Page 1: Adoption of Mola in Community Managed Waterbodies, Enhanced Productivity and Bio-diversity in Sunamganj Haor Basin: An Example of Successful Technology Transfer in SCBRMP. By Sk. Md


Adoption of Mola in Community managed waterbodies enhanced productivity and bio-diversity in Sunamganj haor

basin: an example of successful technology transfer in SCBRMP

Local Government Engineering Department(LGED)

Presented by: Sk. Md. Mohsin, Project Director & A.K.M. Firoz Khan, WorldFish

Sunamganj Community Based Resource Management Project


Page 2: Adoption of Mola in Community Managed Waterbodies, Enhanced Productivity and Bio-diversity in Sunamganj Haor Basin: An Example of Successful Technology Transfer in SCBRMP. By Sk. Md


* Location, basic data and project intervention

Consists of 11 upazilas and a total area of 3 670 with 2 782 villages

Population: 1968 669; male 50.89%, female 49.11%; Muslim 83.62%, Hindu 15.95%, others 0.43% ethnic groups ( Sangma, Garo and Hajong).

Main occupations: Agriculture 43.43%, fishing 3.34%, agricultural labourer 24.10%, wage labourer 5.58%, commerce 7.44%, service 3.8%, others 12.31%.

Land use: Arable land 294021 hectares , fallow land 51 752 hectares ( 17.6%).

Beel area: 5 500 hectares, Number 1 063

Land control/occupancy: 33% are landless, 26% marginal to small, 21% medium and 20% rich farmers

Source: BBS 2006

Year wise intervention:

Sunamganj Sadar: 2003

Dakhin Sunamganj: 2003

Biswambarpur: 2003

Jamalganj: 2004

Tahirpur: 2005

Derai: 2006

Sullah: 2007

Dowarabazar: 2007

Dharmapasha: 2007

Chatak 2011

Gagannatpur 2011


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* Project entity, target people and period

Donor: International Fund for Agricultural Development

(IFAD)Sponsoring Ministry/Division:Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development

and Co-operatives /Local Government DivisionImplementing Agency: Local Government Engineering Department

(LGED)Target People: 90 000 - 135 000 farmer and fisher households

holding land below 2.5 acreProject period: January 2003 – March 2014

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* Project partners

SCBRMP has long-term partnership with:

Ministry of Land Bangladesh Krishi Bank (BKB)Bangladesh Agriculture Research Institute(BARI) Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI), Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute(BLRI) Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE), Department of Livestock Services (DLS), Department of Fisheries (DoF), and The WorldFish Center

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* Objective and Strategy of SCBRMP

Building social, human and

financial capital

Ensuring access to technology

and resources

Improving social infrastructure

Poverty reduction

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* Project components of SCBRMP

 Five components of the project:  

Labour-intensive infrastructure development Fisheries development Agriculture and livestock production Improvement Microcredit Institutional support

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* Fisheries

The main feature of the component:

Arranging water-bodies/beel for the communities on long-term basis

Introducing community based fishers management Identifying and demarcating resource- bases through survey

followed by installing pillars Re-excavation of water-bodies and khals (canal) to restore fish

habitats Establishing fish sanctuaries Planting and restoring swamp forestry in haor area Promoting pond fish culture for raising income of indigent women Enforcing Fish Conservation Acts Monitoring fish production, consumption, marketing and

assessing its impact on people’s livelihoods. 

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*Steps followed for community based bell resource management

Resource map ( Digital) Social map (PRA) Master List of HH from Beel command villages Wellbeing survey Listing feasible BUG member Final list of BUG members Stakeholder analysis Timeline analysis Formation of BUG

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* Beel Transfer and accountability


-Mobilization- Training- Other technical

assistance- Users contact

- Training- Other

technical assistances


Beel Users Group (BUG)(CO Members + Other Village




DC/UNO Requisition

- Policy support

- Other technical assistances

Beel Transfer




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* Progress of the component: fisheries

Sl. # Items Indicators Project target Project total as of December 2013

Achieved %

1 BUG formed and member enrolled BUG No. 300 250 83

Member No. 9500 8870 93

Women No. in BUG 2375 2139 90

2 Beel accessed by BUG

No. 300 250 83

Acres 6500 5913.78 91

Beel demarcated No. 250 118 47

3 Beel Developed No. 250 190 76

Acres 966.95 911.16 94

4 Khal excavated/re-excavated No. 63 69 110

Km. 63 69.95 111

5 Ponds excavated/ re-excavated No. 64 64 100

Acres 30.83 30.83 100

No. of Indigent women 284 284 100

6 Conservation campaign undertaken No. 1200 1203 100

7 Fish sanctuary established No. 100 50 50

8 Beel harvested No. 300 188 63

9 Beel audited No. 300 235 78

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* Benefit from beel fisheries

Particulars Unit FY 2010 - 2011 FY 2011 - 2012 FY 2012 - 2013Total Total Total

Beel harvested Number 143 167 188

Area Acre 2763.81 3970.09 4820.41Catch Kg 266586.5 263925 320103Catch/Acre Kg 96 66 66.4

Sale Tk. 23652620 28675033 39399941

Sale/Kg Tk. 89 107.95 119.85Income Tk. 23652620 28675033 39399941

Profit Distributed   

Total Tk. 10028867 12246687 17415209Distributed at Number of beel 143 152 159

Distributed to Number of member 3892 4514 5234

Per member received

Tk. 2576.79 2713.05 3337.32

Wage earned: 

Total Tk. 5630140 5659606 7922162Earned at Number of beel 143 142 159

Earned by Number of member 1644 1987 2084

Earned per member Tk. 3424.66 2848.32 3801.42

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* Inclusion of Mola


Increasing fish production

Increasing diversity of local species

Increasing scope of availability of protein and mmultiple essential micronutrients with more focus on the needs of mother and children

Increasing income of the poor fishers

Promoting technology through community based sustainable approach

Giving technology to women for meeting their nutrition needs and increased income more directly


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* Strategy undertaken

Community involvement and sustainability first

• Community based approach

• Beel selected from those are under community management

• Partnership approach between Community, Project, WFC, DOF and local Administration

• Sustainability issues put upfront before the initiative taken

• Training of key fishers on Mola culture management and widespread awareness on its benefit


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Beel-wise total Mola production as of 26.02.2014

Sl. # Name of Beels Upazila Stocked (kg), (Mar-Apr' 2013)

Baseline production (kg), 2012

Production (kg), 2013-14


1 Mangolpurer Dubi Beel Derai 21 81 242 + 298%

2 Lomba Dair Bocha Chatol Derai 12 38 60 + 157%

3 Juri Panjuri Beel Derai 14.5 37 83 + 224%

4 Boro Medi Beel Derai 40 744 1,367 + 183%

5 Boiragimara Beel Sunamganj Sadar 7.5 235 805 + 342%

6 Aislauni Beel Sunamganj Sadar 30 41 128 + 312%

7 Kaima Beel Koiya Beel Sunamganj Sadar 45 13 403 + 1343%

8 Piran nagar beel Sunamganj Sadar 57 32 275 + 859%

9 Aung Gung Sunamganj Sadar 5 25 139 + 556%

10 Tedala Huglia Chatol South Sunamganj 15 241 179 - 140%

11 Chinamara Beel South Sunamganj 14 25 67 + 268%

12 Srinathpurer Dhola South Sunamganj 18 46 64 + 139%

13 Chatol Udaytara South Sunamganj 43 126 192 + 152%

14 Rajghori Beel South Sunamganj 21 2 32 + 1600%

  Total - 343 1,686 4,036 + 240%

* Mola Production , Sunamganj

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Mola are very fragile and sensitive to handling

Transporting of brood within limited morning time is a very critical task

Availability of sufficient brood is a constraint in promoting Mola culture

Well planned and dedicated efforts are required to carry the brood and ensure stocking in time.

Regular conservation of habitat to keep it safe and fit for Mola is inevitable to maintain the growth of the Mola along with other fish varieties

Water quality and sufficiency are the key factors for better production of Mola

Success of Mola cultivation primarily rest on the management of community of beel fisheries

The dedication of fishers of BUG and their knowledge in beel resource management have given greater values to successful rearing of Mola in beels.

Partnership supports from line department along with other administrations in terms of taking conservation measures and encouraging the community in stocking have substantially contributed to take forward the Mola stocking programme in Sunamganj

Have huge potentiality to promote Mola culture in Haor area based on community based approach

* Lesson learned : Mola culture

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* Key lesson learned project in general

Persistent efforts and team integrity are the key factors to achieve success in the project like SCBRMP

Community based project’s success depends on the degree of ownership of the community in project implementation

In all components project has largely come across many obstacles, but project’s flexibility to address those dynamically has helped the project to overcome those

Regular interactions and reviewing the failures and progresses with staff and partners have driven the project to reach the targets

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* A few pictorial glimpses


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* Project beneficiary

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*BUG: men and women working together

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Beel demarcation

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* Re-excavation beel and canal

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Fish sanctuary

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Swamp tree plantation

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* Enforcing fish conservation acts

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Beel harvest

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* Benefit distribution to BUG members by State Minister, MPs, Secretary, LGED chief, DC

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Inter- ministerial Committee meeting at field level

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* Mola training and preparation of action plan

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*Mola awareness raising programme at field level

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*Mola transportation & stocking

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* Sing board installed to raise awareness on Mola

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*Mola production in Sunamganj, 2013/14

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*Thank you

