  • 7/28/2019 Advanced Logging Options.pdf


    When submi t t i ng a request t o your St ored Process Ser ver , i f t he ser verdoes not st ar t , but does creat e a l og f i l e, her e ar e some t i ps f oraddi ng ext r a debug i nf or mat i on t o the St or ed Process Ser ver l og f i l e tohel p di agnose your probl em.

    1. ) Speci f y t he "appl evel =2" opt i on as an "Obj ect Ser ver Par ameter"f or your St ored Process Server . Her e ar e t he st eps.

    a. ) I n your SAS Management Consol e, under "Ser ver Manager "sel ect:

    SASMai n - > "SASMai n Logi cal Stored Process Server"- > "SASMai n - St ored Process Ser ver "

    b. ) Ri ght cl i ck on "SASMai n - St or ed Pr ocess Ser ver " andsel ect "Proper t i es". Sel ect t he "Opt i ons" t ab.

    I n t he "Opt i ons" wi ndow, under "Obj ect Server Par ameters"speci f y:

    appl evel =3

    c. ) Cl i ck "OK" t o save t he modi f i cat i on.

    2. ) Modi f y t he SAS conf i gur at i on f i l e f or your St or ed Pr ocessSer ver . The f i l e i s usual l y cal l ed "sasv9_St or Pr ocSr v. cf g"and i t shoul d be l ocat ed at a pat h t hat i s si mi l ar t o t hef ol l owi ng:

    C: \ SAS\ \ Lev1\ SASMai n\ St oredProcessServer \ sasv9_St orPr ocSr v. cf g

    Add t he f ol l owi ng l i ne as t he l ast l i ne i n your"sasv9_St or Pr ocSr v. cf g" f i l e:

    - ver bose

    Save your "sasv9_Stor ProcSr v. cf g" f i l e changes.

    3. ) You can speci f y a SAS aut oexec t o r un at st ar t up t i mebef or e t he St or ed Pr ocess Ser ver i s actual l y l aunched.Thi s autoexec f i l e can cont ai n addi t i onal debuggi ngSAS code. Here are t he st eps.

    a. ) Add t he f ol l owi ng l i ne at t he end of your"sasv9_St or Pr ocSr v. cf g" f i l e ( af t er t he "- ver bose"l i ne that you added i n t he above st ep) . Thi s shoul dbe on ONE LI NE ( i t i s on t wo l i nes bel ow f or r eadabi l i t y) .

    - aut oexec C: \ SAS\ \ Lev1\ SASMai n\ St oredProcessServer \ aut oexec_st p. sas>Technical Support --NavigateourSite--

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    Tips for adding debug information to your Stored ProcessServer log f ile

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    You wi l l need t o modi f y t he above "autoexec" l i ne t ospeci f y t he l ocat i on of your si t e- speci f i c"aut oexec_stp. sas" f i l e.

    b. ) Cr eat e your "aut oexec_st p. sas" f i l e. Then, add yourdebuggi ng code. For exampl e, see t he sampl e"aut oexec_st p. sas" f i l e at t he bot t om of t he SAS Not e.

    4. ) Rest art your SAS Obj ect Spawner . For exampl e:

    Star t - > Progr ams - > SAS - > - > Rest ar t SAS Obj ect Spawner

    5. ) Submi t a request t o your St or ed Process Ser ver .

    6. ) Check your St or ed Process Ser ver l og f i l e.

    Thi s f i l e shoul d be l ocat ed at a path t hat i s si mi l ar t ot he f ol l owi ng:

    C: \ SAS\ \ Lev1\ SASMai n\ St oredProcessSer ver \ l ogs\

    Thi s l og f i l e shoul d cont ai n t he addi t i onal debuggi ngi nf or mat i on that you speci f i ed.

    7. ) I f t he St or ed Pr ocess Ser ver does not creat e a l og f i l e,t hen (on Wi ndows) check t he "Wi ndows Event Vi ewer " and l ookf or er r or messages. Al so, ( on Wi ndows) check t he "Document s andSet t i ngs" di r ect or y f or t he useri d under whi ch your St or edProcess Ser ver i s r unni ng and l ook f or a l og f i l e t hat maycont ai n err or messages. For exampl e, check: C: \ Document s andSet t i ngs\ sassrv\

    NOTE: You can use a si mi l ar approach t o provi de debuggi ng i nf ormat i onf or your Workspace ser ver . By def aul t , t he Workspace ser verdoes not cr eat e a l og f i l e. You can cr eat e a l og by speci f yi ngt he l og f i l e name on the "- l og" opt i on on t he "Command" l i ne f oryour Workspace Ser ver i n you SAS Management Consol e. Si mi l ar l y,add t he "- aut oexec" opt i on t o speci f y an aut oexec f i l e.

    Bel ow i s a sampl e "aut oexec_st p. sas" f i l e.

    / * Sampl e "aut oexec_st p. sas" f i l e *// * Show metadata opt i ons * /

    proc opt i ons gr oup=met a;r un;

    / * Li st Wi ndows Envi r onment Var i abl es */%macr o l i st env( var ) ;%l et var val ue = %sysf unc(sysget ( &var ) ) ;%put &var = &var val ue;

    %mend l i st env;

    %put Wi ndows Envi r onment Var i abl es; %put ;%l i st env( user name) ;%l i st env( userdomai n) ;%l i st env( user dnsdomai n) ;%l i st env( cat al i na_home) ; %l i st env( j ava_home) ;%l i st env( comput ername) ; %l i st env( i p_addr ess) ;

    Product: SAS Integration Technologies

    Component: Stored Process Server

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    Operating System and Source Fix Information

    Unless otherwise stated above, no fixes are available for this issue.

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    Priority: N/A

    Note Type: Usage Issue

    Date: Fri, 7 J an 2005

    System Release Reported Release Fixed

    AIX/6000 9.1.3

    Compaq Tru64 UNIX 9.1.3

    HP-UX Operating Systems 9.1.3

    HP-UX Itanium 9.1.3

    Solaris 9.1.3

    Windows NT 9.1.3

    Windows 2000 Datacenter Server 9.1.3

    Windows 2000 Professional 9.1.3

    Windows 2000 Server and Advanced Server 9.1.3Windows 2003 Server and Advanced Server 9.1.3

    Windows XP 9.1.3

    Windows 64 bit 9.1.3

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