Page 1: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Adventures and Travels of Ulysses

By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Page 2: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez


Page 3: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Table Of Contents: Travel Destinations

• Troy

• Ciconia/Ismarus

• Land of Lotus Eaters

• Cyclops’ Island

• Keeper Of The Winds /Aeolus

• Cannibal Beach/ Laestragonians

• Circe’s Island

• Land of The Dead

• Sirens

• Scylla and Charybdis

• Thrinacia

• Calypso

• Phaecia

• Ithaca

Page 4: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez


• Troy is the site of the 10 year Trojan War. Ulysses was here fighting to free Helen from Paris. He developed the plan for the Trojan Horse which led to the Greek victory over the Trojans. Ulysses learned that it takes a lot of fighting, power, and courage to get victory.


Page 5: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Troy (Part 2)

•Ulysses fought at Troy with Achilles, Patroclus, Menelaus, and Agamemnon against Hector, Priam and the Trojans. • The Trojan War lasted 10



Page 6: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Troy-Ilium(Turkey) Now

The siege of Troy by Spartan and Achaen warriors from Greece in the 13th or 12th century BC, immortalized by Homer in the Iliad, has inspired great creative artists through out the world.

This is the most famous archeological site in the world.

It is an example of an ancient city, with a majestic fortified citadel enclosing palaces and administrative buildings surrounded by and extensive lower town, also fortified. This is the supposed burial place of these heroes such as Ajax, Achilles, Hector, and Patroclus.

The evidence of a widespread fire and slaughter around 1250 BC which brought Troy to an end has lead to this place being identified with the city designed by the Greeks during the Trojan War, immortalized in the Iliad.


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Ciconia-Ismarus View page:

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• Ciconia is the first place that Ulysses and his men stopped to gather supplies and water after leaving Troy.

• They stayed there for three days.

• Ulysses and his men attempted to steal goods from innocent people.

• At Ciconia, Ulysses learned not to harm innocent people.


Page 8: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Ciconia- Ismarus

• Advira is a popular site in Thrace.

• Near the beach of Avdira, is the archaeological site of ancient Avdira (on open access), from which many of the best finds have been taken to be put on display in the Archaeological Museums in Komotíni and Kavála.

It stands on a small headland, surrounded by the remains of the walls of the Acropolis. There are also the few remnants of a theatre and it is possible to identify a Roman bath-house. Nearby are the foundations of some Roman houses and the entrance gate to the city also remains, flanked by two towers. • This site has a very high probability that Ulysses

stepped on this exact land. 2/3

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Ciconia- Ismarus Now (Part 2)

• Warning: Don’t attack or steal from anyone because they might come back and fight you!


Page 10: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

The Land of the Lotus Eaters View page: View page:

• Ulysses and his men come to Lotusland because they were blown off course by the winds. While there, Ulysses’s men eat heaps of Lotus flowers that cause them to sleep. Ulysses stayed there from the time his men slept till the time he carried them to the boat.

• At Lotusland, Ulysses’s men only slept and ate.

• At Lotusland, Ulysses learned that it is important to make the right choice. Don’t give into temptation.


Page 11: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

The Land of the Lotus Eaters-Cyrene Now• Cyrene-Lybia originated as a Greek colony in 631

BC, but became a Roman province in 74 BC until it was destroyed by a major earthquake in 365 AD.  It combines impressive elements from both its Greek and Roman past.

• The ruins are extensive and spread over a wide area, with four main sections.  The massive Greek Temple of Zeus stands on its own about 1 km north of the Ptolemaion and Agora neighborhoods.  Further to the north-west, nestled in a steep-sided valley where a freshwater spring bubbles up from underground is the Sanctuary of Apollo, the location of the original Greek settlement.  And further out to the north of the main site is the Northern Necropolis.

• This is a great place to visit because it is on shore, close to where Ulysses was blown.

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Warning: Some areas may contain Lotus Flowers. Don’t eat them!


Page 12: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

The Cyclop’s Cave• Ulysses went to the Cyclop’s cave because his men

were getting hungry and dangerous. If Ulysses did not get them food soon, he would be facing a mutiny. Ulysses pulled ashore on the island with the Cyclop’s Cave.

• While here, Ulysses saved many of his men’s lives from Polyphemus, a scary giant with one eye. Ulysses created a sly plan and stabbed Polyphemus’s eye to disable his seeing. Ulysses was able to keep his men from getting crushed and lead them out of the cave.

• Ulysses stayed here only for the time he was in the cave. Once he escaped, he sailed away.

• At the Cyclops’s Cave Ulysses learned not to be arrogant. • View page:


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Cyclop’s Cave Now View page: View page:

• On the road from Maroneia to Proskynites, you will come across the Cyclops’ Cave (Cave of Maroneia) with a rich decoration of stalagmites and stalactites associated with the local tradition of the Cyclops, Polyphemus.

• You should visit the Cyclops’ Cave because you will get the scary feel of being in a life or death situation. You will see the rocky, ancient home of Polyphemus.

• You will get to see where Ulysses’ plan was put into action.


Page 14: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Cyclops Cave Now (Part 2)

Warning: Do not show hubris. Be humble!


Page 15: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Keeper of the Winds (Island of Aeolus)

• Ulysses goes to the Keeper of the Winds because there was a bronze wall floating in the ocean. Ulysses sailed around the wall until he came to a gate. Poseidon had guided his ships to Aeolus’s Island.

• Ulysses tells stories to Aeolus. Ulysses tells the story of the Trojan War. He also tells the story of Polyphemus.

• For telling such good stories, Aeolus gave Ulysses a bag of winds. Ulysses could use the west wind to get home. However, his men acted like fools. They cut the bag of winds open when they were almost home. Then their home was waving goodbye.

• Ulysses stays here for a few days.

• At the Island of Aeolus, Ulysses and his crew members learn that they have to trust each other. Without trust they will never get home.

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Keeper of the Winds-Aeolin Islands Now

• The Aeolin Islands are a popular tourist destination in the summer. The shape of the Aeolin Islands is a result of volcanic activity.

• For nature lovers, climbing Stromboli on the Aeolin Islands is a great experience. It was formed 4000 years ago. Its gasses continue to constantly spray liquid magma. It takes 2.5 to 3 hours to climb this volcano. The most recent eruption took place on February 27, 2007.Two new craters were formed.

• These islands are connected to Ulysses because they are named after Aeolus.


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Keeper of the Winds Now (Part 2)

Warning: While on this island, if you receive any gifts, make sure your colleagues trust you!


Page 18: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Cannibal Beach

• Ulysses went to Cannibal Beach to get food, water, and rest.

• At Cannibal Beach, Ulysses found what he thought was a tree but turned out to be a cannibal giant.

• Ulysses stayed here one day.

• At Cannibal Beach, Ulysses learned that if you want something done, you have to do it yourself. He also learned to be careful with his surroundings.


Page 19: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Cannibal Beach-Paximadia Now

• Paximadia is an island off the Gulf of Messara near Crete in Greece.

• People can go to the sandy beaches to barbeque, dive, and enjoy the sun.

• At Paximadia people can swim in the ocean where Ulysses sailed his ships.

• It is said that Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis here. Ulysses believed in these gods and goddesses.

Warning: Be sure of your surroundings and take action when you need!


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• Once again, Ulysses and his men have run out of food and have to take risks.

• While on Circe’s Island, Ulysses sees smoke rising from a castle. In the castle, Ulysses’s men are turned into pigs by Circe. She felt they ate just like pigs, stuffing porridge in their mouths.

• Ulysses meets Hermes on this island. Hermes gives Ulysses a black, yellow, and purple flower to withstand Circe’s power.


Page 21: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Circe (Part2)

• Ulysses and Circe end up becoming husband and wife. Circe turns Ulysses’s men back into humans.

• Ulysses stays here for multiple days, possibly months and only leaves when he finds out that Circe has had multiple husbands and turns them into animals.

• At Circe’s Island, Ulysses learned that he and his men should not be greedy.


Page 22: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Circe-Aeaea Now

• Characterized by safe harbors, Aeaea is a great place to swim and watch the wildlife such as lions, wolves, and pigs just like the ones Ulysses’s men were turned into.

• On this island, you will be given an exotic drink found no where else on Earth. This drink is made by Circe herself.

Warning: Do not get fooled into any tricks and do not be greedy like Ulysses’s men!


Page 23: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Land of the Dead• Ulysses goes to the Land of the Dead

because Circe commanded him to go there and meet with Teiresias.

• At the Land of the Dead, Ulysses meets Elpenor, who fell from the mast and his mother who had promised she would die someday.

• Ulysses also meets Achilles who warns Ulysses about the Sirens. Next to Achilles, was Ajax who warns Ulysses that when he reaches Ithaca, his wife will be courted by other men and his son will be held captive.

• Lastly, Ulysses meets Teiresias who warns Ulysses that if his men eat golden cattle they will never see home again.


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Land of the Dead (Part 2)

• Ulysses stayed here for less than a day.

• In the Land of the Dead, Ulysses learned about his future.


Page 25: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Land of the Dead- River Okeanos Now• The Land of the Dead is located on the

western shore of the earth-encircling River Okeanos, beyond the gates of the sun and the land of dreams.

• This is where the Greeks and Ulysses considered the end of the flat Earth.

• At night, the sun-god sailed around the northern limits of the stream in a golden boat.

• This is said to be the Earth’s fresh water source by some. The sun, moon, and stars were all believed to rise and set into its waters.

(Credit: NOAA Okeanos)


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Land of the Dead Now-River Okeanos (Part 2)

• Constellations are also said to rise and set here.

• Also besides stars, today when people come here, they will see a dark misty shore.

Warning: When you come to the land of the dead, you might meet ghosts who will tell you your future.


Page 27: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Sirens• Ulysses goes to the Sirens to get to Thrinacia.

The Sirens are located at the head of the strait.

• The Sirens’ voices were absolutely beautiful. To prevent anyone from jumping overboard, Ulysses plugged his men's ears with wax. Ulysses left his ears unplugged so he could hear and had his men tie him to the mast with rawhide. Ulysses heard the voices and broke free. However, Eurylochus and Perimedes held him back. They retied him with anchor hawser.

• As the ship passed by the rock, everyone saw the singers. They were larger than eagles. They had feathers and claws. They had the faces of young girls. The Sirens’ appearance did not match their voice.


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Sirens (Part 2)

• Ulysses stays here for not very long. Ulysses only stayed here for the time it took him to get past the Sirens in the strait.

• Ulysses learned to once again to resist temptation.


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Sirens-Li Galli Now

• Li Galli is a group of little islands off the Amalfi Coast of Italy.

• Li Galli is very rocky and is surrounded by lots of water. Li Galli has a great shore.

• People like us have now inhabited Li Galli. However, Li Galli used to be the Sirens’ habitat.

• Today, people can swim and go boating. If you like to exercise, you can also walk on the rocks which are a great site. If you like to be calm, these islands are rather lonely. There are also hotels here if you prefer. 3/4

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Sirens-Li Galli Now (Part 2)

Warning: If you hear any dangerous people singing, don’t give into them. You should resist them even though you might be tempted!


Page 31: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Scylla and Charybdis• Ulysses goes to Scylla and Charybdis because it

is also located in the strait leading to Thrinacia.

• Charybdis hid under the rock to the left. Charybdis gets so thirsty she has the ability to create a whirlpool. “Your hunger shall become thirst. As you once devoured land belonging to me, now you shall drink the tide thrice a day- swallow it and spit it fourth again- and your name will be a curse to sailors forever.” (Evslin)

• Scylla, has a terrible hunger and scoops up six sailors every time a ship comes near. “Thereupon she changed Scylla into something that looked like a huge fleshy spider with twelve legs and six heads. She also implanted in her an insatiable hunger, a wild greed for human flesh.”(Evslin) 1/4

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Scylla and Charybdis (Part 2)• Ulysses was unable to calculate the

width of the oars and when the ship was almost through, Scylla grabbed hold of some of the oars and fed six men to her mouths.

• Ulysses is here for just the time it takes him to get past both monsters.

• At Scylla and Charybdis, Ulysses learned that your choices won’t always give you a good result.


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Scylla and Charybdis-Strait of Messina Now

• Scylla and Charybdis each lived on a side of the Strait of Messina.

• There is a whirlpool in the Northern Part of this strait which is linked to Scylla and Charybdis.

• People can ride a ferry service on The Strait of Messina. The strait is characterized by strong tidal currents, that established a marine ecosystem. There is a huge population of many organisms. There is also a great diversity of species to look at in this strait. The Strait of Messina is also an important migratory route of the Mediterranean Sea. Fish such as the Tuna, Albacore, the Mediterranean Spearfish, and Swordfish migrate here. People can use small engine powered fishing boats to capture fish such as the Tuna.


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Scylla and Charybdis- Strait of Messina(Part 2)

Warning: Don’t sail to close to either side of the strait!


Page 35: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Sun God’s Island• Ulysses stops at the island with the Sun God’s Cattle

because his men were exhausted, a south wind was blowing, and the water kegs were empty. Ulysses had been warned about this land: If any of his men harm the cattle in any way, they will never see home again.

• Ulysses tells Eurylochus to take guard and kill anyone near the cattle. Ulysses also assigns groups to get water and food but game is scarce here. Ulysses falls asleep one night and wakes up to everyone eating golden cattle. Eurylochus had persuaded the crew and ended up persuading Ulysses.

• The wind set down and the men boarded the ships when thunderbolts attacked them. Ulysses was the only one to survive. Ulysses floated on a raft and was pushed back to Charybdis. He jumped off the raft and clung to the mast. Ulysses finally arrived at a dark land.


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Sun God’s Island (Part 2)

• Ulysses stayed here for thirty days.

• Ulysses learned not to be persuaded by what others say because bad things will happen.


Cattle of the Sun God, by Romare Bearden. Ann and Sheldon Vogel

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Sun God’s Island-Sicily Now• Sun God’s Island is located at Trinacia which is modern day

Sicily. Sicily has a roughly triangular shape, which earned it the name Trinacria(Thrinacia) The terrain of inland Sicily is mostly hilly and intensively cultivated wherever it was possible.

• Today a great site in Sicily would be Mount Etna. Mount Etna is the largest active volcano in Europe and still plagues the island with black ash with its ever current eruptions. In Greek Mythology the deadly monster Typhon was trapped under this mountain by Zeus. The Greeks, including Ulysses would be thankful to Zeus.

• In Sicily, as in other Mediterranean areas, livestock represents one of the most important resources for the island economy. This sector involves more than 16,000 farms of cattle and 10,000 farms of sheep and goats (respectively 6% and 15% of national production) which are actually increasing their number.( This cattle is just like the cattle Ulysses men were tempted to eat.


Cattle grazing near San Vito Lo Capo.



Page 38: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Sun God’s Island-Sicily Now (Part 2)

Cattle grazing near San Vito Lo Capo.400 x 281 · 55 kB ·

Warning: Do not steal, touch, or eat anything that you were forewarned about!


Page 39: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Calypso’s Island• Ulysses arrives at Calypso’s island

because he had fell asleep on his raft and this is where he landed.

• Ulysses is greeted by Calypso, a titan who wants Ulysses to believe that her island was his home. Calypso wanted Ulysses to forget about Ithaca, his wife, and son. Ulysses sends a bird that used to be Calypso’s friend to fly to Ithaca. After the report, Ulysses really wants to get home. Ulysses prayer was carried to Olympus and the gods and goddesses convinced Circe to let Ulysses go home.


Page 40: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Calypso Island (Part 2)

• Ulysses stayed here for a very long time. He stayed here for a total of about 7 years.

• Ulysses learned to never forget who you are, where you come from, and what you are meant to do.


Page 41: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Calypso’s Island- Gozo Now• A hop-on hop-off bus service operates in

Gozo. There are two of these bus providers. People can ride on the open top of the bus to get great sites. Both offer a tour service linking various places of interest on the island. Each tour includes an audio commentary in 16 languages and each tour takes 45 minutes. On the hop-on hop-off bus you can ride in style.

• Gozo is also much known for its "Festas" (carnival). These celebrations include fireworks and bands every weekend in the summer. People from Nadur, Gozo dress in colorful and outrageous costumes for the festas. It is very spirited.

Festa Fireworks, Xewkija, Gozo 3/4

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Calypso’s Island-Gozo Now (Part 2)

• Just like Calypso tried to tempt Ulysses to stay with her, this island’s festas would tempt Ulysses to stay here.

Warning: Do not stay on this island for too long. Don’t forget who you are or where you came from!


Page 43: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Nausicaa’s Island

• Ulysses arrives at Nausicaa’s Island because Ino’s veil helped Ulysses swim to her shore.

• Ulysses meets Nausicaa by a river, when he was naked and dirty. Nausicaa gives Ulysses clothes and lets him take a bath. Ulysses uses his charm to get Nausicaa and her mom, the queen to like him. The king however did not like Ulysses because he had been foretold to avoid shipwrecks, storytellers, and strangers. Games are held in the courtyard and Ulysses shows all the other men up when he throws a disk farther than anyone else. That night, the king holds a banquet and Nausicaa sings songs of Troy and Ulysses. Ulysses finally tells everyone who he is. The king then decides to give Ulysses a ship to sail home. 1/4

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Nausicaa’s Island (Part 2)

• Ulysses stays here from anywhere from 2-5 days because Ulysses met Nausicaa one day and it took more days to get Ulysses a ship.

• Ulysses learned that people should be treated nicely and that you should tell the truth about your identity.


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Nausicaa’s Island-Phaecia Now• Phaecia is now known as Corfu. Corfu is a

Greek island in the Ionian Sea.

• In Greek history, Poseidon fell in love with the nymph Korkyra and had a child named Phaiax, which in Latin was translated to Phaeacians. This is how Ulysses knew the people on this island as Phaeacians.

• Today, Corfu receives more rainfall than any other Greek island, there is a variety and abundance of plant life like few other places in Greece. Also, tourism has also taken over many of the coastal areas. On the western side of Corfu, there are secluded bays and more open areas with sandy stretches. The climate here is mild and the water is beautiful.


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Nausicaa’s Island-Phaecia Now (Part 2)

Warning: Make sure people know who you are so that you are treated properly!


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• Ulysses reaches his home and stays here for the rest of his life.

• Ulysses first asks for a swineherd’s help when he meets Telemachus in the hut. They all create a plan to take down the suitors. Ulysses acts like a beggar and many things happen at the castle. Ulysses has his dog die in his hands, he fights off the working beggar, and wins Penelope on his side by telling her stories about himself. Penelope decides to have the men shoot a bow at a target to decide her husband. Ulysses is the only man who is able to use the stiff bow. The suitors then realized it was Ulysses. Ulysses and Telemachus with the help of some others kill all of the suitors. Ulysses finally got back Penelope. 1/4

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Ithaca (Part 2)

• Ulysses learned that there are a few people in life that you can trust and will always stick by you.

Penelope’s Suitors


Page 49: Adventures and Travels of Ulysses By: Paige Portacio and Randy Hernandez

Ithaca Now• An interesting thing to do in Ithaca would be to go on a

guided walk. On your way, you will come across a very large tree. This tree is great to see because it is said to be 1,500 years old. This tree is sacred to the people of Ithaca. • Beach lovers will also love Ithaca’s beaches. There are

various beaches in Ithaca from pebble covering to sand, from rocky backgrounds to trees, from quiet beaches and busy ones. People can scuba dive or kayak on the sea. • Vathý is Ithaca’s capital. Vathý is home to the Folklore

Museum. There are enthusiastic guides throughout the exhibition to answer your questions. In the museum there is furniture and goods of the early settlers of Ithaca. There is also musical instruments, wheels, cooking instruments, and the wealth of early Ithaca is also stored here. To really learn about Ithaca, a visit to the Folklore Museum is a must.


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Ithaca Now (Part 2)

• Lastly, to many Ithaca symbolizes the return to haven that originated from when Ulysses returned home.

• There are statues of Ulysses throughout Ithaca. The legend of Ulysses is still told all over the island.

Warning: You may not want to ever leave Ithaca because it is so beautiful and you’ll feel like you're at home just like Ulysses!
