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Advanced Internet-

Social Media Marketing

Amanda O’Brien

Hall Internet Marketing

Social Media Breakfast Maine

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Who I am

Amanda O’Brien

VP of Marketing, Hall Internet Marketing


Organizer, Social Media Breakfast Maine


Blogger at large

Guiding Stars, PROXI, SocialMediaB2B,

amandapants, Hall, SMBME etc.

[email protected]


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Who you are

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What we will talk about

• What is Social Media?

• What does it have to do with business?

• Where should you be?

• How has this changed business?

• What should you be doing?

• How do you measure success?

• Questions!

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What is Social Media?

Conversations happening online

Word of Mouth Marketing with a new twist.

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Why did this happen to me?

X9,000 Laptop


Seller: cumputerforu

Features: It is a laptop and

it goes wicked fast. You

can type on it and draw on

it and email your friends.

You can use Facebook

and listen to your illegally

downloaded music too.

Buy Now

X9,000 Laptop


Seller: iluvcomputers 99% positive feedback

Read 213 reviews of iluvcomputers

Features: It is a laptop and

it goes wicked fast. You

can type on it and draw on

it and email your friends.

You can use Facebook

and listen to your illegally

downloaded music too.

Buy Now

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Why did this

happen to me?

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What does this have to do MY with business?

This is where your

customers are spending

their time

1 out of every 6 minutes

online is participating in

social networking sites

Americans use social

media more than

anything else online

Referrals mean more

than advertisements

Establish trust and that

your are an expert in

your industry

Free powerful marketing

tool you can manage in-


Tailored specific

messages, for your


Empathy and caring

mean more than

strategy and $$

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Most popular Social media sites

Site Monthly Visitors Who are these people?

Facebook 750,000,000 Everyone

Twitter 200,000,000 News sharers, mobile


LinkedIn 100,000,000 Business folks and job


MySpace 80,500,000 Young, music lovers

Google+ 32,000,000 Early adopters


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How has this changed your prospects and


Discovery, research and investigation

Looking to establish trust online

Consumers have more control

Consumers have higher expectations

Two way conversations – wary of one way messaging

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Choose the right tools for you

What will fit into your day?

What features do you want?

What seems to be working?

What are your customers using?

Always tie in with your website/email

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• More website traffic

• More donations

• More online donations

• More volunteers

• More media coverage

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Tie social media goals to organizational goals

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Things you can measure

• Traffic data

• Fan/follower data

• Interaction data

• Content performance

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Traffic Data

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Fan/Follower Data

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Interaction data

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Content Performance

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Facebook is great:

Everyone is there and knows how to use it

Very sharable


Dedicated organization pages

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Facebook advanced options:

Create a landing tab for fans and non fans

Update content by region

Use Facebook Analytics to measure engagement

Use as your organization

Facebook advertising


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“Twitter’s a stream. Dip in when you can. Get what you need. Close it and reenter life.”

Chris Brogan of

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Twitter is great:

Users are mobile

Great for meeting people

Follow by content not network

Very searchable

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Twitter for Good







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Twitter advanced options:

Use a URL Shortner –

Schedule tweets

Use hashtags (#)

Participate in Tweetchats

Use tools – Tweetchat, Hootsuite

Use Twitter search (advanced)

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LinkedIn is great:

A professional social network

Connect with your VIPs

Stay in touch when people move

Participate in Groups

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LinkedIn Advanced

Optimize your profile

LinkedIn Answers

Participate in groups with links

Add applications

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A video is worth 1,000,000 words

2nd most popular search engine

Use video annotations

Interview people close to your organization

Embed on your site and other networks

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What else?

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Which tools to use

• Check with top donators

• Volunteers

• Friends

• Staff

What is going to help you

achieve your goals?

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How much time should it take?

You get out what you put in

Track your time

Try one post and one reactions a day

Add more as you get more comfortable

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Should you have multiple accounts or pages?

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Content Hardest thing | Editorial Calendar | Mix it up | Say the same thing but different

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What content do you already have?

What staff and time do you have?

What existing campaigns can you tie social media into?

Bring it up at staff meetings

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Protecting your



volunteers and more

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Social Media policy

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Talk about what could happen first and work backwards

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Biggest rules of the road

• Add value

• Be consistent – not just once a year

• Integrate with all your events and marketing

• Partner up and promote your network

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Recruit more volunteers

Share photos | Encourage sharing | Ask for testimonials | Praise

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Get more donations

Donate online option | Do a little research | Reward and acknowledge gifts

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• 501 Mission place

• Marc Pitman

• Beth Kanter

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We did it!

Thank you!

Amanda O’Brien

VP of Marketing, Hall Internet Marketing


Organizer, Social Media Breakfast Maine


[email protected]

