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OSLC | December 2019

“To walk with Christ and neighbor, healing brokenness together.”

In this Issue... From the Pastor…………….1 Specials…..…...……….….....2 Announcements…………...3 Calendar…………….…..….…4 Prayers……………..…………..6 Celebrations………………….6 Worship Schedule………...6 Sharing Our Talents…….…7 Spiritual Practice……...…..8

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church 1200 S. 40th Street

Lincoln, NE 68510

402-483-4126 |


Nov. 30-December 1 Isaiah 2:1-5

Romans 13:11-14 Matthew 24:36-44

December 7-8 Isaiah 11:1-10

Romans 15:4-13 Matthew 3:1-12

December 14-15

All-Congregation Impromptu Christmas Program

December 21-22

Isaiah 7:10-16 Romans 1:1-7

Matthew 1:18-25

December 24 Isaiah 9:2-7

Titus 2:11-14 Luke 2:1-20

December 25 Isaiah 52:7-10 Hebrews 1:1-4

John 1:1-14

December 29, 10:00am Lessons & Carols

Fundraising for OSLC Youth

This Month’s Opportunity: December 8

2nd Sunday of each month From 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.

at BOTH Don & Millie’s locations When you order, tell the cashier you are there for Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church Youth and 20% of what you spend on food & drinks will go to our OSLC Youth.

December 2019 | Tidings 1

Open Invitation—Open Conversation Greetings! The monthly spiritual practice articles will resume once my hand is finished healing. In the meantime, I would like to invite you into one-on-one conversation about all things related to my position as Director of Social Ministry. I am interested in getting to know you and in hearing your thoughts on this important ministry. Here are some conversation starters: The Feast Program – likes, dislikes, questions – what do you want to know? Why did I apply for this job? How did my education and career histories prepare me for this ministry? What ministries are part of the outreach portion of this positon? What ministries would you like to see as part of the in-reach portion of this positon? What do you want me to know about you? What gifts do you have that can be used to support in-reach and/or outreach? What social justice issues are important to you? What do you want to know about my position? Or any questions you have that aren’t on this list. All questions or topics about Social Ministry are welcome. While my door is always open to you, the time it will take for my hand to heal provides a great opportunity to schedule an appointment to visit with me. I am very much interested in what you have to say! To schedule a time, you can call me at 402-483-4126 – email [email protected] – or as some of you have done al-ready, stop by if you see me in the office. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing about what is important to you.

Alissa Gunning |Director of Social Ministries/Spiritual Director |Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, November 2019

“Advent Hope” At our kitchen celebration last month, I met a young woman who hadn’t been in a church for over five years—not since her dad died. She had come with her boyfriend who had been invited by his cousin who was a former FEAST partner. She couldn’t articulate why she hadn’t attended worship in five years. Faith had been a big part of her life with her dad. But she did comment on a number of things she noticed—that she felt welcome, the service was engaging, and we have a female pastor. She hadn’t seen one before. I think it can become easy to take for granted the things that are commonplace for us but perhaps novel for many in our society. I’ve heard it before: “I’ve never seen a woman pastor before.” And yet, Christians have been ordaining women—some for over a century. The ELCA is a relative new-comer to that reality, having ordained women for only the last 50 years. Of course, the first woman of color wasn’t ordained until 10 years later. And we have been ordaining people within LGBTQIA now for only 10 years. I don’t think Lutherans have earned the term ‘trend-setters’ since Martin Luther himself did some-thing new, different, and frowned upon. Since then, it seems that we have walked the tightrope be-tween splitting over differences and contorting ourselves in order to remain whole. It’s yet another symptom of a greater fear—if people stop coming, we won’t survive. I’ve been privy to the various forms of anxiety that seem to be simmering within the congregation—anxiety over decline and finance, over Sunday School and youth engagement, over FEAST concerns, over kitchen use and building debt, over the loss of our musician and the underlying issues sur-rounding how we welcome people who are gay, trans, etc. We are a microcosm of the anxiety per-meating the country—politics, immigration, taxes, impeachment, healthcare, abortion, guns, and more. So many things stir up fear and anger within us, pitting us against one another, dividing us and turning us into something unrecognizable. And yet, we say that we are One Body in Christ. We talk about hope in Christ. We adhere to a gospel of grace and mercy. We say that God is Love. These aren’t just words—though perhaps they become so when fear grips our hearts and keeps us from imagining the beauty that God has in store for us. Not just someday when we die but right here and right now. I imagine that the young woman who came into our building that Sunday had fears: Would she feel outcast or welcome? Would a Lutheran service feel like her home Baptist church? Where would she sit? Who would talk to her? Would she know the hymns? Would she feel gripped by grace in the message? Would anyone see her fear beneath the mask of confidence? And yet, she came in and sat down. She worshipped and stayed for lunch. Maybe she’ll come back, maybe not. But she pushed past her fear and all the things that kept her from being within a Church community for so long—she walked in with a bit of hope for something new. That’s what Advent is about—hope for something new in the coming of Christ. Jesus said, “Perfect love casts out fear.” Love. When we feel anxiety about the future and fear in the present, let us love. Let us hope. Let us imagine a new day through the eyes of Christ.

Pastor Tobi white

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Date Nov. 30 & Dec. 1 Dec. 7 & 8 Dec. 14 & 15 Dec. 21 & 22 Dec. 28 & 29

Altar Flowers Don Witt, in memory of

Catherine Witt

Alan & Jody Olsen, in honor of 20th

wedding anniversary

Wally Albers, in memory of Barbara

Albers, wife & mother

Altar Guild Cindy & Rachel Humann, Denise Phlmann

FEAST Meal Provider Holiday Meal St. Andrew’s OPEN OPEN N/A

Meals on Wheels OPEN Dave Rainforth Jodi & Diane OPEN OPEN

Staff & Leaders

Pastor: Tobi White [email protected]

Director of Discipleship: Karrie Lickliter [email protected]

Director of Social Ministries: Alissa Gunning—[email protected]

Director of Worship, Music & Arts: OPEN—[email protected]

Office Manager/Bookkeeper: Laura Pester—[email protected]

Director of Food & Sustainability: Lindsey Engel

Assistant Organist: Jan Malone Bell Choir Director: Krista Connelly

Choir Accompanist: Lila Revesz Sexton: Jeff Hoadley

[email protected]

Nursery Attendant: Mandy Nesheim

Council President: Mike Rapp [email protected]

Vice President: Judd Chatelain

Council Secretary: Patti Horstman

Council Treasurer: Denise Essman [email protected]

Council Property Steward: Kent Reinhard

Congregational Care Team Mission Advocate:

Alice Timm

Stewardship Team Mission Advocate: Courtney Eizmann

Outreach Ministry Team Mission Advocate:

Wanda Hein

Faith Formation Team Mission Advocate:

Leif Nesheim

OSL Foundation President: Gary Hein —[email protected]

December 2019 | Tidings 7

Sharing Our Talents Altar Flower sign-up is near the front doors (cost is $29). Meals on Wheels sign-up is also near the front doors, next to the flower chart. Hospitality sign-up is distributed during the previous week’s worship. You can also sign at the office up during the week. FEAST sign-up: please contact Alissa Gunning or Lindsey Engel to serve/help with meals.

OSLC Leadership Mission Statement

“Called and compelled by our hope in Jesus Christ, we empower our community to care, learn, teach, lead, and serve.”

2 Tidings | December 2019

OSLC Food Philosophy Food is a gift of God’s grace that brings us together for the growth and nourish-

ment of body, soul, and community.

OPEN POSITION Director of Worship, Music, & Arts

This position is responsible for planning worship, including music & hymns for worship, directing the Sanctuary Choir

and Set Free ensemble, leading worship with organ and piano, preparing the week-end bulletins and powerpoints, and acting as Staff Liaison to the Congregation Care Team (among other things). The position is 30 hrs/wk and is eligible for benefits. Anyone interested in applying can contact Pastor Tobi White at [email protected].

Financial Peace University at OSLC! This 9-week course will help you learn how to

take control of your money. Classes are on Sunday evenings from 6:30p.m.-8:30p.m.

beginning February 9th-April 5th. Participant Packet is $99.00 and Scholarships for

up to $50 are available. Contact Karrie at [email protected] if interested.

“Live Simply”

“[The followers of Jesus] are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life.”

~1 Timothy 6:18-19 During this holiday season, it can be tempting to become obsessed with the things we have, the things we don’t have, the things we want, and the things we want to give. Each year, Americans take on more and more debt in an effort to meet gift expectations and outdo themselves and each other. In 2018, 28% of shoppers went into the Christmas season still paying off debt from the previous Christmas. We, as a culture, have become enslaved to standards of wealth and possession, living in bondage to our wallets. But that is not ‘life that really is life.’ It is not the life God wants for us. At the same time, ‘living simply’ isn’t simply a renuncia-tion or denunciation of things. Martin Luther says that Christ has made us free—free from and free for. Christ’s life and death and promise of abundant life set us free from possessions, free from consumption, free from dehumanizing work, and free from debt. Christ sets us free “for what God loves—all human beings and all creatures God has called into being.” Free from Possessions “When our time, our attention, and our devotion are absorbed by what we possess, we end up being possessed by our possessions.” My son changes his mind on what he thinks he wants the most on a daily basis. But none of these items help him to serve others. We aren’t called to give everything up. Stewardship is making the best use of what you have for the sake of the whole community. So, the opposite of enslavement to possessions is generosity. Free from Over-Consumption “Mere renunciation is not what Jesus expects. Sacrifice is not an end in itself.” We are not called to asceticism—to giving up everything and having nothing. We are also not called to seek satiation of our desires by consuming more of the world. Rather, the opposite of over-consumption is the contentment of sharing. This is best experienced at the sharing of the feast at the table of the Lord. “The Eucharist is the model for all of our consumption and...the epitome of the life that is really life.” Free from Enslavement by Work “Human beings humiliate and subjugate each other through work, but human beings often enslave themselves through compulsion to compete and achieve through work,” as well. How many times have you tallied up the hours you worked in a week, feeling a mix of both self-pity and superiority? How many times have you felt guilty about not working as much as a counterpart? We are not meant to be free from work. Instead, we are free for “liberated work for the life of the community.” When you recognize how what you do serves others, it becomes less work and more service in the name of Christ. Free from Debt In the age of credit cards, we quickly become enslaved to debt. Sometimes, it’s a necessity. We don’t have enough saved up to meet the emergency needs of a broken furnace, or a car replacement. We enter into a payment plan or put things on our credit cards. But these solutions keep us bound so that we do not have the freedom to do the work of radical stewardship in the name of Christ. “Many of us in the developed world don’t understand the seriousness of the prayer Jesus commands us to pray: Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.” Not only is being in debt a challenge to good steward-ship, so is enabling others to go into debt. As we engage in this quarter’s stewardship focus of Living Simply this Advent season, consider this: “The simple life, in the end, is an astounding gift of God that makes us rejoice without ceasing.” *Quotes taken from “Giving: Growing Joyful Stewards in Your Congregation,” ‘Live Simply’ volume, published by Ecumenical Stewardship Center, Richmond, IN, 2016.

Poinsettias are available to order in memory or in honor of

someone this Christmas Season. Stop by the order table before

or after worship on Nov.30-Dec. 1, Dec. 7 & 8, and Dec. 14 & 15

to make your order. Plants will be approximately $8 each

(details will be available at the table).

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6 Tidings | December 2019

2—Alex Kolman, Janet Schmidt 3—Theresa Reinhard 4—Michelle Tyser 7—Tatum Samek 8—Jen Barton, Jody Rapp, Denis Schneckloth 9—Dorothy Wise 10—Chris Hansen, Elsa Larson, Grace Rus 11—Noah Yoder 12—Jacob Harms 13—Jennifer Bailey 17—Julie Petersen 19—Bud Christenson 20—Lori Ditson 21—Cheryl Hahn 22—Lisa Dresbach 23—Gladys Meyer, Joel Scherling 27—Gerry Rehm, Wanda Rogge 29—Lily Harms, Max Marquart, Heather Rus 30—Merilyn Iversen 31—Luke Nesheim

10—Tom & Marti Franti 11—Alan & Jody Olsen 28—Kent & Theresa Reinhard 29—Bob & Donna Lundberg

Discipleship Because we know we learn and grow best in faith when we do it together. And we value that growth in children

and adults of every age...

Bible Studies: Tuesdays @ 1:00p.m. with Karrie—Studying the Gospel of Luke. Tuesdays @ 6:30p.m. with Dan Warren —Studying the Gospel of Mark (on vacation until January).

Widow’s Supper Group Meets the 4th Monday of every month. This month, the group will meet at Applebee’s at Gate-way Mall on December 30th, 5:30p.m.

Yesterday’s Youth Please join us December 5th at 12:00p.m. in the Community Room for our Surprise Christmas luncheon (you don’t need to bring anything), followed by a fun time of singing Christmas Carols with Dorothy Applebee. Invite a friend to share in the fun.

Next Month: NO Yesterday’s Youth in January!

Advent Festival-Join us for crafts, fellowship, and fun as we make Christmas ornaments and crafts to decorate our homes. Saturday, December 7, 10-1:00p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We will have cookies for snacks and for lunch you can enjoy pizza made by Kent Reinhard and his group. Everyone is wel-come! Bring a friend! If you can help oversee a craft station, bring cookies or help with pizza, please contact Karrie Lickliter.

*New at OSLC* Mind the GAP - God’s Assistance Pro-gram Looking for some inspiration? Pick what you need. Have a favorite affirmation or bible verse you think might benefit someone else? Plant a seed in our new GAP display outside the sanctuary doors. Sticky notes and pens are available. How can God assist you today?

Advent Dinner Church This year, thanks to our Director of Food & Sustainability (Lindsey Engel), we can once again have Advent Dinner Church on Wednesday, from 6:00-7:45pm. We will ask people to RSVP so that we make sure to have enough food—a sign-up sheet is in the Atrium, and there will be one going out via e-mail this week. A personal invitation will be extended to families and individuals to help prep the meals on Tuesdays. We hope you’ll join us again and make this experi-ence as beautiful as it was last year!

Events & Notices Because we believe in relationships, opportunities to

bless one another, and grow together…

Lincoln Stars Faith & Family Day-Come and enjoy Faith & Family Day with the Lincoln Stars on Sunday, Dec. 1st at 2:05 p.m. The day consists of a church service and Christian band performance prior to the game! Afterwards, enjoy the hockey game as the Stars face the Tri-City Storm! Call Landon at 402-205-2175 for ticket pricing and more information!

Christmas Program Goodie Bags will be given to all chil-dren who attend the Impromptu Christmas Experience on Sat-urday, December 14th and Sunday, December 15th. Donations of individually wrapped Christmas candy for the Goodie Bags would be greatly appreciated! Donations can be placed in the basket marked for the New Christmas Experience in the Court Yard Hallway beginning December 1.

Christmas Reception/Zimmer Fund Raiser High School students will provide a muffin, fruit & waffle reception be-tween Christmas Event Services. A cookie decorating station will be included. This is also a fundraiser for the Zimmer fami-ly.

Blood pressure checks will continue on the 3rd Sunday of the month during the school year.

Coffee Tuesdays sharing a cup of coffee or beverage with others who have experienced a loss. Meets 2nd Tuesday of the month, 9:30am - 10:30am, at Scooter’s Coffee, 2901 S. 84th St.. (Does not meet March, April, September, or October.) This is a ministry of CHI Health.

Because we know that it takes a whole community to make a difference in the world...

FEAST Meals: Upcoming openings include December 15, & 22. Sign up with Lindsey at [email protected] to help.

Alternative Giving: The Mitten Tree – Donations of caps, mittens and scarves will keep the children of Lincoln warm this winter. Your gifts will be shared with children of men and women incarcerated in Nebraska and other children in need.

The Angel Tree includes names of local children of incar-cerated parents. Purchase a gift for approximately $20 (suggestions are provided) and the FEAST Safe Place Sup-port Group will wrap and deliver your gifts.

Kimangaro Parish, Tanzania – Our companion parish in the Northern Diocese of Tanzania is currently working on a renovation project. Your financial support will support their ministry and help with their building project. Enve-lopes are available; pick one up and drop it in the offering during the Advent season.

Bridges To Hope – There are many ways to support B2H, but this Advent season we will focus on kitchen items. Suggested items include (new items, please): can open-ers, potato peelers, pot holders, dish cloths, towels, & soap; spatulas, wooden spoons, sponges and scrubbers, measuring cups and spoons, etc. Also, small appliances (new or gently used): toasters, coffee pots, crock pots, pots and pans, skillets, and casseroles, etc. Almost any-thing that a college student might need for their first apartment would be on the list.

Fair Trade Coffee, Tea or Chocolate is a gift you can pur-chase right here in the atrium. Farmers in poorer coun-tries around the world benefit by receiving direct profits. Great gifts for co-workers, teachers and friends.

Layettes of Love can use your help. Bring your Best Choice UPC labels, leftover yarn, or soft fabric and place them in the marked containers in the hallway. Every little bit helps!

Carol Joy Holling Empyrean Trail Run Register today to support the camp ministries. Trail Run will be Feb. 1, 2020 at 11a.m. at Camp Carol Joy Holling. Register at Enjoy adventurous running, delicious Lazlo’s food, amazing Empyrean beer, and a FREE giveaway item! “No child is ever turned away because they cannot afford the fee. In 2019, over 500 kids received financial assistance to attend camp.”

December 2019 | Tidings 3


In our church family prayers, we remember:

Because we, the Body of Christ, carry each other through trials, struggles, and celebrations...

Those Ill: Gretchen Zwetzig, Judy Putty, Diana Grabarkewitz, Bob Furst-enau, Addie Scripter, Rod Hernandez, Don Winbolt, Mary Sincovec, Dale Bilstein, Michele France, Cindy Bartlett, Linda Reed, Victoria Heaton, Lori Beel, Nancy Davis, Dennis, Jolene Moore, Rachel Rainforth, Bob Halstead, Alissa Gunning, Jordan Hein, Donna Sullivan, Darla Mae Stewart, Caidyn Davis, Glen Conradi, Kathy Bratt, Ronin Baumgartner

Homebound: Betty Alm, Cooper Dennis, Leora Engel, Mark Foster, Sandee Fruhling, Darlene Harms, Darlene Johnson, Eloise Landgren, Max-ine Magwire, Naomi Maske, Wayne Mumford, Jenifer Nelson, Carol Rosenlof, Margaret Shaw, Gene Staberg, Dorothy Wise, Shari Zinnecker

First Responders & Military Personnel: Coty Surrounded, Jonah Lux, Erin Kocher, Phil Kocher, Tollie Yoder

Our partners in Mission: Lincoln Area Cluster Churches; Kimangaro Par-ish in Tanzania

Grieving: Mary Barton & family at the death of her brother, Paul Ahrendt; Carla & Scott Evans & family at the death of her mother, Susan Baade

Justice & Peace: California Forest Fires & Firefighters; Transgender Day of Remembrance; Violence in Hong Kong & China; Victims of earthquake in Albania

December Worship Schedule: November 30 - December 1 5:30p.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Communion & personal absolution 8:15a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Communion & personal absolution 10:45a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Communion & personal absolution

December 7 - 8 5:30p.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Kneeling Communion 8:15a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Kneeling Communion 10:45a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Holy Communion

December 14 - 15 5:30p.m. Intergenerational Interactive Christmas Program 8:15a.m. Intergenerational Interactive Christmas Program 10:45a.m. Intergenerational Interactive Christmas Program

December 21 - 22 5:30p.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Holy Communion 8:15a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/Holy Communion 10:45a.m. ELW 4 Liturgy w/ Holy Communion

Christmas Eve/Day December 24 4:00p.m. Family Service w/ Communion 7:00p.m. Festival Service w/ Communion 11:00p.m. Candlelight Service w/ Communion December 25 10:00a.m. Festival Service w/ Communion

December 29 5:30p.m. NO Saturday service this weekend! 10:00a.m. Lessons & Carols

Advent Dinner Church: Wednesdays, Dec. 4, 11, 18, from 6:00 - 7:45pm in the Fellowship Hall.

Inclement Weather Policy Please note that when LPS classes are cancelled

due to inclement weather, our offices will be closed and activities cancelled for the day (unless

otherwise notified). To find out about worship can-cellations, go to our website, our Facebook page, or listen/watch KLIN, Froggy98, B107.3, Wow FM

and Red 94.5 for updates.

Page 4: Advent Hope - OUR SAVIOUR'S LUTHERAN CHURCH - HomeThe monthly spiritual practice articles will resume once my hand is finished healing. In the meantime, I would ... FEAST sign-up:

December 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:15a.m. Worship 9:30a.m. Education Hour NO Sunday School 10:45a.m. Worship 12:00p.m. FEAST 2:00p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30p.m. AA Meeting

2 7:00p.m. Ray of Hope 7:00p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

3 8:00a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group 1:00p.m. Bible Study w/ Karrie 7:00p.m. Mary/Martha Group

4 11:00a.m. Wandering Wonder Seekers 5:15p.m. Bells of OSLC Rehearsal 5:30p.m. Foster Care Review Board 6:00-7:45p.m. Advent Dinner Church 7:30p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

5 7:00a.m. Men’s Study Group 12:00p.m. Yesterday’s Youth 7:00p.m. Set Free Rehearsal 7:30p.m. A Safe Place Support Group

6 6:30p.m. Advent Festival Set-up 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

7 10:00a.m. Layettes of Love 10:00a.m. NAIA Meeting 10:00a.m.-1:00p.m. Advent Festival 5:30p.m. Worship

8 Don & Millie’s Day

8:15a.m. Worship 9:30a.m. Sunday School/Education Hr. 10:45a.m. Worship 12:00p.m. FEAST 2:00p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30p.m. AA Meeting

9 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00p.m. Property Meeting

10 8:00a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group 9:30a.m. Lydia Circle 9:30a.m. Martha Circle 12:00p.m. Worship Planning 1:00p.m. Bible Study w/ Karrie 6:00p.m. Inclusivity Meeting

11 9:30a.m. Esther Circle 5:15p.m. Bells of OSLC Rehearsal 6:00-7:45p.m. Advent Dinner Church 7:30p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

12 7:00a.m. Men’s Study Group 10:00a.m. Staff Meeting 7:00p.m. Council Meeting 7:30p.m. A Safe Place Support Group

13 6:00p.m. Faith Partners 7:30p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

14 5:30p.m. Worship—All-Congregation Christmas Pro-gram

15 8:15a.m. Worship—All Congregation Christmas Program 9:15a.m. Blood Pressure Checks 9:30a.m. Brunch/Fundraiser for Zim-mer Family 10:15a.m. Blood Pressure Checks 10:45a.m. Worship—All Congrega-tion Christmas Program 12:00p.m. FEAST 2:00p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30p.m. AA Meeting

16 7:00 p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal 7:00p.m. Ray of Hope

17 8:00a.m. Men’s Breakfast Group 1:00p.m. Bible Study w/ Karrie 7:00p.m. Mary/Martha Group

18 9:00a.m. Chat & Tie 11:00a.m. Wandering Wonder Seekers 5:15p.m. Bells of OSLC Rehearsal 6:00-7:45p.m. Advent Dinner Church 7:30p.m. Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

19 7:00a.m. Men’s Study Group 7:00p.m. Set Free Rehearsal 7:30p.m. A Safe Place Support Group

20 Tidings Deadline!

7:30p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

21 5:30 p.m. Worship

22 8:15a.m. Worship 9:30a.m. Education Hour NO Sunday School 10:45a.m. Worship 12:00p.m. FEAST 2:00p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30p.m. AA Meeting

23 7:00p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

24 Christmas Eve Office Closed

4:00p.m. Family Service 7:00p.m. Festival Service 11:00p.m. Candlelight Service

25 Christmas Day Office Closed

10:00a.m. Festival Service

26 7:00a.m. Men’s Study Group 7:30p.m. A Safe Place Support Group

27 6:00p.m. Faith Partner Meeting 7:30p.m. Everyone’s Step Group


5:30p.m. NO Worship Today!


10:00a.m. Worship NO Sunday School 12:00p.m. NO FEAST 2:00p.m. Deeper Christian Life Minis-tries 7:30p.m. AA Meeting

30 5:30p.m. Widow’s Supper Group 7:00p.m. Jubilee Rehearsal

31 New Year’s Eve

8:00a.m. NO Men’s Breakfast Group 1:00p.m. NO Bible Study w/ Karrie 6:30p.m. NO Bible Study w/ Dan

January 1 New Year’s Day

Office Closed

January 2 7:00a.m. Men’s Study Group 7:30p.m. A Safe Place Support Group

January 3 7:30 p.m. Everyone’s Step Group

January 4 10:00a.m. Layettes of Love 5:30p.m. Worship
