Page 1: ≪アラブ首長国連邦≫ United Arab Emirates...134 Ⅳ 参考資料 ≪アラブ首長国連邦≫ United Arab Emirates (地図) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 2007


Ⅳ 参考資料


United Arab Emirates

(地図) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). 2007. The World Factbook: 2007.


《基礎データ》面積:83,600 平方キロメートル。人口:432 万人(2004 年央、計画省)。首

都:アブダビ(人口:167 万人、2004 年央、計画省)。言語:アラビア語。宗教:イスラム

教(スンニー派 80%、シーア派 20%)。構成首長国:アブダビ、ドバイ、シャルジャ、ア


《日本との貿易投資関係》日本の主要輸出品目(2004 年の主要輸出品目、カッコ内は構成

比%):ガソリン乗用車(1500-3000cc)(11.9%)、ガソリン乗用車(3000cc 以上)(11.1%)、

ビデオカメラ(5.9%)。日本の主要輸入品目(2004 年の主要輸入品目、カッコ内は構成



類が 4分の 3を占める。中近東、アフリカ、中央アジア市場への再輸出拠点である UAE は、

わが国の工業製品輸出先として重要な位置づけにある。輸入については原油が 7 割以上を


数と投資額:件数:93 件(金額:累計額:10 億 5,300 万ドル、2003 年度までの累計(財務

省報告届け出統計)。日系企業進出状況:約 175 社(アブダビ石油、千代田化工、三井物産、


産業、シチズン、日産自動車、本田技研工業等、2005 年 5 月末現在。JETRO)。在留邦人:

1,615 人(2004 年 10 月現在、外務省)。二国間協定:航空協定(1998 年)


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3.食品輸入規制ガイド(Food Imports Requirements Guide-UAE, Public Health Department)

4.農業検疫法(農業検疫に関する 1979 年連邦法第 5、農業検疫に関する 1979 年連邦法第

5 の規定改正に係る 1992 年連邦法第 6)

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果実名 種類 生産国 ばら売り/パック売り 価格帯 販売店 備考

米国 ばら売り5.50, 5.95, 6.25, 6.65, 7.95, 9.95, 22.50 (Dh/kg)17.50 (Dh/パック売り) (10 個)

ニュージーランド ばら売り 9.95 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ ばら売り 5.90, 6.75 (Dh/kg)フランス ばら売り 4.95, 6.45, 6.95, 7.50 (Dh/kg)


14.95(Dh/kg)17.50 (Dh/パック売り)


4.95, 5.25,5.50, 5.75, 6.45 (Dh/kg)7.25 (Dh/パック売り) (6 個)

チリ ばら売り 5.45, 7.95, 10.25 (Dh/kg)中国 ばら売り 5.50 (Dh/kg)

イラン ばら売り 5.95 (Dh/kg)

レバノン パック売り (10 個) 17.50 (Dh/パック売り) (10 個)

米国 ばら売り 6.75, 7.25, 24 (Dh/kg)フランス ばら売り 5.75, 6.25, 6.65, 6.95 (Dh/kg)中国 ばら売り 5.50 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ ばら売り 6.95 (Dh/kg)

オランダ ばら売り 13.70 (Dh/kg)

米国 ばら売り 24.50 (Dh/kg)

カナダ ばら売り 6.95, 7.95 (Dh/kg) ハイパーマーケット/スーパーマーケット

イラン ばら売り 4.65, 4.75,5.50, 5.95 (Dh/kg)中国 ばら売り 5.25, 5.50 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ ばら売り 4.25, 6.90 (Dh/kg)フランス ばら売り 5.95, 6.25, 6.50, 6.95, 7.95 (Dh/kg)オーストラリア ばら売り 5.75 (Dh/kg)














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果実名 種類 生産国 ばら売り/パック売り 価格帯 販売店 備考

中国 ばら売り 3.75, 3.85, 3.95, 4.95, 5.75, 5.95, 6.50 (Dh/kg)

南アフリカ ばら売り 19.95 (Dh/kg)フランス ばら売り 6.25, 6.95 (Dh/kg)

南アフリカ ばら売り 5.90 (Dh/kg)フランス ばら売り 6.25, 6.95, 7.95 (Dh/kg)チリ パック売り (6 個) 4.90, 6.50 (Dh/パック売り)中国 ばら売り 4.90 (Dh/kg)米国 ばら売り 5.75, 7.25 , 7.95(Dh/kg)

トルコ ばら売り 9.95, 15.95 (Dh/kg)スペイン (コシ

ア)ばら売り 10.95, 11.95, 13.95 (Dh/kg)

中国 (ナシetc.) ばら売り

2.50, 2.95, 3.25, 3.65, 4.50 , 4.90, 5.50, 11.95(Dh/kg)


ジェ)ばら売り/パック売り (6 個)

7.00, 7.25, 8.95, 10.50, 14.95, 19.50 (Dh/kg)6 (Dh/パック売り)

オランダ ばら売り 14.50 (Dh/kg)オーストラリア ばら売り 7.95 (Dh/kg)

エジプト パック売り (20 個) 10.00 (Dh/パック売り)

シリア ばら売り 10.95 (Dh/kg)レバノン (コシ

ア)ばら売り 8.95, 17.50 (Dh/kg)

中国 ばら売り 4.00, 5.50 (Dh/kg)

米国 ばら売り 4.95 (Dh/kg)オーストラリア ばら売り 4.50, 5.90, 9.90, 9.95 12.50 (Dh/kg)トルコ パック売り (6 個) 3.95 (Dh/kg)パキスタン ばら売り 3.25, 4.85,6.90, 6.95, 7.95 (Dh/kg)レバノン ばら売り 6.90, 8.95, 9.95 11.95, 19.50 (Dh/kg)日本 ばら売り 87.00 (Dh/kg)


(ナベル)ばら売り 5.95, 6.95, 8.50 (Dh/kg)

中国 (ポメロ) ばら売り 5.50, 6.45 (Dh/kg)




ナシとマルメロハイパーマーケット/スーパーマーケット 果物売り場で販売されている。






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果実名 種類 生産国 ばら売り/パック売り 価格帯 販売店 備考

タイ (ポメロ) ばら売り 6.95 (Dh/kg)レバノン パック売り (6 個) 15.50, 24.95 (Dh/パック売り)エジプト ばら売り 5.90, 6.45, 6.95 (Dh/kg)米国 ばら売り 13.00, 16.50 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ(ヴァレンシア,ナベル)

ばら売り/パック売り (6 個)

2.50, 4.50, 4.95 (Dh/kg)5.45, 5.50 (Dh/パック売り)

日本 パック売り (10 個) 19.95 (Dh/パック売り)

トルコ ばら売り 4.95 (Dh/kg)米国(タンジェリン)

ばら売り 23.50 (Dh/kg)

オーストラリア ばら売り 9.90 (Dh/kg)スペイン ばら売り 19.95 (Dh/kg)

レバノンばら売り/パック売り (6 個)

7.95 (Dh/パック売り)9.90 (Dh/パック売り)

レバノン ばら売り 9.95, 24.50 (Dh/kg)オーストラリア(赤)

ばら売り 21.00, 22.90, 29.95 (Dh/kg)

米国 ばら売り 22.75 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ(黄)

ばら売り 23.95, 24.95 (Dh/kg)

オーストラリア ばら売り 21.00, 22.95, 29.95, 35 (Dh/kg)南アフリカ ばら売り 24.95 (Dh/kg)


15 (Dh/kg)


8.50, 9.00 (Dh/kg)

ブドウ 米国ばら売り/パック売り

13.65, 14.95, 15.95, 16.25, 16.95, 17.95, 18.95,34.50, 37.50 (Dh/kg)



14.95 (Dh/kg)



オレンジ ハイパーマーケット/スーパーマーケット/コンビニ








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果実名 種類 生産国 ばら売り/パック売り 価格帯 販売店 備考


14.95, 15.95, 16.90, 18.95 (Dh/kg)


9.95 (Dh/kg)


24.95 (Dh/kg)

ブドウ レバノンばら売り/パック売り

7.95, 8.95, 9.95, 16.95 (Dh/kg)


9.90, 10.90, 14.95, 16.95 (Dh/kg)


6.95 (Dh/kg)



15.00, 15.90 (Dh/ パック売り of kg)



16.95 (Dh/ パック売り of kg)



18.95 (Dh/ パック売り of kg)


9.0 ( Dh/kg)

Zucchin ばら売り/パック売り

12.95 ( Dh/kg)



14.95 ( Dh/kg)


15.95 (Dh/ パック売り of kg)


15.95 (Dh/ パック売り of kg)

レバノンばら売り/パック売り (6 個)

8.00, 9.95 10.00 (Dh/kg)32.50 (Dh/パック売り)

日本 ばら売り 20.00, 87.50 ( Dh/kg)イラン ばら売り 11.95, 13.95 (Dh/kg)

シリア パック売り (20 個) 12 (Dh/パック売り)


主に2-4 kg パック売りで販売される







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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Star UAE Bottled byInternational Beverages & filling Industries,Sharjah, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1.5 ltr

0.75 Dh2.95 Dh N.A.

Del Monte Phillipines Del Monte Inc, Phillipines Can240 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % pulp content

Fruito Saudi Arabia Arrow Juice Factory, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 40 % juice concentrate

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.15 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Modhesh UAE Packed by Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, for United SalesPartners LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml

1.10 (Dh/pack)2.50 (Dh/pack) 30 % juice concentrate

Marmum UAE Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, Dubai, UAEplastic bottle1 ltr2.5 ltr

4.5 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate twin pack (2.5 ltrs*2) for 12 Dhs

Al Ain UAE Al Ain Dairy, Al Ain, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)1.10 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.50, 1.75 (Dh/pack)4.70, 4.95 (Dh/pack)8.25 (Dh/pack)

35% juice concentrate

Al Rawabi UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

1.10 (Dh/pack)2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Dew Land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle300 ml1ltr2 ltr

1.55 (Dh/pack)3.75 (Dh/pack)6.50, 6.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concetrate

Nadec Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90, 1.00 (Dh/pack)2.00, 2.30 (Dh/pack)3.95, 4.25 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concetrate

Florida Naturals USA Florida National Growers (a division of Citrus World Inc),USA

Trtra pack1 ltr1.8 ltr

8 (Dh/pack)14.20 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concetrate

Al Morouj UAE United Kaipara Dairies Co PSC, Dubai, UAE plastic bottle2 ltr 4.95 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Areej UAE United Kaipara Dairies Co PSC, Dubai, UAE Tetra pack225 ml 0.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE

tetra pack200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)

6.75 (Dh/pack)

40%, !00% juice concetratewith water

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

with water


Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores


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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabiatetra pack3301 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack)

100% pure juice concetratewith water

Pokka Japan Pokka Corp., Japan Can240 ml 1.50, 1.55 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

with water

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia

glass bottle200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.75, 1.00 (Dh/pack)

3.20 (Dh/pack)25%, 100%, with pulp also.

Tiffany Joos UAE Tiffany ltd. Sharjah, UAE tetra pack1 ltr 4.15, 4.20 (Dh/pack) 25% concetrate with water

Ceres South Africa Ceres Fruit Juices, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.95 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Al Marai Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia plastic bottle2 ltr 7.5 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concetrate with


Carrefour UAE N.A. tetra pack1 ltr 12.95 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Capri Sonne UAE Horizon Food Industries, UAE tetra packpack of 10 8.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Grainini France Distributed by Ghasan Ahmed Al Suleiman glass bottle200 ml 2.15 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Al Rawabi UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Tiffany Joos UAE Tiffany ltd. Sharjah, UAE tetra pack1 litre 4.15, 4.20 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Ocean Spray USA Ocean Spray International, Inc., USA tetra pack1 ltr 18.95 (Dh/pack) 10 % juice concentrate

Dew Land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Florida USA Florida National Growers (a division of Citrus World Inc,USA)

trtra pack1.8 Ltr 14.20 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Ceres (Ruby Grape, GreenGrapes, Red Grapes) South Africa Ceres Fruit Juices, South Africa tetra pack

1ltr5.25 (Dh/pack)6.25 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE

tetra pack250 mlplastic bottle1 ltr


4.20 (Dh/pack)100% juice concentrate

Libby's (red grape, whitegrape) UK Nestle, UK glass bottle

350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate

Safa UAE Gulf & Safa Est. Dubai, UAE Plastic bottle1 ltr 3.50 (Dh/pack)

Del Monte Phillipines Del Monte Inc, Phillipines can240 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % pulp content

Florida Naturals USA Florida National Growers (a division of Citrus World Inc),USA

tetra pack225 ml1 ltr1.8 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)7.50 (Dh/pack)14.00 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concetrate

Golden Circle Australia Golden Circle Limited, Australia tetra pack1 ltr Dhs.9.95

Dew land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Libby's UK Nestle, UK glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate


Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores



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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle1 ltr2 ltrtetra pack300 ml

3.75 (Dh/pack)6.50, 6.75 (Dh/pack)

1.55 (Dh/pack)


Nadec Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

tetra pack200 mlplastic bottle500 ml2 ltr

1.00 (Dh/pack)

2.30 (Dh/pack)4.25 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concetrate

KDD Kuwait Safat-Kuwait tetra pack330 ml 1.25 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Areej UAE United Kaipara Dairies Co PSC, Dubai, UAE Tetra pack225 ml 0.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) N.A. Combo offer (of 1 ltr*3, tetra pack) for 9.5 Dhs

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabiatetra pack3301 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia can, glass bottle 2.00 (Dh/pack) 30% juice concentrate

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan can240 ml 2.25 ( Dh/pack) 50% pulp

Tiffany Joos UAE Tiffany ltd. Sharjah, UAE tetra pack330 ml 1.00 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Ceres South Africa Ceres Fruit Juices, South Africa tetra pack1ltr 5.25 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE tetra pack330 ml 1.00 ( Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Marmum UAE Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, Dubai, UAE plastic bottle2.5 ltr 7 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE plastic bottle2 ltr 7.00 ( Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia glass bottle, can180 ml 0.80 (Dh/pack) 30% juice concentrate

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAEtetra pack200 ml1 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)4.20 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Safa UAE Gulf & Safa Est. Dubai, UAE Plastic bottle1 ltr 3.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Grainini France Distributed by Ghasan Ahmed Al Suleiman glass bottle200 ml 2.15 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Bluebird UAE Al Ain Natural Juice & Refreshment Co., Al Ain, U.A.E plastic bottle1 ltr 3.65 (Dh/pack) 30 % fruit pulp

Star UAE Bottled byInternational Beverages & filling Industries,Sharjah, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1.5 ltr 0.75 Dh

2.95 Dh


Libby's UK Nestle, UK glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate

Del monte Phillipines Del Monte Inc, Phillipines Can240 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % pulp content

Bluebird UAE Al Ain Natural Juice & Refreshment Co., Al Ain, U.A.E plastic bottle1 ltr 4.25 (Dh/pack) 30 % fruit pulp

Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores


Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores



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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.15 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concetrate

Modhesh UAE Packed by Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, for United SalesPartners LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml

1.10 (Dh/pack)2.50 (Dh/pack) 30 % juice concentrate

Marmum UAE Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, Dubai, UAEplastic bottle1 ltr2.5 ltr

4.5 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate twin pack (2.5 ltrs*2) for 12 Dhs

Al Ain UAE Al Ain Dairy, Al Ain, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)1.10 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Capri Sonne UAE Horizon Food Industries, UAE tetra packpack of 10 8.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Al Marai Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml300 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

0.75, 1.10 (Dh/pack)0.90 (Dh/pack)2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50, 5.50 (Dh/pack)7.50, 8.00 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

33% juice concentrate

Al Rawabi UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia

glass bottle200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)

3.20 (Dh/pack)25% juice concentrate

Safa UAE Gulf & Safa Est. Dubai, UAE tetra pack1 ltr 3.50 (Dh/pack) N.A.

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan Can240 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.25 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia tetra pack330 ml 1.50, 1.75 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Al Rabie (Green Apple) Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia tetra pack330 ml 1.50, 1.75 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Tiffany Joos UAE Tiffany ltd. Sharjah, UAEtetra pack330 ml1 ltr

1.00 (Dh/pack)4.15 (Dh/pack) 25% concetrate

Ceres South Africa Ceres Fruit Juices, South Africa tetra pack1ltr 4.95 (Dh/pack) 100% pure juice concetrate

Snapple USA/Netherlands Cadbury Schweppes, USA glass bottle473 ml 3.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % juice concentrate

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE tetra pack1ltr 4.00 (Dh/pack) 40%, !00% juice concetrate

with water

Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores


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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Star UAE Bottled byInternational Beverages & filling Industries,Sharjah, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1.5 ltr 0.75 Dh

2.95 Dh

Del monte Phillipines Del Monte Inc, Phillipines Can240 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % pulp content

Snapple USA/Netherlands Cadbury Schweppes, USA glass bottle473 ml 3.75 (Dh/pack) 25 % juice concentrate

Fruito Saudi Arabia Arrow Juice Factory, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 40 % juice concentrate

Bluebird UAE Al Ain Natural Juice & Refreshment Co., Al Ain, U.A.E plastic bottle1 ltr 4.25 (Dh/pack) 30 % fruit pulp

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.15 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

Modhesh UAE Packed by Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, for United SalesPartners LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml

1.10 (Dh/pack)2.50 (Dh/pack) 30 % juice concentrate

Marmum UAE Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, Dubai, UAEplastic bottle1 ltr2.5 ltr

4.5 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate twin pack (2.5 ltrs*2) for 12 Dhs

Al Marai Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml300 ml1 ltr1.75 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)0.90 (Dh/pack)5.50 (Dh/pack)7.50 (Dh/pack)

33% juice concentrate

Al Ain UAE Al Ain Dairy, Al Ain, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)1.10 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.50 (Dh/pack)4.70 (Dh/pack)8.25 (Dh/pack)

35% juice concentrate

Al Rawabi UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle2 ltr 6.75 (Dh/pack)

Nadec Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)2 (Dh/pack)3.95 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)

Al Morouj UAE United Kaipara Dairies Co PSC, Dubai, UAE plastic bottle2 ltr 4.95 (Dh/pack)

Areej UAE United Kaipara Dairies Co PSC, Dubai, UAE Tetra pack225 ml 0.50 (Dh/pack)

Dew Land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) Combo offer (of 1 ltr*3, tetra pack) for 9.5 Dhs



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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Star UAE Bottled byInternational Beverages & filling Industries,Sharjah, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1.5 ltr 0.75 Dh

2.95 Dh

Snapple USA/Netherlands Cadbury Schweppes, USA glass bottle473 ml 3.75 (Dh/pack) 10 % juice concentrate

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.15 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

Al Rawabi UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

10% juice concentrate

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle2 ltr 6.75 (Dh/pack)

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE

tetra pack200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)

6.75 (Dh/pack)

12 pieces (200 ml, tetra pack) for 10 Dhstwin pack (1.5 ltr*2, plastic bottle) for 9.5 Dhs

Florida Naturals USA Florida National Growers (a division of Citrus World Inc),USA

Trtra pack225 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) 10% juice concetrate

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan plastic bottle0.5 ml 3.75 (Dh/pack)

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.50 (Dh/pack)4.70 (Dh/pack)8.25 (Dh/pack)

35% juice concentrate

Al Rawabi (Berry Cocktial) UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Libby's (Blackberry) UK Nestle, UK glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate

Nadec (Berry Cocktial) Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)2 (Dh/pack)3.95 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabiatetra pack3301 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack)

Al Marai Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml300 ml1 ltr1.75 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)0.90 (Dh/pack)5.50 (Dh/pack)7.50 (Dh/pack)

33% juice concentrate

Fruito Saudi Arabia Arrow Juice Factory, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 40 % juice concentrate

Nada (Strawberry) Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle300ml2 ltr

1.55 (Dh/pack)6.75 (Dh/pack)

Nada (Raspberry) Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle1 ltr 3.75 (Dh/pack)


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Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores


Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores


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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE plastic bottle2 ltr 8.95 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate

Lacnor UAE Produced by NFPC for Al Buheira Lacnor, Sharjah, UAE

tetra pack200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)

6.75 (Dh/pack)

12 pieces (200 ml, tetra pack) for 10 Dhstwin pack (1.5 ltr*2, plastic bottle) for 9.5 Dhs

Fontana (Carnberry) Cyprus Al-Omar Trading Co.Ltd, Cyprus tetra pack1 ltr 4.95 (Dh/pack) 50 % juice concentrate

Fontana (Sour cherry) Cyprus Al-Omar Trading Co.Ltd, Cyprus tetra pack1 ltr 3.75 (Dh/pack) 50 % juice concentrate

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan Can240 ml 1.5 (Dh/pack) Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE plastic bottle2 ltr 9.45 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Nekta Malaysia/New ZeaNekta International Limited, New Zealand glass bottle200 ml 4.75 (Dh/pack) Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Dew land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE plastic bottle1 ltr 10.00 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Dew Land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia plastic bottle1 ltr 2.00 (Dh/pack)

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan Can240 ml 1.5 (Dh/pack)

Libby's UK Nestle, UK glass bottle350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate

Dew Land South Africa Good Hope International Beverages (Pty) Ltd, South Africa tetra pack1 ltr 4.75 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concentrate

Nadec Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)2 (Dh/pack)3.95 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack) Combo offer (of 1 ltr*3, tetra pack) for 9.5 Dhs

Milco UAE National Foods Product Co - Milco, Abu Dhabi, UAE

plastic bottle250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

1.15 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)







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Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores




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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Marmum UAE Marmum Dairies Farm LLC, Dubai, UAEplastic bottle1 ltr2.5 ltr

4.5 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack) 35% juice concentrate twin pack (2.5 ltrs*2) for 12 Dhs

Al Ain UAE Al Ain Dairy, Al Ain, UAE

plastic bottle200 ml250 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)1.10 (Dh/pack)4 (Dh/pack)7 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack)

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia

glass bottle200 mlplastic bottle1.5 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)

3.20 (Dh/pack)

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle2 ltr 6.75 (Dh/pack)

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabiatetra pack3301 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack)

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan can 1.85 (Dh/pack) Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/Convenience stores

Rani Saudi Arabia Aujan Industries Ltd, Saudi Arabia glass bottle200 ml 1.00 (Dh/pack) Hypermarkets/Supermarkets/

Convenience stores

Al Marai (Mix) Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml300 ml1 ltr1.75 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)0.90 (Dh/pack)5.50 (Dh/pack)7.50 (Dh/pack)

33% juice concentrate

Libby's(Pineapple/Coconut) UK Nestle, UK glass bottle

350 ml 2.00 (Dh/pack) 100 % juice concentrate

Bluebird UAE Al Ain Natural Juice & Refreshment Co., Al Ain, U.A.E plastic bottle1 ltr 3.65 (Dh/pack) 30 % fruit pulp

Al Marai (Grape and Apple) Saudi Arabia Al Marai Co Ltd, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml300 ml1 ltr1.75 ltr

0.75 (Dh/pack)0.90 (Dh/pack)5.50 (Dh/pack)7.50 (Dh/pack)

33% juice concentrate

Golden Circle(Pine/Orange,Pine/Mango,Pine/Pearpeach)

Australia Golden Circle Limited, Australiatetra pack1 ltr


Al Rawabi (Fruit Cocktaill) UAE Al Rawabi Dairy Co. LLC, Dubai, UAE

plastic bottle500 ml1 ltr2 ltr3 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)4.50 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)11.75 (Dh/pack)

100% juice concentrate

Snapple (Kiwi and Strawberr USA/Netherlands Cadbury Schweppes, USA glass bottle473 ml 3.55 (Dh/pack) 30 % juice concentrate

Nada Saudi Arabia Al Othman Agricultural product and process company,Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle2 ltr 6.75 (Dh/pack)

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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Nadec Saudi Arabia National Agricultural Development Company, Saudi Arabia

plastic bottle200 ml500 ml1 ltr2 ltr

0.90 (Dh/pack)2 (Dh/pack)3.95 (Dh/pack)8 (Dh/pack)

Caesar Saudi Arabia N.A. tetra pack330 ml 1.75 (Dh/pack)

Al Rabie Saudi Arabia Saudi Foods Co Ltd, Saudi Arabiatetra pack3301 ltr

1.75 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack)

Florida Naturals (Orange andUSA Florida National Growers (a division of Citrus World Inc),USA

Trtra pack900 ml 7.50 (Dh/pack) 100% juice concetrate

Pokka Singapore/Japan Pokka Corp, Japan Can240 ml 1.5 (Dh/pack)

Masafi Flavoured (Lemon,Peach, Orange, Strawberry) UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE Plastic bottle

500 ml 2.50, 2.75 (Dh/pack)

Volvic Flavoured (Lemon,Strawberry) France Danone Group. France Plastic bottle

500 ml 3.50, 3.75 (Dh/pack)

CRF (Strawberry, Orange) France N.A.Plastic bottle1.25 ltr1.5 ltr

2.80 (Dh/pack)3.10 (Dh/pack)

Robinson (Blackcurrent,Strawberry) UK N.A. Plastic bottle

500 ml 2.35 (Dh/pack)

Clearly Canadian (Melon,Blackberry) Canada Clearly Canadian Beverage Corporation, Canada Plastic bottle

414 ml 3.85 (Dh/pack)

Oasis blue (Lemon, Lemonand Mint) UAE Oasis Water Company, UAE

Plastic bottle450ml1.5 ltr

2.25 (Dh/pack)3.70 (Dh/pack)

Perrier (Lemon) France N.A.

Plastic bottle/cups200ml200ml (6 bottles pack)330ml300ml (4 bottles pack)

2.80, 2.95 (Dh/pack)15.45 (Dh/pack)3.25 (Dh/pack)12.35 (Dh/pack)

Oxygizer Austria Oxy Beverages, Austria Plastic bottle500ml 5.45 (Dh/pack)

Active 02 (Ctrus/Mango) Germany N.A. Plastic bottle500ml 5.5 (Dh/pack)

Masafi UAE Masafi Mineral Water Co., Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

200 ml (30 plastic cups)plastic bottle500 ml1.5 ltr

13.00 (Dh/pack)1 (Dh/pack)1.25 (Dh/pack)

Al Ain UAE Al Ain Dairy, Al Ain, UAE

330 ml (24 plastic cups)Plastic bottle500 ml1.5ltr

12.25 (Dh/pack)1 (Dh/pack)1.25 (Dh/pack)


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清涼飲料 ブランド 生産国 輸入元/販売元/製造元 容器 価格帯Brix値 (粘性計測 もしくは濃縮度%) 販売店 備考

Nestle Jordan Nestle, Jordan plastic bottle1.5 ltr 1.25 (Dh/pack)

Aquafina UAE produced by Dubai Refreshment, Dibba, UAEplastic bottle600 ml1.5 ltr

0.55 (Dh/pack)1.25 (Dh/pack)

Arwa Yemen Arwa Mineral Water Company, Yemenplastic bottle500 ml1.5 ltr

0.55 (Dh/pack)1.00, 1.10 (Dh/pack)

Gulfa UAE Gulfa Mineral Water

330 ml (24 plastic cups)plastic bottle600 ml600 ml (6 bottles pack)1.5 ltr

14.50 (Dh/pack)0.65 (Dh/pack)6.50 (Dh/pack)1.25 (Dh/pack)

Oasis UAE Oasis Water Company, UAE

330 ml (24 plastic cup)plastic bottle330 ml1.5 ltr1 gallon

12.00 (Dh/pack)0.50 (Dh/pack)1.25 (Dh/pack)2.25 (Dh/pack)

Oasis (Sprinkling Water) UAE Oasis Water Company, UAE plastic bottle450 ml (6 bottles pack) 9.40 (Dh/pack)

Sondos Lebanon N.A. plastic bottle1.5 ltr 2 (Dh/pack)

Sannine Lebanon Sannine, Lebanon plastic bottle1.5 ltr 2 (Dh/pack)

Sohat Lebanon N.A. plastic bottle1.5 ltr 2.5 (Dh/pack)

Co-op UAE N.A. plastic bottle1.5 ltr 1 (Dh/pack)

Volvic France Danone Group. France plastic bottle1.5 ltr 4.25 (Dh/pack)

Evian France Danone Group. France

plastic bottle330ml500 ml500 ml (24 bottles pack)750 ml1.5 ltr2 ltr2 ltr (6 bottles pack)

2.20 (Dh/pack)2.90, 3.1 (Dh/pack)67.20 (Dh/pack)4.95 (Dh/pack)6.7 (Dh/pack)7.25, 7.50 (Dh/pack)44.75 (Dh/pack)

No 1 UAE N.A. plastic bottle1.5 ltr 0.65 (Dh/pack)

Contrex France Contrex Natural Mineral Water, France plastic bottle1 ltr 3.8 (Dh/pack)

Jeema UAE Jeema Mineral Water, UAEplastic bottle500 ml1.5 ltr

0.75 1 (Dh/pack)1 (Dh/pack)

Oxygizer Austria Oxy Beverages, Austria plastic bottle500 ml 5.45 (Dh/pack)

Lulu UAE N.A.plastic bottle1.5 ltr500 ml

1 (Dh/pack)0.50 (Dh/pack)

Cool Blue New zealand Cool Blue Mineral Water, New Zealandplastic bottle500 ml1.5 ltr

2.35 (Dh/pack)3.75 (Dh/pack)

Carrefour 1 UAE N.A.

plastic bottle600 ml1.5 ltr1.5 ltr (6 bottles pack)

0.40 (Dh/pack)0.65 (Dh/pack)3.65 (Dh/pack)

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花名 種類 生産国 ばら売り/束売り 価格帯 販売店 備考













オランダ ばら売り/束売り3-10 (Dh/本)15-40 (Dh/3-5 本の束) 花屋及びスーパーマーケット

オランダ ばら売り 139-180 (Dh/個) 花屋









オランダ 小鉢 30 (Dh/個) 花屋及びハイパーマーケット

オランダ 小鉢 75 (Dh/個) 花屋及びハイパーマーケット

N.A. 小鉢 10 (Dh/個) 花屋及びハイパーマーケット


バラ(約20色。白、赤、ピンク、黄、オレンジ等) ばら売り/束売り5-9(Dh/本)15-25 (Dh/3-5 本の束)





ばら売り/束売り2-10 (Dh/本)25-30 (Dh/3-5 本の束) 花屋及びスーパーマーケット バラに次ぐ人気種で回転速い。飾りつけ及び花束に好まれる。





2-10 (Dh/本)25 (Dh/3-5 本の束) 花屋

キク鉢植え 小鉢 20-50 (Dh/個) 花屋



15-65 (Dh/個) 花屋及びハイパーマーケット

竹 ばら売り 15-75(Dh/本) 花屋及びハイパーマーケット




N.A. 花屋及びハイパーマーケット花及び花芽のない装飾用枝葉・花束及び植物の一部、草・苔類。装飾もしくは観賞用。生花もしくは乾燥・漂白・染色したもの。



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参考-UAE 21

3 .食品輸入規制ガイド( Food Imports Requirements Guide-UAE, Public Health Department)1 I N T R O D U C T I O N The importation of foodstuff plays a vital part in the economy of Dubai and in itself is essential for the health and well-being of the Residents of Dubai and the other Emirates. Food from over 90 different countries is imported into Dubai every Year. During 1997 a total of 13 million tons of food was imported of which 70% (9.1 million tons) was then re-exported to other countries. Out of all food imported only 3.8% (494,000 tons) was rejected. The majority of the rejections were for non-compliance with labeling or shelf life regulation. This booklet has been produced to assist the traders in Dubai in complying with our legislation and avoiding unnecessary rejections. It provides information and guidance on the legislation and the do’s and don’ts relating to the importation of foodstuffs. Dubai Municipality and the Food Control Section of the Public Health Department have a duty to ensure that only food that is fit wholesome and safe to eat and complying with the legislation is imported into Dubai. However we also recognize the importance of the food trade business and the need to provide an efficient and effective service to our customers.

Director of Public Health Department

G U I D A N C E N O T E S 1. DOCUMENTATION REQUIRED • Please note that the following documentation must accompany every consignment of foodstuff

entering Dubai. The documents must be the originals and failure to provide them will result in the rejection of the consignment.

• Bill Of Entry or Airway Bill • Packing List • Health Certificate • Halal Certificate (for meat & poultry) From time to time due to particular problems with a country, a product or a food category specific certificate might be requested in addition to those listed above. 2. ACTIONS FOR REJECTED FOOD (UNFIT Consignments of food found to be unfit for human consumption will be rejected. The foodstuff must either be re-exported to the country of origin or destroyed under the supervision of Dubai Municipality’s Food Control Section. 3. ACTIONS FOR REJECTED FOOD (NON- COMPLYING Consignments of food found not complying with labeling, shelf life or compositional standards but not considered unfit for human consumption will be rejected for importation into Dubai. The foodstuff must be re-exported to the country of origin, re-exported to a third country (non-GCC) or destroyed under the supervision of Dubai Municipality’s Food Control Section. 4. CONSIGNMENTS INTENDED FOR RE-EXPORT

1 抜粋。

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参考-UAE 22

If a consignment of food is imported into Dubai for the purpose of re-exporting to a third country then there is no requirement for the foodstuffs to comply with the labeling, shelf life or compositional standards of the UAE. The foodstuffs must however be fit for human consumption. The consignment will only be released from port of entry if the consignee provides a written undertaking that the foodstuffs will not be sold in the UAE. and that it is intended for re-export to a third party country. After re-exporting the foodstuffs the consignee must produce documented evidence of re-export to the Food Control Section. In addition to the written undertaking the consignee must provide a deposit of AED 10,000 for every consignment which is refunded on production of the re-export documents. Alternatively the consignee can make a deposit of AED 50,000 to the Municipality which will cover all such consignments for one year. Provided all the documentation for the year is correct this deposit will all be refunded at the end of the year. 5. RELEASE OF UN-INSPECTED CONSIGNMENTS TO OTHER EMIRATES • A consignment of food, intended for a consignee in another Emirate, may be imported into the

UAE. Through one of Dubai’s ports. It may not be possible to inspect the consignment at the port of entry and under certain condition it may be released to the control of the other Emirate.

• The Food Control Section would require a letter of acceptance of the consignment from the concerned Municipality.

• The concerned Municipality should inform the Food Control Section of Dubai Municipality of the action they take in relation to the consignment.

• In addition the consignee must provide a deposit of AED 5,000 for every consignment which is refund upon receipt of the final action letter of the concerned Municipality. Alternatively the consignee can make a deposit of AED 10,000 to the Municipality which will cover all such consignment for one year. Provided all the documentation for the year is correct this deposit will also be refunded at the end of the year.

6. RELEASE OF UN-INSPECTED CONSIGNMENT FROM OTHER MUNICIPALITY TO DUBAI. A consignment of food, intended for a consignee in Dubai, may be imported into the UAE through another Emirate. It may not be possible to inspect the consignment at the port of entry and under certain condition it may be released to the control of Dubai Municipality’s Food Control Section. On the request of the consignee the Food Control Section would issue a letter of request to the concerned Municipality to release the consignment for our inspection. The Food Control Section of Dubai Municipality will, after inspection of the foodstuffs, inform the concerned Municipality of the action they have taken in regard to the consignment. In addition the consignee must provide a deposit of AED 5,000 for every consignment which is refunded upon the inspection of the consignment by us and final action taken. 7. REJECTION AVOIDANCE • The following should be carefully checked with the supplier or manufacturer to avoid unnecessary

rejections. The responsibility for this rests with the importer. • Ensure that the correct shelf life for the product is applied according to the appropriate legislation • Ensure that the label complies with the requirements laid down in the relevant legislation • Ensure that the product does not contain un-permitted ingredients or additives • Ensure that the manufacturer is aware of the microbiological and chemical standards for the

relevant foodstuffs. • Ensure that all the required label information is in either Arabic or English • Ensure that the Production and Expiry dates and printed, embossed or ink jetted onto the food

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container. (Dates on stickers are not permitted.) 8. LABELLING The labelling on each items of item must: • Be difficult to remove or alter. • If the product contains any animal fat, meat enzymes, gelatin or any other animal product the label

must specify from which animal it was derived. • The information on the label must be clear and to be easily read. The label must show the following: • Production and expiry dates. • The name of the foodstuff (product name) • The ingredients in descending order according to volume. • The names of all additives (if any) • The Net contents (weight or volume) • The name and address of the manufacturer • The brand name • The country of origin • The conditions of storage (if applicable) • The method of preparation for consumption (if applicable) The label must not be: • False, misleading or deceiving • Suggest that it is another foodstuff • Data must not be covered, altered or obliterated 9. DATING OF FOODSTUFFS REQUIREMENTS: • Each item of food must show a production and expiry date • Dates cannot be hand – written or on stickers • Dates must not be able to be easily removed • The day, month and year of production and expiry must be shown for products with less than six

months shelf life • The month and year of production and expiry are required for products with more than six month

shelf life • Date must be mechanically printed, embossed or ink jetted • Imported foods cannot be date marked in Dubai or Jabel Ali Free Zone • Foods cannot be double dated Please Note :Alcohol Is Not Permitted In Any Foodstuff I N S P E C T I O N AND C L E A R A N C E P R O C E D U R E S Every consignment of foodstuff arriving at any ports is physically inspected; there is no exception to this requirement. For certain foodstuffs such as baby foods and edible oils every consignment is sampled for analysis at the Central Laboratory. Other foodstuffs are sampled in accordance with the sampling policy manual, which determines the frequency of sampling dependent on the type of food the brand and country of origin.

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If the consignment is only examined physically then provided the documentation is correct, the labelling and dating complies with the legislation and the foodstuff is physically fit for human consumption the consignment will be released. This procedure from presentation of the consignment at the inspection dock to release will not take more than one hour subject to the number of items in a consignment and their availability for inspection. Where a consignment requires sampling the consignment will not be released until the result of analysis is known. In this case consignment will be detained in the port of entry or if the consignee makes an application it can be released to the consignee’s warehouse under a formal undertaking. (This only applies if the warehouse is located in Dubai.) Where consignment have been sampled the results of the analysis and subsequent decision as to their fitness normally takes five working days. Under certain circumstance this can be extended up to ten days. THIS BOOKLET HAS BEEN PRODUCED TO OFFER GUIDANCE TO THE FOOD TRADE; IT IS NOT A LEGISLATIVE DOCUMENT. WHILST EVERY EFFORT HAS BEEN MADE TO ENSURE IT’S ACCURACY NO LIABILITY CAN BE PLACED ON DUBAI MUNICIPALITY FOR ANY LOSSES RESULTING FROM USING THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN.

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農業検疫に関する 1979 年連邦法第 5 (Federal Law Number [5] of the year 1979 concerning Agricultural Quarantine)

アラブ首長国連邦大統領である Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan は、暫定憲法(interim constitution)の規定、並びに省庁及び大臣の機能に関する法律第 1972 及び同改定法に基づき、また、農



第 1 条 以下の語句及び表現の意味するところについては、特に求めのない限り、次のように定め

る。 大臣:農水産大臣(the minister of agriculture and fisheries) 管轄当局:農業検疫省(The Department of Agricultural Quarantine) 検疫所:本法に従い設置された農業貨物の検査若しくは加工のための建物もしくは小屋 団体:企業、貿易会社、大学、政府機関、外交使節、もしくは輸出入を通じた植物生産を

行う全ての団体 植物:全ての植物であり、生きているか枯れているかを問わない。また、その形もしくは


果実、種子及び苗木であるかを問わない。 植物製品:植物を元に生産されたものでその性質を保っているもの。 汚染物質:植物の種子もしくは有害な葉・茎ないしその一部で、生きているか枯れている

かを問わない。 農業貨物:本法に規定された輸入もしくは輸出された植物、その一部もしくは植物製品

第 2 条 すべての植物製品は農業検疫制度に従わねばならず、本法添付の表 1 に示される害虫もし

くは病害によって汚染されている場合、入国は認められない。 大臣は、これらの病害植物もしくは製品の所有者の要求に基づき、所有者の費用負担によ



第 3 条 植物及び植物製品は、その所有者の費用負担によって殺菌処理を施すことなく当国に入国

することを許可されない。 土及び有機肥料が管轄当局の許可なく農業貨物に付着して入国することは禁じられる。

第 4 条 病害に罹っている植物及び農産物が危険でないか、あるいは国内産物に対する影響が軽微



1 日本語は仮訳。

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第 5 条 団体は、管轄当局の事前の許可なく、科学研究もしくは実験のために、生きた昆虫、バク



第 6 条 輸出国の管轄当局発行の健康証明書と、可能な場合には UAE 大使館による無汚染かつ消毒


第 7 条 管轄当局は、輸出される農業貨物について、当該貨物が検査済であり害虫、病害及び汚染




第 8 条 すべての輸入もしくは輸出植物は管轄当局による検査を受けねばならず、輸入農業貨物が



第 9 条 通過する植物及び植物製品についても農業検疫制度に従う必要があるが、農業検疫所に 7日間以上留め置かれてはならない。 植物及び植物製品の通過貨物は、病害に罹っている場合、入国を許可されない。

第 10 条 害虫及び植物病害が国内の作物、ジャングル、苗木場及び庭園に拡散することを防ぐため、



第 11 条 本法の規定に違反した人物は、すべての当該植物、植物製品及び農業貨物を没収のうえ、3ヶ月以下の懲役もしくは 5 千ディルハム以下の罰金、もしくはその両方の処罰を受けるも


第 12 条



内において検査を行う権利を有する。 税関、港湾及びその他の当局は、上記職員の職務遂行のためにあらゆる便宜を図るものと


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第 13 条 農水産大臣は本法の実施のために必要な法令を以下のとおり発行する: 1.輸出先国の農業検疫制度に適合しない植物及び植物製品の輸出を禁じる法令 2.植物及び植物生産物の輸出入免許の条件及びその例外を定める法令 3.本法規定を実施するために徴収されるべき料金、本法実施のための決議、及び例外条


第 14 条 本法は官報に掲載され、その 3 ヶ月後に施行されるものとする。


学名 一般名 1-phylloxera vitifolia/vastarix Grape phylloxera Aphid(ブドウアブラムシ) 2-Leptinotrsa decemlineata Colorado potato Beetle(コロラドハムシ) 3-Cryptorrhachus magifera Mango Fruit Weevil(マンゴーゾウムシ) 4-Synchitrium endobioticum Potato wart disease(じゃがいもがんしゅ病) 5- Phutophaga destructor Hessian Wheat Fly(ヘシアンバエ) 6-Aspidiotus perniciosus Sanjose Scale(サンホゼカイガラムシ) 7-Popillia japonica Japanese Beetle(マメコガネ) 8-Heterodera rostochiensis Golden Nematode(ジャガイモシストセンチュウ) 9-Iridomyrmex humilis Argentines Ant(アルゼンチンアリ) 10- Pectinophora gossypiclla Tink Boll Worm Zayed B IN Sultan Al Nahyan UAE 大統領 アブダビ大統領官邸にて発行 20/ 4 /1399 H. 1979 年 3 月 19 日

2 アラビア語名は割愛した。

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農業検疫に関する 1979 年連邦法第 5 の規定改正に係る 1992 年連邦法第 6 (Federal Law Number [6] of the year 1992 Concerning the amendments of some provisions of

the Federal Law Number [5] of the year 1979 Regarding The Agricultural Quarantine) アラブ首長国連邦大統領である Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan は、暫定憲法(interim constitution)、並びに省庁の機能と大臣の権限に関する 1972 年連邦法第 1 及び同改定法に基づき、また、

農業検疫に関する 1979 年連邦法第 5、さらに農水大臣の意向、内閣の同意、及び連邦国家


第 1 条 農業検疫に関する 1979年連邦法第 5第 2条の第 1節を以下の文言に置き換えるものとする。 すべての植物製品は農業検疫の規定に従わねばならず、本法添付の表 1 に示される害虫も

しくは病害によって汚染されている場合、入国は認められない。また、大臣委員会(the council of ministers)は、農水産大臣の意向を受けて、同表の害虫もしくは植物病の名称を追加もし


第 2 条 農水産大臣は本法の規定を施行するために行動するものとする。

第 3 条 本法は官報に掲載され、その 3 ヶ月後に施行されるものとする。 Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan UAE 大統領 アブダビ大統領官邸にて発行 9th of Rajab 1412 H . 1992 年 1 月 13 日
