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______________________________________________________Press Release from Prof. Jean Bricmont and Mr Paul


the Gayssot Act and the release from prison of Vincent Reynouard!

The petition demanding the repeal of the Gayssot Act and the release from prison of the revisionist Vincent

Reynouard, launched on the Internet on August 6 at the initiative of the historian Paul

signature of the American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky.

"I understand that Vincent Reynouard has been condemned and jailed unde

is being circulated in protest against these actions

statement of September 5. Mr Chomsky had been in France last spring for a conference at the College de F

and various other events.

"I know nothing about Mr. Reynouard, but regard the Gayssot law as entirely illegitimate, inconsistent with the

basic principles of a free society as these have been understood since the Enlightenment

Chomsky pointed out that "this law in effect grants the state the right to determine historical truth and to punish

departure from its edicts, a principle reminiscent of the dark days of Stalinism and Nazism

Mr Chomsky ended his statement by lending his suppor

would like to register my support for the petition protesting the application of this law

any) case”.

Passed on July 13, 1990, the Gayssot Act forbids the "disputing (...) of the

against humanity as defined by Article 6 of the charter of the international military tribunal [known as that of

Nuremberg], annexed to the London Agreement of 8 August 1945. "

In 2007 the revisionist Vincent Reynouard, fath

to a year in prison for having written a 16

(Holocaust? Here’s what’s being hidden from you…) The following year that sentence wa

Appeal in Colmar, which also imposed a fine and damages amounting to a total of 60,000 euros. Mr Reynouard is

currently detained in the prison of Valenciennes.

Amongst the first of those to sign

Reynouard’s ideas but merely defend his right to express them, are:

Paul-Eric Blanrue, historian (France / Italy); Jean Bricmont, professor of physics at the

essayist (Brussels); Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala, humorist (Paris); John Bastardi Daumont, barrister (Nice); Chris Laffaille, writer,

journalist, former deputy editor of Paris Match

Vaquette, artist (Paris); Jean-Guy Allard, journalist, writer (Havana); Patrick Berger, doctor of physics, Université de Paris

Créteil, president of the Circle Zététique (Paris); Marco Pietteur, editor (Belgium); Bruno Roy

Napoleon: l’Enigme de l’Exumé de Sainte-Hélène

the nickname "Père Chat” (Paris); Jean-Claude Manifacier, professor, Université des Sciences de Montpellier (France); Alain

Marliac, honorary research director at the IRD, doctor of prehistory ; Max Cabantous, lecturer emeritus, Université de

Montpellier III (France); Michel Bizouard, honorary professor at the Université de Bourgogne (Jambles, France); Laurent James

writer (Marseille); Rashid Shahin, writer an

Géraldine Hilaire, actress (Chilly-Mazarin, France); Daniel McGowan, professor emeritus, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

(Geneva, New York); Syed A R Zaidi, professor of phi

economist (Egypt); George Salzman, professor emeritus of theoretical physics, University of Massachusetts (Boston); Caroline

Henaff, journalist (Paris); Diana Johnstone, journalist (Par

Marc Laudelout, director of the Bulletin Célinien

(Paris); Franck Abed, writer, essayist (Val d'Oise, France);

author (Toulon, France); Koffi Cadjehoun, writer (Nancy),...

The full list of signatories, including to date over a thousand names, will be put online by the end of this year on the webs

Please show your support and write


Adelaide 5067 Online

Australia ISSN 1440-9828

Mob: 61+401692057

October 2010 No 529

___________________________________________________________________________Jean Bricmont and Mr Paul-Éric Blanrue September 8, 2010

NOAM CHOMSKY supports the petition for the repeal of

and the release from prison of Vincent Reynouard!

The petition demanding the repeal of the Gayssot Act and the release from prison of the revisionist Vincent

Reynouard, launched on the Internet on August 6 at the initiative of the historian Paul has now received some noteworthy support indeed with the

signature of the American linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky.

Vincent Reynouard has been condemned and jailed under the Gayssot law, and that a petition

protest against these actions," wrote the tireless defender of freedom of expression in a

statement of September 5. Mr Chomsky had been in France last spring for a conference at the College de F

know nothing about Mr. Reynouard, but regard the Gayssot law as entirely illegitimate, inconsistent with the

basic principles of a free society as these have been understood since the Enlightenment

law in effect grants the state the right to determine historical truth and to punish

departure from its edicts, a principle reminiscent of the dark days of Stalinism and Nazism

Mr Chomsky ended his statement by lending his support to French historian Blanrue’s initiative:

would like to register my support for the petition protesting the application of this law

Passed on July 13, 1990, the Gayssot Act forbids the "disputing (...) of the existence of one or more crimes

against humanity as defined by Article 6 of the charter of the international military tribunal [known as that of

Nuremberg], annexed to the London Agreement of 8 August 1945. "

In 2007 the revisionist Vincent Reynouard, father of eight children, was sentenced by a court in Saverne (Alsace)

to a year in prison for having written a 16-page pamphlet entitled Holocauste ? Ce que l’on vous cache…

(Holocaust? Here’s what’s being hidden from you…) The following year that sentence wa

Appeal in Colmar, which also imposed a fine and damages amounting to a total of 60,000 euros. Mr Reynouard is

currently detained in the prison of Valenciennes.

first of those to sign the petition, who, let us recall, do not, in so doing, support Vincent

Reynouard’s ideas but merely defend his right to express them, are:

Eric Blanrue, historian (France / Italy); Jean Bricmont, professor of physics at the Université Catholique

nné M'Bala M'Bala, humorist (Paris); John Bastardi Daumont, barrister (Nice); Chris Laffaille, writer,

Paris Match (Paris); Albert Salon, doctor of letters, former ambassador ; Tristan Edern

Guy Allard, journalist, writer (Havana); Patrick Berger, doctor of physics, Université de Paris

Créteil, president of the Circle Zététique (Paris); Marco Pietteur, editor (Belgium); Bruno Roy

Hélène (Paris); Gérard Lecha, sociologist and writer, columnist for

Claude Manifacier, professor, Université des Sciences de Montpellier (France); Alain

r at the IRD, doctor of prehistory ; Max Cabantous, lecturer emeritus, Université de

Montpellier III (France); Michel Bizouard, honorary professor at the Université de Bourgogne (Jambles, France); Laurent James

writer (Marseille); Rashid Shahin, writer and journalist (Bethlehem, Palestine); Hiyam Haddad, university lecturer (London);

Mazarin, France); Daniel McGowan, professor emeritus, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

(Geneva, New York); Syed A R Zaidi, professor of philosophy (ret’d), University of Delhi (India); Dr Hamdy Abdo Elhinnawy,

economist (Egypt); George Salzman, professor emeritus of theoretical physics, University of Massachusetts (Boston); Caroline

Henaff, journalist (Paris); Diana Johnstone, journalist (Paris); Robyn Johannes, president of the Union of Atheists (Brussels);

Bulletin Célinien (Belgium); Jean-Yves Le Gallou, former MEP, director of the Fondation Polémia

(Paris); Franck Abed, writer, essayist (Val d'Oise, France); Patrice Authier, jazz pianist (Paris); Johan Livernet, journalist,

author (Toulon, France); Koffi Cadjehoun, writer (Nancy),...

The full list of signatories, including to date over a thousand names, will be put online by the end of this year on the webs Signing will continue until then. Paul-Éric BLANRUE

Please show your support and write to:


_____________________September 8, 2010:

for the repeal of

and the release from prison of Vincent Reynouard!

The petition demanding the repeal of the Gayssot Act and the release from prison of the revisionist Vincent

Reynouard, launched on the Internet on August 6 at the initiative of the historian Paul-Eric Blanrue

has now received some noteworthy support indeed with the

Gayssot law, and that a petition

," wrote the tireless defender of freedom of expression in a

statement of September 5. Mr Chomsky had been in France last spring for a conference at the College de France

know nothing about Mr. Reynouard, but regard the Gayssot law as entirely illegitimate, inconsistent with the

basic principles of a free society as these have been understood since the Enlightenment," he added. Noam

law in effect grants the state the right to determine historical truth and to punish

departure from its edicts, a principle reminiscent of the dark days of Stalinism and Nazism."

t to French historian Blanrue’s initiative: "Accordingly, I

would like to register my support for the petition protesting the application of this law in this (or

existence of one or more crimes

against humanity as defined by Article 6 of the charter of the international military tribunal [known as that of

er of eight children, was sentenced by a court in Saverne (Alsace)

Holocauste ? Ce que l’on vous cache…

(Holocaust? Here’s what’s being hidden from you…) The following year that sentence was upheld by the Court of

Appeal in Colmar, which also imposed a fine and damages amounting to a total of 60,000 euros. Mr Reynouard is

o not, in so doing, support Vincent

Université Catholique of Brussels,

nné M'Bala M'Bala, humorist (Paris); John Bastardi Daumont, barrister (Nice); Chris Laffaille, writer,

(Paris); Albert Salon, doctor of letters, former ambassador ; Tristan Edern

Guy Allard, journalist, writer (Havana); Patrick Berger, doctor of physics, Université de Paris-Est-

Créteil, president of the Circle Zététique (Paris); Marco Pietteur, editor (Belgium); Bruno Roy-Henry, historian, author of

(Paris); Gérard Lecha, sociologist and writer, columnist for Le Libertaire under

Claude Manifacier, professor, Université des Sciences de Montpellier (France); Alain

r at the IRD, doctor of prehistory ; Max Cabantous, lecturer emeritus, Université de

Montpellier III (France); Michel Bizouard, honorary professor at the Université de Bourgogne (Jambles, France); Laurent James,

d journalist (Bethlehem, Palestine); Hiyam Haddad, university lecturer (London);

Mazarin, France); Daniel McGowan, professor emeritus, Hobart and William Smith Colleges

losophy (ret’d), University of Delhi (India); Dr Hamdy Abdo Elhinnawy,

economist (Egypt); George Salzman, professor emeritus of theoretical physics, University of Massachusetts (Boston); Caroline

is); Robyn Johannes, president of the Union of Atheists (Brussels);

Yves Le Gallou, former MEP, director of the Fondation Polémia

Patrice Authier, jazz pianist (Paris); Johan Livernet, journalist,

The full list of signatories, including to date over a thousand names, will be put online by the end of this year on the website

Éric BLANRUE [email protected] 06 79 20 27 43.


Vincent ReynouardN° 33034

Mais d'arrêt de ValenciennesBP 80 455

F-59322 VALENCIENNES CedexFrance

__________________________________________________Honsik auch im zweiten Prozess verurteilt

Der Holocaust-Leugner versuchte einmal mehr seine Bücher vor Gericht zu rechtfertigen. Er scheiterte abermals:

zwei weitere Jahre Haft. LETZTES UPDATE AM 09.09.2010,

Honsik im Wiener Landesgericht: Es ging um die Bücher "Schelm und Scheusal" u. "Der Juden Drittes Reich".Der bereits im Vorjahr verurteilte Holocaust-Leugner Gerd

Honsik ist Donnerstagabend in einem zweiten Prozess zu

weiteren zwei Jahren unbedingte Haftstrafe nach dem

Verbotsgesetz verurteilt worden. Gegenstand der

stundenlangen Verhandlung am Wiener Straflandesgericht

waren zwei Bücher des 68-Jährigen. Richter Andreas Böhm

rechnete Honsik als erschwerenden Umstand an, dass er den

Nazi-Jäger Simon Wiesenthal "massiv verunglimpft" habe.

Die Verteidigung kündigte Berufung an, das Urteil ist somit

noch nicht rechtskräftig.

Honsik war schon im April 2009 für zahlreiche, im Zeitraum

1997 bis 2003 von ihm veröffentlichte Ausgaben der

Zeitschrift "Halt!" im Wiener Straflandesgericht schuldig

erkannt worden. Das Wiener Oberlandesgericht (OLG)

reduzierte allerdings die dafür verhängte Strafe von fünf auf

vier Jahre Haft. Daraufhin machte die Anklagebehörde in

einer separaten Verhandlung zwei Bücher Honsiks zum

Prozessgegenstand. Die inkriminierten Werke "Schelm und

Scheusal" und "Der Juden Drittes Reich" waren bereits Inhalt

der Anklage im vorangegangen Prozess gewesen, wurden

damals jedoch zur Vermeidung vonVerfahrensverzögerungen

ausgeschieden und nun zum Gegenstand eines neuen

Prozesses gemacht.


Die Staatsanwaltschaft warf Honsik vor, in diesen Büchern

den NS-Massenmord zu bestreiten, indem er etwa von einem

"Gasbetrug" spricht. Der Angeklagte habe zwar im Prozess

bestritten, was er geschrieben habe, er zweifle aber noch

immer die NS-Verbrechen an, im Konkreten die Existenz von

Gaskammern auf "großdeutschem Boden", und verlange eine

"forensische Untersuchung" des Holocaust. Darüber hinaus

sei er bereits mehrfach vorbestraft. Das alles führte die

Anklägerin als erschwerende Umstände an,

Milderungsgründe konnte sie dagegen keine finden.

"Lügner Wiesenthal"

In seinen Büchern sei es nicht um das Leugnen von NS-

Verbrechen gegangen, sondern um Kritik an Wiesenthal. Die

Kritik richte sich dabei aber "nicht gegen den Juden

Wiesenthal, sondern gegen den Lügner Wiesenthal".

Er, Honsik, sei auch kein Antisemit, sondern treten genau

dagegen auf und bedaure die Juden-Verfolgung. "So einen

Nazi werden Sie nie wieder finden", führte Honsik

"Milderungsgründe" an. Er sprach weiters von einem

"Schauprozess" und bezichtigte die "US-geführten Alliierten"

des "Völkermordes", der in eine "Befreiung umgedichtet"

werde. Der Staatsanwaltschaft sei es egal, dass die

"Alliierten 13,5 Millionen Deutsche am Gewissen haben", so

Honsik, der sein Schlussplädoyer mit einem Vers schloss.

Lange Zeit drehte sich der Prozess um unzählige Anträge des

Verteidigers Herbert Schaller, die allesamt abgelehnt

wurden. Der Anwalt beantragte u.a. die Einvernahme von

Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer zu Wiesenthal. Unter den

Beweisanträgen, für deren Beantragung der Verteidiger zwei

Stunden brauchte, fand sich auch die Verlesung des

Stichwortes "Lüge" aus dem "Brockhaus"-Lexikon.

Honsik musste zwischendurch seinen etwas betagten

Verteidiger zu Recht weisen, dass er nie für den Anschluss

eingetreten sei und keine diesbezüglichen Anträge nötig

seinen. Für Belustigung sorgte auch ein weiterer Dialog

zwischen den beiden: Während der Anwalt nach Unterlagen

für weitere Anträge suchte, fragte Honsik: "Herr Doktor, was

suchen Sie?" Schaller hielt ein Papier hoch und antwortete:

"Das hier. Haben Sie was besseres?"


Gerd Honsik and Defence Counsel Dr Herrbert Schaller


Holocaust denier's jail term uppedAustrian Independent, 10. 09. 10. - 12:00

An infamous neo-Nazi has had his prison sentence extended

over controversial statements in two books.

Gerd Honsik was sentenced to two years in prison by Vienna

Criminal Court judge Andreas Böhm yesterday (Fri).

The 68-year-old Austrian doubted the existence of gas

chambers at Nazi era death camps in his books "Der Juden

Drittes Reich" (The Jews’s Third Reich) and "Schelm und

Scheusal" (Prankster and Monster).

Honsik was convicted of breaking Austrian laws against

spreading Nazi ideology in his book "Freispruch für Hitler?"

(Acquittal for Hitler?) and sentenced to a year and a half in

prison in 1992, but fled to Spain, where he gained a

reputation as a leading far-right publicist.

He was extradited after being arrested near the city of Malaga

three years ago.

The neo-Nazi was then sentenced to five years in prison for

extreme-right statements in his magazine "Halt!" before

Vienna’s Higher Regional Court (OLG) reduced his prison term

to four years last March.

Claims made in his books were part of previous trials, but

prosecutors decided to press charges at that time to avoid

delays. They announced plans to call for another trial against

Honsik over the books’ contents in July.

Honsik wrote the Nazis’ mass murder could be doubted,

claiming there had been a "gas fraud". The publicist further

called for a "forensic examination" of the "alleged Holocaust".

He also referred to "experts and witnesses" claiming gas

chambers at the concentration camp in Dachau, Germany,

were "fakes installed subsequently".

Writing about the US army’s successful bid to free the

German Third Reich from the Nazis regime, Honsik wrote that

the "murders of the American Indians came to change the

German society overall and tell us how to live".

Asked by the judge whether the US troops came to abolish

democracy in Germany and Austria in 1945 as his books have

it, Honsik said: "You must know my definition of what

democracy means to discuss that."

He added the situation in the Nazi’s Third Reich empire was

"not ideally democratic".

An appeal by Honsik’s defending lawyer Herbert Schaller to

call Austrian President Heinz Fischer into the witness box was

rejected – as was his appeal to look up the term "lie" in the

Brockhaus encyclopaedia.


Comment sent in by F Töben: What a shame this sentence

means we see a criminalisation of expressed opinions without

testing for truth-content the matters of facts asserted. The

concept 'truth' is the foundation of our civilisation and during

these so-called Holocaust trials 'truth' is cynically excluded.

This creates great injustices for individuals accused of

thought-crimes and is fatal for a society, for a nation.


Gerd Honsik bleibt bei seinen AussagenDer Holocaust-Leugner muss sich erneut wegen NS-Wiederbetätigung verantworten. Zum

Prozessauftakt gab's Schreiduelle. 20 Juli 2010

Gerd Honsik

Schreiduelle und heftige Wortgefechte zwischen Richter

Andreas Böhm und Strafverteidiger Herbert Schaller standen

am Beginn eines neuerlichen Prozesses gegen Holocaust-

Leugner Gerd Honsik, der am Dienstag am Wiener

Straflandesgericht über die Bühne gegangen ist. Der 68-

Jährige muss sich neuerlich wegen nationalsozialistischer

Wiederbetätigung verantworten.

Die Anklagebehörde machte zwei Bücher Honsiks zum

Prozessgegenstand, weil das Wiener Oberlandesgericht (OLG)

vor vier Monaten die aufgrund von 1997 bis 2003 von Honsik

veröffentlichten Ausgaben der Zeitschrift "Halt!" verhängte

Strafe von fünf auf vier Jahre Haft reduziert hat.

"Blender, Geschichtsfälscher, Propagandamaschine"

Während die Staatsanwaltschaft den Angeklagten als

"Blender", "Geschichtsfälscher" und "Propagandamaschine"

bezeichnete, dessen bisher 21 Verurteilungen eine

"bedeutende Verbrecherkarriere" darstelle, attestierte

Verteidiger Herbert Schaller seinem Mandanten, er sei "kein

asoziales Element".

Honsik habe "immer in Arbeit gestanden" und eine Familie

gegründet. Seine drei Kinder sowie seine acht Enkel seien

allesamt "anständige Menschen" und "gut erzogen". Als

Schaller dann auch noch viele Jahre zurückreichende

Verurteilungen zu zerpflücken begann, die nicht

Verhandlungsgegenstand waren, platzte Richter Böhm

erstmals der Kragen. Lautstark forderte er den Verteidiger

auf, "endlich zur Sache zu sprechen".

Eineinhalb Stunden und etliche Schreiduelle später verhängte

Böhm etwas entnervt die erste Verhandlungspause. Zuvor

war Schaller selbst haarscharf an Aussagen

vorbeigeschrammt, die ihm als Wiederbetätigung angelastet

hätten werden können. Auf die wiederholte Frage, ob er,

Schaller, selbst behaupte, es hätte keine Gaskammern

gegeben, wich der Strafverteidiger immer wieder aus. Als

einer "Anhänger" Honsiks im Zuschauerbereich den

Ausführungen Schallers auch noch applaudierte, wurde er des

Saales verwiesen.

Attacken gegen Wiesenthal

"Ich haben in diesen zwei Büchern nur Wahrheiten gesagt."

Das waren nach knapp zwei Stunden Verhandlung die ersten

Worte von Gerd Honsik beim Prozess. Auch er lieferte sich -

wenn auch wesentlich unaufgeregter - zahlreiche Rededuelle

mit dem Richter, der ihn bezüglich seiner Wortwahl

regelmäßig warnte: "Sie bewegen sich auf dünnem Eis."

Honsik ließ sich davon aber nicht beeindrucken und ritt wilde

Attacken gegen Simon Wiesenthal.

Er, Honsik, habe den Begriff Holocaust nur deshalb unter

Anführungszeichen gesetzt, weil "ich empört bin, dass man

diesen Völkermord nach einem Hollywood-Propaganda-Film

benennt. Das finde ich geschmacklos."

Überdies habe Wiesenthal "individuelle Verbrechen erfunden".

Und als Draufgabe: "Es gab auf großdeutschem Boden keine

einzige Gaskammer, dabei bleibe ich. Hier endet die 65-

jährige Lüge von den Gaskammern in Mauthausen und

Dachau - und ich wurde 25 Jahre lang verfolgt, wie Nelson

Mandela." Die Gaskammern in Mauthausen seien übrigens im

Nachhinein eingebaut worden, so Honsik.


Zweimal musste der Richter die Verhandlung unterbrechen,

weil sich der zweite Verteidiger Honsiks unaufgefordert zu

Wort meldete. Auf die Frage des Richters nach etwaigen

Schlüsselerlebnissen, die Honsik "so werden" ließen,

berichtete der 68-Jährige, dass ihn einst ein Jugendlager-

Kommandant an das Bekenntnis zum "alten Österreich" sowie

zur "alten Hymne" erinnert habe. Weiters sprach Honsik von

"einseitiger Geschichtsschreibung bei den Nürnberger

Prozessen", was ihm abermals den Hinweis des Richters

bescherte, damit würde er gegen das Verbotsgesetz


Honsik vertrat die These, dass in den Plan von der

Vernichtung der Juden lediglich 200 Menschen eingeweiht

worden waren und dieser strengster Geheimhaltung unterlag.

"Ich leugne die in der Öffentlichkeit verübten Verbrechen, die

durch den Staat (das Dritte Reich, Anm.) nicht gedeckt

waren", so Honsik. Und weiter: "Sechs Millionen Deutsche

werden uns unterschlagen und ich werde als Lügenonkel



The Honsik matter in summaryGerd Honsik, facing extra prison years, did not recant, did not beg for mercy, and stood firm in his belief that there

were no gassings of humans by the German National Socialists during World War Two. For that he received

another to years on top of his already four-year sentence. Such is the fear of the Keepers of the Holocaust

narrative that the truth will liberater an oppressed people.



Bavarian cornfield swastika stokes fears of neo-Nazi resurgence24 August 2010

Unknown perpetrators have trampled an enormous

swastika into a corn field in the Upper Bavarian

municipality of Aßling, and authorities fear it may

signal renewed neo-Nazi activity in the region, a

media report said this week.

A photographer spotted the Nazi symbol, about half the size

of a handball court, on Sunday during a sightseeing flight,

and passed the photos on to police, dailySüddeutsche

Zeitung reported on Tuesday. “We've never had something

of this dimension,” Bavarian police investigator Gerhard Karl

told the paper. “At the most someone has peed a swastika

into the snow.”

The owner of the land in question, Erna Lechner, called the

incident a “pigsty” and a “murderous injury” to farmers in

the Upper Bavaria region.

The farmer who rents the land from Lechner did not wish to

comment. “The poor man will now be expected to do

something, and in the worst case will have to destroy the

crop,” she said.

Aßling Mayor Werner Lampl called the perpetrators “die

hards” who were trying to make their mark.

Authorities believe the swastika was stamped into the field

sometime on Saturday night, and Lampl did not rule out the

possibility that it could have been done by guests at a

nearby airfield festival, which drew hundreds from out of

town. But whoever the culprits may be, the accuracy of the

formation indicates they weren’t joking around, criminal

investigator Karl said, speaking of a very clear “right-wing

extremist” motivation.

The use of Nazi symbols is illegal in Germany and carries a

sentence of up to three years in jail, he added.

His department plans to take a helicopter out for further

investigation in the next several days.

Aßling has already had problems with neo-Nazis in the past,

the paper said. Some six years ago police raided a barn shed

used as a meeting place, finding a Nazi imperial war flag,

or Reichskriegsflagge, and other paraphernalia. Seventeen

young people were questioned as possible suspects in the


While Mayor Lampl told the paper that efforts to rehabilitate

the youths mean there is no longer such a problem in the

region, landowner Lechner disagreed. “Unfortunately the

brown scene is managing to spread out,” she told the paper,

referring to the colour associated with Nazi brownshirts.

Further evidence of the problem can be seen in frequent

threats to a local immigrant aid organisation (Ausländerhilfe)

and the district presence of the BJR Bavarian youth

organisation’s coordination headquarters for work against

right-wing extremism, the paper said.

The Local [email protected]




Fun with the setting Sun or rising Moon


There is but one certainty in life, one undisputable matter of fact, a timeless truth:

No person leaves this world alive! – Spencer Warman.

