



This is disturbing information that every affiliate marketer needs to read immediately.

Share this report with everyone that you know and care about because the powers that be don’t want me leaking this information so

it’s just a matter of time before it is removed from the internet.


LEAKED DOSSIER: Confessions from a 7 figure Affiliate


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If you are struggling to crush it in affiliate marketing, hell, if you are even struggling to make $20 a day - let me be the one who tells you the truth about WHY it is so hard now.

I’m not going to make any friends here - in fact I’m going to call some people out on the stunts they’ve been pulling that have been screwing you over.

If you have been battling like a trooper to make your online business succeed and STILL not getting the results you want, then I want to give you a hand. See, the truth is that just a few short years ago I was stuck trying hard to make affiliate marketing work - I’m talkin’ 18 hour days glued to the computer screen in my mom’s basement sort of hard.

Let me ask you a quick question...

Have you noticed that SEO is getting so damn hard these days?

You do some guest posting, some blog commenting and maybe buy some high PR links. Then you start driving traffic to your blog or your money page, and you see huge bounce rates, miserable click through rates and getting people to actually buy through your affiliate links is like getting blood out of a stone!

If you are in paid advertising, does it make your head spin how high the CPC and CPM are on most of the popular traffic sources?

Do you wonder how anybody is making a dime anymore, let alone making mega bucks and smashing it online with affiliate marketing?

My friend, I feel your pain, and I’ll tell you exactly what’s wrong, why it’s wrong, and I’m going to make a TON of



enemies by doing this. The truth is, traditional affiliate marketing just doesn’t cut it anymore. When you send traffic to an affiliate offer, if they purchase that product, you get paid a tiny sum, and then the owner of the product has that customer FOR LIFE.

More on that in a second, but first, let me introduce myself.

I too was once in your situation, but that was back quite a few years ago. Once I realised that what the gurus tell you to do, is what worked last year and is now USELESS, I finally cracked it making money online.

Why the heck anybody would spend months of sleepless nights living off food rations that would make soldiers in Baghdad anorexic, trying to find powerful, profitable money making ideas online, and then give them away to thousands of greedy people, is beyond me.

However it isn’t your fault - the guys at the top are master manipulators and they employ teams of people to get under your skin and find out what makes you tick. Then they tell you that “X” is making a TON of profits - and you buy their product or whatever to learn how to do it.

“The guys at the top are master manipulators and they employ teams of people to get under your skin.”


However, the guys who send you emails, sales videos etc., begging you to buy their products, have already moved on to something else because they know they have already milked the profits from that idea. Selling YOU the ideas, products, software and videos is a last ditch attempt for them to make some money from that idea, because they know that the profits have been harvested.

That has been the number one difference between successful people and miserable failures since the dawn of time - successful people find the big ideas, then they milk them dry, then they sell the ideas to you, and you are left holding an idea that was hot a couple of years ago, but is now an empty pond. The guru then comes up with another successful idea, milks it dry for a couple of years, and once the profits are dwindling - you guessed it - he sells the idea to you and a whole lot of other new folks in the field who are just trying to make an honest income.



The age of the “internet guru” is coming to an end.

People like you and I are refusing to believe their B.S anymore and we are seeing them for what they really are - money hungry, conniving and seriously sick minded people.

You have probably heard that during the gold rush, the ones who made the biggest profits were the guys selling jeans, shovels, pans, food and accommodation - not the miners! They miners were just following the herd, but the successful ones saw a need, and then they profited heavily off it.

I want to teach you to be the one who sells something useful and needed - and make some serious profits - not to try some 5 year old strategy and waste another year on some “doomed from day one” business idea.

I’m Adeel Chowdhry and I have been making huge profits online with honest and proven businesses for years now. I still run my personal online businesses, but I also do consulting and coaching to large companies and my fees are around 25k per day. That’s correct - $25,000 per day. I don’t say this to brag, I say this so you can see I am a guy who knows how to make it online.


Today I want to share just ONE thing with you.

I want to tell you just ONE single thing that will help your online business explode dramatically.

Let me ask you a personal question - how many affiliate sales did you make today?

10? 5? 1? Zero?

Let me ask you another question - but please, don’t get angry at me for asking this...

Assuming that you made at least on sale…

How much did the owner of the product make from that sale?

You probably think you know... I mean, you got paid 75%-100% on that sale right? If it was a Clickbank product or something through CJ or Linkshare you might have even made over 100% commission.

How can the owner of a product pay you out more than 100% of what the product sells for?

This is the disgusting answer...

They are taking the customers you sent them, giving you a tiny little payout (like $30-$70) per product, and then they go on to sell them hundreds and thousands of dollars with upsells, downsells, side sells, high ticket coaching, webinars and even telesales for high priced seminars. The owners of these products can make $1,000, heck, even up to $25,000 per customer that you send them!

Does that make your blood boil?


“Let me ask you a personal question - how

many affiliate sales did you make today?”



You busted your butt trying to get that traffic, and most of the visitors you send to the offer DON’T end up buying the product then – BUT, in the future they are giving the product owner thousands of dollars - cold hard cash that should be in your bank account!

Does that make you scream in frustration - I mean, you bust your backside writing articles or blogs, getting links or paying for traffic, testing and marketing and all you get is a little scrap of the final profits???

Let me ask you another question:

Have you heard of the Oprah effect?

This is what happens when somebody fairly unknown lands a spot on Oprah’s talk show and gets to pitch themselves and whatever they make/do/sell.

Imagine if you had a killer product or a book and you got to appear on Oprah and be aired to approximately 6 million American viewers - would that help you boost your sales?

You bet your butt it would - after appearing on the show, James Blunt saw his album sales shoot through the roof and it landed at number 2 on the billboard charts...

Do you know what is funny though?

YOU are helping product owners get to this level!

If you are an affiliate for a book or product, you will be boosting their status toward super-stardom, and they are paying you back by giving you a few measly coins and stealing all of the rest of your traffic.

Imagine that you could get featured on Tim Ferriss’ blog (there are a few affiliate marketers who have done this).

“If you are an affiliate for a book or product, you will be boosting their status toward super-stardom”


He gets millions of visitors every month and has hundreds of thousands of Facebook followers. If you land on there - your success is pretty much guaranteed.

Getting this kind of publicity and endorsement is setting the sails for mega profitable seas - and every time you send a product owner some traffic, you are helping them get closer to this sort of publicity. You are helping them build their wealth to astronomical levels while they are leaving you and your business dead on the side of the road.

If it was to be a flowchart, traditional affiliate marketing would look like this:

Product owner keeps raking in killer profits and gradually gets more exposure through people interviewing them, all the SEO work the affiliates are doing with their book name and authors name

Affiliate sends quality traffic to product owner

Product owner pays affiliate for one sale per 100 customers at most

Owner collects tens of thousands of email addresses, makes a metric ton of cash, starts getting interviewed on a few small blogs

Product owner keeps getting richer and richer, affiliate keeps getting thrown a few scraps here and there just to keep them hungry and working hard….



Without trying to point a finger at anybody directly, some affiliate marketers and writers get to this level, recruit a ton more affiliates, sell a ton more products, make millions and then leave you behind in the dust with crappy conversion rates and pittance payouts.

The guys you are working for are taking the traffic you send them, smashing the profits on the back end, getting huge book deals with publishers, getting featured on TV, famous blogs and getting six figure speaking gigs - and they don’t pay you a dang cent out of it.

Let me tell you right now:

I know some of these guys pulling this crap (and it’s not just males who do this) personally, and they are the ones making millions of dollars. Per year. That isn’t turnover - that is millions of dollars a year in pure profit.

All because they make you believe it’s a good idea to send traffic to their offer for a possible 1-2% conversion ratio - and to just GIVE them the rest of your traffic - for free.

You don’t think they let all those other visitors who don’t buy the product the first time just leave do you?


Let me get real with you here.

I know for a fact that 2014 is probably the hardest time we have had as online marketers, advertising costs on Facebook, Youtube, AdWords, etc. are all soaring, Google is bitch slapping you out of their search results if you so much as appear to be trying to increase your ranking and on top of that, the big product owners are taking the customers that YOU worked hard to get, and then making a huge profit off them while leaving you with cents on the dollar.

If you are new to this business - you are lucky. You can be armed with this information I am giving you and you can give the middle finger to all of these gurus who are telling you that “100% payouts of tiny commissions are a good thing”. You know that they are raping and pillaging the traffic you send them for hundreds and thousands of dollars - but if you have been in affiliate marketing for a little while, you have probably got used to this.

Look, it doesn’t even cost anything to sell an ebook! No wonder they are giving you 100% - surely that raises some red flags.

Think about a drug dealer who gives a kid their first puff on a pipe for free - why would they do that? They know it’s because the future profits are going to be HUGE. Sad but true.

The product owner pays somebody a few bucks to write the book, then gives you 100% of the sales when you send a customer that buys it, and then they clean up and turn the profits ON after you are out of the picture!

You are probably used to spending $25 to make $30, or even spending $25 to make $50, if you are making anything online.

That is not what the internet is all about.

Online businesses that are set up with the proper sales funnel



are about spending $25 and making hundreds or thousands. Online businesses have the potential to earn 500% profits, and that should be a bare minimum.

This is the mistake I made when I first started trying to make money online.

I tried to drive traffic to an affiliate product to get a $20-$40 cut. It took me a long time to realise I was the sucker giving the product owner a TON of highly qualified leads, that they then make mega bucks out of on the back end!

Side note: do you know what the term “scrubbing” means?

It means that if the affiliate network or product owner is having a poor month or needs to meet targets, sometimes they will purposely not pay out a commission, even if you send them a customer that buys. Although this is more common in paid advertising and CPL offers, it can, and does happen through ebooks and other information products.

If you don’t believe me, Google it. It is a MASSIVE problem in the industry, and there is a good chance it is happening to you on some level.


Most marketers know that the sale is not often made on the first contact. It can be made on the 4th or 5th piece of marketing - that’s why your junk mail folder and your letterbox are always crammed full of advertising from the same people. They know that if they advertise to you enough,

“Most marketers know that the sale is not often made on the first contact.”


statistically enough prospects will end up buying to make it profitable - otherwise nobody would do it.

However, back when I was starting I didn’t have the money to create and test hundreds of aspects of a sales funnel, so I was stuck making a few miserable dollars here and there with traditional affiliate marketing (the kind that is now dead in the water).

If you are anything like I was - you will be feeling angry and frustrated.

You put hours and hours of work into your business. You spend all this time doing the hard work in front of your computer when you could be having fun - and you get rewarded with a pittance.

Making a business should never be this hard - seriously.

If there was one thing you could do - if there was one wish that a genie could grant you, what would you wish for?

• You could wish for more traffic, but more

traffic doesn’t count for SQUAT if it

doesn’t convert.

• You could wish for higher conversions,

but then you’d still only double or

triple your profits (which sounds good in

theory, but...)

• You could wish for about 20-30x the

amount of money that the product owner

pays you... And get him to pay you for

the LIFE of a customer. Get in on EVERY




Then, you could outsource all of the work you do on a daily basis and start enjoying life instead of being such a slave to your business.

This is how places like McDonalds, Walmart and Subway get so big, they do things differently.

Option A: (the “normal affiliate marketing way”) You want to start a business so you buy a place, set it up, do some advertising, get it open and it makes a pittance return and you end up working 12 hour days, 7 days a week to avoid bankruptcy. This is a typical restaurant scenario.

Option B: (the “guru business building way”) You buy a McDonalds franchise, get employees to work for you and you smoke cigars at the local gentlemen’s club and count your bills looking through your monocle - you are ballin’.

Let me give you some free education right now and I’ll let you in on a secret the big boys will never in a thousand years tell you:


You will NEVER get rich from $20-$30 payouts.

Sure, you might make some pocket money, but with the high cost of traffic and the incredible amounts of competition online - you have a better chance of becoming a professional athlete than getting rich online if you don’t have a better strategy.

Do you realise that there are a billion people in India?

And don’t forget the almost 1.5 billion in China.

These people are savvy, hard workers and their cost of living is incredibly cheap compared to those in UK, AUS, US, CA etc.

They go to university and graduate with degrees in IT, medicine, science etc., just like in the western world, but their average wages AND cost of living are WAY below that of the western world.



If you don’t believe me, look it up, but the minimum wage in Thailand for example is around $8 USD per day. And a LOT of employers won’t even pay that much.

What are your living costs per day?

What is your minimum wage?

See, these people are your competition. They are skilled, hardworking, and they are hungry to make more money.

All they have to do is make one affiliate sale per day and they are set - they’ll be living the dream. Then they tell their friends, and the competition sets in. They won’t be buying a Gallardo anytime soon, but they’ll be much better off than they were before and they’ll be doing better than their friends and parents soon.

But you probably have to make 10x that to be living the dream.

1-2 affiliate sales the traditional way is hard work too - have you tried it? Seriously, if you have actually managed to make even 1 affiliate sale then I congratulate you. It is a really hard feat when you are going from nothing to learning all about it and putting in the hours on top of a normal job.

Most Americans and UK citizens wouldn’t get out of bed for $20-$40 per day - in fact, you’d be mad to. You’d be better off jumping on welfare or staying at your job.

And there are only so many hours in the day to build traffic through SEO, guest posting, FB ads, PPC etc. So you are fighting against all these people for traffic - but they only have to make 1/10th of what you have to.

Something’s gotta give.

So what is the answer?

“Most Americans and UK citizens wouldn’t get out of bed for $20-$40 per day”


Well, there is one thing you have over 99% of your competition - you are armed with knowledge. You also probably have access to capital that they don’t. You know that trying to cut your teeth by trying to make $20 commissions isn’t going to get you to where you want.

You also now have access to me and my team - just by reading this I am going to let you in on some seriously cool stuff. I’m not selfish, I want to make business partners and not just that - I want you to finish reading this and come away with something really valuable.

Let me explain exactly how the big players (including myself), broke away from tiny commissions and use an entirely different business model to get huge payouts, regular paying customers and make a highly profitable online business.

We operate like McDonalds.

Okay, we don’t have millions of pimple faced teenagers flipping burgers for us, but we have proven systems, sales funnels and advertising that convert a certain percentage of all traffic that gets sent to us.

We operate exactly like a franchise.

Everything is set up, all of the systems and things that you can spend years figuring out how to master like video editing, web design, coding, sales pages, copywriting, building products etc. - they are all in place.

Of course, we had to build all of this and it costs us a TON of money and time, but just like McDonalds - the process is in place.

All that matters now is just sending traffic through it - and we know for a fact that X number of visitors will convert.



I can go to a traffic source, buy a certain amount of traffic and know 100% that in the morning I’ll wake up and there will be X number of dollars in my bank - a LOT more than was in there the day before.

This is exactly how KFC, Subway or any other franchise works as well.

You buy the business model, build the place, hire some goons to run it for you and then all you have to do is just wait for the traffic to come through and you make money almost on autopilot.

This is how you HAVE to run an online business these days.

If you don’t have a proven system that converts like a Sunday school teacher on 5 year olds, then you have already lost. The other guys in the industry DO have a system. So while you are busting your back trying to get some traffic to your site, Mr X knows that he can go to AdWords, buy 10,000 clicks, and as long as he stays under a certain CPC, he will be guaranteed to make money.

Can you see how the rich get richer?

While the poor keep getting poorer?

The secret is in the “franchise” or having a “licence” to own somebody else’s proven system, and claim the profits yourself.

“I can go to a traffic source, buy a certain amount of traffic and know 100% that in the morning I’ll wake up and there will be X number of dollars in my bank”


Think about it:

If you have the cash ($100k plus), you can buy one of these franchises and get coaching from the gurus, put it in place, and have cash rolling in.

The ONLY problem is, you need hundreds of thousands of dollars - you gotta pay the franchise fee, buy some land, build the damn thing, employ a group of people to work the store, buy a motherload of stock, and THEN your profits come.

Got a spare million?

This is how the rich get richer my friend.

Once you have got some serious cash, you can invest it in these franchises which are proven money spinners. But until you have a spare million (or two), then things won’t happen.

THIS is also how I managed to crack the big time.

It is also how many of the gurus cracked the big time.

• Denny’s

• 7-11

• Subway

• Hampton Hotels

• Anytime Fitness

• Pizza Hut


• Snap On

• Radio Shack



We realized two fundamental things:

1. Sell high priced items

2. Create a perfect system that is constantly evolving.

Unless you are Walmart or McDonalds - you ain’t going to make a million selling $5 items.

Think about it - when you buy a new car you do a bit of research beforehand right? You scour the net for reviews on the car, you ask mechanic friends, you test drive it and you give it a check-up at your garage.

Then, when you want to buy a new book to read - you probably do much of the same research. You check out Amazon reviews-which are often paid for by the owners of books ;) or you check out a “Top 100 Books to Read” list.

Maybe you email a friend and ask them what sort of book would be good.

Then you pay for it, and drive the car, or read the book.

The point I’m trying to make is, and which I have discovered to be 100% true online, is this:

It is just as easy to sell something for a high price, as it is to sell something for a low price. And when you have a proven sales funnel - you’d have to be crazy to sell something for $5 when you can sell something just as easily for $5,000.

Think about all the gurus online who sell 5k coaching courses etc., and often it is seriously worth it. I mean if you had a day with Donald Trump to learn about real estate investing, what would that be worth?


Most of us don’t have the want for billions of dollars, but what if you could spend a day with somebody who is an internet millionaire and lives a life of dreams? Sure it’d be worth a lot.

Does this give you another way to look at affiliate marketing?

If you can make a $10k commission, or a $20 commission, and one is only slightly harder than the other, you’d have to be a purebred idiot to not choose the $10k commission.

I love stories - and I’ve got one for you here.

This is sort of thing happens to me and other guys in the industry ALL THE TIME.

I get emails all the time. As you can imagine. You probably do too. However I often get emails from people who want a helping hand.

“What if you could spend a day with somebody who is an internet millionaire and lives a life of dreams?”



Let me tell you about two similar people who contacted me at the start of last year (2013).

A guy John from Edinburgh (Scotland) emailed me and told me he had been working his butt to the bone trying to make a business online and he had been seeing very little success.

At the same time, a young woman, Emma-Jane from London emailed me telling me about her similar situation.

Both of them were trying to get sites SEO’d and get into the rankings for Google - both were putting in about 10 hours per week after their jobs and a few hours on the weekends. John was operating a fitness site and an affiliate for a famous fitness ebook. Emma was building up a site about personal development and promoting a Clickbank ebook as well.

This was about the time I opened my doors to do some coaching and help some people who I saw had real drive and ambition.

Of course - I don’t work for free, so one of my team let them know that I would be happy to help, but there is a price tag.


I can’t remember how much I charged Emma, in the scheme of things it was quite small, but she ended up coming on board with me. I gave her access to all of the training videos we had been creating, and access to our licence/franchise (she was actually one of our beta testers for it!).

John decided that he wanted to keep doing the work himself, and asked what I’d recommend and if there were some good free materials around that he could learn from.

I told him, exactly what I told you earlier:

“There will NEVER be free advice that is any good - because as soon as it is free, you have just opened up the opportunity to an UNLIMITED amount of competition”

Have you heard that getting backlinks from a certain site is really good?

Too late.

Google has indexed that article, traced back to the recommended site, and they are watching like a hawk. Then the thousands of other people who read that info are also rushing to get links from there too. Google sees it through their spidering algorithms and gives everybody who gets links from that site the big thumbs down - and executes their site from the rankings, or at the very least, downgrades the worthiness of that link.

Sure there are articles on how to get Google rankings and how to bid for FB ads or any other online marketing strategy - but nobody EVER gives away all of their secrets. Nobody. Sure they might recommend a certain strategy or method of doing something, but they will never tell you specifics - UNTIL that method is no longer viable...



Then you will see everybody teaching it for free (or some schemers who will still charge for it).

Anyway, let me fast forward that story for you.

John recently emailed me again (that’s why it popped into my mind to tell you this story), and asked me if I am still doing coaching. I personally responded because I wanted to know what he had been doing in the meantime. He told me he had been dabbling in some SEO and backlink strategies, he had tried a bit of social media etc., but still not having much success. He also told me he had tried some paid advertising methods, but nothing was having much success.

This is a whole year gone past.

And he has pretty much NOTHING to show for it. He had made a few affiliate commissions but he was still on a road to nowhere because he hadn’t focused on the right things.

Emma Jane on the other hand is crushing it.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to say that everybody who I work with turns to gold - Emma was a seriously hard worker. She took what I taught her and drilled it every night. She put the methods to work and hasn’t chickened out halfway through.

She jumped on with us as a franchisee, made a few $5,000 commissions and she was hooked. She saw the light. She didn’t look back either.

If you need to get 100 visitors to get a $20 commission or 1,000 visitors to make a $2,500 commission - which one is going to make you more money?

And let me tell you right now - if you try to look for an affiliate network or product owner who is going to offer


you these sorts of commissions.... My friend you are going to be laughed at.

What my team and I are offering to a limited number of people is something that this industry has never seen before. This is a game changer. Nobody has done anything like this before - seriously.

Let’s get real here...

I’m no idiot.

I’m not going to give away my methods of traffic building and sales funnel away to hundreds of thousands of people.

My other franchise owners are absolutely killing it. I won’t mention any numbers because I know that you’ll think I’m making it up. I’ll just tell you that none of the folks working with me worry about price tags any more, for anything really.

Let me ask you another question:

How different would your affiliate business look if you could get payouts of $2,500?

How much more excited would you be to check your accounts if you knew that you’d be looking out for $10,000 or $5,000 commission cheques? Not just a penny on the dollar $10-$20 sale. Seriously - what would a $5,000 commission do for you?

Would that be a decent slap off the mortgage? Would that be a new car?Would you reinvest it into your business, outsource a ton of work and start making some repeats of those sorts of profits?

This is where the big dogs are crushing it, and this is why your business is not.

“None of the folks working with me worry about price tags any more, for anything really.”



While you rely on making a 30 buck commission, the big players at the top are happy to pay you out those tiny sums because they know that there is a 1 in 50 chance that they can sell that customer on a $5,000 product - of which they get to keep all of the profits.

Are you beginning to see how the small commissions can never make a business truly profitable?

Think about a real estate agent who sells family homes - they might sell 10 homes a year or so, at around $10,000 commission each - which isn’t a bad living.

Then think about a commercial real estate agent selling a $50 million building - how many of those does he have to sell each year to make a good living?

Yea, not too many...

Let me tell you something right now that will shed some more light on why affiliate marketing is getting so hard:

Those big players at the top of the pyramid don’t just up sell their customers - they make money off them left, right and centre, and then turn them upside down and shake every last dollar from them.


Here are some of the ways that they make more money from a customer:

• Email them similar products that their

“friends” are selling

• Email them product launches of up to $5k


• Promote high priced coaching to them

(often in the 5 figure range)

• Send them through a telesales funnel

with highly qualified, skilled closing

phone salespeople

• Send them physical products such as a

CD or book to give real credibility and

send them sales letters in the mail for

offline offers (which can be in the 5

figures too)

• Do “JV swaps” with your email address

to other “friends” in the business - this

is where some gurus can make $100,000

just by sending their list of emails to a

friend - a click of the button.

• Do joint venture swaps with others in the


• They get sold a high priced webinar or

series of coaching videos

• They write a book and get huge publicity

all over the news and through press


• They appear on a TV show due to their

new found fame and domination of the

internet, to reap more profits. I’m

serious about this too.



Does your affiliate product owner hook you up with any of the profits they pull in from these deals?

Didn’t think so.


Let me tell you something else sickening...

It’s not just those customers that actually buy the product they are stealing off you.

Let’s consider that you send 100 qualified leads to an affiliate site that has a conversion rate of 2% for an ebook (which is pretty good these days).

You get about $40 for sending them (if they are honest), then nothing for the remainder of the life of that customer.

What does the affiliate product owner get?

1. They get 2 paying customers who will buy at least a few more products each, totalling at least $200 over their lifetime.

2. They capture the emails of at least 50% of those visitors with their highly tested and tweaked landing pages (which results in thousands of dollars of sales).

3. They how have 52 people on their email list who are hot prospects to buy.

4. They send those 52 people an email just about every single day promoting offers that they might be interested in, and because they are already pre-qualified, they have a much higher conversion rate.


5. Out of those 52 people, 3-4 will go on to buy over $500 worth of products each and 1-2 will go on to buy high priced packages from $5,000 and up.

6. They will always have a “If you liked this article, share it with your friends” button or call to action in the email. If only 3 or 4 of the people send it to a few friends each, the product owner now has a TON more prospects, all because you are so generous to give him all of your traffic :)

THIS is how you are getting crushed in affiliate marketing and why it is so difficult for the average newbie to make a good go of it.

When you try to make a living off just a front end product - you can’t.

There are too many big players out there who are making huge profits, so they can afford to outsource everything, pay far higher prices for their traffic and the cycle continues. Think you are doing well with a couple of blog posts and some article marketing each week?

The big marketer at the top of the internet food chain has teams of people writing hundreds of quality articles and blog posts for him, every week without fail. He is getting links from high PR sites in his sleep and he is cleaning up in traffic.

He also knows that smaller marketers can’t monetize the traffic themselves, so he offers you a few bucks for your traffic, and because you don’t have the time or money to make such a comprehensive sales funnel, you have no other option.

“Smaller marketers can’t monetize the traffic themselves, so he offers you a few bucks for your traffic”



Seriously, building a converting sales funnel is a TON of work.

I’m not kidding - you have to know how to:

Then there are all the other things like:

Man, I could go on forever - but you probably know that it takes a ton of money and effort to create a sales funnel that is tested and proven to spin out money like the treasury when an automaker goes under.

• Create really high quality videos• Build professional looking graphics• Create masterpiece copywriting • Actually CREATE a really freaking good product (this can take years)• Test and track, analyze and tweak• Craft compelling and authentic emails• Be known as an authority (this can take 5+ years)

• Know where to get high quality traffic• Have the money to PAY for that traffic (whether SEO or paid - it all costs money, or time, which has the opportunity cost of money)• Create a ton of other products - up sells, side sells, down sells, high ticket items etc.


You have probably wondered why the owners of these products make it so easy for you - they give you banners, ads, keyword lists, links and even tutorials on how to get traffic to your site...

They do this because they think you will just play along in their charade forever!

I want to tell you right now...

I know this because some of my best friends do this.

They are great guys, but they are making some seriously huge profits by not letting you in on the other sales they make to the customers you give them. They have a fine tuned sales funnel that converts cold traffic into red hot prospects, and they are damn good at their job.

And you know what?



That pisses me off.

I know what it’s like to start a business from scratch and not have a clue about any of this stuff.

So I have decided to do something radical.

I mentioned at the start that I routinely charge $25,000 per day for consulting - and that’s if I’m feeling generous. I give those big companies far more value than what I charge - and that is what business is all about - giving true value. They make millions more because of my advice and strategies that I give them.

I have decided that enough is enough.

Nobody in the internet marketing field has the balls to do what I’m going to do right now.

They are all too scared that they won’t make as much money or that they will let people in on their big secret.

And I’m also sick of people emailing me and asking me for help because they are getting screwed over on affiliate products that don’t pay or they aren’t seeing any sales when they have driven hundreds of qualified customers to them.

It makes me mad because I was once in that position and I hate to see people getting screwed around when it hurts the most - at the beginning.

Although my decision is radical - it is a win/win for both of us.

Let me explain.

I run many businesses online - you probably know that by now.

I have a full time team of highly qualified and skilled experts in all areas of creating a successful online business.

“Nobody in the internet marketing field has the balls to do what I’m going to do right now.”


During our years together we have launched some very profitable products.

In fact, I run my businesses similar to the way that the big gurus do - in fact let me tell you what I do with my businesses:

We make sales pages, videos, up sells, side sells, down sells, tele sales teams to close products and run webinars... Think Guthy-Renker, online and on steroids.

Every single visitor who comes to one of our product sites is tracked, analysed and tested down to the wire. If they don’t buy, our team will find out why they left, why they didn’t buy, etc.

Trust me when I say that our sales funnel is about as organised as a NASA space shuttle launch.

However we do something different to the big gurus.

I actually have a soul, and so do my team members. We have this crazy philosophy. We call it being honest. We also call it win/win - you’ll see why in a minute - and I’m 100% why we both benefit from this.

• I find a market

• Then we test it out with a few small products

• If we see some good profits, we scale it up and create a big ticket item - see what happens

• If the big ticket items are successful, then we go full scale warfare on it and crush it



Maybe this philosophy comes because I come from such a humble background - before I cracked it making big bucks online I worked for McDonalds, then a courier company, then when I got laid off I was literally spending 24 hour sleepless periods trying to make a living on the net.

Whatever it is - I still remember the days of busting my neck trying to make a successful business, and I will always extend a hand to those who ask for it.

So you want to know what I do differently from the other big players online?

I don’t have an “affiliate program”.

I offer you a franchisee licence (I’ll explain exactly what this is in a sec) - I don’t just view you as a dog that brings me the morning newspaper and then I throw you a little treat for being good - that’s how it feels when you are working with some product owners.

I want you to come in to my business as a licensee - this means that you get 100% commission on every single front end product that a customer buys, and a 50% cut of every single thing that your customers buy after that - for life.

And just between you and I - some of my businesses sell some very high priced back-end offers (think $5-$10-$25k...)

The front end offers are from $47 - $497 per customer...

Even if you’re no mathematician, it doesn’t take long to calculate that this is some serious wealth building going on here.

And these products/offers are selling like a dealer in the ghetto - we are seeing some crazy returns.


This is simply how businesses should operate - and nobody is doing it!

Nobody is sharing the back-end sales with the most valuable people to them - YOU!

Without you and your customers - the product owner can’t do jack.

The other big guys in IM are just giving you a lick of the profits - I’m going to force feed you the whole ice cream - but I want to make this offer to you so sweet that you can taste the success.

Like I said - I know the ropes of internet marketing - what would you give to have:

Up To $497 per Customer On The Front End, And Up To $5,000 - $10,000 On Every Single Back End Sale - For LIFE - Basically A “Built For You” Business?



Finally - some real commissions.

Finally an opportunity to cash in on all of that “behind the scenes” profits that are making the rich richer.

I am going to be known as a pioneer for doing this - but just think about this for a second. How much are you getting paid out at the moment? Stuff all is my guess - maybe $30 if you are lucky.

Imagine getting a $497 commission in your bank for doing less work...

See, this is what happens when you join up with marketers and online businessmen who know the net inside out. We know what converts, we know what sells, and we know how to sell it. However, the more products we sell the better. So we want to recruit the best people such as you to join up with our franchise.

What I want to offer you is pretty much a “done for you” business. All you have to do is get in on our sales funnel - hell, we can even buy the traffic for you when you jump on board with us. We can literally buy the traffic for you, and then send it to the offers - all you have to do is sit back and cash in on our finely honed sales funnel.

If you want to drive the traffic yourself, what would you give to have:

52 Weeks Of Pure, Unadulterated, No B.S Internet Marketing Coaching From Myself & My Handpicked Experts, Face to Face Skype Calls, Webinars And Instant Q&A Sessions With My Team - Whenever You Want it?


Although this is a killer deal - let me be honest with you here… This is just a bonus.

Most of the franchisees that join up with us don’t even need this coaching!

We show you exactly how to get traffic the real way (and it doesn’t include spending weeks writing articles or wasting time on other outdated methods either!). If you really want to put your business on autopilot, like I said earlier, we can actually purchase the traffic for you.

Can you see how powerful this is?

Traditional affiliate marketing is like trying to build a car from scratch yourself (instead of just buying one), without any knowledge of mechanics, engineering, metals or lubricants.

This is why we have built this franchise opportunity - we realise that most people such as yourself want to “buy a car”, instead of trying desperately to “build their own”.

In my personal opinion, I think building a car from scratch would be easier than building a highly profitable and sustainable online business from scratch.

I can see you thinking - you’ve got questions...

You are thinking either a) this guy is an idiot giving away so much, or b) he’s full of it.

You want to know why - why the heck would I give away 50% of these huge sales I make on the back end?

Well - it is a win/win.

What’s in it for you?



Would you rather eat half of a huge cake or have a tiny little cake all to yourself?

You win because instead of getting paid a measly $24.97 for an ebook that a customer bought from a product owner - you’re going to cream it.

You get access to my proven, high converting sales funnel that has been tested meticulously to get a whopping conversion rate.

If somebody buys a $5,000 product from our business - I’m going to cut you a check for $2,500. That’s on the back end. That is just a bonus for you.

On the front end you’ll get 100% of whatever the sale is. If a customer spends $97 with us (which is pretty average really) - you get a payout of $97 (less any transaction fees). No dramas, just cash into your bank every time!

No worrying about web design, hosting, programming, HTML or coding - let us take care of the tracking and tweaking, optimising and analysing too.

You know that most of the money is made in the email list - that’s no secret - which is why you are going to absolutely crush it if you go into business with me. Our formula for writing email campaigns is second to none, and this is where we really wind up the profits.

But your current affiliate product owner doesn’t tell you about the mega bucks he is making on the back end does he? No... Didn’t think so.

So, what’s in it for me?

Well, I kind of already told you, but I’d rather eat half of a big cake than a whole teaspoon too.

“No worrying about web design, hosting, programming, HTML or coding”


See, although our team is great at what they do - there is always room for more business. Even if I spent a million dollars buying traffic online next week, I’d only be scraping the surface of what is available.

Our business can support a ton of traffic and customers, and we are optimised for everything. If you send a customer to us and they don’t buy straight away - they might just not have the cash. In that case, we might pick them up on the down sell, and then you get paid. If they do have the cash and purchase one of our higher priced products - you get the half the cash again.

I’d love to take more than 50% of the profits - I mean I’ve got a team on standby and creating businesses like mine literally costs hundreds of thousands of dollars - but I want to be fair.

I also want to shake up this business of affiliate marketing.

I want to attract the best and most driven affiliates to work with me and we can all rake in serious profits.



I want to make you aware of what is happening and set an example for the industry to follow.

I want to be known as the guy who put a stop to this current trend of the affiliate slaving away for tiny profits and finally getting what they are entitled to.

I want to offer you the chance to jump on board and finally get your money’s worth at something.

This is why I have offered coaching as part of this package as well - and it’s not just any old coaching.

You know how some folks will tell you “Oh hey, just run some AdWords’ and get traffic”, or “Dude, run some articles and SEO - that’ll pull the traffic”....

I don’t roll like that.

I actually give you my specific traffic sources - things that nobody else tells you about. Things like accessing huge email lists of hungry buyers and doing JV swaps. I’ll share with you exactly how I market to these traffic sources as well.


I’ll show you the business - butt naked. Not just show you the suit and tie, front end sort of crap that others are teaching you - I am going to reveal the stuff that is working today. As in, “right now you could be pulling in some serious profits” sort of stuff.

Think about this for a second...

If I want to grow my business, what should I do? (I’m talking about me “Adeel” here…)

I would want to get somebody like you on my team, teach you how to get bulk loads of highly qualified traffic, and then hook you up with some awesome commissions.

I mean, I’m taking a big risk on the front end (‘cause I’m giving you 100% of the sale), but I know that on the back end, together we can crush it and make some big profits.

Why would I want to cut you out of that?

I wouldn’t!

In fact, I’d be mad to. If you and I are making massive profits together, we are helping each other grow our business and we can succeed together.

And we will help each other.

I’ll train you to become a Jedi marketer and tap into traffic sources that are converting like crazy right now, and then we can fight the dark side (poverty, struggling for money, shitty cars etc.) together.

This is where the big players have got clumsy - they are too greedy and only think of their own bellies. They think that they can get away with paying their affiliates a few peanuts and they’ll stay loyal.

“ If you and I are making massive profits together, we are helping each other grow our business and we can succeed together.”



Well, now this has happened. Now I’m giving you the chance to crack the big time and make outrageous commissions and first class training.

What sort of respect would a leader of a tribe get if he always just fills his own belly and leaves his tribe hungry? One day that tribe will plot against him and slaughter the bastard.

This is what is happening at the moment in the internet marketing circle - affiliates are getting wild. That is why I want to take you under my wing and show you how to kill it online. If you make money, I make money. However I’m the one taking all the risk here - ESPECIALLY when you see my guarantee (I’ll fill you in shortly).

And before you ask, let me tell you right now, I won’t just teach you how to write articles and spam directories to get backlinks to a site for SEO or some other strategy that worked well 5 years ago - I’ll show you the behind-the-scenes sort of stuff that you can normally only learn through years and years of online experience. I’ll show you where I get my traffic from - and I’ll even buy it for you if you want a completely “hands off ” approach to business.


1. I want you to become a licensee to sell my products (front end sales can be up to $497 - and you can get 100% of that)

2. Then because you are a licensee - any traffic that you send to us that purchases at ANY stage - I’ll give you 50% of that sale (I’m talking $5,000 payouts for you - and that’s just one sale)


3. Our products are fraking easy to sell, because we have a powerful brand and reputation - this makes your job a ton easier than trying to pimp some random ebook or jars of horse hair or whatever weight loss fad is in at the moment.

Think about buying a McDs franchise - you can’t really screw it up right? As long as you don’t start turning it into McHooters or something, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll make a million or two out of it over time... However the hard part is you have to outlay a few hundred grand just to take a peek at getting a franchise.

This is why our business is so successful. I have created a business with systems and sales funnels that are proven and effective, and a reputation to boot.

You know when you are on holiday somewhere and you see a Subway or McDonalds and think “Ahh finally, somewhere I’ll get a good meal and I won’t get food poisoning”... That’s the kind of power that brands and reputation have.



That’s what I’ve made my business into - but not fast food.

Online businesses which make people think “Yea I know this - this is trusted and reliable”.

And to make the journey a guaranteed success for you - I’m going to give you 52 weeks of rock solid coaching from myself and some other insanely successful coaches.

If you have heard of the 80/20 principle - I have a 99/1 principle.

Pretty much 99% of the stuff that people tell you that will make you money online is nonsensical claptrap.

1% of the stuff is the cream that you should be focusing on.

Can you imagine how much more powerful your earnings would be if you focused in on that 1% of extremely profitable activities, had world class coaching, and got paid out MASSIVE commissions every time a product is sold - for life?

I’m trying not to over hype this too much, but this industry is due for a shake-up.

I’m serious, I feel like Batman and the internet marketing scene is Gotham City - I’m trying to run all the villains out of town because it gives us good folks a bad name and they are screwing people like you out of money.

Oh, and before I forget

Let me tell you about the guarantee.


I’m not going to take you for a fool and give you the whole bogus 60 day money back guarantee or 365 day guarantee - whatever.

The people who can only offer you your money back are clearly not selling something that is of value.

I am going to give you $1,000 if you can’t make this work for you*

*You actually have to put in some work to make this business profit.

I am going to be coaching you in the art of kicking internet ass, and you will be able to make a killing online if you follow my training. That’s why I am offering such an outrageous guarantee.

I have taken people from below amateur i.e. not even knowing how to use WordPress and not knowing what SEO stands for and now they are enjoying a very profitable business all due to some hard work, but smart work. See, when you have access to guys like me and my trainers, plus a huge commission for when you make a sale - it’s kind of like buying into a proven franchise. It’s really hard to screw it up.

And if you do, your account manager (oh I think I forgot to mention this earlier - you get your own account manager) will help you out with any problems you are having. And of course we have the weekly Skype chats, and webinars to help you overcome any difficulties you have.

The instant Q&A email sessions that are available day and night with our master coaches also pretty much guarantees your success quickly.



Let me ask you just a couple of questions now, seeing as I have been talking about what we can offer you.

Q. How much is your business currently returning you?A. If you are like most people trying to make it in internet marketing - a big fat zero is probably right. After you’ve paid for hosting, domains, email marketing, copywriting, logos, and web design - you’re probably in the hole a few dollars too. Not to mention if you have bought any coaching or “make money online” products.

Q. How much time do you currently spend on your business?A. If you are like most of the folks who come to me - you spend a decent amount of time on it. The way my businesses run is through an elementary physics principle that most people forget about - leverage. Why spend years trying to SEO a website and potentially get your site fishtailed out of the rankings by Google when you can leverage other people’s efforts?

You could spend 5 years building up a sweet email list - or you could rent one for pennies on the dollar off somebody and then reap all the benefits of it....

These are the sort of things that nobody else teaches you.

Leverage is the key to making businesses succeed.


My licensees DON’T spend sleepless nights in front of the computer hoping things are going to work out. They work hard, but they work smart on a sure-fire system.

Q. How many products, software, ebooks etc., have you bought online? A. I have been blown away by some of the responses I get when I ask this of people who come into business with me. Some of them have spent into the tens of thousands on seminars, high ticket packages and they still haven’t made a dime.

If you are in this boat - that makes me seriously pissed off. Get in touch with me and let’s get you set up with some real training and a real opportunity instead of the rehashed rubbish that is being promoted by 99% of the people out there.

Q. How bad do you want success?A. I can’t give you an answer for this.

Do you want it or do you not?

Get Your Franchise License Here and Join Me to Start Generating Huge Partner Commissions Today. Money Loves Speed and People That Take Action…

Listen, I know some people who started trying to make money online the same time that I did - and let me tell you the truth. Some of these guys are still trying the same old crap that they think will eventually work.

“My licensees DON’T spend sleepless nights in front of the computer hoping things are going to work out”



The truth is that it will never work because they are stabbing in the dark. You could try to make money online your whole life by stabbing in the dark and trying different things and still never crack the big time.

The truth is...

Your first success will be lucky.

I’ll probably be hung on the gallows by Tony Robbins or other life coach style people for saying that - but it’s true. If you try something online that you know jack squat about and it works - it’s a lucky break.

Sure you may have worked for it - but it will be lucky if you manage to pick the right offer, the right traffic source, the right copywriting, web design, email campaigns, logos, videos etc.

It all has to be a perfect symphony of parts before your business really takes off.

I realised this when I struck my first profitable online business. I didn’t know what I was doing - but I was breaking world records for the most hours spent in front of a computer screen for months on end.

Then when I realised what worked, I started working harder and harder, I started getting luckier because I knew what would and wouldn’t work.

The question is, how many years are you willing to fish around in overfished seas where most of the opportunities are exploited and extinct?

Let’s put it another way.

How many years would it take you how to write a hit pop song - I’m talking Gangnam Style or something that hits 1 billion

“I started getting luckier because I knew what would and wouldn’t work.”


YouTube views? You (along with 100,000 other mugs on American Idol or The Voice) could spend a few lifetimes and never crack it.

But you could probably do it in a week if you teamed up with Miley Cyrus.

Not that I compare myself to Miley Cyrus, but if you come on board with me, I’ll show you the back alleys that super affiliates like myself work in. The uncharted parts of the internet that is still rich with opportunities.

The reason that the rich get richer is because we work together. We learn from each other, share business strategies, share everything - and it benefits all of us.

This is why you need to get into a mastermind group ASAP (even if you don’t join up with our mastermind - start a mastermind group with some other go-getters).



Actually before I go any further, I had better just mention right now that I’m very picky about who I work with.

You see, I have spent years and hundreds of thousands of dollars building up this business, and I don’t want to work with anybody who isn’t willing to make it happen.

I don’t want to hear from you if you expect me to bust my ass for you. Because all that will happen is one of my friendly team will gently let you know that you aren’t suitable to work with us.

I also don’t want anybody to become a licensee for my business who expects money for nothing. Sure, the other licensees I work with make big bucks - but they put in the hours and actually work for it. We don’t want people jumping on board whom think that this is just some “get rich quick scheme”.

This is a legitimate business licence I am offering you. I’m giving you access to our sales funnel and BIG commissions, and I’m going to take you by the hand and show you how to drive traffic like a green light at rush hour.

“ I’m giving you access to our sales funnel and BIG commissions”


The guarantee that I’m giving you is to prove to you how serious we are that you will achieve your goals working with us. Professional coaching and instant access to your coach whenever you need it ensure that you won’t fall behind and we’ll keep you on track.

So I think that you get my drift by now... I don’t want to work with time wasters or people who are hoping for a free ride, but I do want to work with you if:

1. You know about affiliate marketing and want to make it work

2. You are prepared to invest in your business and do some work

3. You want to learn new things and are open to our ideas



4. You believe that you will be successful with a bit of work and time spent

Although I say that I’m super picky - basically I just want to invite you to become a franchise licence owner with me if you are willing to do the work and be successful.

There is a saying that you are the sum total of the 5 people you hang out with the most often.

If you come on board with us, well, you can see what will happen when you are hanging out with people like me (who makes over 25k per day consulting - not including my online business income) and my coaches (who are crushing it with their online businesses)...

If you have just been glazing over this - let me give it to you without the chocolate frosting.

Here is exactly what you can expect from me:

1. You become a franchisee licence owner - this means that when you send a customer to me and they buy - I give you 100% of the sale (up to $497 per customer)

2. I teach you exactly how and where to drive traffic - and when a customer buys one of our back end products (the top level products are $5,000-$10,000) - you get 50% of all sales.

3. You get to start generating cash within 30 days - try doing that with another business opportunity.

4. You get 24/7 email access to a panel of

“There is a saying that you are the sum total of the 5 people you hang out with the most often. “


coaches who can answer any questions you have - asap.

5. 52 weeks of INTENSE coaching from myself and my team of epic marketing and business gurus. We hold nothing back. Nothing. I want you to be successful, because that means I’m successful. Win/win. Most of our franchisees don’t even use this coaching because they are getting such incredible results just from letting us buy the traffic for them.

6. Weekly Skype meetings and webinars so to ensure you are on the right track and getting results.

7. We pay you $1,000 if you haven’t made this business work for you.

This really is one of those “lucky” times.

How did you get this book? How did you even find out about me? Where did you first hear the name Adeel Chowdhry?What random links did you click or words did you type to get here?

You are lucky to be reading this right now - this will shave years off your learning curve and guarantee your success.

What if Donald Trump never had a father that was a ballin’ property tycoon - would he still have turned into who he is today?

Who knows, but it is a pretty lucky thing that he was born to a guy worth megabucks in the property/construction industry. That surely cemented his success.Will you look back on today and think “I wish I went with that



crazy dude who pissed off a whole lot of gurus and saw just how deep the rabbit hole goes”...

If you never try, you’ll never know.

Are you going to make a profitable business through proven, successful business models and coaching from people who have made some serious wealth in this biz?

Or are you going to keep trying to make a million off of 20 buck payouts and flimsy training with ancient strategies?

The answer is yours my friend - but if you want to crush it this year - let’s work together.

Get Your Franchise License Here and Join Me to Start Generating Huge Partner Commissions Today. Money Loves Speed and People That Take Action…


ABOUT ADEELMy mission is to empower people from all walks of life, regardless of their age, education, experience or location in the world with the real information they need to create an income online and ultimately gain freedom from a traditional nine to five work life of working for the man.

I became tired of the lies that are constantly fed to people online with fake get rich products and decided to take it upon myself to expose the scams and reveal the truth about how anyone can generate income online using real methods and strategies, thanks to my vast experience.

I have been marketing online for 10 years, have sold tens of thousands of products online as a vendor across the world generating millions of dollars in sales, and am one of the most recognized names in Internet Marketing. I am also one of the top super affiliates in the affiliate marketing community thanks to my subscriber base which is close to half a million subscribers.

Personal storyI grew up in the UK and quit education in 2001 since I didn’t have the right focus and didn’t know what I wanted to do in life. During this time I was working in McDonalds, and looking back now I can see that I started to develop great sales and communication skills there and wanted to strive to be the best selling employee constantly hitting their targets.

Moving on to 2003, I went to work for a courier company as a data entry junior inputting invoices into their billing systems.

During my employment at the courier company, I was dabbling with eBay part time and started generating a side income by spying on successful sellers and analysing what products were selling and modelling them. Modelling successful people, was and still is the key to succeeding in life quickly with the shortest path to success and of least resistance.



Ebay DaysI soon found eBay sellers selling digital e-books which promised big riches online and after purchasing and reading many I was intrigued. That was the point I got sucked into the “Internet Marketing” industry and my online journey for wealth really began.

After purchasing hundreds of products and spending tens of thousands of dollars on ebooks, software, courses and seminars – many of which were simply junk get rich quick schemes only designed to take peoples’ money, and it took me a long time to figure out the real secrets of generating income, through trial and error.

In 2009 the company I was working for moved their operations to India and I was laid off after working there for 5 years.

Courier CompanyEven though I was making a small side income through eBay while working a full time job, I was $24,000 in debt through loans and had maxed out all my credit cards. My parents were on the brink of losing the family home, in which I was staying in, due to the financial situation they were in so I knew I had to do something about it and kept persevering.

During this time I was spending 18 hours a day trying to figure out the “secret” and I eventually did “crack the code” after a lot of time, energy and money.

In the summer of 2009 I created a product that took the internet by storm and that really put me into the spotlight which made me a recognized name in the industry.

Affiliate CommissionsBy no way was this achievement an overnight success, it required patience, learning and action.

“I was spending 18 hours a day trying to figure out the “secret” and I eventually did “crack the code”


In 2013, I realized that the state of the internet was now worse than ever due to all the misinformation available, and offline was the same story with many of my close family and friends losing their jobs and struggling to make ends meet so I decided to do something about it.

I have spent over 18 months creating and developing Income Society as a platform to share my wealth of knowledge and strategies in order to help achieve this goal.

My mission is to help 10,000 ordinary people from all walks of life, regardless of age, education, experience or location in the world to become successful and start generating an income online, whether part time or full time, thanks to my own real proven money making strategies and the help of my team of experts from across the world.

Join the Income Society and let us help you make money online with a real business.
