Page 1: Addressing health needs of adolescents in Isles

Regn. No. 34190/75 No. 244 Port Blair, Friday, September 03, 2021 Web: Rs. 3.00 Pages 4


Moderate to heavy rainfall very likely over Port Blair.

Sky overcast. Maximum and Minimum temperature

will be around 28°C and 24°C respectively on Friday


...the Largest Circulating Daily of the Islands

Since 1920s the Oldest Daily...

Maximum Temperature (°C) of Date: 28.1

Minimum Temperature (°C) of Date: 23.2

Relative Humidity(%) at 0830 IST : 095

Relative Humidity(%) at 1730 IST : 095

Sunrise time on 03.09.2021 (in IST): 0509

Sunset time on 03.09.2021 (in IST): 1728

Rainfall upto 0830 hrs of date (last 24 hrs)- in mm: 076.1

Rainfall upto 1730 hrs of date in mm: 014.4

Rainfall (Progressive total from 1st January 21 upto

0830 hrs (of date) in mm: 2349.3 mm

# Andaman Fights COVID 19 Use face mask & maintain 'do gaz ki doori'- Together we will fight COVID-19

Admiral D K Joshi, PVSM, AVSM, YSM, NM, VSM (Retd.), Hon'ble Lt. Governor, A&N Islands and Vice-Chairman, Islands

Development Agency along with Shri Jitendra Narain, Chief Secretary participated in the virtual launch of two month long

Active Case Finding Campaign and Nikshay Poshan Yojana (DBT) Campaign by Shri Mansukh Mandaviya, Hon'ble Minister of

Health and Family Welfare, Chemicals and Fertilizers, GoI to reach TB Elimination Goal by 2025.

Port Blair, Sept. 2 The Director(IP&T), Shri KamleshKumar briefing mediapersons on COVID-19in the conference hallof IP&T here thisevening said thatduring the RT-PCRtest conducted on 699passengers whoarrived hereyesterday, one

Media briefed on COVID-19One positive case detected during test

conducted on flight passengers: Director (IP&T)

positive case has beendetected. Today, 4flights with 666passengers arrivedand the RT-PCRreports are awaited.

He further disclosedthat RAT wasconducted on 246passengers bound forNorth & MiddleAndaman atFerrargunj and all thetests were foundnegative. RAT wasconducted at PhoenixBay Jetty on 146 shippassengers, all were

Staff Reporter

Port Blair, Sept. 2 Adolescents between the

age group of 10 and 19 yearsaccount for nearly one fifth of

the total population in thecountry. In order to respond

effectively to the needs ofadolescent health and

development, it is imperativeto situate adolescence in a life

span perspective withindynamic psychological,

sociological, cultural andeconomic realities with better

health in order to preparethem for further productive

youths. To achieve thesegoals, the Ministry of Health

and Family Welfare launcheda comprehensive strategy,

Rashtriya Kishor SwasthyaKaryakram (RKSK) in

Addressing health needs of adolescents in Isles

through Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram45,509 adolescent children in Isles provided support

for holistic development under the scheme

January, 2014. The six strategic priorities

the RKSK scheme covers include nutrition,sexual and reproductive health, non-

communicable diseases, substance misuse,injuries & violence and mental health.

In A&N Islands, the Rashtriya KishorSwasthya Karyakram (National Adolescent

Health Programme) comprehensivelyaddresses the health needs of the

adolescents and introduces community-based interventions through frontline

functionaries. About 45,509

children have been benefittedfrom Rashtriya Kishor

Swasthya Karyakram in A&NIslands during the year 2020-

2021. Providing inputs about

the implementation of thescheme in A&N Islands, the

Directorate of Health Services,informed that Weekly Iron

and Folic AcidSupplementation (WIFS)

Programme is being carriedout regularly to meet the

challenge of high prevalenceand incidence of anaemia

amongst adolescent girls andboys. The programme involves

distribution of one Iron andFolic Acid (IFA) tablet a week

to all adolescent girls and boys

Port Blair, Sept. 2 The category-wiseprovisional merit listof candidates appliedfor admission to FourYears IntegratedCourses viz.B.A.B.Ed. (English),B.A.B.Ed. (Hindi),B.A.B.Ed. (History),

Provisional merit list for admission

to Four Years Integrated courses in

TGCE displayedB.Sc.B.Ed. (Maths)and B.Sc.B.Ed.(Computer Science)for the session 2021-22in TagoreGovernment Collegeof Education hasbeen publishedonline today. The

Port Blair, Sept. 2 As part of 'Azadika Amrit Mahotsav'celebration tocommemorate the75 th Anniversaryof India'sIndependence, theDirectorate of HealthServices, A&NAdministration willbe organizingM u l t i s p e c i a l t y

Taking Health care facility to rural populace

Multispecialty Health Camps to be organized by

DHS in various locations in IslesHealth Camp invarious places toprovide better healthcare facilities to theneedy at theird o o r s t e p s .Accordingly, thecamp will be held atTushnabad on Sept.8, Mayabunder onSept. 7 & 8 and LittleAndaman from Sept.10 to 12. Similarly,

the services ofP e d i a t r i c i a n ,Gynecologist andMedical Specialistwill also be availablein the camp. Apart from this,Sonography serviceswill be available inthe healthinstitutions viz.CHC Nancowrie on

Port Blair, Sept. 2 As part of variousprogrammes beingorganized inconnection withHindi Fortnight2021, a Hindi typingcompetition was heldtoday at HindiTyping TrainingCentre, OfficialL a n g u a g eDepartment in which

Hindi Fortnight observance: Typing

competition organized

employees fromvarious Departmentsof A &NA d m i n i s t r a t i o nparticipated. Meanwhile, aspart of HindiFortnight-2021, anE s s a y - W r i t i n gCompetition forstudents of classes 6th

to 8th and 9th to 10th of

Port Blair, Sept. 2 The safety of thecitizens is the foremostpriority of theA d m i n i s t r a t i o n ,especially during thispandemic time. Toshield its citizens fromthe corona virus, thevaccination of eligiblebeneficiaries is beinginitiated by theAdministration indifferent parts of the

Vaccination- shield against the virus3, 68, 132 doses of vaccine administered

to beneficiaries in Isles so far

Islands. Accordingly,the vaccination beganwith administering ofC O V I S H I E L Dvaccine for Health

Care Workersfollowed by frontlineworkers andv u l n e r a b l epopulation with co-m o r b i d i t i e s .Subsequently, thevaccination for 45 andabove was initiatedfollowed by 18 to 44years which iscurrently underway. Meanwhile, the

Port Blair, Sept. 2 Applications havebeen invited fromurban poor forproviding financialassistance under theSelf EmploymentProgramme (SEP)- acomponent of theNational UrbanLivelihood Mission(NULM) for variousactivities for the year2021-22 viz. Tea Shop,

Applications invited from urban poor

for establishing self ventures under

NULM; last date is Oct. 10

Ice Cream Vendor,Milk Vendors,Rickshaw Pulling,Fruit VegetableVendors, FishVending, LaundryWork, Repairing ofT V / R a d i o /

Refrigerator/MobilePhone, Shoe repair,Book Binding,Carpentry Masonry,Manufacturing ofWashing Powder,Agarbathi, CandleMaking, GeneralMerchant Shop,Building MaterialShop, ReadymadeGarments & otherM a n u f a c t u r i n g ,

Port Blair, Sept. 2 The RashtriyaPOSHAN Maah 2021is being observed byDirectorate of SocialWelfare throughoutthe Islands from 1st

September. ThePOSHAN Maah isobserved inAnganwadi Centresof ICDS UrbanProject functioning invarious parts of the

Rashtriya POSHAN Maah observance; plantation

drive organized at Anganwadi Centres

islands . As part of theobservance, aplantation drive wasorganized today inAnganwadi Center atSouth Point - I andChakkargaon. The

Programme Officer(ICDS), Shri P CJames, CDPO (UP),Smti. Chameli Biswasand Ex-Councillor,Smti. Vinita

Port Blair, Sept. 2 Heavy rain (7- 11 cm) &thunderstorms withlightning likely is likely tooccur at one or two placesover Andaman & NicobarIslands on Sept. 3&4. Forassistance, one may contactthe helpline of StateEmergency OperationCentre at Helpline No. 1070& District EmergencyOperation Centre atHelpline No. 1077. For anyemergency/assistance atsea, call Coast Guard SAR

Heavy rain & thunderstorms with lightning

likely to occur in Isles on Sept. 3 & 4

Agency at Toll Free number 1554, a press release from Directorate of DisasterManagement said.

(Contd. on last page)

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Page 2: Addressing health needs of adolescents in Isles




Health Bulletin For Containment Of

(No. 521/02nd

September 2021)


> Status of Cases :

Details of Second Wave since: 01.03.2021

Active new case in last 24 Hours 01

Discharges in last 24 hours 00

Total confirmed cases 2573

Total Discharges 2499

Total Active case as on date 07

Total Deaths 67

Cumulative since March 2020

Details On 1st Sept. 2021 On 02nd Sept. 2021 Total

Confirmed Cases 7566 01* 7567

Cured/Discharged from Hospital 7431 00 7431

Death 129 00 129

*Includes 01 Positives from Airport arrival. > Clinical Management of Cases :

Name of District Isolation Beds Available Occupied Vacant

North & Middle Andaman 286 00 286

South Andaman 5583 07 5576

Nicobar 507 00 507

Total 6376 07 6369

> Status of Sample and Testing:

Total Samples sent till date 494555

Total Reports received till date 494555

Total Pending Reports 0

Rate of Testing Per Million 1236388

Cumulative Test Positivity Rate 1.53%


> Vaccination Status

Total population 4,00,000

Target Beneficiaries 2,81,603(Approx)

Cumulative Beneficiaries vaccinated so far 3,68,132 --

Cumulative Beneficiaries vaccinated with 1st Dose so far 2,61,284 92.78

Cumulative Beneficiaries vaccinated with 2nd Dose so far 1,06,848 40.89

% of population vaccinated -- 65.32

>Passengers screened at VSI Airport & Haddo Wharf

Details From 25th May 2020 to 01st Sept. 2021 On 02nd Sept. 2021 Total

Incoming Passengers a) VSI Airport b) Haddo Wharf







Outward Passengers a) VSI Airport b) Haddo Wharf







(On 02.09.2021, 668 passengers were retested by RTPCR at Airport)


Published by IP Division, Directorate of IP & T and printed by Manager, Govt. Press, Chief Editor (i/c): K. Biju Nair, Ph- 229217, 230201, 227201 E-mail: [email protected]

For distribution /advertisement queries contact Manager, Govt. Press : 229465


September 03, 2021Daily Telegrams


24x7 CONTROL ROOM NUMBERS: 240126/ 232102 / 1077/ 1070(Source: Directorate of Health Services)


The following study contents is available at Cable TV, Doordarshan as well as in the Education

Department’s Official You Tube channel “AN Education Dept Andaman” The students, parents and all stakeholders are hereby requested to make use of this facility to the

maximum extent for the benefit of enhancing teaching-learning activity during this lockdown period.

Class Subject Topic YouTube Link Media

IV EVS Hu Tu Tu-1

watch?v=9r4yp_umXI4 All India Radio

(9 a.m. – 10 a.m.)

V English Gulliver’s travel -1

watch?v=ZjbpD08Z8vo All India Radio

(9 a.m. – 10 a.m.)

V Maths Parts And Wholes -3


VI Science Body Movements

All India Radio (9 a.m. – 10 a.m.)

VII Social Science

Human Environment Interactions- The trophical and Sub trophical regions- 2

All India Radio (9 a.m. – 10 a.m.)

VIII Maths Comparing Quantities - 1

Cable TV (City Cable TV) 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

IX Science Matter in our surroundings

Cable TV (City Cable TV) 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m.

X Maths Areas related to Circles-2

Cable TV (City Cable TV) 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. / DD 4


XI Business studies

Forms of Private Enterprises

Cable TV (City Cable TV) 11.30 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.

XII Economics Indian Agriculture

Cable TV (City Cable TV)

12 Noon and 8 p.m. / DD 4.30 p.m.

XII History Thinkers, Beliefs &



Cable TV (City Cable TV)

12.30p.m. and 8.30 p.m.

Students who have missed the classes on Doordarshan/Cable TV can access the same contents on the department’s online repository at

New Delhi, Sept. 2 AdditionalSecretary of SchoolE d u c a t i o nDepartment andLiteracy in Ministry ofEducation, ShriSantosh KumarSarangi todayinformed that inrecognition ofv a l u a b l econtributions of theteachers and to takeNational EducationPolicy-2020 a stepforward, theDepartment hasdecided to celebrateShikshak Parv thisyear too. Briefingmedia in New Delhi,

Shikshak Parv- 2021 to commence from Teacher's

Day and will continue till Sept.17 : Education MinistryShri Sarangi said,Shikshak Parv- 2021will commence fromTeacher's Day andwill continue till 17th

of September throughvirtual mode. On vaccination driveto vaccinate morethan two croreteachers, Shri Sarangisaid, the progress ofvaccination in theStates is beingmonitored by theDepartment of SchoolEducation andLiteracy. He said, thiswill also contribute todecisions pertainingto school reopening. Joint Secretary, Shri

R. C. Meena informedthat President willconfer the awards to44 awardees throughvirtual mode onTeacher's Day. Hesaid, a documentaryfilm on each of theawardee teachers willalso be shown. ShriMeena informed thatthe National Awardsto Teachers were firstinstituted in 1958 torecognize excellenceand commitment ofteachers in shapingthe minds as well asfuture of the youth.The award was toaccord publicrecognition to

meritorious teachersworking inelementary andsecondary schools. Joint Secretary,Shri Vipin Kumarsaid that PrimeMinister will addressthe teachers, students,parents ands t a k e h o l d e r sassociated witheducation on 7 th ofSeptember at 11 am.He also informed thatthe Prime Ministerwill launch fiveinitiatives of theDepartment, IndianSign Languagedictionary of 10thousand words,Talking Books theaudio books forvisually impaired,School QualityAssessment andA c c r e d i t a t i o nFramework SQAAF ofCBSE, NISTHAteachers' trainingprogramme for NIPUNBharat and VidyanjaliPortal for facilitatingeducation volunteersor donors or CSRcontributors for schooldevelopment. (

vaccination drive iscontinuing smoothlyin A&N Islands. Asper data available, atotal of 3, 68, 132 dosesof vaccines have beenadministered tobeneficiaries so far inA&N Islands, out ofthe target beneficiariesof 2, 81, 603 (approx.).A total of 1940 peoplewere vaccinated todayin A&N Islands. 1314beneficiaries werevaccinated in SouthAndaman District,out of which, 924beneficiaries were inthe age group of 18-44years. Similarly, 614beneficiaries werevaccinated in North &Middle AndamanDistrict, out of which,363 beneficiaries werein the age group of 18-44. 12 beneficiarieswere vaccinated inNicobar District, outof which, 4beneficiaries were inthe age group of 18-44years. A total of 1, 47,855 eligible people inthe age group of 18 to44 years have beenvaccinated till date, apress release fromDHS said.

Vaccination- shield

against...(Contd. from page 1)

Servicing and Petty Businesses. The unemployed urban poor who areresiding within the Municipal area for lastthree years are eligible to avail the scheme,which includes the Individual Enterpriseproject upto Rs.2,00,000/- and the maximumunit project cost for a group enterprise uptoRs.10,00,000/-. The prospective beneficiaryshould have attained the age of 18 years atthe time of applying for loan. Repaymentschedule ranges from 5 to 7 years after initialmoratorium of 6-18 months as decided by thebank. The application form can be obtained fromOffice of the City Mission Management Unitat CRC Building, Dairy Farm Jn. upto 20/09/2021 on any working days between 9 am & 5pm. The application form duly filled in allrespect with Detailed Project Report andmandatory supporting documents should besubmitted to the above mentioned address onor before 10/10/2021 upto 5 pm, a press releasefrom PBMC said.

Applications invited from urban...(Contd. from page 1)

found negative. At helipad, 10 passengerswere vaccinated and all were found negative.

At Mohanpura Bus Terminus, 155 passengerswere tested and all the reports were negative.

About vaccination, the Director said that till4 pm today, 286 persons have been vaccinated,

out of which, 214 were in the age group of 18-

44 years. The Director, ANIIMS, Dr. AK Mandal

informed that among the two COVID positivepatients undergoing treatment at GB Pant

Hospital, one is on oxygen support. The

Deputy Director, GB Pant Hospital, Dr.Amitabha De said that presently COVID Care

Centres are free from corona cases. The DeputyDirector (IP), Shri RS Meena was also present

during the press briefing.

Media briefed on COVID-19...(Contd. from page 1)

merit list is available at

under "Announcements" for inspection and verification.

Desirous candidates who have applied for admission to these

courses have been requested to examine the list for verification of

their claims and objections. Claims and objections, if any, may be

mailed at [email protected] or may contact phone number

241345, 232695, 239688, 9434282037, 9434280223 on or before 6 th

September, 2021. The final merit list will be published on 8 th

September, 2021 and will be available online at http:// under "Announcements", a press

release from Principal, TGCE said.

Provisional merit list for admission to Four Years ...(Contd. from page 1)

(10 to 19 years of age), both in school and out of school along

with biannual de-worming (February and August every year).The IFA and de-worming tablets are being distributed through

the school for school going students and through field healthfunctionaries for non-school going girls and boys on monthly

basis. The weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation isprovided to school students and Anganwadi children.

Addressing health needs of adolescents...(Contd. from page 1)

Sept. 6, PHC Swaraj Dweep on Sept. 8, PHCBilliground on Sept. 18 and CHC Rangaton Sept. 19. General public of the concerned area havebeen requested to get registered with theMedical Officer In-charge of HealthInstitution for availing specialist serviceduring the Multispecialty Health camp onthe above mentioned dates, a press releasefrom Directorate of Health Services said.

Taking Health care facility to rural...(Contd. from page 1)

Tamil, Bengali and Telugu medium schools of Port Blairheadquarter area will be organized tomorrow (Sept.3), a pressrelease from OL Department said.

Tokyo, Sept. 2On the ninth day ofTokyo Paralympics,World No.1 PramodBhagat today sailedinto the men’s singlessemi-finals beatingUkraine’s OleksandrChyrkov in hissecond Group ‘A’match of Badmintonevent. The 33-year-old, also a reigningworld champion, sawoff Chyrkob 21-12, 21-9 in 26 minutes to tophis group and enter

Tokyo Paralympics: Pramod Bhagat sails

into men’s singles badminton semi-finals

the last four in classSL-3. Germany’s KatrinSeibert defeatedIndia’s Parul Parmarin women’s singles in

the Group Play Stage– Group ‘D’. KatrinSeibert defeated Parul23-21, 19-21, 21-15. Theentire match lasted for39 minutes.

New Delhi, Sept. 2 The NationalMedicinal PlantsBoard of AYUSHMinistry haslaunched a nationalcampaign to promotecultivation ofmedicinal plants inthe country as part ofthe Azadi Ka AmritMahotsav. This willhelp in increasing theincome of farmers andrealize the dream of

Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav: AYUSH Ministry

launches national campaign to promote

cultivation of medicinal plants in countrygreen India. Underthis campaign,cultivation ofmedicinal plants willbe done on 75thousand-hectares ofland in the next oneyear across thecountry. Theprogramme has beenstarted fromSaharanpur in UP andPune in Maharashtra. Union AYUSHMinister, Shri

Sarbananda Sonowalhas said that thecountry has immensepotential in the fieldof medicinal plantsand their cultivationon 75 thousand-hectares of land willensure availability ofmedicines in thecountry. This willmake the country self-reliant in the field ofmedicines. (

Malhotra in the presence of Mukhya Sevikas and Anganwadiworkers planted saplings of banana and papaya in the Anganwadipremises. Another programme was organized in Anganwadi Centre MazarPahar -II during which awareness- cum- registration drive forpregnant women under Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandhana Saptahwas organized. Locally available fruits and vegetables weredisplayed during the programme, a press release from CDPO said.

Rashtriya Poshan Maah observance...(Contd. from page 1)

Hindi Fortnight observance...(Contd. from page 1)


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Page 3: Addressing health needs of adolescents in Isles

COVID-19: Wear mask while going out.


September 03, 20212 Daily Telegrams


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Public Auction

Sale Notice


SALE NOTICE FOR SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES [See Provision to Rule 9 (1) & Rule 6(2)]

Public Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Assets under the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets

and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 read with proviso to {Rule 9 (1) & Rule 6(2)} of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002

DATE & TIME OF PUBLIC AUCTION: DATE: 04.10.2021 (Monday) TIME: 120 MINUTES FROM 11.00 A.M. TO 01.00 P.M.

Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) being the 10 % of Reserve Price to be transferred/ deposited by bidders by means of

RTGS/NEFT /Funds Transfer (or) Demand Draft (or) Pay Order to the Credit of A/c Number: 002034021001167 in the favour of “Authorized Officer, A & N State Cooperative Bank Ltd., Head Office, 98, Maulana Azad Road, Port Blair, A & N Islands, PIN - 744101” payable at Port Blair on or before 4.00 P.M. of 01.10.2021(Friday). GST as and when applicable will be paid by the buyer.

Intending Bidders can bid for plant & Machinery. However, priority will be given for purchase of land and building along with plant & machinery together, Only land and building will not be sold.

Notice is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower(S) and Guarantor(S) that the below described Immovable properties hypothecated/pledge & mortgaged/Charged to the Secured Creditor, the SYMBOLIC POSSESSION of which has been taken by the Authorized Officer, Andaman and Nicobar State Cooperative Bank Ltd., the Secured Creditor, will be sold on “As is Where is”, “As is What is” and “Whatever there is” basis on 04.10.2021 (Monday).


[See Proviso to Rule 9 (1) and Rule 6 (2)] In Connection with recovery of Rs.9,27,29,459.00 (Rupees Nine Crore Twenty Seven Lakhs Twenty Nine Thousand Four Hundred And Fifty Nine Only) as on 27.08.2021 + further interest thereon + other expenses and cost as per demand notice dated 22.05.2020 and possession notice dated 11.02.2021 due to the secured from M/s Srilekshmivihar Properties(P) Ltd. Director : (1) Shri S.S. Balakrishnan Nair Director : (2) Smti. Geeta Devi Guarantor (POAH) : Shri. Paneer Selvam Guarantor (POAH) : Shri. Jaydev Goldar & 04 others Residing at Teylerabad village, Port Blair , PIN -744105, South Andaman. The Reserve price will be Rs. 8,62,47,725.00/- (Rupees Eight Crore Sixty Two Lakhs Forty Seven Thousand Seven Hundred And Twenty Five Only) and the Earnest Money Deposit will be Rs.86,24,773.00/- (Rupees Eighty Six Lakhs Twenty Four Thousand Seven Hundred And Seventy Three Only) respectively.

(Description of the Immovable Property with known encumbrances, if any) a) Land of Smti. Geeta Devi, W/o Shri S.S. Balakrishnan Nair, R/o Teylerabad village, Port Blair. Survey No. 203/233/1 having Area-1000.00 & Survey No 203/233/P having area 7000.00 Sq.Mtrs situated at Teylerabad village, Port Blair Tehsil, South Andaman, PS: Pahargaon, PO: Garacharma. b) Land of Shri Paneer Selvam, S/o Govind Swamy granted Power Of Attorney Holder to Smti Geeta Devi, W/o Shri S.S.

Balakrishnan Nair, R/o Teylerabad village, Port Blair. Survey No. 255/P having area 10,000.00 Sq. Mtrs situated at Bimblitan village, Port Blair Tehsil, South Andaman ,PS: Pahargaon, PO: Garacharma. c) Land of Shri Jaydev Goldar, S/o Late Haren Goldar & 04 others, all R/o Krishna Nagar, Swaraj Dweep (erstwhile Havelock) village, Port Blair Tehsil granted Power Of Attorney Holder to Shri S.S. Balakrishnan Nair, S/o Late K.S.Pillai,

R/o Teylerabad village, Port Blair Tehsil, Survey No. 74/1, having area 5600.00 Sq.mtrs situated at Krishna Nagar, Swaraj Dweep (erstwhile Havelock) village, Near ANIIDCO pump, Port Blair Tehsil, South Andaman, PS:Swaraj Dweep PO:Swaraj Dweep.

Bid incremental amount : Rs. 1,00,000.00/- (Rupees One Lakh Only) Date of Inspection of Properties : 27.09.2021

(2) [See Proviso to Rule 9 (1) and Rule 6 (2)]

In Connection with recovery of Rs.15,67,089.00 (Rupees Fifteen Lakhs Sixty Seven Thousand And Eighty Nine Only) as on 27.08.2021 + further interest thereon + other expenses and cost as per demand notice dated 19.06.2020 and possession notice dated 04.02.2021 due to the secured from Shri P. Prasad. Residing at Sivapuram village, Middle Andaman, Rangat, PIN-744205. The Reserve price will be Rs.12,40,000.00 (Rupees Twelve Lakhs And Forty Thousand Only) and the Earnest Money Deposit will be Rs.1,24,000.00 (Rupees One Lakh And Twenty Four Thousand Only) respectively.

(Description of the Immovable Property with known encumbrances, if any) (a) Land of Shri. P.Prasad, S/o P.K. Purushothaman Nair, R/o Sivapuram village, Rangat, bearing Survey No-55/1-3 having Area-1200.00 Sq.mtrs situated at Sivapuram village , Rangat Tehsil, Middle Andaman, PS: Rangat, PO: Betapur. Bid incremental amount : Rs. 1,00,000.00/- (Rupees One Lakh Only)

Date of Inspection of Properties : 27.09.2021

TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE 1. The property is being sold on “As is where is”, “As is what is”, and “Whatever there is” basis. 2. Prospective bidders may inspect the properties and verify the property documents held by Bank, details of litigations, if

any, in respective of the properties to their satisfaction before submission of bid. No claim shall be entertained by Authorized Officer or Secured Creditor Bank at any later date.

3. Auction / bidding shall only be through holding Public Auction. 4. For participating in auction, intending bidders have to deposit a refundable EMD as mentioned above in the prescribed

mode of payment and the EMD will not carry any interest. 5. Bids in the prescribed formats shall be submitted in person by visiting in the office of the Authorized Officer, 98,

Maulana Azad Road, Port Blair - 744101 along with the EMD & copy of KYC documents including photo, PAN card & address proof to the Authorized Officer before 4:00 PM on 01.10.2021(Friday)

6. Auction sale will start automatically on and at the time as mentioned above. Auction/ Bidding will initially be for a period

of 120 minutes, after that the sale will be concluded. 7. The property “SHALL NOT BE SOLD” below the Reserve Price. 8. The Authorized Officer is not bound to accept the highest bid or any or all bids and reserves the right to accept or reject

any or all the bids or cancel, postpone the auction without assigning any reason thereof. 9. The successful bidder should deposit 25% of the bid amount (excluding EMD) immediately on declaring him as

successful bidder and the balance 75% of the bid amount within 15 days from the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor and in default of such deposit, the property shall forthwith be sold again. All deposit and payment shall be in the prescribed mode of payment.

10. In default of payment within the period mentioned in sub-rule (4), the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall be resold and the defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claim to the property or to any part of the sum for which it may be subsequently sold.

11. EMD of unsuccessful bidders will be returned through DD/Pay Order/NEFT/RTGS to the bank accounts details provided by them in the bid form and intimated via their e-mail ID.

12. The auction advertisement does not constitute and will not be deemed to constitute any commitment or any representation by the bank. The Authorized Officer/Secured Creditor shall not be responsible in any way for any third party claims/rights/dues.

13. In case of default in payment at any stage by the successful Bidder/ Auction purchaser within the stipulated time, the sale will be cancelled and the amount already paid will be forfeited and the property will be again put to sale.

14. The encumbrances on the properties known to the Bank is NIL. 15.The purchaser has to bear the all the revenue taxes, and any other statutory dues or other dues like Municipal Tax,

Electricity Charges, land use Conversion Charges, Property Tax and all other incidental costs, charges including all taxes and rates outgoings relating to the property.

Date : 31st August, 2021 Place: Port Blair .

Sd/- Authorized Officer

A & N State Cooperative Bank Ltd.

This may also be treated as a Notice under Rule 8(6) / Rule 9(1) of Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 to the borrowers and guarantors of the said loan about holding of auction on the abovementioned date.

AFFIDAVIT I, A. MUKKAIYA, S/o Late AIYAKKANNU, R/o House No. 19, CARI Road, Near Range Office, Bathubasti, Port Blair under Port Blair Tehsil in South Andaman District do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I am a permanent resident of these Islands and residing at abovementioned address. 2. That my actual and correct name is A. MUKKAIYA as recorded in my Aadhaar Card, PAN Card and all other records. 3. That I am a govt. Servant, working as Marine Radio Operator under Port Management Board, Port Blair. 4. That my name has wrongly entered in my service record as A. MUKKAIAH instead of my actual name A. MUKKAYA. 5. That the abovementioned name A. MUKKAIAH and A. MUKKAIYA is one and same identical person and belongs to me. 6. That I swearing this affidavit for the purpose to declare my actual and correct name for correction the same in my service records, henceforth, I shall be known and treated as A. MUKKAIYA for official and non official purpose. That the above statement made by me is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Port Blair


AFFIDAVIT I, B. UMAPATHI, S/o B. DALAIAH, R/o Dairy Farm Village under Port Blair Tehsil, South Andaman District do hereby solemnly affirms and declare as under:- 1. That I am a permanent resident of these Islands. 2. That my daughter’s name is erroneously recorded in my daughter’s Birth Certificate vide Registration No. 29 (Twenty Nine), Dt. 29.06.2007 as BACHCHALA KEERTANA instead of B. KEERTANA which is recorded in my daughter’s Aadhaar Card and other documents. 3. That my daughter’s actual and correct name is B. KEERTANA. 4. That BACHCHALA KEERTANA and B. KEERTANA is the same and one identical person. 5. That I am swearing this affidavit to declare that the above both names are one and same person and having no any differences which is required for all purposes, hence this affidavit. That above statements are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Port Blair Date:- 01.09.2021


Home Tuition

For Class: XI and XII Subject: Biology (with NEET Preparation)

Class: VI to X – All Subjects What I am Offering

* Regular Test * Helping in School Assignment

* Individual Attention Reasonable Fee & Adjustable Timings

Junglighat area, near Island Bakery Contact: 9679553482, 9679563451


AC (Air Conditioner), Refrigerator, Washing Machine, Micro Oven, Deep Fridge etc.

Contact No. 9531885814 / 7063929534 / 9933230883


GARACHARMA BRANCH Avail Home Loan, Vehicle Loan, Gold Loan at Cheaper Rate of Interest with attractive benefits. Attractive Rates for Fixed Deposit.

For further details please visit Garacharma Branch, Near Agency

House, Garacharma Ph. 03192-251050


Land measuring 345 Square Meter is for sale near Airtel Office, Delanipur.

Contact: 9434284975, 9884526961


For New Session 2021 – 2022 Classes XI & XII: Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology

Fees Per Subject Rs.10000/- yearly

Radha Krishna Temple Complex,

Junglighat, Port Blair

Contact: 9476030947


200 Sq. mtrs. on road side at Mitha Khari.

Contact: 9679546997


One BHK and Two BHK all facility, Ground Floor and First Floor at Junglighat, Family and Bachelor.

Contact: 9434280640 / 9531816778


Alliance is invited for marriage of my only daughter well qualified working as Lecturer belongs to cultured family. The required age of boy should be 35 to 40 years and he should be qualified / Govt. Job will be preferred (Cast No Bar).

Contact No. 7063941512


I, V. Rajit, Duration Certificate No. 237 issuing from Govt. Sec. School, Calicut on 04/07/2019. Contact No. 9679567585


1. RCC House 3 BHK in ground floor, Rent: Rs.20,000/- 2. One BHK Flat in 2nd Floor, Rent: Rs.10,000/- Both accommodation available for monthly rent basis at Friends Colony, near Pushpa Market, Minnie Bay. Contact No. 9933232494


1 BHK and 2 BHK Flat with Bike Parking, Rent Rs.7500/- and Rs.9000/-, Govt. Employee and Defence Personnel prefered Near Airport Junction, Dairy Farm. Contact: 9476071071 / 8900902044


2 BHK Room at Gurudwara Line Near Head Post Office, Office / Tuition, Rent Rs.15,000/-.

Contact: 9933223030


Spacious Full furnished with AC facility Tuition Centre for rent. Interested can Contact: 9476058550


01 Nos. 02 BHK Flat / Room, New RCC Building, Road Side, 24 hours fresh water supply, South Point main village. Contact: 9434284786 / 9434263313


1 BHK RCC fully tiled with 24 hrs. water supply available on Rental Basis Near Satsang Gate 1, Garacharma Basti.

Contact: 9933267054


One No. Residential Accommodation available at VIP Road, Port Blair, Rent @ Rs. 6000/- pm with twenty four hrs. over head water supply.

Contact Cell: 9933266753 /



Distributors for our Newspaper THE TIMES OF ANDAMAN and in Port Blair, Rangat, Diglipur. Rs. 1.50 will be given per paper. Must have two wheeler.

Contact: Manager-

9531932349 Manager

The Times of Andaman

Page 4: Addressing health needs of adolescents in Isles


September 03, 2021 3Daily Telegrams


DISCLAIMER Readers are requested to verify and make appropriate enquiries to satisfy themselves about the veracity of an advertisement before responding to any advertisement published in this newspaper. The publisher of this newspaper, does not vouch for the authenticity of any advertisement or advertiser or for any of the advertisers products and services. The Owner, Publisher, Printer, Employees of this newspaper shall not be held responsible/liable in any manner whatsoever for any claims and/or damages/consequences for advertisements in this newspaper.

In Loving Memory of Our PapaFirst Death Anniversary on 03.09.2021

Shri. P. RAMACHANDRAN NAIRRetd. Head Constable

A & N Police.

A man who never looked for Praises.

Just went on walking quietly for his loved ones.

His dreams were Seldom Spoken but he was there for us " A firm foundation"

"A sturdy hand" to hold us when times were good or bad.

Tears roll down when we think about you, but Yes, the show must go on you

are not there with us but your efforts are speaking loud thru what we have achieved

and what we are today.

Its all blessings of that man whom we called

"papa "(Hero of Our Life)

In Reverence and Remembrance:-

Komalavally (wife), Arun & Manju, Rakesh & Sobha, Nidhi & Aryan, Family & Friends.


All kind of Roof Repairs, Wall Repairs, Building Construction, Plan, Survey, Bank Loan Estimate, Modification, Extension, Part Construction, Structural Repair, Leakage/ Crack Treatments, Plumbing, Wiring, Painting, Carpentry, Fabrication, Furnishing, Repair & Maintenance.


9933285415, 9933225368, 9679594926



NOTICE Appointment of Govt. Panel Advocate

Notice is hereby given on behalf of the Andaman & Nicobar

Administration, inviting applications from Advocates registered in the Bar

Council, Andaman & Nicobar Islands for the following positions.

Sl. No. Name of the Post Condition to be imposed

1. Govt. Panel Advocate

for Hon’ble High Court

and Ld. CAT

Subject to the condition mentioned in

Admn.’s Order No. 861 and 862 both

dated 21st March 2017 (copy

enclosed). In case of any modification to be made in the terms and

conditions the same may be

recommended and submitted to this Administration for seeking approval

of the Competent Authority.

2. Govt. Panel Advocate in

Sub-ordinate courts at

Port Blair

The fee payable shall be Rs. 1,250/-

for effective hearing and half of the

amount for non-effective hearing

(subject to maximum of three) on

case to case basis subject to the condition that the Advocate so

appointment shall not take any brief

of Civil case against the Administration.

The application should carry necessary credentials, proof of registration

of the Bar Council.

The last date for receiving application is 16th September, 2021. Sd/-

Asst. Commissioner (Legal)

For the Deputy Commissioner (SA)

South Andaman Dist.

NOTICE It is brought to the notice of the general public that Disaster Warning Sirens have been installed

in the premises of Secretariat, DBRAIT, DSS Marine, Chatham Saw Mill (Forest Dept), Police Station Aberdeen, Police Station Pahargaon, Police Station Chatham, JNRM College, Port Blair,

Fish Landing Centre, Junglighat, IOC, Forest Guest House Carbyns Cove, Police Station

Bambooflat, Police Station Ograbraj, Police Station Chouldari, Police Station Humfrigunj, O.P

Wimberlygunj, O.P Ferrargunj, Police Booth Hati taapu, OP Tirur, Tirur Jarawa Protection Post,

OP Radhanagar, Rajiv Gandhi Aquaculture, Kodiyghat, Police Station Neil, Police Station Havelock, Nimbutala, Rangat, OP 19 Km R.K Pur, L/Andaman, Fire Station, Hut Bay

(L/Andaman), EOC Car Nicobar, Teressa - A.E Office APWD, Chowra - JE Office, APWD, Katchal - A.E Office APWD, EOC Kamorta and EOC Campbell Bay. The sirens have been

installed to alert the general public during any Disaster which is blown at high pitch/volume. The Siren will be blown in the following manner during occurrence of the disaster: -

Sl.No. Threat


Earthquake & Wave

amplitude Criteria

Blast of Siren

to be blown at

the time of


Advice/ Action



EQ> 6.5 M

Wave Amplitude below

0.5 Mtr.

One Long


No immediate action is

required. However watch

to be kept on the change

in magnitude and

intensity of the event



EQ> 6.5 M Wave Amplitude

between 0.50 to 2.0 Mtr.

Two Long Blast

1) People in sea beaches and

vulnerable areas to move to higher


2) Vessel to move into deep ocean



EQ> 6.5 M Wave Amplitude above

2.00 Mtr.

Three Long Blast

1) People in affected areas to evacuate

2) Vessel to move into

deep ocean

The siren will be tested on 3rd and 18th of every month at 1000 Hrs. during the test, the siren will

be blown for two successive blast for 30 seconds. Siren of Electronic Display Board installed at

Police Control Room, State Control Room, Junglighat (Fisheries Dept.), Met Office, MRCC, JOC,

INS Jarawa at Port Blair, Fisheries Dept. at Rangat, EOC at Mayabunder, MRCC at Diglipur,

Fisheries Dept. at Hut Bay, EOC at Kamorta, EOC at Car Nicobar, and MRCC & EOC at Campbell

Bay will also be blown in a similar manner at 1000 Hrs.

Therefore, the general public is hereby informed not to panic during the test of siren and

requested to remain calm during test blast of siren on the date and time specified above.

Safety Officer

Directorate of Disaster Management

SHRADH CEREMONY With profound grief we mourn the saddemise of our beloved Shri K. MADHAVARAO (Retd. Engineer, IPP & IT, HQDivision, Elec. Deptt.) who left for hisheavenly abode on 24th August, 2021. Weexpress our sincere gratitude to all familymembers, relatives & friends who stood by usat this time of grief. The Shradh Ceremony will be held on4th September, 2021 at his residence inHaddo at 1 PM onwards maintainingCovid-19 protocol.

In Grief:

K. SHOBHA (Wife) K. TEJASKAR (Son) K. RAVI KUMAR (Brother)


Address: HOTEL TEJAS, HADDO, 9775277579, 9474263030

3rd Death AnniversaryOn 03-09-2021

In loving memory of

Late E. R. THANGAMMAR/o Burmanalah

"You are always in our hearts"

Remembered by: All family members.

5th Death AnniversaryOn 03-09-2021

In loving memory of

Late Vinod KumarR/o Prothrapur

DOD: 3rd Sept., 2016.

You will be always loved by your friends

and relatives, Family Members, Mother -

Kanta Devi, Wife- V. Valsala Devi, Son- Sajal

Raj, Daughters - Neha & Pooja, Son-in-laws

- Shekar Rao & Vinod Mohan.

3rd Death AnniversaryOn 03-09-2021

In loving memory of

Late RISHI DEVIW/o Late Boli Singh

R/o Lamba Line Near Jawahar Colony

Ranchi Basthi, Ward No. 15, Port Blair

Every occasion we miss you.

Remember by: Smti. Phoolmani Kumari

(Daughter) and her family, Shri Fulkumar

Singh (Son) and his family.

1st Death AnniversaryOn 03-09-2021

Late P. Anbu ManiR/o Kamraj Nagar

A.M. Engineering

"Days will pass and turn into year"…….

But we will always remember you with

Silent tears

"We Miss You Appa"

Inserted by: Seema Devi (Wife), A. Yuva

Rani, A. Priya Dharsini (Daughters), Adhi

Karthikeyan (Son) and all family members.

Today is your Death Anniversary

and I pray to God for yourhappiness up there. Dad evenhowever, you are gone, your

memories will forever beprecious and the blessing is thatyou are still alive in us.

"We miss you so much andneed to tell you that we love youso much"

Inserted by: Smti. Judith (Wife),Sons, Daughters and Relatives.

3rd Death AnniversaryIn Loving Memory of


Ex - Head Clerk

Date of Birth: 20-03-1964

Date of Expired: 03-09-2018


In loving memory of


(Retd. Seacunny), Forest Department



Inserted by:

Sony, Laxman, Rajesh, Likhit & Likhita

and all Family Members & Friends

VACANCY Required: Driver (with 2 years experience),

Qualification: 12th Pass, 4th Sep., 2021 at 10.00 am to 4.00 pm Walk-in for an interview with resume and

Driving Licence, Address: APT Logistics Pvt. Ltd., C/o Amazon, near Chatham Police

Station, Foreshore Road, Haddo.

Contact Ph. 7063955417 / 9933263311


1 BHK flat, 24 hrs. water supply at Sita Nagar near AT Vila Hotel, Dollygunj. Rent Rs. 5500/-.

Contact: 9933223872, 9531881114


Alliance is invited for my daughter, aged 26 years with M.Sc. B.Ed., Working in Regular Govt. Job looking for Muslim Boy. Cell: 9679539592


01 No. 2 BHK room for rent near Post Office, VIP Road, Junglighat.

Contact Ph. No. 9933241968

NOTICE In continuation of the Vacancy Notice published on 15.06.2021 in the Daily Telegrams, it is hereby informed to all concerned that the timing for

submission of application forms for appointment to the post of Conductor through direct recruitment is from 0900 hrs. to 1215 hrs. and 1400 hrs. to 1600 hrs. on all working days. Assistant Director (Admn)

I.D.No. 7985 Directorate Of Shipping Services

OBITUARYI along with my familymember and my staff of mycl inic Delanipur, deeplymourn the sad demise ofLate. Monohar Khan, Age-66 R/o- Delanipur Rtd. fromMedical Department asSenior Pharmacist. He hasexpired on 31/08/2021 at7.45pm. He has joinedmedical department. On17/10/1974 to 31/05/2015and He served 40 years07 months 15 days inmedical department.Inserted By:

Dr. B. ShanmugamEx. Director