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  • Adil Sohail Research Associate Urban Unit
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  • Step towards E-Governance through Enterprise Resource Planning
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  • Introduction What is E-Governance? E-governance or electronic governance is use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) at various levels of public or private sector, for the purpose of enhancing Governance. What is Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). ERP is basically an ideology which integrates and manages important parts of business. ERP software solution is a business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business functions. Functions such as planning, purchasing, inventory, sales, marketing, finance, human resources and also automate back office functions.
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  • Purpose of Research This paper is intended to identify and understand How E-Governance could be used to improve Governance of Local Governments of Punjab-Pakistan? Further this paper will also identify the current situation of Punjab and rank local Governments through self-developed E - Government Index.
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  • Where our region is standing?
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  • 1 st Phase: How much Local Governments are contributing to this downward trend of Pakistans curve?
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  • E-Government Adoption Models ResearchersStage IStage IIStage IIIStage IVStage VStage VI (United nations and American Society for Public Administration, 2002) Emerging presenceEnhanced presenceInteractive presenceTransactional presence; Seamless or fully integrated presence (Deloitte & Touche, 2001) Information publishing/ dissemination Official two-way transaction Multi-purpose portalsPortal personalization Clustering of common services; and Full integration and enterprise transaction (Hiller & Belanger, 2001) CatalogueTransactionVertical integrationHorizontal integration (Moon, 2002) Simple information dissemination (one-way communication) Two-way communication (request and response); Service and financial transaction; Vertical and horizontal integration Political participation. (Baum & Maio, 2000) Web presenceInteractionTransactionTransformation (Siau & Long, 2004) Web presenceInteractionTransactionTransformationE-democracy. (Deloitte & Touche, 2001) Information publishing/ dissemination Official two-way transaction Multi-purpose portalsPortal personalization Clustering of common services Full integration and enterprise transaction (Ronaghan, 2001) Emerging presence Enhanced presence Interactive Transactional government Seamless (Wescott, 2001) E-mail and internal network Enable interorganizational and public access to information Two-way communication Exchange of valueDigital democracyJoined-up government
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  • E-Government Adoption Model United Nations and American Society for Public Administration, 2002 S No.StageFactors included in the stage No PresenceNo Official website available Stage IEmerging presence agency name, agency phone number, address, operating hours, general frequently asked question Stage IIEnhanced presence organizational news, publication, online policy (security, privacy) Stage IIIInteractive presence officials e-mail, post comment online, simple two-way communication, download organizations form Stage IVTransactional presence;e-form, e-payment Stage V Fully integrated presence Full integration across organization
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  • Description Weightage Total 10 Local Government Name0.1 Office phone number0.5 Office Address0.2 Operating hours0.2 General frequently asked questions0.5 Organizational news0.5 Publications0.5 Online policy (security privacy)0.5 Officials e-mail0.5 Post comment online0.5 Two way communication1 Download organizations forms0.5 E-forms0.5 E-payment0.5 Full integration across organization2.5 Urdu Language version1 Modified Model
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  • Where our District Governments are standing?
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  • 2 nd Phase: How E-Governance solutions will facilitate Local bodies?
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  • Functions of Local Government vs ERP modules Position Literature Reference DCO (Umble, et al., 2003), (Hawking, 2007), (Sistech Systems, 2013), (Fitrix, 2013), (SAP, 2013) Agriculture (Golemanov & Golemanova, 2004), (Cardwell, 2005), (Soltanzadeh & Khoshsirat, 2012), (Hamann, et al., 2013), (GeoERP, 2013), (FarmERP, 2013), (OpenERP, 2013), Community Development (Rashid, et al., 2002), (Rashid, et al., 2002), (Shehab, et al., 2004) (Shehab, et al., 2004), (Soja, 2006), (SMA Solutions, 2013), (Sifuna, 2013), Education (Umble, et al., 2003), (ERP4Schools, 2013), (OpenERP, 2013), (SAP, 2013), (School Automation System, 2013), (Microsoft Dynamics ERP, 2013), (Fitrix, 2013) Finance (Chorafas, 2001), (Tilson, 2005), (Hawking, 2007), (Els Van Vossel & Fabien Pinckaers, 2009), (Mulazzani, et al., 2009), (SAP, 2013), (Fitrix, 2013), Health (Rashid, et al., 2002), (Tilson, 2005). (Hawking, 2007), (Hasan, et al., 2009), (SAP, 2013), (Hawking, 2007), (Fitrix, 2013), (School Automation System, 2013), (Ringling, et al., n.d.) Municipal (Ramco Systems Ltd, 2013), (Sistech Systems, 2013) Revenue (Sistech Systems, 2013), (Patel, 2013) Works and Services (Seik, 2000), (Hawking, 2007), (Adarsh, 2013), (DPK Systems, 2013),
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  • Education department FunctionsHow ERP will assist in this function?Literature refernce Grant of scholarship. Graphical form of data will make decision making more easy (ERP4Schools, 2013) Promotion of scientific research. Monitoring of district wise scientific competition, Availability and usage of existing resource could be traced. (OpenERP, 2013) Promotion of sports and co-curricular activities. Calendar of events could be formulated through event management system. (School Automation System, 2013) Purchase of stores and capital goods for schools and colleges.E-Procurement system will facilitate in this regard(Umble, Haft, & Umble, 2003) Conducting of 5th to 8th class examinations. Paper compilation and preparation through centralized examination server throughout district (ERP4Schools, 2013) Formulation of district education budget (development and non- development), reconciliation of expenditure and audit matters. SAP Financials provide solution for budget preparation(Microsoft Dynamics ERP, 2013) Surprise inspections of educational institutions. Hand held devices and online monitoring can facilitate inspections and their record keeping. (School Automation System, 2013) Development of district data base and its up-dating.ERP has permanent solution(ERP4Schools, 2013) Periodic and regular reporting to the Heads of Attached Departments and the Administrative Departments. Flow of information to all levels will be easy and Continuous monitoring is possible by biometric attendance system (ERP4Schools, 2013)
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  • Critical success factors of ERP Implementation` Critical Success FactorReferences Top management support Al-Mashari et al. (2003); (Umble et al., 2003); Zhang et al. (2002) Business plan and vision Loh and Koh (2004); Schwalbe, (2000); Somers and Nelson (2004); Nah (2003) Re-engineering business process Davison (2002); Hammer and Champy (2001); Somers and Nelson (2004); Nah (2003); Murray and Coffin (2001) Effective project management Zhang et al.,( 2002); Somers and Nelson (2004); Remus (2006); Loh and Koh, (2004) Teamwork and composition Loh and Koh (2004); Al-Mashari et al., (2006); Remus (2006); Nah (2003); Rosario (2000) ERP system selection Wei and Wang (2004); Shehab et al., (2004); Everdingen et al. (2000); Sprott (2000) User involvement Esteves et al., (2003); Zhang el at (2002) Education and training Woo (2007); Nah et al., (2003); Zhang et al. (2002)
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  • International Experiences of E-Governance According to UN's 2012 e-Government Readiness Index, Korea is on top Korea is awarded UN Public sector innovation award 2007 Special award from World E-Government Forum 722 civil affair services can be applied online. 30 types of civil affair documents available online. Increase in home tax collection from 39 % in 2003 to 84 % in 2007. Government is receiving 40,000 suggestions annually. Visitors to e-welfare portal are 560,000 per year, 18,000 average per day. Cost reduced to 171.1 billion Won every year. Globally recognized procurement system. Number of paper documents reduced by 2900 billion.
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  • International Experiences of E- Governance After reforms suggested by ARC Indian Government has taken some serious steps towards E-Governance. Portal of E-District Kerala is offering 43 online citizen centric services i.e. Residence certificate Water bills Electricity bills Mobile phone bills Collection of various fees for non-transport vehicles Life and Death certificates etc.
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  • Impact of ERP solutions in public sector of UK
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  • Conclusion Issues like Human Resource management, revenue collection, citizen centric services, finance system, transparency and feedback management system could be addressed by ERP based E-Governance (2 nd Phase of Punjab Urban Reforms Agenda). G2C, C2G and G2G relationships can be established and citizens would be more empowered through E-Governance. ERP will share and communicate the collective vision from Town administration to Provisional Government through digital hierarchy.
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  • Recommendations E-Governance is top-down implementation process (Al-Khouri, 2011), there is a need of provincial IT architecture so that district Government could be empowered to take measures for development of ERP solutions. A comprehensive E-Governance plan is needed for Local Government in all districts of Pakistan. Cloud computing solution is recommended after complete e-security plan by federal security agencies. Capacity building plans for Government employee must account-for Global changes in technology.
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  • Recommendations As different Government bodies are taking steps towards E-Government independently without any architecture from center. A matter of serious concern is that it will create problem for G2G coordination and one-stop shop portal ( in future (Papadouka, et al., 2004). By simplest version of ERP Jhang Model (Bhatti, 2009) can be implemented all over Pakistan. Keeping in view the need of the hour Government has to focus on long term planning for this. E-Governance is a rocket science and Government has to hire IT consultants and Change Managers.
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