Yoga Nidra

    To understand the basics of the sacred exercises of Thoth, you can first start practising Yoga Nidra,

    also called the Yogi Sleep, a simple but powerful way to relax without any techniques.

    Deep relaxation while staying awake is essential for Thoth's exercises.

    I must give a small warning when you're going to browse on the internet. Despite all the courses and

    trainings, remember that the goal of every meditation technique is to become finally in a state of full

    relaxation and in a nearly breathless state without any effort or strain - this is already difficult


    The other major challenge of Yoga Nidra is staying awake in full relaxation. The easiest way to do

    this is by keeping your eyes pointed upward towards your Ajna, the third eye, because you will only

    fall asleep when your eyes are dropping down.

    Once you're becoming experienced in practising Yoga Nidra for one hour a day, you're ready for the

    next step - locating the chakra's in your body.

    An Example of a Yoga Nidra Practice

    Pranayama - Breathing Through a Chakra

    Breathing through chakra's is a powerful imaginary breathing technique.

    The technique of imaginary breathing through one of your chakra's has to be limited to maximum

    three times per chakra, except for the heart chakra - 2 times three. Do not force yourself while using

    this technique - do it all effortless while in full concentration.

  • During the Thoth exercises you can apply a technique where you (imaginary) breath in directly in a

    chakra and exhale very slowly while spreading light through your body. This can be used as a kick

    starter, but don't do this more than three times.

    Second Step - Learn How to Locate Your Chakra's

    In the period you're mastering Yoga Nidra, I advice you to learn locating your chakra's, using the

    classic meditation posture. No matter if you believe in chakra's or not - they're just there and will stay

    there as long as you live. The main issue is how you can learn to develop the feeling associated with

    locating your own chakra centres for doing Thoth's exercises. It is essential if you want to

    successfully practice the exercises of Thoth in the right way.

    Knowing how to find your Chakra centres is essential to practice the Thoth exercises.

    I cannot learn you how you can locate your chakra's in this article. It's something you have to learn

    by practising under the guidance of a Yoga teacher. It takes a few months of daily practice to exactly

    locate them all and how to learn to feel the subtle sweetness that comes with being in a chakra with

    your focus, in the right way.

    Make sure you take a real Yoga teacher and preferably the best there is in your surrounding,

    because there are too many swindlers around. Perhaps you can rely on mouth to mouth advertising

    of others. And remember, Yoga is not doing all kind of tricks with putting your legs in your neck or

    bending your knees sideways. It's about mediation and meditation only, the rest is a sideshow.

    I guess every Yoga teacher has his own ways of learning you how to locate and how to 'switch' on

    your chakra. The best Yoga teachers will probably involve you in certain spiritual practices that

    doesn't seem to belong to Yoga, but since Yoga is a spiritual practice, it just comes with it. I advice

    not to resist this, it comes with the teachings, you can always choose to walk your own path once

    you've become an experienced practitioner.

    The mantra sounds that belong to every chakra, from root (Muladhara) up to the crown chakra

    (Sahasrara) are 'lam', 'vam', 'ram', 'yam', 'ham', 'sham' and 'om'. Together with the correct hand

    postures (Mudra's) this are very good exercises to locate your chakra's also. Do not endlessly repeat

    the mantra, just do it three to five times with all your attention on the right chakra. You can

    experience a slightly cool sensation around the chakra when you're focussing on it together with the

    sounds and hand postures - this knowledge can help too.

    Misconceptions - Balancing Your Chakra's

    One of the largest misconceptions is that you have to balance your chakra's before doing the

    exercises of Thoth. The exercises are meant not only to re-establish the vitality and health in your

    body and mind, but also to balance your chakra's or perhaps it's even vice versa.

    By the way, the expression 'balancing chakra's' means that your trying to open your chakra's as

    equally as possible, because due to stored emotions some of them might be 'stuck'. According to

  • Yogi's this can be done by 'burning' your karma, which can cause certain emotional stages during

    this process.

    All together it's still pretty effortless and this is how life is meant to be.

    There is much information available on the internet about balancing chakra's together with all kinds

    of tests that show you where you're 'stuck' in one of your chakra's - well, it's plain nonsense. You

    cannot find weak chakra's by doing an internet test, only an experienced Yogi master is able to

    explain you which of the chakra's aren't functioning well. Better spent your time to practise the Yoga

    Nidra and to locate your chakra's by getting aware of them through feeling, to make yourself ready

    for Thoth's exercise.

    You should be aware of the emotions and feelings that may come loose with abdominal

    breathing and during meditation on chakra's. It can be pretty scary, since all your unresolved

    emotions are stored in your chakra's and mostly in the lower ones.

    Kundalini Rise

    During the exercise your Kundalini may rise. Possibly you have no idea what this is - see it as your

    'Divine Antenna'. It's nothing bad, but it can be too sensational. You may experience this at that

    moment like being on fire from within. Depending of the nature and extend of sensations, you can

    stop your exercise or go back to the Yoga Nidra practise or just stop. The sensations will become

    less in time, while your consciousness rises gradually.

    The Exercises of Thoth

    The Preparations:

    1. Make sure your bed (or mattress) is exactly aligned to the magnetic North-South. When you're

    determining the North pole with a compass, make sure there are no ferro metals around that

    disturb your measurements. Cross-check your measurements with sunrise or sunset and/or if

    you can locate your building or street on Google maps and check the direction of your bed in

    alignment with the walls in your building or home.

    2. The most perfect situation is that you install your bed permanently in the North-South direction,

    so you can keep the threshold to practice as low as possible (you'll notice you'll sleep also

    calmer and better when sleeping in line with the magnetic field lines of the Earth).

    3. Put a clock besides your bed, with an alarm. Thoth advices to practice two times one hour, that

    I call the 'outbound and inbound trip'. I advice to start the outbound trip (head to North) with 25

    to 35 minutes and the inbound trip with 20 to 30 minutes. The outbound trip takes longer

    because it involves the process of becoming in full relaxation.

    The Exercise - the outbound trip:

    1. Do exactly as Thoth describes in the Tablets, start lying with your head pointed to the

    (magnetic) North. Some of the things that Thoth didn't mention are probably regarded as basic

  • knowledge: Put your arms besides you, preferably with the palms of your hands upward,

    because the touch of the fingertips on the surface of the bed can cause too much sensation

    (and brain activity) once you're in deep relaxation.

    2. Raise your eyes slightly upward towards your Ajna (third eye), otherwise the chance you'll fall

    asleep, once in total relaxation, is 99% sure, especially the first period. Keep your eyes there,

    fully concentrated on your body and feel how your body is relaxing.

    3. With every deeper relaxation you may start to experience tingling sensations all over your body.

    These are usual sensations of Yoga Nidra. If you're unlucky that your teacher learned you to

    use continuously abdominal breathing when you're in Yoga Nidra, you'll have to unlearn it

    again, because this will cause too much tensions in your body for the Thoth exercises. Simply

    relax totally, doing absolutely nothing. Do not control your breathing in any way.

    4. When you feel ready, locate and 'switch on' your Anahata (heart chakra) and concentrate it to

    radiate light upward to your next chakra, the Vishuddha, in the direction of your head, but do

    not deliberately exceed your Vishuddha while radiating from your Anahata, before you filled

    your whole upper torso, arms and hands with light. You'll notice the sweet subtle sensations of

    the energy going upward through the upper part of your torso. Only then, if radiating further

    feels good do not force yourself stopping at your Vishuddha. Your body between the Anahata

    and the Vishuddha (or further) is totally filled with light (or consciousness), before continuing to

    the next step - continuing radiating from the Vishuddha.

    5. When you feel satisfied in your upper torso, arms and hands, continue doing the same from

    your Vishuddha to your Ajna and from your Ajna to your Sahasrara and from your Sahasrara

    into 'space'. During this 'trip' upward you'll feel it tingling all over your body, head, hands, down

    to your feet. Just let this happen, but keep your focus strictly on the chakra where you're

    currently in.

    6. It is possible that time's up before you reach your crown chakra, but it's best to finish the

    practice and forget about time in this case. The same counts when you're convinced being

    finished before time's up, but I think this is highly unlikely, if you practise these exercises well -

    time nearly stops to exist.

    The Exercise - the inbound trip:

    1. After finishing the outbound trip that ended at your crown chakra, you can stay in this position

    as long as it feels comfortable, but do not exceed one hour. To make the inbound trip, you'll

    have to turn 180 degrees in your bed, putting your feet where your head was before. Start

    again to locate and switch on your Anahata (heart chakra) and concentrate it to

    radiate light downward to your next lower chakra, the Manipura or Solar Plexus. This is where

    the ego resides according to the ancient teachings and is a very powerful and active chakra. In

    many cases this chakra will block energy flow. You can visualize a mirror above your chakra,

    so it radiates downwards. You'll notice the sweet subtle sensations of the energy going

    downward through the lower part of your torso and your tummy. Fill your lower torso and

  • tummy as far as it feel good, but don't forget that there are more chakra's to be done, besides

    the Anahata.

    2. When you feel satisfied, continue doing the same from your Manipura to your Svadistana and

    from your Svadistana to your Muladhara. During this 'trip' downward you can feel it perhaps

    tingling everywhere. Just let this happen, but keep your focus strictly on the chakra where

    you're currently in.

    3. The Muladhara chakra (root) is probably the chakra that requires the most attention in the first

    period. It is your root and your 'lightning rod'. This chakra serves your body from your tailbone

    down to your feet and serves therefore an important part of your body, where many joint

    problems may occur. Pay much attention to this part of the exercise - it will make you feel good

    and strong.

    Staying awake in total relaxation is the clue, as thoughtless as possible, mainly concentrating

    on your exercise and perceive the sensations in your body - doing nothing in all effortlessness,

    while gaining your health back is something that (we) Westerners cannot understand. We

    learned that nothing comes by itself - you'll have to learn to bathe in abundance.

    You don't have to do the outbound trip and inbound trip in sequence, but you must do them on

    one day.

    The clue of the exercises is that they start from the Heart Chakra. This is the most important

    part of the exercise.

    Tip 1:

    If you keep having troubles with finding your chakra's, I found out another powerful way to replace

    this with another technique. Imagine that your body is liquefied, floating above your bed. Imagine

    you put a very fine sieve made of light through the cross section of your body, at your heart chakra

    to start with. Let it stay there until you're totally relaxed, but feel it's present there - a beautiful shiny

    sieve made of light. Try to move the sieve after a while towards the next chakra. At the moment you

    do this rightly you can gasp for breath as if you jump in cold water and you start to feel enormous

    sensations. Try to finish moving this 'divine' sieve during the extend to the last chakra, it can take

    quite a while before it ran through your body. Some chakra's are hard to pass by in this way.

    Tip 2:

    Witnessing your own physiognomy while practising the exercises of Thoth give an indication of the

    effortlessness of your exercise. If you're aware of your own (tensed) facial expression it means that

    you're not effortless 'busy'. Just be aware of this, so you can go back consciously to a state of


    Tip 3:

    Keep the time of the outbound and inbound trip as equal as possible. You can make the outbound

    trip slightly longer, because it also contains the time to become in full relaxation.

  • Tip 4:

    In most of the cases it is already hard enough to fill your body part between the two chakra's with

    light, especially during the first weeks of your practice. If you notice that one of your chakra's is much

    stronger than the others and radiates much further, do not utilize this too much and try to focus your

    attention more on the other chakra's that are weaker. After a longer time you'll notice that all your

    chakra's become stronger and are able to radiate up to your crown chakra or root chakra (or even

    feet). When you're able to do this with all the chakra's you've developed them all equally and you will

    be able to heal yourself. Do not make a contest of this, it is all about effortlessness!


    My Own Experience

    What did I witness myself during this last year I (we) practiced the exercises of Thoth that are

    mentioned in the Emerald tablets? It was very spectacular, that's why I decided to share this with the

    world. Some of the things are pretty private, but I'll mention all the things I noticed. And if I notice

    other new experiences I'll update them here.

    I am (currently) 49 and started to develop arthritis in the upper joints of my finger tips of my

    right hand, especially the middle and ring finger. When I carried bag(s) for a longer time, and

    tried to stretch my hands after putting the bags down, my fingers were terribly painful and it

    became rapidly worse one year ago. This is something that totally disappeared, just a few days

    after I (finally) fully mastered the practice - so, amazingly quickly. I witness that my joints

    became more flexible and I'm even able to bend and stretch them like I am 25 again. For this I

    am already very, very grateful! But there is more.

    When I was 15, I had a ski accident where I damaged my left knee. About 20 years ago an

    orthopaedic surgeon wanted to remove my meniscus, but I never allowed it. In these years I did

    pretty well in sports with my knee, but it snapped regularly as if it was nearly about to lock.

    Sometimes my knee really ached. This totally disappeared too. My knee(s) feels like reborn.

  • In my right hip I had often an unidentified pain already for 2,5 years, that became worse directly

    after doing exercises for the legs in the gym. I was afraid that perhaps my hip was staring to

    wear out. This became much less, but didn't disappear yet. I predict it will be totally gone in a

    few months, while I think this would have become worse without doing Thoth's exercises. I see

    it as 'swimming upstream'.

    I had slightly damaged kidneys, because I nearly suffered from dehydration after being lost in

    the forest for three days, in tropical temperatures. This damaged kidneys hunted me every time

    I didn't drank continuously water to keep the urine flowing. This is also totally gone. I can stay

    easily without water for a longer time, without problems again.

    Because of my age I had an enlarged prostate, that was easily to watch every time I had to

    urinate. The flow really dropped significantly. Especially the ending of the peeing became so

    much easier, without 'after dripping' and I witness it's getting increasingly better (but slowly)

    every day.

    After going to the gym, I always had to take a cold shower not to catch a cold when walking

    outside from a sweaty body and head. This totally disappeared also. I didn't catch anything

    anymore during the practise of the exercises.

    An immense raised consciousness, but how to measure this? My IQ and EQ seems to be

    raised immensely when looking to my many 'aha experiences' the last months. Also my family

    and friends are pretty amazed of my intellectual achievements, while they don't know I'm doing

    these exercises, thanks to my pseudonym.

    I look generally younger and amazingly relaxed when I look in the mirror. My skin seems to be

    more smooth.

    Regarding all the visible effects, it gives a clue what is happening 'under the hood'. I feel much

    better in general.

    Why and how this technique works, I can only make an educated guess. It has something to do

    with harmonizing yourself with planet Earth through the magnetic field lines.

    Perhaps most important thing of all, I start to understand what the Emerald Tablets are about. It

    is definitely beyond words, so trying to explain this is perhaps foolish, nevertheless I will start to

    do this in the future.

    So, it's pretty amazing these exercises of Thoth and amazingly simple and easy to do, when you

    know how to do them.

    I now practise them every day, directly after waking up and only two times 30 minutes. I want to

    increase this to two times 60 minutes, but I'll raise this increasingly, because it takes so much time.

    But what is time if your health and a long life is at stake? To be honest I became a little anxious what

    it will do to me once I do the full practice - it's probably my ego that's slightly anxious. Will I become

    (very) old by daily practising this exercise? Based upon the disappearance of the list of aches, it

    seems to be very likely. I will try to remember to write another Hub when I'll become 149 :).

  • It seems that a few things that Scott Rauvers mentions in his book can be true. I didn't examined this

    as deep as Mr. Rauvers, nevertheless I kept an extensive diary of the daily practice. The most clear

    relation I discovered is that on cloudy, rainy days the exercises are less effective as on nice sunny

    days - the relation is one to one.

    It is a miraculous practice that requires time to master. Your divine consciousness raises immensely

    and your physical health becomes as a youngster. I realize how lucky I am being so intensively

    supervised by a Yoga teacher, otherwise I never would have come this far. It was a long trip for me

    to come this far - it took me nearly a year, but I managed to unravel this exercise, to witness the

    power of it and to share this with the world. It looks stupendous long, one year, to unravel this simple

    exercise that is mentioned quite clearly in the Tablets, but we experimented many slightly different

    techniques, until we were sure this is the right way. And I must say that the exercise can be

    perfected still, so if I get new insights and/or experiences I will update this Hub.

    If everyone would practice this daily in the US, Obama's Health Care Reform wouldn't be necessary.

    If you're an experienced practitioner in these exercise of Thoth, please share your own

    experiences, point of views or perhaps even disagreements.

    Dear reader, thanks for reading and I hope it was inspiring and stimulating for you. Wishing you a

    prosperous future in great health and a long life!
